Superstitions and folk signs about hydrangea

In the numerology of beautiful hydrangea

corresponds to the number “11”, which means the balance between good and evil. Surprisingly, when preparing the material, we discovered that both good and bad beliefs are associated with hydrangea, as if it really absorbed good and evil symbolism.

Does the culture contain poison or not?

Hydrangea contains cyanogenic substances. They are natural toxins and are not recommended for consumption in large doses.

Cyanogenic glycosides are found in all parts of the plant. Therefore, when preparing medicines, decoctions and the like, a person must know the exact dose in order to avoid poisoning from hydrangea poisoning. Note that there are very few cases of such poisoning, since the flower does not look attractive as a food source.

In addition to its decorative properties, hydrangea also has medicinal properties. The tree type of this flower contains the following substances:

  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • carbohydrates;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarins.

People use almost all parts of hydrangea in folk medicine. This is done to prepare:

Remedies can help with:

  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • stagnation of bile;
  • sore throat;
  • helminthic lesions;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sore throat;
  • gout;
  • dyspepsia.

To regulate blood sugar levels, diabetics are advised to drink hydrangea tea, and the extract from its root acts as a wound healing agent.

Hydnesia has antimicrobial effects.

Growing large-leaved hydrangea in container culture

In a container, large-leaved hydrangea feels great and blooms well.

Large-leaved blue garden hydrangea grown in container culture.

Containers for hydrangeas

For any shrubs, containers should be large enough and have a wide base to allow for plant root development and stability. The most commonly used are clay, concrete, plastic or wooden pots.

Metal containers can only be used as an external decorative element: they quickly overheat in the sun and damage the root system of plants.

Clay pots are well suited for growing hydrangeas: they do not heat up, breathe and are quite stable.

Soil for hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are planted in pots of suitable volume in a mixture made up of equal parts of garden soil, half-rotted pine litter and peat (it is important that it is loose and has an acidic reaction).

Ready-made mixtures for hydrangeas can be purchased at specialty stores and garden centers. This is convenient, since manufacturers always write the pH level on the bags. For blue hydrangeas it should be 5.5.

Symptoms of poisoning

Since hydrangea poses a danger to human health if the dosage is incorrect, you should know the main symptoms of poisoning in advance and take appropriate measures.

The main symptoms of hydrangea poisoning:

  • cyanosis (blue coloration of the skin);
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspnea;
  • tearing and drooling;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • rapid but barely palpable pulse.

With moderate hydrangea poisoning, a person loses consciousness and experiences deep depressed breathing. Convulsions and pronounced cyanosis may also begin.

Fatal poisoning can only occur as a result of ingesting more than one or two whole leaves.

Also, when working in the garden, avoid cutting parts of the hydrangea with your bare hands. Be sure to use gloves as an allergic reaction may occur.

But you shouldn’t get rid of this plant right away. After all, nature endowed it with this property only to protect it from animals or pests that want to feast on it.

Is the flower safe for animals?

As is already clear from the previous paragraph, hydrangea is dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. This is her defensive reaction. But usually animals are not eager to eat this plant. This is explained by the fact that its juice has a rather unpleasant taste.

So if you notice one of your pets getting a small amount of hydrangea in their mouth, don't panic.

But there are also exceptions to the rules. Therefore, if your pet, for some reason, received a decent dose of poison, this is fraught with a number of problems for him, ranging from gastrointestinal disorders and mild oral irritation to depression. If you notice these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Regime of keeping large-leaved hydrangeas in pots

From spring to autumn

In March, the pots are taken out of the cellar, watered with fertilizer, mulched with a thick layer of pine litter, pruned, removing weak shoots; for bushes older than 5 years old branches are removed (for more details, see the chapter on pruning), if necessary, they are also replanted. In the same pot, hydrangea can grow for up to 5 years.

At the end of April, the containers are placed outside, protected from spring frosts with spunbond. Hydrangeas do not like direct sunlight: there the flowers fade and become stained.

