5 ways to wash a felt-tip pen from a sofa and remove its traces

What parents don't expect when children appear in the house. Just recently they were snoring peacefully in their cribs, and now they need to explore the world and reveal their creative abilities. And here, the presence of a sketchbook does not mean at all that they will want to draw there. The “victims” of their art are not only wallpaper and easels, but also expensive furniture, in particular a sofa. This is where the happy parents of such talented children have a question: “How to remove a felt-tip pen stain from the sofa?” This is not difficult to do if you know what the felt-tip pen is based on and what the furniture upholstery is made of.

How to wash a felt-tip pen from a sofa using improvised means

Probably all mothers have encountered art in the wrong places. Having discovered such a surprise, the thought immediately arises: how to erase it? Can you rub it? After all, markers are different, and in some cases, friction can only aggravate the problem. We invite you to find out what types of markers and what improvised means can be washed off:

  1. Wet wipes. Regular baby wipes will easily clean the surface of a water-based marker. If marks are still visible, you can use an alcohol wipe, this will work for most markers.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Used to remove patterns from light-colored upholstery. You need to apply the liquid onto a cotton pad, wipe the contaminated surface until the traces disappear, and use a new cotton pad each time so as not to rub the coloring pigment.

  1. Washing powder. Suitable for markers with a dense, friction-resistant structure. First you need to cut up some soap with a knife or grater, using water to turn it into a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to dirty upholstery, rub with a brush, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove any remaining soap with a clean, damp cloth.

  1. Nail polish remover. Permanent felt-tip pens with an oil-varnish base work well. The procedure is the same as when using hydrogen peroxide. It is important to remember to rinse off the liquid after the stain has dissolved so that it does not corrode the upholstery of the sofa.

  1. Soft drink with lemon juice. This mixture is used for textile sofas. The foam formed during the reaction should be rubbed over the dirty surface with a brush and left for 15 minutes. After the marks disappear, remove the residue with a damp sponge.

Chemical solvents

Chemical solvents are used as a last resort if all of the above measures have not helped remove the pen paste from the skin.

They are very aggressive on any surface.

Attentively. Irrational use of chemical solvents can damage the material, deform and change color.

Solvents must first be tested on a piece of fabric or an inconspicuous area of ​​furniture or shoes before they can be used in a highly visible area. Rubber gloves must be worn.

You can use paint solvents, for example, white spirit, Galosh benzene, turpentine, kerosene, etc. Liquids can be applied with a cotton swab, cotton wool or a clean cloth. They react instantly and allow you to remove hard ink in a fraction of a second. To remove any remaining active substance, the skin should be washed with warm, clean water and a small amount of detergent can be added.

Removing marker marks from a leather sofa

You can use alcohol to clean a leather sofa and eco-leather. The most common colognes and perfumes will also work; nail polish remover is also effective. Medical wipes and regular wipes work very well to remove marker stains.

Wipe the felt-tip pen off the upholstery fabric, wash the marker off the leather

When choosing a method for getting rid of dirt, it is worth determining what type of felt-tip pen left the mark.

The most common types of markers:

  1. chalky;
  2. water;
  3. paints and varnishes;
  4. oil;
  5. alcohol.

Water-based markers are the safest for upholstered furniture. You can get rid of their traces on any surface in a matter of minutes. Clean the area of ​​contamination only with warm water, but without using aggressive detergents.

This is interesting: Zelenka or fucorcin got on the fabric, how to remove stains

Removing a stain from an alcohol marker will be a little more difficult. Here you will need a liquid containing alcohol: ethyl alcohol, eau de toilette, vodka, etc.

Remains of felt-tip pens, which contain a coloring component, should be cleaned with a cotton swab, after moistening it with acetone, purified gasoline, nail polish remover or other solvent.

Oil markers will help remove vegetable oil from fabric.

If the affected surface of the sofa is made of leather, “children’s sketches” made with a felt-tip pen or marker are removed without streaks, even after drying. Simply soak a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol, cologne, or another alcohol-based liquid and wipe the stained surface clean. If the stain is not removed the first time, change the tampon and repeat the procedure until it completely disappears.

Information. Before using chemical products designed to remove marker stains, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the sofa, such as the upholstery, side or back of the sofa.

After removing the stain, be sure to wash off the applied substances with water or a mild soap solution.

