Why does pork smell bad after cooking?

History of domestication of the wild pig

Over a long period of time, people gradually domesticated wild pigs, and it is not known when certain animals, which by nature reproduced quickly, began to be restricted from fertilization. At first this was due to the possibility of keeping track of livestock, then meat eaters noticed a difference in taste and quality between a pig from which the reproductive organs had been removed and a representative that had the ability to give birth. This is how the concept of “boar” and “hog” appeared. A boar is a breeding producer of offspring, and a hog is fattened for subsequent slaughter.

Fermented milk marinade for unpleasant aroma

You can also remove the unpleasant odor from pork using a method such as marinating. This method will not only get rid of bad amber, but also prepare it for frying or baking. Acid also destroys fibers, and this allows you to get soft and tasty meat.

To prepare the marinade you need to take 2 tbsp. fermented milk product. If desired, you can use kvass. Pour 4 tbsp into it. l. honey and add 3 onions, previously chopped. Place the meat in this mixture and leave it for a day.

This marinade can be used not only to get rid of bad aroma, but also in the normal preparation of pork.

What kind of meat will have to be thrown away?

Rotten pork and products made from it should be thrown away without regret. The product will emit an unpleasant and pungent aroma, and the meat will acquire a dirty grayish-greenish tint. If the piece has bones, they will become loose. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively develop on pork, and the most obvious sign of rotten meat is the appearance of mold. The combination of these characteristics is a strong argument to get rid of meat and not risk your health. However, in untreated cases, pork can be saved if heat treatment is carried out as soon as possible. Tricks for getting rid of odor Most often, an unpleasant odor appears after a product has been stored in a bag for a long time. In such a situation, there are several life hacks that can revive meat.

Causes of urine odor in pork

The meat smells of ammonia because the animal has not been castrated. The testes produce large quantities of the hormone testosterone, which provokes the accumulation of skatole in the muscle tissue. It is this substance that gives the smell of urine, which intensifies tenfold when the product is heated.

By getting rid of the testes, you can prevent this phenomenon. A boar intended for slaughter must be castrated no later than six months of age. Otherwise, then you will have to think about how to get rid of the smell of boar pork.

Another reason for the smell of urine that appears during the preparation of meat dishes is congenital anomalies of the animal. In particular, we are talking about the pathological location of the testicles; one of them may not descend into the scrotum, but remain in the abdominal cavity.

It is impossible to visually determine such a pathology. As a result, castration does not bring the desired result and then you have to think about how to remove the foul aroma from the meat during cooking.

To prevent pork from having an unpleasant odor, a mature animal must be castrated at least two months before slaughter.

The hormone testosterone is not produced until puberty. Males become sexually mature at approximately 6 months of age; up to this point, they can be safely slaughtered for meat without the mandatory procedure of removing the testes.


These tips will save you from mistakes in buying, storing and cooking meat.

  1. If the piece is large, cut it into pieces before processing.
  2. If the smell still remains, then throw away the product - it is completely rotten.
  3. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing and to purchase a product without foreign odors, always pay attention to the color: it should be even. Other signs of a good product are elasticity and a neutral aroma. If the fillet has a strong smell, you should refuse to buy it: this is a sign of a stale product or harmful additives.
  4. Store meat parts in the refrigerator, or better yet, in the freezer. Wrap them in parchment or paper towel, which has been pre-moistened with salt water.
  5. Do not refreeze meat.
  6. If you start cooking with meat that has a rotten smell, the taste of the dish will definitely deteriorate. Pre-treatment is necessary.

A delicious meal starts with fresh ingredients. Buy only meat that you are one hundred percent confident in, store it correctly, and, if necessary, process it using the suggested methods. Many of them not only eliminate the rotten smell, but also serve as an excellent marinade and enrich the taste of the product.

How to remove odor

To remove an unpleasant aroma, the soaking method is most often used. The final result depends on the age of the animal. If after a certain time the smell does not disappear, you need to put the meat in the freezer for 12 hours, and then put it in the marinade.

To soak the meat, you need to prepare a special mixture. For this, water, salt and vinegar are used. You need to boil the water and add salt there, then wait until the mixture cools down and add 5 tbsp. l. vinegar. To understand whether there is enough salt in the liquid, you need to place a raw egg in it. If it sank, this indicates that it is not enough.

In order to soak pork well, you need to follow certain rules. Immediately the product should be placed in the mixture for 6 hours, after which it should be drained and the meat should be filled with a new substance for another day.

Then you need to drain the mixture again and pour the meat over it for another two days. After the time has passed, you need to check whether the smell was completely removed or not. To do this, you need to cut off a small piece and set it on fire; if the aroma remains, you need to soak it for a few more days.

How can you tell if meat has gone bad?