In spring, they are kept on the eastern or southeastern side of buildings, and when the buds are colored, they are placed under a canopy or in the garden. Plants should be watered with soft rainwater, daily and abundantly on hot days. Until mid-August, the bushes are fed with organic fertilizers every 7–10 days.

Is it dangerous for children?

Children are very inquisitive, especially the little ones. They are used to exploring the world in all available ways and often put everything that comes their way into their mouths. If your child is near a hydrangea, you should be extremely careful.

Try to explain to a child at a more conscious age that approaching her is dangerous. Teach your children from a very young age not to pick up or put unfamiliar plants into their mouths with their bare hands. A child’s body is still quite fragile, so if a child does eat hydrangea, go to the hospital immediately.

Precautions when growing

If you neglect this rule, you will experience an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis. The skin will begin to become covered with rough red spots and itching will occur.

Now you know what consequences your decision to plant hydrangea in your garden may have. Decide for yourself whether you are ready to take responsibility for your health, the health of your children and your beloved pets. After all, if you handle the poisonous beauty of hydrangea incorrectly and carelessly, complications will arise that could cost you your life.


Popular beliefs

Since ancient times, gardenia has been associated with love, chastity and fidelity, so the plant is perfect for decorating wedding ceremonies. Gardenia flowers are used to make bouquets, use a single flower as a boutonniere, or add the plant to other decorations. Using a flower during a wedding promises the newlyweds love for many years to come.

Gardenia oil is recommended for use when taking a bath. This ritual is believed to increase personal magnetism, giving strength and self-confidence.

Gardenia jasmine is also used in love rituals to arouse the sympathy of another person. For this:

  1. The flowers are ground into powder
  2. Rub into the skin before meeting your significant other.
  3. This powder can also be sprinkled on the threshold of your house, through which the chosen person must step.

Gardenia flowers are taken to important meetings to win love or find new friends and partners. Do you want to please the opposite sex? A simple ritual will help with this:

  1. Dry and crumble the petals.
  2. Mix them with orris root powder.
  3. Lightly powder your body with the mixture.

Your success is guaranteed.

According to popular belief, if you feel bad, then just sit down next to a flower and talk through all your problems. Gardenia calms the soul, helps to forget all the bad things and activates a new perspective on old problems. Many psychics call gardenia a “home psychologist.” The energy “feed” from the plant can literally breathe new strength into you.

For girls, gardenia can become a best friend, because it is believed that this species has feminine energy and the presence of a tropical beauty in the house will help attract men and contribute to the creation of strong unions.

Why does the plant bloom?

Gardenia, like a sponge, absorbs the atmosphere in the house, so by its condition you can easily determine the aura in the family.

If it is fresh and green, blooms profusely and does not lose leaves, then everything will work out perfectly for household members in their personal and professional lives. After the first flowers appear on the plants, expect financial profit or a promotion at work.

As soon as the bush turns yellow, expect problems. If the leaves of a flower begin to wither, this indicates that either inappropriate conditions have been created for the gardenia, or an unfavorable environment has reigned in the house and the flower has become saturated with the surrounding negativity.

If you want to keep your pet, then you should avoid quarrels near the gardenia. Withered leaves and flowers should be immediately torn off and thrown away , because they are a clot of negative energy.

What to do to preserve hydrangea in a bouquet?

  • After you have shortened the stem and made several longitudinal cuts (i.e. split) about 2 cm, the cut must be burned over a stove burner or candle.
  • This will help remove the mucus that the flower secretes and which causes blockage of blood vessels, which prevents the passage of water.
  • Cauterization will cause the mucus to become ash, which is permeable to water. You need to burn for about 15 seconds, making sure that the flowers and leaves themselves do not fall into the flame. Then the cauterized stems should be placed in water.
  • It is not recommended to keep flowers in vinegar or any chemical compounds, as they will damage the respiratory tract.
  • You can add only specially designed solutions, including florists about. It contains all the necessary elements that will keep cut hydrangea flowers fresh and beautiful longer.

Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

Gardenia jasmine is a welcome guest in any home. It is believed that the plant has favorable energy and protects your home from quarrels, scandals and troubles. Gardenia emits very soft energetic vibrations, creating an atmosphere of stability and tranquility.

This flower belongs to the element of Wood, so it increases vitality and harmonizes space. But gardenia is that rare species that combines the enormous power of two elements. The element of Wood and bright green leaves indicate its positive influence on the family atmosphere , and the white flower indicates that it belongs to the element of Metal, thanks to which gardenia will help get rid of financial problems.

It is also recommended to plant the plant in a house where there are seriously ill people. Gardenia helps to gain faith in recovery, gives strength to fight and takes away all illnesses and negativity.

Where is the best place to put it?

The best place to place gardenia is the bedroom. In the bedroom, a flower will be able to fully demonstrate its magical properties of the element of Wood; it will protect night's sleep and spread an atmosphere of love, trust and mutual understanding. To get rid of financial problems and manifest the power of the Metal element, it is recommended to place a blooming gardenia on a western window. You can put a flower in the nursery, then it will protect you from the whims of the child and maintain a positive aura in the space.

Hydrangea - signs and superstitions “for good”

For harmony

Hydrangea or hydrangea is a low shrub with long and luxurious flowering. Many gardeners love it and actively cultivate it on their site. Interestingly, the hydrangea near the house is not described as something harmful. Vice versa! Outdoors, among other plants, it will show its best qualities. It is believed that:

  • “Flower of Life” disciplines the owner;
  • Makes you reconsider your views;
  • Get closer to perfection.

From dependencies

Garden hydrangea is an excellent fighter against bad habits. If a person cannot get rid of cravings for nicotine or alcohol, a regular walk among flowering bushes will strengthen his will. The same applies to other temptations.

The plant “cleanses” emotions and thoughts, saves from attacks of anger, and serves as a talisman of marital fidelity.


Hydrangea: April 11 – April 20

The hydrangea flower is always very good-natured and friendly. Anyone can envy his warm friendship with Hortense. She will always help in any critical situations. Among the characteristic properties of Hortense one can highlight frugality, which is not its weakness.

Latin name: Hydrangea. Categories: Ornamental trees and shrubs. Family: hydrangeas (Hydrangeaceae).


The natural distribution of hydrangea occurs in both North and South America, East Asia, and even in Russia, where 2 species of this plant grow.

Form: deciduous shrub.


The hydrangea flower is a deciduous, ornamental, large-leaved small tree or shrub, with a large number of flowers and opposite leaves. The flowers are collected in inflorescences or small conical panicles. The plant usually has two types of flowers, the first ones bear fruit, have a soft structure, and are located in the middle of the inflorescences. The second ones are located on the sides, very bright and large, but at the same time completely barren. There are 35 species of hydrangeas in total, and they have flowers in various shades such as cream, white, pink and blue. Growing conditions

The plant is grown mainly in partial shade; in addition, it can be very affected by drought. However, there are also types of hydrangea, such as paniculata and garden hydrangea, which can grow in sufficiently lit places. The plant grows best in acidic soils, substrates, and neutral soil. In general, growing hydrangeas should only occur in moist soils. Alkaline soil, as well as a large amount of lime, can cause chlorosis of the plant. In addition, hydrangea absolutely does not tolerate soil compaction. In many plant species, those shoots that have not matured are constantly frozen out. In general, different types of hydrangea have quite different resistance to frost. Garden forms of plants need to be covered in winter; it is best to transplant them into pots and keep them at home until spring. Application

Hydrangea flower is widely used for landscaping, and is actively involved in group and solitary plantings, hedges and vertical gardening. An excellent combination of hydrangea occurs with other flowering shrubs, irises, clematis and roses. Hydrangea participates in shrub groups, as well as in forest edges. The decor of the walls of the house can be quite impressive using petiole hydrangea.


