Question: What does cooked chicken smell like when it goes bad?

If you notice an unpleasant odor when you take the chicken out of the refrigerator, this does not always mean that the meat has gone bad. Sometimes this smell can appear if the chicken has been in a plastic bag and not in the freezer. You can get rid of this smell in several ways, tested by more than one generation of housewives.

Eliminate the unpleasant odor of chicken meat

The smell that appears in chicken meat must be removed before you start cooking, since an unpleasant taste can also appear in ready-made dishes.

There are several ways to eliminate it, but to do this, you must have something from this list in your home:

  • mustard
  • wine vinegar or dry red wine
  • pomegranate sauce or fresh pomegranate juice
  • potassium permanganate
  • lemon
  • spices and herbs with a strong aroma: curry, cardamom, nutmeg, tarragon, basil, thyme, rosemary
  • charcoal
  • dry chamomile
  • salt and granulated sugar
  • garlic

Depending on what you have at hand, go ahead.

If the meat has spoiled, you should not try to “reanimate” it; you may be able to eliminate the unpleasant smell, but the danger of poisoning will not

Rinse the chicken in cold running water, remove fat from the carcass - it may be the source of this unpleasant odor. Cut it into pieces and soak it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours. You can also soak chicken meat for 3-4 hours in cold salted water; add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse table salt to 1 liter of water. And if you add a small piece of charcoal - the size of a chicken egg - to such water, the effect will increase. You can also soak meat in a decoction of chamomile by brewing 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water and then diluting the decoction in 1 liter of cold water.

To prevent an unpleasant odor, it is better to store meat wrapped in parchment or paper, and on top of it - in a napkin soaked in saline solution

Mustard gives good results. Carefully coat each piece on all sides with it, place them in a bowl, cover with film and refrigerate for several hours. You can also grate chicken meat with a mixture of sugar and salt. You can also mix spices and herbs that you have around the house. Rub the chicken pieces with salt and sprinkle them with this mixture, leave for 1 hour at room temperature.

Garlic can also eliminate bad or strange smells caused by chicken that has been smothered in a bag. Cut two or three cloves into quarters and stuff them into pieces of chicken, adding salt. Pass a couple of large cloves of garlic through a press, mix with salt and ground black pepper, coat the chicken pieces and put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Another technological technique that helps get rid of the unpleasant odor of any meat is marinating. For the marinade, you can use, in addition to spices and herbs, wine vinegar, dry red wine or freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. Don't forget to add salt to the marinade. Toss the chicken pieces with the marinade until each piece is completely covered, and leave to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Methods to neutralize meat odor

Very unusual chicken fillet chops


700 gr. chilled chicken breast;

Smoked trout - 300 gr.;

350 gr. spinach

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the spinach leaves thoroughly and leave in cold water for 20 minutes. Rinse again and place on a towel to dry.

2. Using the blade of a narrow, sharp knife, cut the prepared fillet along the fibers into 2-3 pieces. Salt the chicken pieces and season with freshly ground black pepper. Without beating, fry in boiling refined oil. Fry briefly, over high heat, until golden brown.

3. Cut the trout into thin slices and wrap pieces of fried meat in them.

4. Place some of the spinach on a square piece of foil. Place a piece of chicken wrapped in trout on it and secure the edges of the foil tightly. Prepare the remaining pieces of meat in the same way.

5. Transfer the pieces wrapped in foil onto a baking sheet and bake for a quarter of an hour at 220 degrees.

Features of cooking not quite fresh chicken that smells

Heat treatment of meat should be the final stage after soaking or marinating. Without pre-treatment, fragrant chicken can be cooked only if the unpleasant odor is not very pronounced and the recipe uses a large amount of spices.

Cooking slightly spoiled meat should take into account the following rules:

  1. You cannot reduce the cooking time for the selected recipe. If possible, it is recommended to increase it even a little.

  2. The use of aromatic spices should be mandatory.
  3. If possible, it is better to cook on the grill - in the open air.
  4. It is advisable not to ignore marinating and soaking before cooking.

The best options for preparing slightly spoiled chicken are dishes from Vietnamese, Indian and other cuisines, which involve the use of a large amount of spices.

But if, despite all efforts, the meat continues to emit an unpleasant odor, it is advisable to throw it away, since the product may be more spoiled than it seemed at first glance.

How to remove odor from chicken

You will need

  • - mild detergent;
  • - baking soda;
  • - rag;
  • - Activated carbon;
  • - cotton pads;
  • - vinegar;
  • - ammonia;
  • - coffee;
  • - spices;
  • - lemon


Remove all food from the refrigerator. Inspect them carefully and get rid of any that are damaged. Unplug the refrigerator and defrost the freezer.

Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a mild detergent to water. Remove all containers and shelves. Wash them thoroughly, as well as the inside of the refrigerator and freezer with the prepared solution.

Make a solution of baking soda at the rate of two tablespoons per liter of warm water. Wipe the refrigerator and freezer with this solution again, paying special attention to the places where the spoiled meat was located.

A vinegar solution has a similar effect. Dilute vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe all interior surfaces thoroughly. Take cotton pads and soak them in vinegar. Place on plates and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

You can also use a solution of ammonia made at the rate of 10 drops per 100 ml of water.

