Opening jars with and without an opener

Condensed milk is a popular, tasty and healthy product. It is used as an ingredient to create various sweets, or as a separate dessert. It is produced in various convenient containers (bags, tubes, jars), but condensed milk in jars is considered the most delicious. The can is usually opened with a can opener, or using a special can opener.

How to open condensed milk with a can opener? There is nothing difficult about opening a tin can. To do this, you need to do some simple steps.

How to open the iron lid on a jar?

They will help you open the jar without any unnecessary physical effort.

  1. Place the neck of the jar in hot water. For example, place it in a bowl of water or simply place it under the tap. ...
  2. Tap the can on the edge of the table...
  3. Tap the bottom of the jar...
  4. Wrap the lid in a towel...
  5. Loosen the lid with a knife...
  6. Make a “handle” from tape

9 Nov
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With a knife

The most popular way to open a can of condensed milk without an opener is using a regular knife. Many men always carry a penknife with them, which can help out in such a situation. With a little physical strength and a couple of simple steps, you can easily open the required tin container.

  • To prevent the can from jumping to the side and injuring you, you need to tightly clasp it with your hand
  • holding the handle of the knife with your hand, place its tip against the edge of the can itself so that it is vertical to its surface
  • press hard on the handle of the knife, after which part of the blade will end up in the jar itself
  • move the knife blade slowly up and down along the diameter of the tin, while cutting its surface
  • use the tip of a knife to pick up the cut edge of the container and boldly lift the lid up

Methods for opening a can of condensed milk

Probably no one has any questions about how to open condensed milk with a bottle opener. This device is sold at any hardware store, and you do not need to have any special skills to use it.

Algorithm for opening a container with a can opener:

  1. Place the jar on a flat surface and place a bottle opener against the edge of the rim.
  2. We hit the can opener with a sharp movement - a hole should form.
  3. With one hand you need to hold the container, and with the other - a knife with which to cut the lid.
  4. It is not necessary to cut the lid all the way. It's enough just to bend it up.

Some manufacturing companies are concerned about the comfort of consumers of their products. They install a special loop on the lid. To open the jar, just pull this loop and bend the lid up.

Bare hands

There are times when there are no objects nearby at all. In this situation, you have to rely only on your own hands. The method will only work for a strong and physically fit person:

  1. Hold the jar between your palms. In this case, it should be located horizontally. Make a dent in the center of the side with your fingers. Then you need to press again on the resulting depression so that the metal bends inward even more.
  2. The same steps must be repeated on the other side.
  3. Now you should take both bottoms with your palms and make uniform rotational movements towards each other. The deflection area should crack. The jar can be divided into two halves.

The bare-hand method is suitable if there is not a large amount of brine or oil inside the jar.

With the help of a stone

What to do if you find yourself far from civilization and there is no knife, and no strong male hand either? Then be smart and try to open the condensed milk using stone or concrete. The technical process of production sealing of cans at the enterprise consists of bending the edges of the lid using a powerful press around the cylinder of its base. If you try to remove the top layer of metal that protrudes, then the tin container will open with ease. To do this, you need to perform a simple operation.

  • place the bottom of the jar on your palm
  • Press the jar with the lid down onto the stone or concrete and make movements in a circle
  • After a couple of minutes, the edges of the side will be erased; lightly press on the sides of the lid and it will open easily.

Using a tablespoon

If you don’t have an opener at home, but you urgently need to open a can of condensed milk, what should you do? You can, of course, go to your neighbors, or you can use a simple method to open a tin container using a regular spoon. The process itself is a bit complicated and will take a lot of time.

  • put condensed milk on the table, grab it tightly with one hand, and take a spoon with the other
  • in the place where the jar is in close contact with the side of the lid, rub diligently with the edge of a spoon along the entire perimeter
  • Press firmly with the fingers of both hands on the hole formed and, poking it with a spoon, remove the lid.

Such simple methods as opening condensed milk without improvised devices will help solve the problem in the most force majeure situations. The most important thing is to open these options very carefully, as you can get hurt by the tin and make sure that no dust or dirt gets into the liquid. Of course, the best thing to do when going on a picnic is to take with you the necessary kitchen items so that you don’t have to resort to similar methods.

