How to smooth a file. How to smooth out paper and crumpled money

To quickly straighten a crumpled sheet, roll the document on the edge of the table. This method will eliminate strong and major creases. Try making a photocopy of a document on a large copier, which will press the paper hard. A home appliance may not be able to handle this task, and the copy will end up with wrinkled lines and streaks.

Another original method is to run the sheet through the printer without printing on it. The device will eliminate light creases. However, this method is only applicable if the paper format is suitable for the printer. To straighten wrinkled paper, do not use a straightening iron, curling iron or hair dryer! Otherwise, you will irreversibly damage the document or notebook.

If the paper is very wrinkled, you can smooth it out using a press and an iron. Thus, you will smooth out any document, sheet, notepad and notebook, banknote and even wrapping paper. In addition, such methods are also suitable for smoothing files. Let's find out how to do this.

Under pressure

The essence of the method is that a sheet of paper is smoothed out under the weight of the load.

The cargo can be:

  • books;
  • heavy equipment;
  • pieces of furniture;
  • sports equipment;
  • other heavy objects.

Mode of application:

  1. First, you need to moisten the paper a little with clean water. Water will help smooth out damaged areas and soften the paper. It is convenient to do this by spraying water on it from a fine spray bottle, at a distance of about 40 cm. Another option is to carefully, so as not to tear it, walk over the sheet with a dampened and wrung out soft sponge. To moisten the sheet, you can place a damp, but not wet, towel on it for a short time.
  1. You need to act very carefully, because water can wash away the paint applied to the paper. It is better to spray water on the opposite side of the paper from the paint.
  2. After the sheet is wet, it is straightened by hand and placed between two pieces of highly absorbent material. These can be blotting pads, a paper napkin without embossing, felt and other options.
  3. After this procedure, the paper in absorbent material can be placed under the press.
  4. Next you need to be patient. Leave the paper for 12 hours, then check its condition. If it is still wet, replace the absorbent with a dry one. Even a heavily moistened sheet should dry out in three to four days.
  • Lightly moisten the document with distilled water from a spray bottle at a distance of at least 30 centimeters. Or blot the sheet with a damp cloth;
  • Remember that water will wash out chalk, water-based inks and watercolors. In this case, moisten the sheet from the back side;
  • If the watercolor paper is wrinkled, you should not use water at all. Place dry sheets under the press;
  • Place the crumpled paper between blotting sheets, wool felt or other material that absorbs moisture. It is better not to use paper towels, as text or drawings may be imprinted on the product;
  • Place the resulting stack on a hard horizontal surface and smooth it out with your hands. Then place heavy objects on top. This could be a stack of books or other cargo;
  • Leave the paper to dry completely. Check every day to see if the sheets are dry. Change absorbent materials as necessary. Slightly damp paper dries in one to two days, completely damp sheets take up to four days to dry.

Before drying and straightening a wet book, remove moisture from the pages using a white towel or napkin and separate the pages. Place the book half-open and place blotting paper between the sheets.

Leave in a well-ventilated area, you can turn on the fan. Monitor drying and, if necessary, carefully separate stuck pages.

You can also use the extreme method of drying the book in the refrigerator. To do this, remove as much moisture as possible from the pages using a towel, napkin and blotters. Then place the book in a ziplock bag and seal.

There should be air left in the bag. Place the book in the freezer and leave for one to two weeks. By the way, you can also stretch your shoes using a freezer. For more information on what to do if your shoes are too small or too tight, see here.

Do not dry sheets and books on a radiator or under the influence of electrical appliances or direct sunlight! Otherwise, the image will fade, the ink will fade, the paper will turn yellow, and the sheets will become wavy. To prevent the paper from getting wet or wrinkled, store documents in special files and folders, and books on shelves in the closet.

Solving the problem urgently and quickly

If crumpled paper needs to be smoothed out quickly, you can use the following recommendations:

    Roll the sheet on the edge of the table . This measure will help cope with rough folds. This method is more suitable for paper that has been rolled into a roll.

To straighten the sheet, you need to take it by the opposite edges, and then pull it up and down several times. It is necessary to control the pressing force so as not to tear the canvas.

  • Pass through the photocopier . He will compress the document like a press, and the creases will go away. The photocopier must be large, that is, professional. Such devices can be found in offices and copy centers.
  • You can smooth the paper using a weight. Under the weight of the press, the folds will straighten out. For this purpose, you can use such improvised items as:

  • An encyclopedia or other massive book. To achieve the best effect, several volumes are placed on the crumpled sheet at once.
  • Heavy household appliances or furniture.
  • Equipment for sports.

Having chosen a suitable item, you need to be guided by the following action plan:

    In order for the paper to smooth out better, it needs to be slightly moistened. Do not place the sheet under running water.

It is better to use a spray bottle, holding it at a distance of 30-40 cm from the object. If you don’t have a spray bottle on hand, you can gently blot the paper with a damp cloth.

