How to fold a T-shirt correctly and quickly: ways to store it compactly without additional ironing

Neatly and beautifully folded things are not only a paradise for perfectionists and a pleasing picture to the eye, but also a significant saving of time and free space in the closet (which, you see, is important). How convenient it is when you don’t have to waste precious minutes searching for your favorite T-shirt and then handling the iron. However, it is easy to say, but is it so easy to do? How to quickly and compactly fold a T-shirt so that it doesn’t get wrinkled in the closet? In this article we have prepared for you a photo and video overview of interesting and accessible methods that everyone can master.

If you immediately carefully fold a T-shirt, it will not wrinkle, will take up less space in the closet and will save time on ironing

You can quickly fold a T-shirt in several ways, you just need to practice a little, get used to it and choose the option that suits you.

Do not fold items immediately after ironing - creases will remain on the fabric. Hang the T-shirt on a hanger and let it cool slightly.

Ways to fold a T-shirt

Among the folded things it is much easier to find what you need, besides, the neater the clothes are, the neater their appearance. There are several options for folding T-shirts, it is recommended to try each of them and choose the most convenient one for yourself. Manipulations are faster on a hard, smooth surface.

People have come up with some interesting ways to fold them, which will eliminate the need to iron T-shirts after storage, and will also help save space in closets

The traditional method is familiar to every woman: to do this, the T-shirt must first be folded in half along the length, after hiding the sleeves behind the back, then across. With this method, things are shaped like rectangles of different lengths.

Never start folding items immediately after ironing them.

The second simple way to quickly fold a T-shirt: place the item “facing” you, bend it in half widthwise, and tuck the sleeves inward. Repeat the folding process, then fold the resulting strip into thirds or roll it with a roller.

Just a few seconds and a little skill - and your things are in perfect order.

Important! To prevent things from becoming wrinkled and the folds not being noticeable, they must be cooled after ironing.

Let the clothes cool on hangers first, then it will be easier for the product to take shape and it will not lose its appearance after storage in the closet.
A little more troublesome method like in clothing stores:

  • Place the laundry face down on a flat surface.
  • Mentally draw 2 parallel lines on either side of the neckline.
  • Fold the edges inward along these lines.
  • Divide the resulting rectangle into 2 or 3 parts depending on the length of the product; for a short top, 2 are enough. Tuck the T-shirt from the bottom up so that the shape is closest to a square. A square is the most practical because it keeps things in shape better.

It's not difficult to learn how to fold T-shirts correctly so they don't wrinkle.

Additional Information. The methods listed above are convenient for clothes with standard short sleeves. For long-sleeve models, the sleeve will need to be further bent and directed down parallel to the side edge.

The main thing is to choose the most suitable scheme depending on personal preferences.

Methodology from the Japanese Kon-Mari

Allows you to quickly get rid of unnecessary things in the house and helps rationally organize the rest used in the household. The method will be especially useful for those who have very little space for things and, for example, have only one chest of drawers.


  1. The item is laid out with either side down on the table.
  2. Mentally divide in half into horizontal and vertical lines.
  3. The left side part is folded so that it is on the same border with the middle.
  4. One of the sleeves is folded back so that there are no protrusions beyond the border of the resulting rectangle.
  5. A similar procedure is performed on the opposite side. The sleeves are also folded.
  6. The result should be a rectangle, which also needs to be mentally divided into 4 equal parts.
  7. The lower part is folded approximately ¾.
  8. Then the product is folded in half and covered with the free edge on top.
  9. Ready. The T-shirt is placed “on its feet” and placed in a box for storage.

Good to know!

It is Japanese methods that are used today by advanced housewives and travelers, as they allow you to achieve maximum comfort in your home or backpack.

How to roll a T-shirt

Folded clothes are ideal for storing in cabinets or drawers. Moreover, the package can be placed vertically or horizontally, it will not wrinkle.

You can fold T-shirts to prevent them from getting wrinkled in different ways depending on the further storage method.

The technique is simple:

  1. Place the T-shirt on a flat surface.
  2. Turn the bottom part inside out along the entire circumference, the height of the hem is about 7 cm, it is not advisable to leave less, since the package will not close.
  3. Next, mentally draw 2 lines parallel to the neckline and fold the edges towards the center.
  4. Roll up the T-shirt, starting at the top.
  5. When you reach the end, straighten the hem and pull it over the bundle. The item twisted in this way has a size of approximately 20*8 cm.

