How long can you store compote and how to store it at home?

In order to cook compote, fresh, frozen or dried berries or fruits are suitable. This drink will bring much more benefits than any juice bought in a store. The juice contains various additives to increase shelf life, coloring agents and stabilizers. Therefore, if you make a choice, it is better to stop at making a fruit and berry decoction. Especially if this drink is intended for children. Homemade decoction does not contain preservatives, and therefore it cannot remain fresh for a long time even at low temperatures. But there are rules here, subject to which you can store compote in the apartment for quite a long time.

Period and storage conditions for compote (from cherries, with pits, dried fruits)

How long does homemade compote last?
This question worries many lovers of this drink. If you have just cooked compote, it is recommended to drink it within 24 hours, so you will “get” all its vitamins and nutrients. Next, the fermentation process starts, which can adversely affect your stomach. If the compote has been canned, it can be stored longer - about three days. After you have cooked the compote, you need it to cool quickly and put it in the refrigerator. There it will be stored for two days. The storage temperature should be as low as possible, then it will last longer. It is better to store in glass containers. It is very easy to determine that compote has gone sour. It will have a fermented taste, smell and bubbles or foam on the surface.

This compote should be poured out immediately. Or use it to make wine. You can learn how to cook apple compote here. If we talk about home-canned compote, then you can definitely store it in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

During this time, nothing will happen to it and the beneficial properties will remain. This is exactly what we do, it’s very tasty and healthy. After opening, compote of canned berries and fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Compote cooked in the summer not for preservation is better to cook for 1 day, or at least for 2 days. Its shelf life will depend on what it is made from. If you store compote in the refrigerator, I think it will not go missing for a week. But of course it will lose the taste and value of nutrients. Of course, you have to do this in the summer. Because if you don’t put it in the refrigerator, it starts to ferment on the second or third day.

And it’s hard to say how long an open-from-a-jar or canned compote can last in the refrigerator. Maybe it will be drinkable for a month. Only the taste will deteriorate every day and it will take up space in the refrigerator. In general, it is not advisable to store open products, such as compote, even in the refrigerator for so long.

And it’s better to drink it within three days. And then cook it again. Even compote can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Compote can also be frozen using bottles. If the compote has spoiled, there is a specific sour smell, but it is better not to let it get to that point, as this smell lasts a long time in the refrigerator.

Compote cooked for preservation for the winter should be immediately rolled into jars. But the healthiest thing is freshly cooked compote, and it’s also the most delicious.

We cook the compote practically without adding sugar; when cooled, such a compote perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day. In a tightly closed container, refrigerated, the compote has a shelf life of twenty-four hours. But the shelf life is from five to seven days, depending on what kind of fruit and how much sugar. But “fit” does not mean “tasty” and “healthy.” The taste and usefulness of compote are lost with each day of storage.

Compote, of course, will not turn sour in a couple of days or even in a week, especially from dried fruits, but there will be no benefit left from it. You should not cook compote for several days; it is better to cook as much as you need to drink in one day. It’s tastier and healthier this way. It is advisable to consume homemade compote within the first 24 hours after opening it.

If you haven’t drunk the compote, then on the second and third days it is advisable to boil it immediately before use, and not all of it, but only as much as you can drink at a time, since boiled compote several times loses all its beneficial properties.

Based on past experience, I now make compote in small jars to drink “at a time.” It is also worth remembering that compote is made from stone fruits, plums, cherries, etc. I would answer this question this way; in this matter, a lot depends on what kind of compote it is, and how it is prepared, and also, to a certain extent, on how The refrigerator gets very cold. If you made compote in the cold season, you can immediately take it out onto the balcony or into the cellar.