Wipe the internal surfaces of the unit dry with a soft cloth.

Take baking soda and place it in flat containers. Place containers on all shelves, as well as in all containers and in the freezer. During the day, keep the refrigerator doors open without turning it on. Purchase activated carbon designed to remove unpleasant odors from the household chemicals department or pet store. Place it on flat plates and leave for several days. The refrigerator should operate at low power.

Freshly ground coffee and ordinary cat litter have a similar absorbent effect.

Cut the lemon. Squeeze the juice onto a rag and wipe down all interior surfaces of the refrigerator and freezer. Cut the remaining lemon into wedges and place in the refrigerator and freezer for several days.

To destroy the smell of meat, you can also use some spices - cloves, cinnamon, thyme, turmeric, celery, tarragon and others.

You should know that if all the methods described above did not help you get rid of the smell of meat in the refrigerator, then most likely mold spores have got into the insulating material. In this case, you can get rid of the smell of meat only by inviting a specialist and replacing the insulation.


How to get rid of smell in the refrigerator. The very first thought that came to mind on this topic was that to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, it would be a good idea to wash it. We are not afraid. That’s true, but this is the most radical and global measure of all. First, look in the refrigerator for any leftover or spoiled food.

The specific smell of stale chicken is inherent even in fresh meat. To make the chicken smell, just leave the chilled carcass in a plastic bag for several hours. Also, the characteristic “amber” may be a consequence of the use of certain types of feed for poultry raised at home rather than in factory conditions.


If you're concerned about how meat smells, check to see if it's spoiled.
The color of fresh fillet is pinkish, while meat that is not suitable for food has a grayish tint. The fat should be white, not yellow. The normal smell of chicken meat is without “sourness”. Feel the sirloin. If the meat is dense, it means it’s fresh; if it’s sticky or slimy, the carcass will have to be thrown away. You cannot eat spoiled food! Fresh fillets should have a pink tint


To get the best result in removing odor from chicken, it is recommended to take into account the following tips:

  1. The chicken should only be washed in cold water.
  2. Before cooking the chicken, all entrails are removed from the carcass.
  3. Old fat is often the source of unpleasant odors. It should be cut off. It may be necessary to remove the skin from the carcass, which is often a source of unpleasant odor.
  4. The easiest and cheapest way to remove odors from chicken is to soak it in salted water.
  5. Cooking chicken on the grill eliminates unpleasant flavors due to the aroma of smoke.
  6. If the chicken has become dry in the refrigerator, it should be washed. This will refresh its interior and prevent other products from absorbing the unpleasant aroma of spoiled meat. You can use a soda solution for this (2 tablespoons of powder per liter of water) or other means.
  7. The cutting board on which the meat was processed must also be thoroughly washed. The easiest way is to use a soda solution.

The quality of the purchased product must be analyzed before purchase.

You will find a lot of useful and important information on how to remove smell from different types of meat and cook it correctly here.

No ice crust

Purchasing frozen meat does not guarantee a fresh meat product. In this regard, it is strongly recommended that you carefully study the purchased product.

A freshly frozen chicken carcass is necessarily characterized by the presence of a thick ice crust, the presence of which confirms the fact that the product was frozen correctly and in compliance with all requirements.

If the presence of white ice is observed on the product, we are most likely talking about meat that has been frozen. Of course, frozen meat can be safely used in cooking, because it does not pose any danger, but in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that the taste of the final product will be slightly spoiled.

The problem is storage in cellophane

Polyethylene bags contain recycled cellulose, which gives products a strong “chemical” smell.

Beef in cellophane is saturated with the odors of other food products in the refrigerator

It is not recommended to store lamb, beef and pork in cellophane because the product begins to become damp and moldy. Before you put the meat in a plastic bag, you need to wrap it in thin paper.

Beef in cellophane is saturated with the odors of other food products in the refrigerator.

To eliminate extraneous aromas, you should use these tips for soaking meat:

Freshness of the packaged product

The food manufacturer is obliged to supply perishable products to trading organizations in packaging with a designated expiration date for different storage conditions. The buyer determines the freshness of the purchased meat by the date on the package.

Carcasses are required to be sold:

  • clean, free of foreign objects and odors;
  • without contamination of intestinal and internal organ debris
  • without head, neck and legs below the metatarsal joints.

If the kit for sale includes offal, they are packaged in a separate film.

A product that does not comply with these conditions was produced by an unscrupulous seller and the expiration dates on the container are unreliable.

Chicken cooled by refrigeration units in the temperature range from + 2°C to minus 2°C is considered fresh:

  • in the form of whole carcasses no more than 5 days from the date of production;
  • in the form of parts - no more than 2.

It is recommended to store frozen chickens in refrigerators at a temperature of minus 12°C:

  • in the form of poultry parts - no more than a month;
  • a whole chicken - no more than six months.

It should be understood that the freshness of frozen chicken when purchasing is determined only by indirect signs. If it was defrosted and frozen again during transportation and storage, the chicken will be covered with a layer of whitish ice with white marks similar to a rash. Ice particles accumulate in the folds of polyethylene in the packaging bag.

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