A convenient option may be to roll it up.

Additional Information. Do not roll the clothing too tightly to avoid wrinkles.

This will significantly save space in your travel bag or backpack, and T-shirts will not get wrinkled.

"Road" option for travel

Travelers know that to save space in a suitcase, it is better to wrap things in a roll. T-shirts are no exception. Thanks to this neat method, nothing gets wrinkled, and clothes can be put on without additional ironing. For “home” storage, do not wrap the roll in a cuff - the bottom of the item will quickly stretch. What to do:

  • align the fabric on the table;
  • make a “cuff”: turn the bottom edge up;
  • the right side folds 2/3;
  • sleeves are pulled back;
  • you get a rectangle at the neck - wrap it in a roller;
  • The “cuff” needs to be turned out when it reaches the opposite edge.

The resulting roll is carefully wrapped in a “cuff”.

A little advice: do not start folding the item immediately after ironing: warm fabric will definitely leave wrinkles. Iron the T-shirt, straighten it and wait half an hour.

The ability to fold T-shirts will be useful to everyone - it will significantly save time on ironing. The folded item looks neat and does not require additional smoothing.

How to fold a polo

Polo models have a rigid collar, like a shirt, but in general the folding technique does not differ from that described above. The only exception is the traditional method, when the item is bent across the neckline, it is excluded. You can use the “store-style” method or a special board for folding things, in which case the top part with the collar should be pulled up a little higher. Before folding the polo shirt, make sure that the collar does not wrinkle.

This life hack, invented by Japanese inventors, allows you to fold a T-shirt in a very short period of time.

Option for folding clothes using A4 sheet

If you don’t know how to fold a T-shirt beautifully, and the previous options seem too complicated, we offer an alternative - folding things using a form, such as a sheet of paper or A4 cardboard.

Folding a T-shirt using A4 sheet: YouTube/StyleMinute

The instructions consist of elementary steps:

  1. Place the T-shirt upside down on a table, bed, or ironing board.
  2. Place an A4 sheet of paper on top of the T-shirt. Make sure that the sheet lies vertically and in the middle of the product.
  3. Fold the right side of the item along the edge of the sheet. Fold up the sleeve. Fold the long sleeve into thirds or like an accordion.
  4. Repeat the steps from the previous paragraph with the other side of the product.
  5. Fold in the bottom edge and fold the shirt in half. You will get an even fabric rectangle.
  6. Carefully turn the item over and remove the sheet of paper.

This method has an important advantage: it allows you to fold the edges of things along designated boundaries, which prevents asymmetry. Instead of a sheet of paper or cardboard, use any folder to store documents and abstracts.

Sometimes things are difficult to keep in order. T-shirts thrown into the closet become wrinkled and are not easy to find in the closet. If you decide to learn how to fold T-shirts correctly, then choose the best method from the selection. With their help, turn your closet into a store display.

Original article:

How to fold a T-shirt

T-shirts do not cause any trouble; you can store them in a pocket. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Lay the T-shirt out on a flat surface with the front side facing you.
  • Roll into a wide strip, tucking the straps in first. After that, turn it over so the bottom should be on top.
  • Divide the strip into three parts, fold the left edge to the middle.
  • Lift the layer of the T-shirt and tuck the right edge into the resulting pocket.

You should study the nuances of folding in order to use them in practice in the future.
The second way to make a beautiful pocket:

  • Fold the bottom of the T-shirt in the opposite direction by about 10 cm. Fold the product in thirds along its length.
  • Roll the resulting rectangle several times, starting from the shoulders.
  • The hem forms a pocket into which the T-shirt is tucked.

No more worrying about your item getting wrinkled in the closet!
Such rectangles will not fall apart even if they fall out of the cabinet. In addition, the T-shirt can be stored by rolling it using the method described above.

Things look compact, and the edges do not stick out to the sides.

Additional Information. Clothing made from synthetic fabrics wrinkles slightly, so no traces of folding will remain.

T-shirts can be stored vertically.

Method "For a gift"

If a T-shirt or shirt is intended for a gift, then it must first be folded beautifully, and then secured so that it does not lose its shape. For fixing, you can take a cardboard sheet of A-4 or A-3 format.