  • Water should be sprayed onto the back of the document, this will prevent damage to the paint.
  • The wet sheet is placed on a clean material that will act as a blotter. Regular napkins work well for this purpose.
  • In this form, the paper is placed under a load.
  • The result will be obtained in 12 hours . Sometimes, after the specified period of time, the sheet remains wet. In this case, you need to change the napkins, leaving the document under the press for another day. During this time, even a heavily wetted sheet will dry out and straighten out.

    How to iron paper

    There is another popular method for ironing paper - using an iron.

    This is a riskier option than press drying. Even if you iron a crumpled sheet under the fabric, the folds will still remain visible.

    When processing paper wet, folds are removed from it before ironing, but the colors may fade, or the sheet may not withstand the treatment and may tear. Therefore, it is necessary to act as carefully as possible.

    The method of using the iron involves several simple steps.

    1. The crumpled paper must be carefully smoothed out with your hands and covered with a cloth or towel.
    2. The iron is turned on to the minimum temperature. Exposure to high temperatures may cause the sheet to yellow or become brittle.
    3. After heating the appliance, iron the sheet over the cloth or towel lying on it for one minute.
    4. Lift the towel and check the result. If the paper is not leveled, you need to increase the temperature slightly and repeat all the steps from the beginning. If the sheet is straightened, but very hot, spray it with clean water from a spray bottle and iron it again.

    The risk of using this option is very high - you can ruin the document forever. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correct actions, it is better to try another recovery method.

    Take a towel or thick cloth and a spray bottle with distilled water. Do not use tap water as it contains certain minerals that will make the sheets hard and brittle.

    First you need to lay out the paper on the ironing board and straighten it with your hands. Cover the document with a towel or thick layer of cloth. Set the iron to the lowest temperature so as not to overdry the items and make the canvas brittle or yellowed.

    Then you need to carefully smooth the crumpled paper with an iron through a towel or cloth. After a minute, check the result. If the sheet is not leveled, slightly increase the heat of the iron.

    If the sheet gets too hot, moisten the back of the document with water from a spray bottle. Then the product must be gently ironed again. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result.

    Canvases after watercolors, after chalk and inks that are not resistant to moisture should not be wetted with water! Increase the heating temperature of the iron gradually and start with the lowest one. Otherwise, when the printed text is processed at a hot temperature, the latter will begin to melt. As a result, it will stick to the towel or fabric through which the document is ironed.

    Do not use too much water when spraying, otherwise the text or design will float. Do not iron your passport or other document without a towel or cloth. Without this, the sheets will turn yellow and will not smooth out. It also increases the risk of ignition and fire.

    Steam smoothing

    The first thing that comes to mind when you need to iron things without an iron is to use steam. This option is not new and is quite in demand among housewives in cases where the ironing machine suddenly fails. After all, most irons are equipped with a steam function, which allows you to effectively smooth out any wrinkles, and if possible, use a vertical steam cleaner instead of a standard ironing device.

    Steam will smooth out even the smallest creases

    If you don’t have a professional device at hand, use an old but reliable method - steaming over a hot bath. To implement it, you will need no more than half an hour, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to put on and wear the item right away. It is best to steam the product in the evening to get freshly ironed clothes by morning. To do this, proceed step by step:

    • draw a full bath of hot water;
    • hang the crumpled product on hangers, straightening it with your hands;
    • hang a hanger from above the bathtub so that it does not fall into the water;
    • close the door to the room and do not go there for 20-30 minutes.

    In the allotted time, the product will completely straighten, no matter what fabric it is made of. If you need to quickly level a small item with steam, you can do it differently: bring water to a boil in a saucepan and hold a dress or blouse over it. The alternative method is less effective, but the clothes will definitely be fresher.

    Another option for steaming is over a kettle. This method is ineffective for dealing with severe wrinkles, but it is quite suitable for straightening light wrinkles on fabric. If you need to iron an item that has been crumpled in your wardrobe for a long time, the procedure may take longer and you will have to spend a little more effort than planned.

    It is advisable to steam a T-shirt or tank top for about 10 minutes

    Boil a full kettle of water, bring the item to it and thoroughly steam each fold. It is especially convenient to use this method while on vacation or a business trip.

    Other methods

    If the value of the document is high, it is better not to take risks and give it to specialists.


    To straighten a sheet of paper that is of particular value, you can use the services of archivists and restorers. They will help restore even old paper or paintings.

    Professional moisturizing

    Water, of course, helps smooth out and restore the structure of paper, but professionals know that it can also ruin the document forever. Therefore, before using methods on how to straighten a sheet of paper using water, it is better to try them on a draft.

    The method is very dangerous at home - you can accidentally spill water on the paper, or mold may grow on it. Experts sometimes impregnate the sheet with special substances against fungi. But if you use them at home, there is a risk of ruining not only the document, but also your health.

    Professional drying

    You also need to dry the paper carefully, as it can shrink or ripple. In case of leveling it under a press, experts recommend clamping the document between two absorbent pads in a vice.

