How and how long to cook lamb so that it comes out soft

But this meat has one drawback. As we know, lamb has a specific smell. That is why, firstly, you should always buy this meat from a trusted place where you already know that the lamb there will be tasty and clean and without a strong specific smell.

And secondly, the smell of lamb directly depends on how finely it is cooked. After all, only experienced chefs know the secrets of how to make meat really smell delicious and be tender. Next we will talk about how long to cook lamb so that it is soft and odorless.

How to choose lamb

First of all, pay attention to the color of the meat: this way you can determine the approximate age of the animal. For example, lamb, which is considered the most tender, is light pink or slightly reddish with a minimal amount of fat. As a rule, they sell it only in winter and spring. The meat of a young ram is light red, while that of an adult is deep red or red-burgundy. In both cases there is not a lot of fat, but it is white and quite dense. Old meat, which is usually tasteless, is dark red in color, the fat is loose and yellow.

Photo: Ermak Oksana / Shuttestock

The surface of quality meat should be elastic to the touch. The smell is natural, without foreign impurities. It is better to avoid buying mucus-covered or heavily weathered pieces.

If you choose frozen meat, make sure that there is virtually no ice in the package.

Take note

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