What's next:

  1. The gift is straightened with the front part facing you.
  2. Cardboard is placed in the center. Its upper part should be in contact with the collar.
  3. Both edges are folded so that they “bend around” the cardboard.
  4. The bottom of the T-shirt is folded up, and it can be placed in a gift container.

Good to know!

This “cardboard” method is also great for storing T-shirts in a closet. You just need to pick up the cardboard before the last stage of the procedure. Then all these things should be beautifully placed on top of each other, forming a stack.

How to quickly and compactly fold a T-shirt

Effective packing skills are especially important for those planning to travel. In this case, things will take up less space and remain uncrumpled. Compact methods include rolling and pocketing; the assembly process will not take much time, and every item will be in sight.

To carry out the procedure correctly, you will need a hard, flat surface.

When packing your suitcase, use this life hack on how to fold T-shirts correctly and efficiently:

  1. Lay the first T-shirt on a flat surface, overlapping the second by about 10 cm so that the shoulders touch.
  2. Place the remaining items one by one on top from largest to smallest.
  3. Place laundry and other small items in the middle and cover them with a top T-shirt.
  4. Lift the rest one by one in reverse order. The bottom T-shirt will be on top, covering the large package.

This method is convenient to use when packing your suitcase.

Traditional Japanese way

This method of folding a T-shirt will result in a small, neat rectangle without a collar. It's very easy to master:

  1. Place the T-shirt face up on a flat, firm surface and fold the left sleeve to the right;
  2. Next, fold the left edge to the right again. In this case, the fold line should be located exactly at the left base of the neck hole in order to divide the sleeve in the middle;
  3. The same sequence of operations must be done on the right side of the T-shirt. As a result, we get an elongated rectangle, in which the hole for the neck will be completely blocked on the left and right;
  4. At the last stage, fold the T-shirt from bottom to top exactly in the middle. We get a perfectly shaped rectangle on which the collar is not visible.

Is it possible to fold a T-shirt in one motion in 2 seconds?

Beautiful does not mean long - a suitable description of the following method:

  • Place the clothes with the front side facing you, straighten them out.
  • Imagine three points along which the bend will take place. To do this, mentally draw two lines: one vertically next to the neckline or through the middle of the shoulder, the second horizontally, dividing the clothing into two parts.
  • Point A will be in the middle of the shoulder, B - at the intersection of the lines, C - at the bottom opposite to A.
  • Fold the T-shirt in half, pulling point A to B with your left hand, extend your right hand with the corner of the clothing at point B.
  • Shake the garment and fold the second edge symmetrically.

When storing things, it is important to fold them compactly so that they take up less space in the closet and do not get wrinkled.
The method sounds complicated in words, but once you try it in practice, you will be able to perform the actions in a couple of seconds.

By adopting this method, you can compactly arrange things in your closet without them getting wrinkled.

Quick method

A quick and neat way to fold a T-shirt for storage in a closet, or to put it in a suitcase:

  1. Place the product face down on a flat table.
  2. From the middle of the shoulder seam, the sleeves are folded vertically - from left to right, and from right to left. This will make the item narrower and longer.
  3. Then fold it twice horizontally.

Good to know!

Before packing a T-shirt in a suitcase, you should first iron it and hang it on a hanger. And for a trip, fold it just before leaving.

A beautifully folded item will in any case have noticeable creases after unpacking. But this problem can be minimized. First, the product is placed on a flat horizontal surface, the sleeves are folded inward in half from top to bottom, and then from left to right into two equal parts.

Another surgical option

Few people put their T-shirts in the closet, hanging them on hangers. Especially when there are already so many things there. Therefore, products of such a compact size are stacked on shelves. It is convenient and aesthetically pleasing. The T-shirt can be folded in just a few seconds.

How to implement:

  1. The thing is laid out on the table.
  2. Two lines are visually drawn across and in the middle of it.
  3. The T-shirt is taken with the left hand at the central point.
  4. The right hand is brought behind the left, picking up the bottom edge of the T-shirt;
  5. The item is lifted with both hands at the same time.
  6. Turn over in the opposite direction.

What devices will make folding things easier?

In stores, all things are in perfectly even piles, sorted by color and size. To create such beauty, consultants disassemble them daily and fold them using a simple device.

In stores you can find plastic devices for folding clothes.