If there is a lot of compote, then it can be frozen in bottles. Of course, it is better to drink it fresh, or store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Benefits and harms

  • The drink contains vitamins B, C and PP, potassium, copper, zinc, sodium, iron, and organic acids.
  • Prune and apricot compote treats constipation and normalizes the digestion process.
  • Dried plums reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Dried apricots help restore vision and replenish iron deficiency in the blood.
  • Pears regulate stool in a child, so they are effective for indigestion.
  • The drink is often used at high temperatures, since drinking plenty of fortified drinks speeds up the healing process.
  • A mixture of dried apples and pears should be consumed for liver and kidney diseases, as they cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metal salts.
  • Dried pineapple compote is ideal for those who want to lose weight.
  • Bananas lift your spirits and are effective against severe stress, despondency and melancholy. They also help restore strength after excessive physical exertion.
  • Figs strengthen memory and improve brain activity, and help with thyroid diseases.
  • Raisins strengthen the cardiovascular system and normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, relieve swelling due to its diuretic effect.
  • Grapes enhance metabolic processes in the body and replenish vitamin D deficiency in winter.
  • Dried strawberries are enriched with vitamin C, which will keep you in a good mood and feel energetic.
  • Peach relieves rheumatism, gout and breaks down fats.
  • Blueberries improve vision.
  • Rosehip improves immunity, has a tonic and general strengthening effect, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, increases bile secretion and is considered a powerful antioxidant.

What is the shelf life of compote - shelf life database

    The most useful compote is considered to be a freshly brewed drink made from fresh berries. After it is cooked, it cools and you can drink it. True, the shelf life of such a drink will be no more than a day. Homemade compotes spoil quickly, so it is better to preserve them. The only exception is drinks made from cherries and pears, since they have little acid and do not behave well during preservation. If prepared correctly, such compote can be stored in a cellar or other cool place for several years.

There is no doubt that home-made drinks are many times tastier and healthier than those sold in the store. In addition, they are very easy to prepare. The most popular type of compote is cherry. There are a large number of ways to prepare it. After summer, I want to leave a piece of it as a souvenir. One of the wonderful tastes of summer is the sweet and sour taste of berries and fruits. How nice it is to drink a glass of summer berry compote in winter.

Compotes are considered a dessert product made from berries and fruits that have been filled with sugar syrup and hermetically sealed in a sterilized container. Compotes are prepared from one or several types of fruits and berries. The name of the drink, as a rule, corresponds to the name of the raw materials that were used in preparation.

Almost all nutritionists say that homemade compotes and fruit drinks, which are made without dyes and preservatives, are much better than chemical packaged juices, sodas and other soft drinks sold in stores. Vitamins, of course, practically disappear when cooked from berries and only about 30-40% remains, but homemade drinks are still much healthier.

Dried fruits compote

The advantage and secret of the popularity of dried fruit compote is that it can be cooked all year round. In addition, dried fruit compote has a pleasant taste and contains a large number of microelements.

Dried fruits and berries are well stored at home. Therefore, it makes no sense to prepare dried fruit compote in large quantities.

At home, dried fruit compote should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 10 degrees, no more than 4 days.

What does it depend on?

This period depends on the following factors:

  • amount of sugar per 1 kg of berries;
  • how long the product was boiled;
  • the type of container in which the brew is packaged for storage;
  • sealing method - hermetically sealed or not;
  • storage conditions, etc.

Sugar is a kind of preservative; in earlier times, recipes recommended adding 0.8 kg-1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries.

Now housewives, quite justifiably, tend to add sugar to the berries at the rate of 0.4 kg-0.5 kg, but such a product can ferment while awaiting its fate.

There is a cooking method when a sweet dish is cooked in several stages (usually 5-7 times), bringing to a boil and setting aside.

With this method, the berries are saturated with syrup throughout their entire thickness and are able to not spoil for a long time. If there is not much sugar, and the mixture is cooked in one go, then such a canned delicacy should not be kept for years.

Storage rules

In ancient times, the aromatic drink was called “uzvar”. The word “compote” came to Russia from sophisticated France. However, the method of preparing a tasty drink has not changed throughout its history. Depending on the time of year, compotes are made from fresh fruits (cherries, grapes, currants, strawberries and raspberries) or dried fruits.

Immediately after the drink has cooled, it is poured into sterile glass jars or plastic containers. The bottles must be new, since even in well-washed containers the broth will deteriorate faster. Plastic is also used for freezing, because glass can burst under the influence of subzero temperatures.

When frozen, freshly brewed compote will retain its beneficial properties for six months.

Features of choosing ingredients

Use high quality products. This is guaranteed to ensure the success of preparing any dish.

Secrets of choosing good dried fruits

First of all, pay attention to the integrity of the fruit. The absence of mold is important. The shine of dried fruit should alert you. Most likely they have been processed in some way. It is worth refusing to buy such fruits.