The appearance and smell of the product will tell you about the condition. The edible fillet has a uniform color, without dark areas (bruises). The color depends on the type: lamb is dark, pork and rabbit are pink, veal has a delicate pink tint, beef is darker. The color of the bird is pale pink. The fillet is elastic, and when you press on it, the hole quickly recovers. The absence of mucus indicates suitability. The pulp does not have a pungent odor. When these signs are not detected, then most likely the section of the carcass or bird is spoiled.

During storage, it happens that the meat suffocates in the bag, and how to make it so that it does not smell is easy with the help of improvised means.

Mustard and lemon marinades

The essence of the method is extremely simple - pieces of pork are generously coated with mustard and placed in the refrigerator for about a day. A prerequisite is pre-soaking in a saline solution.

After such marinating, it is best to fry or bake the meat; mustard will provide an appetizing golden crust.

Lemon marinade is prepared per 1 kg of raw meat:

  • lemon – half (if small, then whole);
  • onions – 3-4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

All spices are mixed with lemon juice, and the resulting mixture is coated with the pulp. If desired, you can add lemon zest.

Fragrant marinade for the smell of wild boar

Many housewives know that any meat loves spices, so this method can be used not only to get rid of amber, but also to prepare a dish by frying.

The fragrant marinade consists of the following ingredients:

All of the above components must be placed on gauze and wrapped. It is also worth adding chopped onion there and pour hot water over everything. Cook this mixture for 2-3 minutes, then put garlic and 0.5 tsp into the pan. citric acid. When the marinade has cooled completely, pour it over the pre-prepared meat and put it in a cold place for a day.

After the specified time, the product should be dried thoroughly. The marinating time depends on the age of the boar. If it is unknown, it should be kept in the mixture for 2 days.

How long does pork last in the refrigerator?

Cold food storage scheme

FoodTypeRefrigerator (40°F or below)
Hamburgers, minced meat and minced poultryHamburger, ground beef, turkey, chicken, other poultry, veal, pork, lamb and mixtures thereof1 in 2 days
Fresh beef, veal, lamb and porksteaks3 in 5 days
Chops3 in 5 days
Roast3 in 5 days

Fermented and fragrant

In fermented milk kefir, which is the main ingredient in the marinade, not only removes the smell, but also makes the meat softer.

To prepare the sauce you will need 500 ml of fermented milk product (kefir or whey), 3 medium onions and 4 tablespoons of honey. The onion can be finely chopped or grated. The duration of marinating is 24 hours.

The essence of the fragrant method is to use aromatic spices and herbs. To make the marinade really come out as such, take cloves - 5-7 buds; marjoram - 1 tbsp. spoon; dried mint - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon; juniper - 10 berries; allspice – 5-10 peas.

All of the spices listed should be wrapped in a fabric bag and poured with 1-2 liters of hot water. To increase the aromaticity of the brine, add 1-2 more onions and a few cloves of garlic. Salt is added to taste, approximately 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons

All ingredients should boil for 2-3 minutes, after which the marinade cools. After 24 hours of soaking in it, the meat becomes very spicy and piquant.

Why does meat have a “smell”?

The loss of the natural aroma of meat products occurs in several cases. “Smell” appears due to spoiled products lying next to the meat, as well as due to improper feeding and slaughter of the animal.

Storing in plastic bags leads to a lack of oxygen, causing the meat to “suffocate.”

Pieces of flesh from an uncastrated boar or ram initially have a distinctive odor, but this does not mean that they are unsuitable for consumption.

You just need to soak the product in a marinade or roll it in herbs.

If chicken has an unpleasant sour aroma, and mucus is noticed on its surface, it is necessary to cut off the skin emitting the smell with a knife. If the stench cannot be eliminated, then eating meat is strictly prohibited.

Onion marinade to get rid of amber

Tasteful meat can be saved by marinating with onions. This method also allows you to remove the smell of urine from the product, if any. But before using this method, the meat should still be soaked.

To do this, take onion, its quantity must correspond to the amount of product. It is important to first cut or beat the meat and place it in vinegar for a day, then stretch it and dry it.

Next, you need to mix the onion, previously cut into half rings, with the meat. This mixture should be kept under pressure for a day. After which you need to remove the pressure and leave the meat in this state for another 2-3 hours. Only after this can you start preparing the dish.

What to do if ground pork smells when cooking

It is best to subject the product to heat treatment. While frying, add your favorite spices and aromatic herbs to the minced meat. It is important to bring the cutlets to full readiness. Make sure that clear liquid is oozing from them, not blood. Another way is to dilute the minced meat with a small amount of vinegar. The acidic product will act as an antiseptic and destroy pathogens that have begun to multiply in the meat. However, the method has a drawback - the finished dish will taste sour.

Boar smells: how to get rid of the smell by pickling?