Cleaning a sofa from a fabric marker

A painted sofa with fabric upholstery can be saved with improvised means, but you will first have to find out the characteristics of the fabric, since certain media are suitable for different fibers.

For synthetics and cotton, hydrogen peroxide is acceptable, but change it every time the cotton pad is covered with dye. After removing the stains, wash the fabric with detergent. Bleach is suitable for white material, but you must follow the instructions strictly.

The roughened tissues are fixed with soda and toothpaste. They are mixed and laid out along the tracks, left to dry and washed. The sponge will have to be vigorously rubbed and washed several times to ensure that no white streaks remain.

Refined gasoline and kerosene are aggressive substances, so they are used with caution. Protect your respiratory system with a mask. Try the action somewhere inconspicuous. Drain the fuel several times.

Lime or lemon juice may work positively on cotton fabrics. The product must be freshly squeezed, otherwise its properties will weaken. After application, try to remove the paint from the material after some time.

Delicate fabrics must be handled with great care. Milk, vinegar, equal parts borax and half lemon juice are mixed and the marker is cleaned in various ways.


Now you know how to clean a sofa from a felt-tip pen - your eyes are afraid, but your hands do it. In fact, everything is very easy - the stains from the felt-tip pen went away quickly.

When solving a problem, follow a few rules:

  1. Clean the stain on time. As soon as you discover a stain on your sofa, start cleaning immediately. If you delay cleaning, the stain will quickly absorb and will be difficult to remove.
  2. Wear gloves. To avoid problems with the skin of your hands, wear protective gloves, such as rubber.

Video: how to remove marker stains from leather sofas

How to remove a felt-tip pen from a textile sofa?

It is a little more difficult to clean the product from the surface of the fabric. You will need a stain remover. To prepare it, take into account such important details as the structure of the fabric and the base of the bookmark. Let's look at several ways to prepare stain remover.

Hydrogen peroxide

We clean cotton and synthetic surfaces with hydrogen peroxide. Wet contamination. We clean, not forgetting to change the rag if it gets dirty enough. Then rinse and dry the surface.


Removing stains with bleach or stain remover. Read the instructions before the procedure. It can only be used on light-colored surfaces, multi-colored fabric will be damaged.

Laundry soap

Such a universal product as laundry soap, after rubbing it on a grater and adding a small amount of water, removes stains remarkably well. Use the resulting mixture to treat the dirty area, rubbing it a little with a brush. After 15 minutes, rinse with a cloth soaked in water.


Alcohol-based liquids will be effective if furniture is painted with an alcohol-based marker.

Vegetable oil

In case of a greasy mark, use vegetable oil. The applied oil should be left for several hours. Then rinse well with degreaser, rinse and dry.

Lemon juice

Use a solution of lemon juice and baking soda to clean the painted surface of a wool sofa.

Hair fixation spray

Hairspray applied for ten to thirty minutes can clean material with tight seams. Rinse off the polish with slightly warm water.

Toothpaste and soda

If the texture of your sofa is rough, mix toothpaste with baking soda and rub the stain.


From available means, also use acetic acid and dishwashing detergent. It is necessary to dilute 1 tablespoon of these components in relation to two glasses of water. Apply the resulting solution to the stain every 5 minutes within half an hour.

Let's use peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can also help clean marker stains on your couch. Apply it to a cotton pad and gently wipe the stained area, be sure to change the tampons several times to avoid stains. Then wipe the stain with a damp cloth and detergent. This method is suitable for a sofa with short, light pile.

Let's try stain remover or bleach

The products are suitable for any upholstery, but you should refrain from using them if they contain particularly aggressive components. Follow the instructions on the stain remover and mix it with cold water. Soak a clean cloth in the solution and wipe the stain. Rinse with clean water.


You can remove vegetable oil from drawings made with an oil marker. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and clean the stain, leaving it for 8-12 hours, then rinse with soapy water (anti-grease).

Approved stain removers

Household stain removers have been developed specifically for leather, which contain substances that can remove various stains from this material, including traces of feathers.

They contain substances that do not chemically react with synthetic leather, but perfectly remove any stains from its surface. The most famous manufacturers of such substances are Dr. Beckmann and Glutoclean.

In addition to their deep cleaning function, they are ideal for skin care. Their regular use makes it easier to remove stubborn stains as they appear.