How to open condensed milk

It won’t be difficult to open condensed milk without a bottle opener if the person is physically strong.

A can of condensed milk can be opened without an opener.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • First place the jar in a plastic bag so as not to injure your hands. The bag is also able to preserve the contents so that they do not spill out;
  • Place the jar, holding it horizontally with the palms of both hands, and make a dent in the middle with your fingers, repeat several times in a circle;
  • Take both diameters of the jar with your hands and make counter movements, clamping the container. As a result, the formed deflections will crack, which will allow it to open in half.

By analogy, you can open canned corn or stew. You can simplify the task and use another method, but with a special device. Let's look at how to open a can with a wheeled opener.

A can opener with a wheel is an old proven tool:

Modern manufacturers are ready to offer customers a large number of modifications of this tool. The best and safest option is with a wheel. You can purchase it in stores for fishing, recreation and tourism, as this tool is a must-have attribute on hikes.

Canned food can also be opened with a wheeled opener.

The uncorking algorithm consists of the following actions:

  • First you need to install the opener gear on the jar lid on top of the outer rim.
  • Squeeze the handles of the opener.
  • There should be a noise or hissing sound, which means that the spinning wheel has successfully pierced the iron surface of the can.

Sandpaper or stone

You can also use asphalt or a concrete block with a rough texture. A polished object will not create the necessary friction to pierce the lid.

The jar is placed on the paper upside down and rubbed with pressure for 30 seconds. The edge of the jar should wear off. The readiness of the product for opening is indicated by the appearance of stripes on the edges. You can also wait for the liquid to appear. The prepared container opens with a simple press of the hand. The lid just flies off. You can find a cobblestone or stick that is convenient to pierce the lid inside the product. This option is effective, but not the best, as metal particles and dirt get into the food.

If microchips or sawdust get in, it is important to remove all debris. Canned food should be opened in sufficient light.

It is difficult to imagine the dynamic life of a modern person without canned food. They allow you to store food for a long time without special conditions. You don't need a bottle opener to open a jar. We hope that the proposed methods and ingenuity will help you not to get confused at the right moment.

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Alternative Methods

If you don't want to go through the extra work, you can use one very clever alternative method. It is not necessary to open the lid, just make two small holes and pour the sweetness into a previously prepared container.

For those who don’t know: the second hole is made so that air circulates inside the can and the condensed milk flows evenly.

How to open a can of condensed milk if you have absolutely no tools? Even in such a situation, you should not despair, because you can use an ordinary stone or even asphalt as an opener. The essence of the method is that the tin can is turned over and the lid is placed on a stone or asphalt. Next, you need to make smooth circular movements. The fact is that in the process of conveyor production, containers are closed by bending the sheet metal, as a result of which a lip appears. With the help of intense circular movements, this edge is simply erased. If everything is done correctly, the lid will simply fall off. At the same time, it is important to catch the right moment, because when you slow down, the milky sweetness can spill out onto the stone or asphalt. Let us remind you once again that you must always follow safety precautions.

How to easily open a tin can with an opener

The classic way to open is to use a can opener, which consists of a working part and a handle. The working part at the end contains a stop in the form of a loop and two wedges: the large one can open canned food, the smaller one can open the lids of glass containers or bottles.

Many canned foods can be opened without a can opener.

The handle can be plastic, wood or metal. This is an old, time-tested method. A plus is the reliability and simplicity of the opener. But revealing something to her is not always too easy.

Important! You need to make an effort to make the first hole, and it’s not always possible to open the jar carefully. Using a hammer and knife, you can easily make a hole. But if there is no tool, only experience and physical strength will help. In this case, only a physically developed man can handle it with ease.

How to open a tin can without an opener and an opener with wheels

Often, at the right time, a device for opening canned food is not at hand. Many people try to open them without a bottle opener using the wrong methods. Someone crushes it between two stones, rendering the contents unusable.

Canned food can be opened by heating it.

Or they heat it over an open fire, trying to soften the metal container, but in the end they end up spoiling the taste of the product. But, even without special tools, following the instructions you can cope with this difficult task.

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