In fact, skatole, which is responsible for the bad smell of the purchased product, is always present in pork. Moreover, it is found in beef, poultry, and even butter. The only question is concentration and the sensitivity of your olfactory receptors. If you are lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) to have a sensitive sense of smell, then even the faintest notes of skatole can spoil the impression of the meal. Here, marinades will come to the aid of soaking; they can set the right accents, masking or displacing characteristic aromas:

Fermented milk

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It will not only help solve the problem of how to remove the smell of boar from pork, but also make it softer, since the acid contained destroys muscle fibers, making the finished dish less tough.

  • You will need 2-3 glasses of kefir or whey, you can also use homemade kvass.
  • Add 4 tbsp. honey and 3 finely chopped onions.
  • Marinate the meat in this mixture for a day.


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Not bad for meat that will subsequently be fried. You will need the following components:

  • Juniper – 10 berries.
  • Carnation – 6-7 buds.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Dried mint – 1 full tbsp.
  • Marjoram – 1 tbsp.
  • Allspice – 6 pcs.

Wrap all the spices in cheesecloth, add 1 finely chopped onion, pour boiling water and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Turn off the heat, add finely chopped 4 cloves of garlic and 0.5 tsp. citric acid, cover and let sit until completely cool. Pour cold marinade over the chopped meat and marinate for a day, after which it should be dried.

If you are trying to solve the problem of what to do to prevent the meat from smelling like a boar, keep in mind that the marinating time is directly proportional to the age of the animal. If you are not sure about this indicator, feel free to extend the marinating process for two days.


The simplest and requiring a minimum of ingredients. Thickly coat the soaked pork with table mustard, place in a glass container and leave in the refrigerator for a day. After this, it is better to cook according to recipes that use a large amount of onions - baking or frying.


photo from the site https://galen-9.com/

The recipe is designed for 1 kg of meat, and the amount of ingredients should increase in proportion to the weight of the product:

  • Lemon, large – ½;
  • Onions, large – 3 pcs;
  • Nutmeg, pepper, salt - to taste.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, cut the onion into half rings, add spices and mix with the chopped meat.


photo from the site https://strana-sovetov.com

One of the best ways to get rid of the smell of boar in meat, which is even used to marinate wild boar. The soaking stage should not be skipped, but after it you need to proceed as follows:

  • The amount of onions you need for cooking should be equal to the amount of pork.
  • Cut the meat as desired and soak for a day in a 2% solution of table vinegar, then dry.
  • Mix the onion and meat cut into half rings and place under pressure in the refrigerator for another 24 hours.
  • Remove the pressure and leave the meat for several hours, then fry along with the onions.


The ability of milk to absorb various impurities and toxins has been known for a long time, and is reflected in the milk method of how to remove boar smell from meat:

  • Soak the meat in boiled salted water according to the scheme described in the second section of the article. Please note that in this case vinegar cannot be added to the water, otherwise there is a risk that the milk will curdle.
  • Pour milk over the chopped pork until the liquid level completely covers it.
  • Add 7-8 cloves of garlic, cut into slices, and place in a cool place for a day.

Thanks to the milk marinade, the taste of the finished dish will be neutral, perfect as a background for various spices.

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Flavor injections Small pieces of meat, such as for goulash or chops, are marinated quickly. What if you plan to bake boiled pork or pastrami in a whole piece? Armed with an ordinary medical syringe, make many injections, injecting the marinade to different depths and into different areas of the meat. This is an excellent method for removing boar smell from pork.

The smell of lamb, boar or goat

Lamb is the favorite meat of Eastern nationalities, but Europeans do not always like its specific smell, even when fresh. The following measures will help eliminate meat odor.

Method 1. Take dried thyme - 2 sprigs.

What should be done:

  1. At the very beginning of cooking, add a couple of sprigs of thyme to the water.
  2. The smell of lamb will go away during cooking.

Method 2. Take:

  • garlic,
  • spices.

What should be done:

  1. Rub the lamb with spices and garlic.
  2. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Method 3. Take water and a saucepan.

What should be done:

  1. Pour water over the lamb and bring to a boil.
  2. Drain the water.
  3. Repeat 3-4 times. The smell should go away along with the water.

Advice! You can notice fatty patches on the ram. They are the ones who create the scent that not all housewives like. Cut these parts off and there will be virtually no smell left.

The smell of goat is also not for everyone. Soaking it in a solution of potassium permanganate (the method described above) will eliminate it. Another option is vinegar. Prepare the solution, immerse it or simply pour it over the goat meat pieces.

Boar meat is prohibited for sale, but if you are careless, you can purchase this product with a terrible smell. No amount of spices will cover it. The only way to eliminate the stink is to soak finely chopped fillets in milk for at least 10 hours. In this case, you need to replace the milk with fresh milk every 2 hours.

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