Remember! Dried fruits that are dried naturally must turn gray and darken. Bright color is a clear sign of chemical treatment. Such products will not be useful and it is better to avoid them. Please note the nondescript product.

How to properly store compote

The drink, which we used to call compote, in Rus' was once called nothing more than uzvar. And, oddly enough, the French nicknamed this universal drink compote. Be that as it may, the principle of preparation remained unchanged. The most delicious compotes, when the season comes, are made from cherries, currants, grapes, plums, cherries, prunes, apples and, of course, strawberries.

Storing compotes at home usually does not cause problems. The optimal temperature range for compote is quite wide – from 2 to 14°C. The maximum shelf life of freshly brewed compote is no more than 2 days at a temperature of 2°C. And with increasing temperature, accordingly, this period decreases significantly, up to 5 hours if it is left at room temperature.

After the compote has cooled, it is left in glass containers or plastic bottles. Of course, reusing plastic bottles is not encouraged in the household, but when compote needs to be frozen, it is impossible to do this in a glass container (the glass will burst in the freezer). By the way, as for storing compote in the freezer, it’s a great way to extend the life of the drink for several months.

If you plan to use homemade compote in the near future, then it is better to leave the container with it in the refrigerator or in the coolest place in the house. Of course, it should not be open.

It’s easy enough to determine when a homemade drink has gone bad – this will be indicated by foam on its surface, cloudiness, bubbles and the characteristic smell of fermentation. There is no need to rush to get rid of sour compote; it can be used to make wine.

Not in the refrigerator

A pan of compote can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. But at room temperature, a fresh drink will begin to deteriorate within a few hours. To extend its shelf life, you need to pour the compote into a glass or ceramic decanter and put it in the cellar. This method will delay the fermentation process for about 48 hours, after which the drink will no longer be edible.

Plastic dishes are not capable of keeping compote fresh for more than 5-6 hours. Therefore, if the drink is intended for a long stay in a cellar or basement, it can only be stored in glass.

How does the lid affect safety?

The metal lid has a rubber band that ensures tightness, and rolling it up with a special key ensures that the jam is sealed tightly.

The nylon lid is rougher, the degree of its adhesion to the neck of the vessel is less. The product is preserved better when high-quality metal lids are used.

How long can you keep a cut watermelon in the refrigerator? Read about it here.

Once the jar is opened, the life of the compote is short.

An open jar of compote also has a short shelf life. You will be able to enjoy the taste of canned berries and fruits only for 2 days, during which the drink will be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 6 degrees Celsius.

How to determine if compote is expired

Consumption of expired products is extremely dangerous to human health. Therefore, you should not drink homemade compote if signs of expired fruit are detected. A spoiled drink has a rather unpleasant odor . The solution becomes very cloudy. Mold deposits may appear on the berries. A rather dangerous manifestation of an expired product is swelling of the can. Damage to the drink may be due to poor quality sterilization or storage in inappropriate conditions.

But the most common reason for expiration is attempts to use the product after the expiration date. If the product does not contain mold, you can boil the drink for half an hour. Thus, the shelf life will extend for another day. It is worth noting that the second or third boiling is ineffective in any case. Reusing containers for preservation is strictly not recommended, even after thorough sterilization.

Homemade compote. How long can compote be stored in the refrigerator?

How long does homemade compote last? This question worries many lovers of this drink. If you have just cooked compote, it is recommended to drink it within 24 hours, so you will “get” all its vitamins and nutrients. Next, the fermentation process starts, which can adversely affect your stomach. If the compote has been canned, it can be stored longer - about three days.

Here are general recommendations for storing compote:

  1. After you have cooked the compote, you need it to cool quickly and put it in the refrigerator. There it will be stored for two days. The storage temperature should be as low as 1-2 degrees, then it will last longer. It is better to store in glass containers.
  2. If you made compote in the cold season, you can immediately take it out onto the balcony or into the cellar.
  3. If there is a lot of compote, then it can be frozen in bottles.
  4. It is very easy to determine that compote has gone sour. It will have a fermented taste, smell and bubbles or foam on the surface. This compote should be poured out immediately. Or use it to make wine.
  5. If we talk about home-canned compote, then you can definitely store it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. During this time, nothing will happen to it and the beneficial properties will remain. This is exactly what we do, it’s very tasty and healthy.
  6. After opening, compote of canned berries and fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. Compote cooked in the summer not for preservation is better to cook for 1 day, or at least for 2 days. Its shelf life will depend on what it is made from.