    Don’t forget about emergency measures like smoothing out a sheet of paper. If time does not allow you to study, use methods using an iron, a press, or run to specialists, then there are ways to quickly improve the situation:

    1. You can try spreading a sheet of paper on the edge of the table. It is better not to use this method with important documents, since they can tear under strong pressure, but it is perfect for smoothing out crumpled money.
    2. If the original document is not needed very often, then a photocopy will help you. But here it is better to go to a large copy service. Professional equipment will press the document harder than homemade equipment, and in addition to a high-quality copy without traces of creases, it can help straighten the paper a little.

    Methods for straightening paper

    You can straighten crumpled sheets using special devices and available tools.

    Using the press

    The whole operating principle of this method boils down to the fact that paper alignment occurs naturally under the weight of the press (large books, interior items, heavy appliances). Below we leave useful information on how to smooth a document using a weight:

    1. A sheet of paper must be moistened with water. Distilled is perfect, as it does not contain anything that can spoil the quality of the coating. Moisture will straighten damaged areas and make them softer. The most convenient way to do this is to use a sprayer, which is usually used to spray indoor flowers in the heat. You need to hold it at a distance of approximately 30-40 cm from the paper sheet. If you don’t have one at hand, you can put a terry towel on the document, previously soaked in water and wrung out well.
    2. You need to act slowly and carefully so that the ink or paint applied to the paper does not accidentally float. Otherwise, you may damage it without being able to restore it in the future.
    3. After the sheet is wet, it is smoothed with your hands and pressed tightly between two absorbent materials. These can be paper napkins, wool felt and more.
    4. At the final stage, the paper is placed under a press for at least 12 hours. After this time, its condition is checked. If the surface is still wet, then it is necessary to replace the absorbent pad with a new, dry one. It may take about 3-4 days for a heavily moistened sheet to dry.

    Important: you don’t have to pre-wet the crumpled paper, but immediately put it under the press. Although a perfectly flat surface cannot be achieved this way, there is a high probability that the sheet will be accurately smoothed without loss of data.

    Straightening paper with an iron

    This method of dealing with creases is chosen by many, however, it is riskier than drying with a load. Even if you smooth out a sheet of paper under a layer of fabric, the folds will still not disappear.

    If the paper is wet

    When paper gets wet, it can ripple and wrinkle, losing its attractive appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to dry the material as quickly as possible. Wet paper without drying not only wrinkles, but also gradually becomes covered with mold. In addition, ink or paint will bleed when exposed to water.

    Sort out the wet sheets and place them in a well-ventilated area, open the windows or use a fan to dry. To dry papers and folders, cover the items with blotting sheets or other absorbent materials. Leave the sheets in a well-ventilated area and change blotters regularly.

    Dip sticky wet laminated paper or wet photographs into a container of clean water and carefully separate them in the water. Then place the items face up on a towel and leave them in a room with good air circulation until completely dry.

    1. Processing printed text at hot temperatures may cause it to melt and eventually stick to the fabric it is lying on. Therefore, heating should be carried out gradually, starting from the lowest temperature.
    2. Don't forget to be careful - before working with the iron, read the recommendations for its use.
    3. To ensure that there are as few situations when you have to restore a document as possible, just purchase a convenient plastic folder for papers.
    4. Remember that paper is afraid of damp rooms and direct sunlight.

    We are all human, so we often make mistakes. We tear, break, drop something, but not at all on purpose. And so, when the first attack of panic and shame passes, the time comes to think about how to correct the situation. There is no need to desperately wring your hands and lament because there is always a way out! For example, due to negligence, you crumpled a valuable document, and replacing it is a long and unpleasant matter. But with not much effort you can give it a neat look and forget that such a nuisance ever happened!

    Features of working with tulle

    Almost any veil is made from tulle. This is a rather capricious material that can break even with slight bending. Therefore, the veil wrinkles during transportation or storage, which leads to loss of its beautiful appearance. Tulle is a delicate material. It is quite lightweight, mesh and translucent. At the same time, its texture is hard, so if even a small wrinkle appears, it will be difficult to deal with it.

    But besides this, there is another feature - tulle is very difficult to perceive high temperatures. As soon as you touch it with a very heated iron, the mesh will instantly crumble, leaving a burnt hole.

    Tulle also requires preliminary soaking. This will save time on direct ironing, and if after soaking you hang the product in a well-ventilated area on the loops, then ironing may not be required at all. Soaking is carried out in warm water, you can add a couple of drops of softener for delicate fabrics.

    It is important to pay attention to the equipment that will be used in the work. So, the surface of the iron should be:

    • perfectly clean;
    • no traces of stuck fabric;
    • no cracks, chips or scratches.

    When working with tulle, the iron must be set to the “Synthetic” mode. It differs from the usual one in the minimum heating temperature.

    Heavy press

    This method of smoothing the paper can take a long time, but it is the safest. The entire “rescue operation” takes place in several stages:

    1. The document must be sprinkled with water. It acts as a glue that helps connect the paper fibers. The document will become softer, which will make it possible to smooth out and even out all wrinkled areas. It is necessary to use purified water; tap water is saturated with various substances that can ruin the paper.
    2. Remember that the document has inscriptions, drawings, and seals. This means that ink, paint or other material may become blurry. Such sheets should be moistened carefully from the clean side of the sheet. The use of water can be avoided altogether, but then only the largest creases will be eliminated.
    3. Fix the wet sheet between layers of water-absorbing material.
    4. The resulting layered “pie” must be placed on a flat and hard surface, further smooth it out and weigh it down with a heavy stack of books or something similar.
    5. Let the paper dry completely. This will take several days. If necessary, replace the water-absorbent material.