Hydrangea loves moisture very much and suffers greatly from drought, so it is necessary to water it as often as possible. The watering schedule is approximately once a month, or once a week in particularly dry times, and approximately 15-20 liters of water should be poured per plant. The soil must be mulched so that it retains moisture as best as possible and also has the required level of acidity. You need to loosen the soil to a depth of about 5 centimeters, and do it 2-3 times a season. Since hydrangea loves organic matter, it is best to add organic fertilizers to the soil. Pruning of hydrangea occurs only if the hydrangea is petiolate or paniculate. Under no circumstances should you prune garden hydrangeas, since all the inflorescences are formed on last year’s shoots. It is necessary to prune at the very beginning of the growing season, since if it is done later, the development of the plant will be worse, and it may not bloom at all. If the plant is still young, then it is better not to prune it too much, but an old plant even needs large-scale pruning for rejuvenating purposes. If the hydrangea is a vine-like one, then you can shorten the tips of the shoots that are frozen. Heat-loving varieties of hydrangea require mandatory hilling, which is carried out to a height of about 20 centimeters, after which they are covered with dry peat. All parts of the plant that will be above the backfill level must be cut off. In addition, in spring, you need to ensure that the hydrangea is not damaged during unexpected late frosts, which happen quite often. Also, for the winter, hydrangea can be covered with lutrasil, but to prevent it from rotting under it, the film is placed in the lower layer, the one closest to the plant. By the way, if you want to change the color of large-leaved hydrangea leaves from pink to blue, then you need to increase the acidity of the soil to 5 pH. To do this, you need to add peat and iron salts. Reproduction

It is best to propagate hydrangea by cuttings; the large-leaved variety can be propagated by winter cuttings. In addition, propagation by seeds, grafting, layering, and dividing the bush is allowed. Propagation by seeds is the most labor-intensive task; it is carried out in the ground, in April-May, or in greenhouse conditions, in September. After clearing has occurred, the seedlings need to be fed and weeded. Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out in autumn or spring, this is when the hydrangea takes root. Seedlings of this plant can be obtained very easily; they are sold at garden centers and on the Internet.

Diseases and pests

Hydrangea flowers very often develop chlorosis, and this manifests itself in the fact that its foliage turns yellow, its flowers become smaller, and its shoots break. If you notice that oily spots have appeared on the leaves, which turn yellow and then darken, and at the same time increase in size, this means that the hydrangea is sick with downy mildew. Chlorosis most often occurs due to the high content of lime in the soil, and to prevent the disease it is necessary to feed the plant with complex fertilizers, as well as iron salt. Downy mildew occurs due to excessively high air humidity. Among the insects, the ones to be most wary of are the spider mite, the meadow bug, and the green aphid. These insects can cause chlorosis, as well as loss of decorativeness. If the plantings are too dense, with high humidity, slugs and snails may appear on the hydrangea. If there are too many pests, then it is necessary to spray the plant with such preparations as: Karbofos, Actellik, Fitover, and also Meta, the latter is especially good against slugs.

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Legends about girls named Hortensia

The Legend of Madame Lepot

According to one legend, this beautiful plant is named after the outstanding Frenchwoman - Nicole-Reine Etable de la Brière (after her husband, Madame Lepaute, Nicole-Reine Lepaute).

Nicole-Reine Etable de la Brière was born in Paris on January 5, 1723. While still very young, she made a trip around the world, full of dangers. At the age of 25, she became the wife of the court watchmaker Lepota and, under his name, became famous as the first female mathematician and astronomer in France. She participated in the calculation of the orbit of Halley's comet, calculated and compiled a detailed map of the annular solar eclipse observed in Paris in 1764. Her merits as a scientist were recognized, her works were published in publications of the Paris Academy.