If you store compote in the refrigerator, I think it will not go missing for a week. But of course it will lose the taste and value of nutrients. Of course, you have to do this in the summer. Because if you don’t put it in the refrigerator, it starts to ferment on the second or third day. And it’s hard to say how long an open-from-a-jar or canned compote can last in the refrigerator. Maybe it will be drinkable for a month. Only the taste will deteriorate every day and it will take up space in the refrigerator. In general, it is not advisable to store open products, such as compote, even in the refrigerator for so long. And it’s better to drink it within three days. And then cook it again.

How long does homemade compote last? This question worries many lovers of this drink. If you have just cooked compote, it is recommended to drink it within 24 hours, so you will “get” all its vitamins and nutrients. Next, the fermentation process starts, which can adversely affect your stomach. If the compote has been canned, it can be stored longer - about three days.

Is it possible to store dried fruits in glass jars?

Glass jars serve as lifesavers for our housewives. Many people store cereals, seasonings and other drugs in them. Dried fruits are no exception. If you are making small supplies for the winter, then glass containers will have just the thing.

First, you need to figure out whether dried fruits are ready for storage:

  • If such a drug was bought in a store, then there should not be any special difficulties with storage. This is provided that all necessary standards have been met. And then you don’t need to leave the question to chance, but sort through the product. Review them carefully, because even in sealed store packaging (for example, raisins) you often come across ones that are unfit for consumption (and even more so for storage).
  • Similar products purchased on the market should also be carefully examined. You never know, maybe some insect has taken up residence or some fruit is not entirely suitable for storage (and it will also cause other dried fruits to spoil).
  • Homemade dried fruits are worth more careful research. After all, few people have a dehydrator at home, which helps to quickly dry fruits. Naturally, they dry naturally in the sun, outside. Although, some resort to using the oven. Therefore, inspect before packing for the presence of bugs, worms and other insects. After all, in the future, things will become very unpleasant at the bank.
  • Spoiled, wormy or rotten fruits go into the trash. They have nothing to do next to good dried fruits.
  • And, of course, try to cut the fruits the same size. This way they dry evenly.
  • By the way, during the drying process they need to be tossed and turned over, so after this process, unsuitable fruits will be eliminated.
  • And an important rule - fruits should be dried, but not overdried. Because damp fruits can quickly deteriorate, and overripe ones (in terms of drying) will taste bitter.

Storing dried fruits
If the fruits have passed the test, then you can safely pack them in prepared containers. But where is the best place to store dried fruits?

  • Of course, in a glass jar ! There can be no other tableware more reliable than glass for food.
  • The only condition is that the lid and jar are sealed. That is, it must close very tightly. It is advisable that these are jars with screw-on lids. But it is also possible under a nylon lid, the main thing is that it closes the jar very tightly and tightly. No insects will be able to penetrate there and spoil the product.
  • And also, the absence of oxygen will not allow harmful bacteria and other microorganisms to multiply.
  • By the way, some resort to help plastic bottles. But this is not the best container for storing such products (or, in general, any products).
      Plastic, even food grade, does not have the best effect on the taste of dried fruits.
  • In such containers, fruits may become damp or even mold may appear.
  • And also, it’s not very convenient to take them out of any bottle. Moreover, it’s easy to put fruit inside, but putting it back requires a little fiddling.
  • I would also like to add that plastic bags are also considered not the best option. More precisely, it is completely contraindicated to store dried fruits in bags. They will spoil very quickly and may infest some unwanted insects.
  • But airtight bags are quite suitable for storing such fruits. But provided that there are a small number of them.
  • Some fruits (for example, barberry or rose hips) can even be stored in paper or canvas ( fabric a little like burlap) bags . You can also store dried apples and pears in them. But raisins, dried apricots or prunes, due to their stickiness, are not friendly with such containers. Because they will only attract the attention of various insects. For example, ants.
  • Video: how to make cherry compote for the winter

    If the workpiece is prepared with sterilization, then the best option for it would be liter jars. If you prefer a quick method of canning without steaming the container, you can use 3- or 2-liter jars. For any cooking method, wash the dishes well and clean them with soda. For a quality drink, choose large, ripe fruits. Do not store the berries after picking to avoid making wine. Before starting cooking, carefully inspect the raw materials, discard all wrinkled, rotten and damaged berries. Don't forget to rinse food before cooking.