    Hot iron

    Crumpled paper can be ironed. This method is much more effective than the previous one, but more dangerous. You should think carefully before using this method. He can make the sheet flat, but he is unlikely to be able to straighten all the folds. Ink can transfer from the paper either onto the iron or where you iron it. A previously moistened document may tear when smoothed with an iron. But for the brave and fearless, the technique of the entire process is described:

    1. Flatten the sheet with your hands and cover with a material that will absorb some of the heat and not damage the paper. Use a towel, several sheets of paper, natural fabric. This method is often used in emergency cases when there is absolutely no time left. Always take safety precautions. Nobody needs a fire or an even more damaged document.
    2. Although warmth is your ally, you should know when to stop. The temperature of the device should be low; high temperature will only ruin the document.
    3. Now the smoothing process. Run the iron over the fabric as you would with normal ironing. But to be careful, do not leave the iron in one place for too long; it is better not to stop moving it over the fabric at all.
    4. After waiting a minute, make sure that the document is not damaged. If irregularities remain, the temperature can be increased.

    If the sheet gets too hot, dampen it with water and iron it again, but tears may form.

    Care tips and advice

    There are pleated skirts that are not recommended by the manufacturer for ironing; you will need to carefully wash the product, dry it by hanging it on hangers, straightening each fold with your hands

    It is important to take into account the recommendations placed on the sewn-in label of the product. If there is a crossed out iron symbol there, this means that the skirt cannot be ironed

    If there is an iron icon with a steam image crossed out underneath it, the skirt must not be steamed.

    To preserve the original appearance of the skirt, it is recommended to use special products designed for safe ironing. They contain special substances that prevent clothes from losing their original shape. A pleated cotton skirt can be starched. This will allow it to become a little stiffer and will not lead to severe creasing of the material. If all recommendations for caring for a pleated skirt are taken into account, it will look like new for a long time.

    On a note

    When you need to act quickly and straightening the paper with an iron or press is not possible, then getting rid of, although not all, folds is also possible. Just roll the document on the edge of the table or nightstand.

    If circumstances allow, make a photocopy of the document. There are large photocopiers in special places that will smooth out the sheet and not photocopy dark lines from creases.

    It is possible to save a damaged sheet of paper. Arm yourself with patience and everything will work out!


    Do you have a document that you accidentally sat on, accidentally wrinkled or folded by mistake, or even made an airplane out of it? Even after such a test, the document can still look presentable if you lightly wet it with distilled water and then place it between two heavy books or iron it through a towel. But remember that these methods are risky as the paper may tear and colors may disappear. You may be better off taking your very important documents to a professional restoration shop.


    1 Smoothing paper under pressure

    1. 1 Lightly moisten the paper with distilled water.
      When paper wrinkles, its fibers become damaged and tear. The water will soften the fibers a little and they will become flat again, reducing visible folds and creases. Use only distilled water as regular tap water contains minerals that will make the paper brittle or hard. Spray distilled water from a distance of at least 30 cm, or gently blot the paper with a damp towel.
        Water may blur watercolors, chalk, pastels, or water-based inks. If your paper has the following materials on it, dampen it with a very small amount of water on the back of the sheet. You can also put dry paper under the press, this way you will smooth out at least large wrinkles.
    2. smooth out crumpled paper 2 Place soaked paper between layers of absorbent material.
      If you dampen the paper, place it between blotting pads, wool felt, or other materials that absorb moisture.
        You can also use paper towels, but the embossing may print on the surface of the paper, which is not desirable.
    3. smooth out crumpled paper 3 Place the resulting stack between heavy objects.
      Place the paper, surrounded by absorbent materials, on a flat, hard surface. Smooth it out with your hands, thereby removing the main folds and creases. Cover the paper with a flat, heavy object. A stack of large, heavy books will do the job.
    4. smooth out crumpled paper 4 Wait for the paper to dry, checking it daily.
      The paper should dry to a flat sheet with virtually no wrinkles. Check the paper daily, changing absorbent materials as necessary.
        A completely wet sheet of paper usually dries in three to four days; a slightly damp sheet can dry in less than two days.