So, according to one of the legends, it was in honor of Madame Lepaute that Philibert Commerson named the flower “potia,” but then another naturalist, A. Jussier, changed it to what is already familiar to us - “hydrangea.” This is how the legend of Hortense Lepot arose.

The Legend of Jeanne Barre

According to another version, Hortense appears as Commerson’s own lover, who traveled with him, dressed in a man’s dress. Her name was Jeanne Barret.

In 1765, Bougainville invited Commerson to take part in the expedition. Dressed in a man's dress, like a servant Jean, his housekeeper and, possibly, lover went with him. There was a strict ban on female representatives on the ship, so Zhanna hid for quite a long time. She helped Commerson collect plant samples, as she was well versed in them. But exposure came, and Bougainville decided to leave both on the island of Mauritius, where Commerson died in 1773. Jeanne returned to France and got married. For services to the fatherland she was awarded a pension.

In honor of Jeanne, Commerson named two more plants: Baretia bonafidia and Solanum baretiae, in which her name is already easily read. But if you believe one popular American writer, then when she returned to France, she changed her name to Hortense. Perhaps she simply reverted to her real name, and the second, Jeanne, was actually a feminine version of her father's name, Jean. Another mystery for historians. By the way, it is absolutely known that the mountains (Baret Montes) on Pluto were named in her honor on April 26, 2022.

The Legend of Princess Hortense

There is also a theory that hydrangea was named after Princess Hortense, the sister of Prince Karl Heinrich Nikolaus Otto von Nassau-Siegen. Commerson named this beautiful flower so to please the prince. However, the prince was an only child. However, it is possible that the lady in the portrait had a more distant family or not entirely family relationship with the prince.

Magical and healing properties of gardenia jasmine. Growing gardenia at home

In beauty and elegance, gardenia can only compete with camellia - an equally exquisite plant with gorgeous flowers. With its delicate aroma it can outshine even a rose. Even a single gardenia flower can fill a room with fragrance.

The magical power of gardenia

Gardenia helps solve sexual problems. Her presence in the house helps to show tenderness, love, improves mood and has a calming effect on everyone in the house. This is why it is recommended to place gardenia in the living room where all family members can enjoy it.

The scent of gardenia invokes the power of the full moon.

Gardenia flowers floating in water on the altar improve psychic abilities.

Signs associated with indoor plants

Signs and superstitions have become a part of our lives since ancient times. Almost everyone, even the most educated of people, believes in omens. Probably because it is extremely interesting to try to look at least with one eye into the future and find out what will happen to you and what event will happen.

Signs are associated with many objects and various situations: mirrors, dishes, animals, clothes, gifts, weather. Folk magic did not spare home plants either. There are many signs associated with indoor plants. From this article you can learn about some of them. So, let's begin…

Plants that bring money

Of course, after this phrase, the Money Tree (scientific name is Crassula or Crassula) immediately comes to mind. This superstition comes to us from the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, according to which the thick and rounded leaves of the crassula resemble coins. It is believed that the material well-being of a family depends on the condition of the Crassula plant (if, of course, it is in the house): sluggish, falling Crassula leaves indicate financial problems, and on the contrary, a healthy, well-groomed plant promises an increase in capital.

Description and characteristics of large-leaved flower

Hydrangea is a perennial shrub that is decorated with oval leaves framed by cloves. The stem is colored deep green and grows up to one meter.

Depending on the variety, there are corymbose, umbrella-shaped, racemose inflorescences, which reach a diameter of 30 cm.

The bush can have from 1 to 7 large spectacular inflorescences located above the apical leaves of the shoots. In the center there are fertile flowers, and infertile ones are located on the edges.

The peculiarity of hydrangea lies in the color of its flowers, which depends not on the variety or other selection factors, but on the composition and structure of the soil.

The flowering period begins in early spring and lasts until late autumn , and during cold weather the plant is in a dormant state, which lasts about 80 days.