It looks like a plastic tablet made of 4 segments that bend inward. The two side ones are long, the center ones are short. The folder makes it easier to put things in order, since the process takes less than a minute: the clothes are straightened on its surface and its sides are folded alternately. First the side ones, then the bottom one in the center. This board can be used for T-shirts, sweaters, long sleeves, shirts.

This device greatly simplifies the process of folding things.

At home, a folder is needed when you have washed a lot of laundry. It will save time and effort during monotonous work. It’s easy to make an analogue of such a device yourself. You will need thick cardboard, scissors, pencil, ruler, tape. The size of the clothing stacks will depend on the parameters of the inner upper rectangle.

It’s easy to make this thing yourself from waste cardboard. It works exactly on the same principle as the store-bought one.

For adult men's and women's clothing, 20*30 cm is suitable, for children's clothing - less. The manufacturing process is simple: cut out the necessary blanks from cardboard, connect them with tape as shown in the diagram. Standard segment sizes are 20*30 and 20*60, 2 pieces each. You can choose any convenient size, taking into account the width of the shelf on which things will be stored in the future.

Now you can fold T-shirts using this device.

In addition to a tablet, a hardcover notebook is used to get even stacks of things. It is suitable for folding shirts and polos using the “store” method, but at the same time, place a notebook in front of you as a guide, and after folding the item, take it out.

Proper folding will give your clothes a compact shape and ensure they don't get wrinkled.

Organizing your closet is a housewife's dream, but it is important that the process does not take much time. To do this, you need to use special devices or regularly use the same method of folding things. The fastest of them takes a few seconds, the most compact is rolled laundry. Comfort during storage and quick search are the advantages of a closet with neatly arranged clothes.

If you use a fabric softener when washing, the T-shirt will stop electrifying, which means it will fold better and will not wrinkle.

Making a folding board with your own hands

Before wrapping a T-shirt as a gift, you can use a board to roll it up. You can make a device for folding and storing T-shirts yourself. It will be useful for those who travel frequently, as well as housewives with large families. For production, you can use improvised materials that are found in every home. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut 6 blanks of 20 by 30 cm from cardboard.
  2. Arrange them in 2 rows.
  3. Tape it together in the middle.
  4. Do the same on the sides.
  5. Trim any protruding adhesive tape.

If everything is done correctly, you should get a structure of 6 elements. The three upper fragments are connected to each other, the lower parts are scattered. All six blanks are secured with tape in the center. The T-shirt is placed on a cardboard board. First, the sleeves are folded, then the two left side pieces are folded. Then you should repeat the same with the right side. The final stage is the folding of the upper central sectors of the structure.

If you pack T-shirts nicely and neatly, they will last longer because they won’t wrinkle and the fabric won’t deform. To ensure that all movements are completed quickly, it is worth practicing several times on old, unnecessary clothes. Having a special board will greatly simplify the work. Proper folding is a guarantee that the item will always be in excellent condition. Before you beautifully fold a T-shirt as a gift, you need to carefully smooth it out, this will simplify the work.

Cut blanks

Lay out and secure with tape

Ready product

Round packaging option

Such packaging is used mainly for outerwear items and small items.

To create packaging, you need to arm yourself with decorative paper, tape (or alternative materials), a piece of string, a stapler and scissors.

Assembly instructions

Measure and cut a wide strip of paper;

Cut smaller strips from it - preferably more than necessary. Additional strips will make it possible to better form the packaging;

The drawing on the strips of paper after drawing should turn out the way it looked originally;

Secure the connected strips at one point on top with a stapler. As an alternative, you can use thread or decorative adhesive tape;

Tie the gift with thread and place it in the middle of the package, at the place where all the stripes connect;

Connect the edges of the strips together, 5-6 pieces each, with the ends facing each other;

Do the same operation for the other strips;

After the strips are collected into a ball, tie a rope around the base;

Place a decorative ribbon bow in the middle of the resulting ball;

Decorate the packaging to your liking.

Special devices

Special devices help make folding T-shirts easier and significantly faster. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself.

Cardboard for T-shirt stacks

Folding clothes using cardboard is very easy. Place it in the center, and then fold all the edges of the product one by one. However, in everyday life, you can use cardboard to stack entire stacks: they will be the same size and shape, which will look much more aesthetically pleasing on the shelves. The secret is simple: before folding the bottom edge of the T-shirt, simply pull out a sheet of cardboard and use it to wrap the next item.