    2 Smoothing paper with an iron

    1. 1 Understand the risk.
      Ironing the paper through a towel or layer of fabric will make it flat, but folds and creases will still be visible. If you use steam or lightly dampen the paper before ironing, as described below, you will remove creases, but there will be an increased risk of the paper's ink fading or tearing.
        If you have wrinkled a very valuable and irreplaceable document, try this method on a test piece first, or, for greater safety, press less hard.
    2. smooth out wrinkled paper 2 Cover the paper with a towel or cloth.
      Smooth out the paper with your hands to avoid exacerbating existing wrinkles and forming new creases. Cover the paper with a hand towel, pillowcase, or other heat-protective cloth to protect the paper from excessive heat when ironed.
    3. 3 Set your iron to low heat.
      Start with the coolest setting possible to minimize heat damage to the paper. Too much heat will dry out the paper, making it brittle and yellowed.
    4. smooth out crumpled paper 4 Iron the towel.
      When the iron is hot enough, place it on a towel and move it over the surface of the towel as if you were just ironing it.
    5. smooth out crumpled paper 5 Adjust the temperature if necessary.
      A minute after you start ironing the towel, lift it and check the paper. If it has not yet leveled out, turn up the heat and iron the towel again. If you find that the paper is too hot, lightly dampen it with distilled water and then iron the towel again. This will help remove wrinkles, but increases the risk of tears.
        Do not apply water to surfaces containing watercolors, chalk, or other water-based materials.

    3 Learning professional leveling techniques

    1. 1 Take the most valuable documents to professionals.
      Archivists and restorers deal with historical artifacts, including paper. They will be able to smooth and preserve paper of any quality, including those with watercolors applied, fragile or old documents, and those items that are difficult to straighten at home.
        Search the Internet for information about local restoration shops, or ask a library staff member to help you find one.
    2. 2 Learn hydration techniques.
      As mentioned in other methods, wet paper, or "wetting" it, will help correct wrinkles caused by tearing or shifting fibers. Restorers usually use moisturizing methods with great care. If you're feeling brave and have a few pieces of paper to practice with, you can try this method before ironing the papers. The easiest way is a Horton humidifier. Roll up a sheet of paper, place it in an open plastic cup, place the cup in a large plastic container, fill it with water, and close it with a lid.
        This can cause mold to form on the paper, which will be difficult to deal with at home. Some archivists use antifungal chemicals such as thymol or o-phenylphenol, but these materials can cause damage to paper if used incorrectly.
    3. smooth out crumpled paper 3 Learn how to hold the paper while drying.
      Holding the paper under pressure using a vice or clamps is more effective, especially if more force is required. Another option is to use glue. Glue the paper to another surface using a special glue that peels off when it dries. This way, the glued paper stays in one place as it dries, rather than curling or stretching as some of the water dries and the paper shrinks.
        Even professional archivists have difficulty controlling the change in paper size after it gets wet. Changes in the size of one individual sheet of paper aren't that noticeable, but when you're working with a stack of paper folded, glued, or stapled together, the difference in paper size can become really noticeable.
    4. smooth out wrinkled paper 4 Store documents in special envelopes.
      Protective products for archival storage of papers are sold in office supply stores. Buy a plastic folder to safely store important documents, family archives and other important papers not only for decades, but also for centuries, protecting them from moisture and from ultraviolet radiation.
    • If you don't have time or an iron to iron your document using the method described above, you can quickly smooth out most/some of the unwanted wrinkles by repeatedly rolling the paper on the edge of the table. This method will not correct all errors, but it will help to deal with the main folds.
    • You can try making photocopies of the document. Copy centers have larger copiers that can press and flatten a document harder, while home copiers can leave marks of crumpled lines from a document.

    What you will need

    • Ironing board or other flat surface that can withstand heat
    • Towel
    • Heavy objects
    • Bottle with spray nozzle
    • Distilled water

    Many people have encountered a problem when an important document, a leaflet with lectures or paper bills became very wrinkled. You can return it to its previous presentable state in several ways, of course, if the sheets are not torn. In this article we will look at how to smooth out a sheet of paper.

    How to quickly straighten paper

    To quickly straighten a crumpled sheet, roll the document on the edge of the table. This method will eliminate strong and major creases. Try making a photocopy of a document on a large copier, which will press the paper hard. A home appliance may not be able to handle this task, and the copy will end up with wrinkled lines and streaks.

    Another original method is to run the sheet through the printer without printing on it. The device will eliminate light creases. However, this method is only applicable if the paper format is suitable for the printer. To straighten wrinkled paper, do not use a straightening iron, curling iron or hair dryer! Otherwise, you will irreversibly damage the document or notebook.

    If the paper is very wrinkled, you can smooth it out using a press and an iron. Thus, you will smooth out any document, sheet, notepad and notebook, banknote and even wrapping paper. In addition, such methods are also suitable for smoothing files. Let's find out how to do this.

    Solving the problem urgently and quickly

    If crumpled paper needs to be smoothed out quickly, you can use the following recommendations:

    1. Roll the sheet on the edge of the table. This measure will help cope with rough folds. This method is more suitable for paper that has been rolled into a roll.

    To straighten the sheet, you need to take it by the opposite edges, and then pull it up and down several times. It is necessary to control the pressing force so as not to tear the canvas.

    Pass through the photocopier. He will compress the document like a press, and the creases will go away. The photocopier must be large, that is, professional. Such devices can be found in offices and copy centers.