About indoor hydrangea:

Plants for family well-being

The most popular plant that brings happiness to women, and therefore to the whole family, is spathiphyllum . People call it that - Women's happiness. Spathiphyllum will help you get married and give birth to a long-awaited child. And if you already have all this, it will simply bring peace and mutual understanding to your home. Spathiphyllum can be a wonderful gift for a girl who dreams of finding her soulmate.

There is also Male happiness - anthurium . The plant can give men strength and promote success both in business and in the family. Be careful when caring for your anthurium. do not forget that the plant is slightly poisonous.

[!] It is believed that for greater effect, married couples need both plants - spathiphyllum and anthurium. Moreover, the husband and wife must each take care of their own talisman.

Violet is a symbol of eternal love. In a house where a violet grows there are no disputes, quarrels or conflicts. According to legend, violet strengthens the family and brings prosperity.

Family happiness is the name given to the popular houseplant chlorophytum . Chlorophytum is unpretentious and does not require special care. It grows well in apartments and, according to popular belief, brings happiness and tranquility. If you don’t believe in omens, still place this plant in your apartment. According to research, chlorophytum is able to purify indoor air and fill it with beneficial phytoncides.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is a plant with large, bright flowers. According to signs, hibiscus is able to rekindle the flame of love with renewed vigor in those families where feelings have cooled. Just as bright flowers bloom on a Chinese rose, so your attraction will flare up with renewed vigor.

Myrtle is popular in many countries precisely as a plant that brings family happiness. It is customary to give it to new married couples to strengthen mutual understanding. Myrtle, according to popular belief, is a symbol of love and family happiness. And in ancient times, brides’ heads were decorated with myrtle branches. It is also believed that myrtle can give eternal youth and unfading beauty.

A plant popular with our grandmothers, geranium, like chlorophytum, brings warmth and comfort to the family. It is believed that plants with pink flowers are more suitable for established families, and plants with white flowers for those who dream of having a child.

Calathea , a plant with wide leaves covered with a pattern, is an excellent absorber of aggression and negative energy. In a house where there is calathea, there is less quarreling and arguing, which means peace in the family is ensured.

What do yellow flowers say?

If you believe fluorography, the yellow color of flowers does not symbolize the extinction of previously burning feelings. Quite the contrary, it is customary to give them when the relationship becomes stable. And the love of a man who presented such a bouquet to his woman can be described as strong, coming from the very heart.

During the time of Catherine II, there was a whole “Register of Flowers”. The meaning of yellow flowers in it was this: sun, warmth, sharp mind. It is not without reason that such bouquets are often chosen as gifts by optimistic people with a strong character who are not afraid of life’s difficulties.

In Japan, such yellow compositions are given when people want to wish well to the recipient. There this color is a symbol of light. It is also loved in the UK, because due to constant cloudiness there is so little sunlight there. The main meaning of yellow flowers is goodness, warmth, wealth and success.

Plants that bring health

In this case, not only signs work, because it is known that many house plants are medicinal and are quite capable of helping a person overcome certain diseases. However, folk magic also works here and there are plants that bring health by their mere presence.

For example, an indoor chrysanthemum can give its owner good health and calm frayed nerves. If your home chrysanthemum blooms often and looks healthy and well-groomed, you are undoubtedly a kind and pleasant person.

Geranium brings its owner not only family happiness. The plant is quite capable of relieving stress, charging with positive energy, and therefore strengthening human health. Probably it's not just a matter of signs. and also that geranium is stunningly beautiful and has a magical aroma.

How to care?

In order for hydrangea to grow healthy and delight you with its lush flowering, you need to provide it with proper care after planting.

Determining the correct location

The flower does not tolerate direct exposure to the sun's rays . She is more impressed by partial shade, where diffused light enters during the day in the required quantity.

Compliance with soil moisture conditions

Regular and abundant watering of a potted plant should be carried out during the growing season, in spring and summer.

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