Vacuum package

If you have a lot of things in your closet that you don’t currently wear, but for some reason you can’t throw away, use vacuum storage bags! Fold things in any convenient way (for example, for travel, Italian or traditional), place them in a bag and pump out the air.

Rolling grid

Perhaps the most advanced device for folding T-shirts is a special grid for folding things. This is a board measuring approximately 60 by 70 centimeters, which consists of sectors that can bend. The algorithm of actions is simple.

  1. Place the board on the table. Place the product face down on it.
  2. Bend the right and left sides of the board alternately.
  3. Fold the item in half and bend the bottom of the board.

Present in the form of a folded item

Outerwear items such as shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, half-shirts, etc. can simply be folded and presented as a gift.

To do this, do the following:

  • A T-shirt just bought in a store is folded on the outside and the collar facing out.
  • Next, the folded T-shirt is covered with a dense material, such as cardboard, to give the gift a stable shape.
  • We come up with a design. You can use the method with stripes or take cardboard as a gift shape and paste it over a T-shirt.

Packaging with a bow

The gift will look more impressive if you wrap it in bright packaging. This design is suitable for New Year, birthday and other holidays. To prevent the product from becoming wrinkled, place cardboard underneath. You can make the gift even more original if you replace the cardboard with a large postcard or a book, which can also become part of the gift.

  1. Fold the T-shirt, placing cardboard, postcard or any other frame underneath.
  2. Place it on wrapping paper.
  3. Wrap the gift. Secure the ends of the paper with tape.
  4. You should end up with a bundle that retains its shape.
  5. The edges of the package should be neatly straightened.
  6. Decorate the gift with a ribbon or bow.

What affects the quality and speed of folding

The speed of folding depends on your skills, the complexity of the methods and the use of special devices. For example, using a special grill can significantly speed up cleaning. But the quality and neatness of the stacks is influenced by the characteristics of the T-shirt itself.


Many products contain additional details that can interfere with perfect packaging: appliqués, zippers, heavy or large fittings, embroidery, etc. It is convenient to fold such things using cardboard, placing it in place of a difficult area: for example, on a three-dimensional drawing or a zipper.

Large parts that interfere with folding can also be hidden inside the T-shirt: to do this, when using any method, make the front side as smooth as possible. For example, if the embroidery is located on the front side, then fold the item so that the back is on top.

T-shirt fabric

The quality and speed of folding are also affected by the material from which the clothing is made. It is easiest to fold things from thin and pliable fabrics: they are manageable and hold their shape well, so any of the listed methods are suitable for them.

It is more difficult to deal with dense and rigid materials, as well as knitted items that do not hold their shape well. For unruly fabrics that tend to unravel, you can use the travel method by wrapping them in a roll and tying them with soft thread. For the rest, the “like in a store” method is suitable - it allows you to record each stage and put the item correctly.

Corrugated Paper Wrap

Corrugated paper is another great wrapping option.

You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Cut out a large square or circle from paper.
  2. Place the T-shirt on a hard backing in the center.
  3. Fold the edges of the wrapper over and secure them with tape. Do not use an elastic band to secure it; it will damage the packaging.

Women's T-shirt packaging idea

The wrapper can be made from beautiful decorative paper.

  1. Cut a piece of paper to the desired size. The sheet should be 2 times larger than the folded T-shirt.
  2. Place the gift in the center of a piece of paper and fold the edges over to create an envelope.
  3. Wrap the created package with rope.
  4. Decorate the gift with a button by passing the end of a string through it.
  5. Make a bow.

Additionally, the bundle can be decorated with lace, beads, artificial or fresh flowers.

It is recommended to choose wrapping paper for girls in soft colors. Decorative materials of the same shade should also be used.

Vacuum package

Another good method is to use a vacuum bag. After folding the T-shirts in the traditional or Japanese way, put them in a bag like this. Zip it up and suck out all the air with a vacuum cleaner.

Thanks to this, things will become flat and folded compactly. This makes it even easier to transport a large amount of wardrobe.

These T-shirt folding techniques will help you organize your closet. In addition, you will not need to unwrap the product to see what kind of T-shirt it is.

Bringing beauty to your closet is not so difficult. It is enough to master the Japanese or traditional method perfectly.

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