    You can smooth the paper using a weight. Under the weight of the press, the folds will straighten out. For this purpose, you can use such improvised items as:

    • An encyclopedia or other massive book. To achieve the best effect, several volumes are placed on the crumpled sheet at once.
    • Heavy household appliances or furniture.
    • Equipment for sports.

    Having chosen a suitable item, you need to be guided by the following action plan:

    1. In order for the paper to smooth out better, it needs to be slightly moistened. Do not place the sheet under running water.

    It is better to use a spray bottle, holding it at a distance of 30-40 cm from the object. If you don’t have a spray bottle on hand, you can gently blot the paper with a damp cloth.

    Water should be sprayed onto the back of the document, this will prevent damage to the paint. The wet sheet is placed on a clean material that will act as a blotter. Regular napkins work well for this purpose. In this form, the paper is placed under a load.

    The result will be obtained in 12 hours. Sometimes, after the specified period of time, the sheet remains wet. In this case, you need to change the napkins, leaving the document under the press for another day. During this time, even a heavily wetted sheet will dry out and straighten out.

    How to iron paper

    Take a towel or thick cloth and a spray bottle with distilled water. Do not use tap water as it contains certain minerals that will make the sheets hard and brittle.

    First you need to lay out the paper on the ironing board and straighten it with your hands. Cover the document with a towel or thick layer of cloth. Set the iron to the lowest temperature so as not to overdry the items and make the canvas brittle or yellowed.

    Then you need to carefully smooth the crumpled paper with an iron through a towel or cloth. After a minute, check the result. If the sheet is not leveled, slightly increase the heat of the iron.

    If the sheet gets too hot, moisten the back of the document with water from a spray bottle. Then the product must be gently ironed again. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result.

    Canvases after watercolors, after chalk and inks that are not resistant to moisture should not be wetted with water! Increase the heating temperature of the iron gradually and start with the lowest one. Otherwise, when the printed text is processed at a hot temperature, the latter will begin to melt. As a result, it will stick to the towel or fabric through which the document is ironed.

    Do not use too much water when spraying, otherwise the text or design will float. Do not iron your passport or other document without a towel or cloth. Without this, the sheets will turn yellow and will not smooth out. It also increases the risk of ignition and fire.


    First of all, assess the scale of the incident and analyze the composition of the paper and substance with which the inscriptions or drawings were applied. Further manipulations will depend on this.

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    1. Banknotes, even those that have gone through a full washing cycle in an automatic machine, are least afraid of exposure.
    2. Office papers that have been spilled with coffee or crumpled in a bag are less stable.
    3. The most susceptible are notebook or book sheets; they are afraid of water, as well as the heat of an iron.

    How the image is printed:

    1. Banknotes have a durable coating and are not afraid of exposure to either high temperature or moisture.
    2. Documents printed on the printer are resistant to moisture, but have temperature restrictions.
    3. Printing ink is resistant to moisture and is not afraid of heat.
    4. Ballpoint and gel pen ink can be called persistent, but oil and capillary pastes are afraid of both water and heat.
    5. An image painted with watercolors or gouache paints should not be moistened.

    If possible, moisturize

    1. Gently straighten the washed piece of paper or banknote, leaving it to dry on a flat surface. If the paper is simply wrinkled, straighten it by smoothing it with your hands, trying to straighten out the folds and creases.
    2. Prepare your work surface; it should not only be straight and smooth, but also hard enough. A regular ironing board will not work. It is better if it is a table without polishing.
    3. Cover the prepared area with a sheet folded in half. A terry towel is not suitable due to its softness. The selected fabric should not have a raised pattern (for example, like on waffle napkins).

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    You will also need two blank A4 sheets.

    Place between blank sheets

    How to straighten paper under a press

    • Lightly moisten the document with distilled water from a spray bottle at a distance of at least 30 centimeters. Or blot the sheet with a damp cloth;
    • Remember that water will wash out chalk, water-based inks and watercolors. In this case, moisten the sheet from the back side;
    • If the watercolor paper is wrinkled, you should not use water at all. Place dry sheets under the press;
    • Place the crumpled paper between blotting sheets, wool felt or other material that absorbs moisture. It is better not to use paper towels, as text or drawings may be imprinted on the product;
    • Place the resulting stack on a hard horizontal surface and smooth it out with your hands. Then place heavy objects on top. This could be a stack of books or other cargo;
    • Leave the paper to dry completely. Check every day to see if the sheets are dry. Change absorbent materials as necessary. Slightly damp paper dries in one to two days, completely damp sheets take up to four days to dry.

    How to starch correctly at home?

    You can starch clothing items both in specialized studios and at home. The second option does not cause any particular difficulties and does not require serious labor costs.

    Hot method

    The essence of the hot method was described above. To starch a headdress you will need:

    1. Mix water and starch in proportions determined depending on the desired hardness.
    2. Heat the remaining water over the fire, bringing to a boil.
    3. Add the starch solution to boiling water and wait until the mixture thickens.
    4. Wait until the resulting paste has cooled (five minutes is enough).

    There is another method that will require:

    1. Mix one tablespoon of rice starch with 200 milliliters of water.
    2. Bring 800 milliliters of milk to a boil.
    3. Gradually pour the starch solution into the hot milk.
    4. Immerse the headdress in the resulting composition for 20 minutes.