    Preparing cherry compote with pits for the winter

    Juicy fruits are an excellent option for preparing preparations for future use. There are many recipes for making delicious and healthy drinks with cherries. However, it is worth considering the rules for preparing berries with pits, observing proportions, sterilizing jars and the short shelf life of the product.

    Some storage tips

    • An open jar of canned compote is stored on the refrigerator shelf for no more than 2 days.
    • Drinks made from fruits or berries, which are brewed in the summer for consumption and not for preservation, are best not prepared in large quantities. The shelf life of such a decoction is limited to 1 - 2 days. After which bacteria begin to develop in it, which will lead to fermentation and souring.
    • The shelf life of compote largely depends on what fruits it is cooked from. Drinks with pits, such as cherries, last less time.
    • On the refrigerator shelf in a glass container with a lid, the drink will remain fresh for up to two days.
    • If the drink shows signs of fermentation (bubbles will form on its surface), it can no longer be consumed. In this case, it is poured out or left to make wine.

    Storing compote for children

    A berry or fruit decoction prepared according to all the rules, diluted and strained, is given to infants instead of water. This drink contains vitamins and is good for the baby. But in order to preserve the beneficial qualities of fruits as much as possible, they do not need to be exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of fruit the compote is made from: fresh, frozen or dried fruit. You need to put them in boiling water and keep them there for no more than 2 minutes. Then you can add sugar and remove the drink from the stove.

    Your baby needs to make compotes fresh every time. The broth begins to deteriorate even at low temperatures after very little time. It is best to pour as much drink into the bottle as the baby can drink at one time.

    In extreme cases, for example, for a trip, the compote can be poured into a sterile glass container and kept on the refrigerator shelf until the required time.

    Children's drinks are brewed only from seedless fruits. You should also not give canned compotes to infants.

    Knowing how to store compote, you can cook it at any time of the year, and there will always be a fresh aromatic drink on the table, which in any case is healthier than juices from the store.

    Tomatoes and cucumbers

    It is generally accepted that pickled and pickled cucumbers, as well as tomatoes, retain their taste and remain safe for health for 2 years. However, it is advisable to eat them in the first year if:

    • the jars are closed with not very tight nylon lids;
    • sterilization was carried out by pouring boiling water twice, rather than keeping it in a pan of boiling water;
    • a modified proportion of salt, sugar or vinegar was used.

    Canned tomatoes and cucumbers that are pressure sterilized in an autoclave can be stored for 3-4 years.

    Storing compote without a refrigerator

    After complete cooling, the uzvar is poured into a clean glass or ceramic container. Place in a spacious container with cold water and take it to the basement or cellar. It is important that the area is cool and protected from sunlight.

    The water in which the jar of compote is located needs to be changed to colder water from time to time. Instead of replacing the water, you can add ice prepared in advance.

    Storing compote without a refrigerator can last only 1 day. Afterwards it will begin to ferment and it will no longer be possible to consume it.

    How to store compote for a child

    Compote is the first drink for children, because for a baby, water is tasteless, juice is too risky, and a weak compote is what is needed. Every mother tries to preserve all the vitamins of fruits and berries in compote so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy for her baby. The main rule in preparing compote is that fruits and berries should be cooked for as little time as possible. Fresh or frozen ingredients are dipped into boiling water, and after boiling and adding sugar, cook for 1-2 minutes, no more.

    For a child, it is recommended to cook fresh compote every time. Even in the refrigerator, you cannot leave compote in a bottle if the baby has not finished it, since the process of bacterial growth has already begun there. If you really need to save the compote for a child (say, in order to take it with you on a trip), then you need to pour it into a sterilized glass container and put it in the refrigerator.

    You can reheat the compote only once. Children should not cook compotes from cherries, plums or apricots with pits; they are first removed.