Each individual stain remover comes with an instruction manual prepared by the manufacturer. Usually comes down to the following operations:

  • Cleaning the surface – remove dust with a damp cloth.
  • Apply stain remover using cotton wool, cloth or spray.
  • The amount of liquid must correspond to the amount specified in the instructions.
  • After 5-30 minutes, the remaining liquid along with dirt is removed with a clean cloth.

Attention! Under no circumstances should stain removers be used that are not specifically labeled to allow contact with this type of material.

Wash the felt-tip pen with household chemicals

If it was not possible to completely wash the felt-tip pen using improvised methods, use household chemicals.​

This stain remover will help you remove marker from your sofa:
  • mix 1-2 tablespoons of the product with warm water;
  • rub the product over the surface of the sofa;
  • leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • wash with a damp cloth

  • mix 2 tablespoons of white and 5 tablespoons of water;
  • apply sponge;
  • rub stains;
  • rinse with a damp cloth;
  • ventilate the room

  • spray the product onto the marker marks;
  • leave for 5 minutes;
  • wash with a damp cloth

Fat based marker

Remember that the felt-tip pen can be removed using the same means that are included in its composition. The fat base lends itself quite easily to vegetable oil. Just keep in mind that in this case you will need to know how to remove a grease stain, but any degreaser can easily cope with this task. With a fabric base, everything is a little more complicated, because then you will have to work hard to restore the product to its original appearance. But, these troubles are secondary, because the main thing is to know how to wipe off the dirt in order not to spend money on buying new furniture.

Features of removing a felt-tip pen on different types of sofa upholstery

Above we described several ways to remove highlighter from the sofa. But which option for which upholstery? Let's figure it out:

  • remove marks on leather furniture, as well as eco-leather products, with alcohol or alcohol-based wet wipes; after the stains disappear, do not forget to treat the surface with a moisturizing impregnation;
  • a fabric sofa outlined with a felt-tip pen is cleaned with a mixture of lemon and soda, light upholstery is treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap is a universal product; it can be used to clean any surface of the sofa;
  • tapestry, jacquard, i.e. colored patterned fabrics, nail polish remover will remove traces of the marker;

It is important to remember that each upholstery reacts individually to cleaning products. The same material, but from different manufacturers, will have different color fastness and wear resistance. Therefore, before carrying out any manipulations in a visible place, test the chosen method on an inconspicuous area. If the sofa is irreparably damaged, you can always find an inexpensive model with a stylish design at Dommino.


  • https://NiceDeck.ru/delimsya-opytom/kak-ubrat-flomaster-s-divana.html
  • https://tekstil-doma.ru/stirka-glazhka/kak-ubrat-marker-s-divana.html
  • https://dinoil.ru/kak-otmyt-flomaster-ot-tkani-divana/
  • https://sdelatrykami.ru/chem-otmyt-flomaster/
  • https://DecorObot.ru/stirka/chem-otmyt-flomaster-s-divana.html
  • https://dryclean.ru/interesting/advices/kak-ochistit-flomaster-ili-marker-s-divana/
  • https://severdv.ru/uborka/kak-otteret-flomaster-s-kozhi-divana/
  • https://simplerule.ru/chem-otteret-flomaster-s-divana/
  • https://ChistoLab.ru/mebel/divan/kak-vyvesti-flomaster.html
  • https://hozsekretiki.ru/sovety/6-sposobov-otmyt-flomaster.html
  • https://domovoda.club/sovety/513-chem-otmyt-flomaster-s-divana
  • https://chistimvse.ru/stati/2019/kak-ochistit-flomaster-ili-marker-s-divana
  • https://stroyvolga.ru/%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BC-%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%82% D1%8C-%D1%84%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80-%D1%81-%D0%B4 %D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0/


As you can see, there is no universal method for removing all types of markers for all sofas. The bold and rich color makes the felt-tip pen stand out from other drawing objects. However, this rich color is achieved by adding various additives to the felt-tip pen base, which makes them difficult to remove. Use a different method of exposure for each base: for an alcohol base - alcohol, for an oil base - vegetable oil, and in particularly difficult situations - a solvent. But still, it is better to prevent a problem than to fix it, therefore, immediately wean children from this kind of creativity using humane methods!

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