    To add shine to the hat, it is recommended to add a pinch of salt to the above mixtures.

    Cold method

    This method is recommended for those who have not previously performed such a procedure. To give the headdress the required shape, you need to mix 1.5 tablespoons of starch and 500 milliliters of water at room temperature. The resulting solution is then applied to the product on both sides using a brush. After the procedure, the hat is left to dry.

    Dry method

    The dry (also known as military) method is used for knitted items. “Pure” starch should be applied to the hat, evenly covering each thread. After this, the headdress should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. At the end of the procedure, the product must be covered with white paper to dry.

    In the microwave

    This original method speeds up the procedure. To achieve the desired result, you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of starch and a liter of water. The resulting solution is then poured into a container into which the product to be treated is placed. Next, the container is placed in the microwave for 5 minutes. The device must be set to full power. At the end, the headdress is left to dry.

    If the paper is wet

    When paper gets wet, it can ripple and wrinkle, losing its attractive appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to dry the material as quickly as possible. Wet paper without drying not only wrinkles, but also gradually becomes covered with mold. In addition, ink or paint will bleed when exposed to water.

    Sort out the wet sheets and place them in a well-ventilated area, open the windows or use a fan to dry. To dry papers and folders, cover the items with blotting sheets or other absorbent materials. Leave the sheets in a well-ventilated area and change blotters regularly.

    Dip sticky wet laminated paper or wet photographs into a container of clean water and carefully separate them in the water. Then place the items face up on a towel and leave them in a room with good air circulation until completely dry.

    How to dry and level books

    Before drying and straightening a wet book, remove moisture from the pages using a white towel or napkin and separate the pages. Place the book half-open and place blotting paper between the sheets.

    Leave in a well-ventilated area, you can turn on the fan. Monitor drying and, if necessary, carefully separate stuck pages.

    You can also use the extreme method of drying the book in the refrigerator. To do this, remove as much moisture as possible from the pages using a towel, napkin and blotters. Then place the book in a ziplock bag and seal.

    There should be air left in the bag. Place the book in the freezer and leave for one to two weeks. By the way, you can also stretch your shoes using a freezer. For more information on what to do if your shoes are too small or too tight, see.

    Do not dry sheets and books on a radiator or under the influence of electrical appliances or direct sunlight! Otherwise, the image will fade, the ink will fade, the paper will turn yellow, and the sheets will become wavy. To prevent the paper from getting wet or wrinkled, store documents in special files and folders, and books on shelves in the closet.

    Quite often it happens that it becomes necessary to smooth out paper that has been crumpled into a ball for one reason or another. But not everyone knows how to do this. This is especially important in cases where an important document that is valuable has been crumpled. But to do this, you should correctly use methods and recommendations that will help make the crumpled paper beautiful and even. Each method is different, but they also have a similar part that will make it possible to return the sheet to its original beautiful appearance.

    To do this, you just need to be patient and perform all the steps correctly and accurately. Don't be afraid to do something wrong, because in fact there is nothing difficult about it, you just have to try.

    Preventing the appearance of folds and creases

    To ensure that the veil does not lose its beautiful appearance before the bride shines in front of the groom and her closest people, you need to follow some recommendations. Direct ironing alone will not be enough to ensure that the veil retains its appearance until the wedding. You need to learn how to store it correctly. Simply putting it in a closet with other things is not a suitable option. This way the veil will become unusable, and creases and folds will appear on it again, which are difficult to remove. Several ways have been developed to preserve an ironed veil until the wedding:

    • covers for a wedding dress - if space allows, the veil is placed in a cover for the dress, so it will retain its freshness;
    • special case - for a decorative veil of a large size or with a lot of beautiful additional details, a case is made separately;
    • homemade bag - great if you have a sewing machine in the house - you can sew the cover yourself in a few minutes in the manner of a regular duvet cover, but smaller in size; in extreme cases, use plastic storage bags.

    Only completely dry items are placed in bags or cases. If you put something wet inside, it is more likely to wrinkle.


    Method of smoothing paper using a press

    The first method, namely how to smooth out crumpled paper under a press, can be used when you are outside the house, because you do not have access to an iron to use it for such an important task. To do this, you just need to have the following items:

    1. The first point that can answer the question about how to smooth out crumpled paper is that you need to lightly sprinkle water on the desired sheet; this can be done using a spray bottle. This should be done at a short distance from the sheet so as not to flood it too much. For this you need to use only distilled water, because it does not contain harmful components that will negatively affect the condition of the paper.

    IMPORTANT!! When using this method, you need to take into account what kind of ink the sheet is written or printed with, because these can be soluble inks, which, if wet, can easily turn the paper into a large blot. If you are not sure that after the leveling procedure the sheet will have a beautiful appearance, then you should spray water on the back side, and quite a bit.