    Canned compotes are also not suitable for small children.

    Storing compote without a refrigerator

    After complete cooling, the uzvar is poured into a clean glass or ceramic container. Place in a spacious container with cold water and take it to the basement or cellar. It is important that the area is cool and protected from sunlight.

    The water in which the jar of compote is located needs to be changed to colder water from time to time. Instead of replacing the water, you can add ice prepared in advance.

    Storing compote without a refrigerator can last only 1 day. Afterwards it will begin to ferment and it will no longer be possible to consume it.

    No plastic

    Plastic dishes are not capable of keeping compote fresh for more than 5-6 hours. Therefore, if the drink is intended for a long stay in a cellar or basement, it can only be stored in glass.

    How to store compote in jars

    Many housewives make homemade preparations in the form of compotes. After the jars are poured, they must be closed with lids, turned over and allowed to cool.

    The storage temperature of the finished compote should not exceed 20°C, but should not be lower than +5°. When storing cans, there should be no sudden changes in temperature, and they should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

    If you store compote in a kitchen cabinet, there is a chance that the lid will swell due to high temperature.

    Therefore, it is recommended to take the preserved food into the cellar, into a cool pantry, or store the compote in jars on an insulated balcony in a specially equipped cabinet for no more than 2 years.

    Storing canned compotes

    There is no need to create special conditions for storing canned compote. Sealed jars can remain usable for quite a long time. The basic rule for storing preserved food is to avoid direct sunlight. You shouldn’t keep the stewed fruit with compote in the refrigerator either. Preservation tolerates storage well in a place where the temperature does not rise above +20°C and does not fall below +5°C.

    • When storing canned compote, large temperature fluctuations and exposure to bright light should not be allowed.
    • It is not advisable to keep compote in a place such as a kitchen cabinet. The hot air coming from the stove can cause the lids on the jars to bulge.
    • The best places for storing preserves are considered to be basements, cellars, cool pantries and insulated loggias with closed cabinets with shelves.
    • The shelf life of canned compote does not exceed 2 years.
    • Compotes made from fruits that still have seeds in them are stored for up to 1 year, as they can release toxic substances (hydrocyanic acid). Do not endanger your health and the health of your loved ones! Cherry compote with pits that has stood for more than a year should be thrown away.
    • Canned decoctions of seedless fruits under certain conditions can remain suitable for consumption even after 3 years of storage. But it is better not to store preserved food for more than 2 years.
    • Sometimes in compotes or juices based on grape berries you can see gray particles - cream of tartar. This substance is non-toxic and does not pose a health threat. Such drinks are simply filtered shortly before consumption.

    How and at what temperature should you store homemade preserves?

    So, let's try to figure it out with you. What secrets do you need to know to make pickles like grandma’s? Try to remember a few simple tips.

    1. Try to put a piece of paper with the date of sealing on each jar;
    2. If the jar explodes or swells, do not under any circumstances eat the contents, since there are dangerous bacteria there;
    3. Store rolled jars in dark places away from direct sunlight. This way you will extend the shelf life and preserve the beneficial vitamins in the jar;
    4. Sunflower feels great at room temperature, but in no case above +25C. As for seamers with plastic lids, it is better to store them in the basement or in the refrigerator. If there is no cellar, then a storage room in the apartment will do. Storage on the balcony is not advisable, since in winter it can freeze, and this in turn will affect the quality of the product;
    5. If you plan to salt large volumes of vegetables/fruits, then you can use earthenware jars, earthenware, and enamel pots (ladles) for storage.

    You can safely eat it for 2 to 4 years , provided, of course, that all preservation technology is followed.

    An important role is played not only by the preservation process, but also by the products from which our pickles are prepared.

    For example, salt should be dry, white, without additives. For home canning, table vinegar is suitable; it can be 5% -9% (depending on the recipe). Vegetables must be clean, not rotten; it is better to choose even and proportional fruits. This way, the seaming will last longer, and the likelihood of swelling and explosion will be reduced. It is a very important fact that fruits canned with seeds reduce their shelf life due to the release of poisonous juice.

    Of course, there is no single standard for home canning. Only from personal experience and observation can we say that you should not eat canned food that has been stored in the cellar for more than five years. And any jam is not for those losing weight or those with diabetes.

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