    1. To prevent your sheet from transferring its data to the press, then you need to put it in paper that can absorb all the excess moisture. For these purposes, it is best to use woolen products or other various materials that have excellent absorbent properties.
    2. Then you should create a press yourself - for this you can use a large number of books, which will level the paper with their pressure and thereby bring it to normal condition. The answer to the question of how to smooth out a document lies in the fact that you need to place it on a flat surface and smooth out all the irregularities that it has with your hands. And only then lay out a large mountain of heavy literature.
    3. Now all that remains is to check whether the paper is dry or not, so it is necessary to carry out checks every day. If the sheet was well wetted, then it will take up to 4 or 5 days to level it, and if the water was lightly sprayed, then half as much - two days.

    This method is suitable for such an option as smoothing out money, but the main thing is not to forget that you left it among the books, otherwise after a while there will be a pleasant surprise.

    Tips for housewives on ironing

    Silk is a very delicate material, so it must be ironed with great care. Our article will tell you how to avoid damaging the fabric.

    The quality of ironing depends largely on the iron you choose. There are a lot of nuances that need to be taken into account. We will help you make the right choice - just read.

    What can you do to make clothes wrinkle less?

    Sometimes, even if you have an iron nearby, you don’t feel like ironing or you simply don’t have time for it in the morning. To avoid daily ironing, use the following tips:

    Set your washing machine to the “No Crease” or “Easy Iron” mode. Spin minimally, this will also help get rid of heavy wrinkles after washing, and you won’t even have to iron things. If you wash by hand, also do not wring out the laundry.

    Let the water drain on its own. Products with the addition of synthetics wrinkle less: pay attention to the composition of the fabric when purchasing. If you are going on vacation, fold your things in a roller or roller. Use steamers, steam generators and similar household appliances. They will help you easily and quickly deal with unevenness in textiles.

    Each type of clothing has its own rules:

    It is more convenient and correct to iron a skirt or shirt on a board or table. Start with the front and collar. Pockets are ironed separately. The back is on the wrong side. The sleeves are smoothed last, carefully stretching the fabric. If your blouse or skirt has decorations made of beads or other materials, it is better not to iron underneath them. The dress must also be ironed on a flat surface, using smooth movements, adjusting the details. Each type of material requires a certain temperature. For delicate fabrics, such as silk, it is a maximum of 60 degrees. Ironing a T-shirt or tank top is easier than any other item. Although they often do not require ironing at all - cotton products quickly smooth out on the body. If they are ironed, it is done in one go. A T-shirt with a print is ironed on the inside so as not to spoil the design. The most difficult item to iron is dress pants. First you need to iron each pant leg separately. If the fabric allows, do it from the outside. To secure the effect, go through the iron from the inside out. For convenience, lightly moisten the trousers in the area of ​​the future shoots. They need to be ironed sharply. Use the steam setting on the iron. Wool items such as sweaters or pullovers are ironed in the same way as shirts. From the top to the back and sleeves. Choose a suitable temperature for these fabrics. Ironing a blouse is difficult because such items are usually made of synthetic fabrics: polyester, chiffon. You need to be very careful with them - an incorrectly selected temperature will have an extremely negative impact on the product. Unbutton sleeves and buttons before ironing

    With special attention you need to iron the seams of the fabric that connect the chest and back, valves and scallops. You don't have to iron your jeans at all; they don't wrinkle much. But if you decide, it’s easy

    The trouser legs are processed separately. You can choose a higher temperature; it’s difficult to burn jeans.

    Method using an iron to straighten wrinkled paper

    Nowadays it’s quite easy to use a method like smoothing a document with an iron, because every home has such a piece of equipment. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the crumpled appearance without moisturizing, but you should understand the risk of yellowing forming on the document itself. Therefore, you need to analyze all the nuances of the question of how to iron paper so that it is beautiful and even.

    IMPORTANT!! There is no need to wet the paper too much and turn on the iron at maximum temperature, because this can cause the paper to become too dry and brittle, and also turn yellow. Therefore, before smoothing a sheet of paper with an iron, you need to try to do these manipulations with a simple and unnecessary piece of paper. Otherwise, you risk losing an important document.

    1. If necessary, you can increase the temperature and even spray a little more water on the paper, but the result may be a little disastrous, since you can iron a sheet of paper, but it will become yellow and brittle.

    This method can easily be used for such occasions as ironing a notebook.


    It’s not difficult to straighten crumpled paper yourself. However, before you begin the procedure, you need to read the following important warnings:

    1. You cannot iron paper without fabric. The paint may melt and stick to the surface of the iron or ironing board.

    2. Do not wet the sheets too much. The thinner they are, the higher the risk of damage.
    3. Do not straighten the paper with a hair straightener or similar electrical equipment.

    Their temperature is too high, so the document will be hopelessly damaged.

    Other paper alignment methods

    When looking for answers to your question about how to smooth out crumpled paper, you can find many practical recommendations that will help you do this at home without using complex equipment. But this only applies to ordinary paper, but if you need to smooth out historical documents, then you should turn to specialists who deal with this every day, because in their work they use not only professional equipment, but also special chemicals that have leveling abilities . These could be workers from archives or restoration services; you can find their agency using a laptop.

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