How to easily remove marker marks from different surfaces

It is quite difficult to wash a marker or felt-tip pen with plain water. At first it seems that nothing can remove this caustic dye. But there are products that can clean your favorite sofa or expensive table, giving things a second life. So, baking soda and toothpaste will help remove traces of marker from hard surfaces, and acetone is suitable for cleaning clothes made of thick fabrics.

Quick ways to scrub shoe soles

Try using regular rubbing alcohol. It is widely used for removing markers from any smooth surfaces. Plastic, glass, metal, the use of alcohol allows you to easily get rid of the inscription with a marker.

In this case, alcohol will not have any effect on the sole, as it quickly evaporates. As a treatment method, use a regular cotton wool lightly moistened with medical alcohol. Any marker cannot resist this type of influence.

It is important to know that to remove the marker application, you must use pure medical alcohol. Dilute alcohol will not sufficiently clean the surface of the sole. Pure medical alcohol can be purchased at any pharmacy. One 100 ml jar is enough for more than one pair of shoes.

Precautionary measures

If used incorrectly, home remedies to remove markers are not safe. When working with them you will need to take the following precautions:

  1. Hairspray, acetone and alcohol are flammable substances. They should not be used near open flame sources.
  2. Bleach leaves chemical burns on the skin and should not be used without rubber gloves. It is also forbidden to bring the jar close to your nose so as not to inhale toxic fumes.
  3. Before washing off the marker from your body, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the product. To do this, a drop of the substance is applied to the bend of the elbow or the back of the wrist. If there is no redness, itching, or rash, you are allowed to use the chosen method to clean all impurities on the body.

Cleaning carpet, upholstered furniture and clothing with the wrong product will damage them. Before using the method, it is better to test it on a separate piece of fabric, which is supplied as a sample for such experiments when purchasing an item.

The main precaution is to try to keep markers out of the hands of preschool children. They are dangerous not only for the interior, but also for the child himself, if he decides to taste the felt-tip pen. If it was not possible to keep track, damaged items are cleaned immediately. Stubborn stains are more difficult to remove.

How to determine which marker was used to draw the sole?

Separately, it is worth noting that before starting the process of wiping the marker off the sole, it would be a good idea to establish on what basis it was made. There are three main types of markers.

1. Water based.

If the marker was made on a water basis, then it is quite easy to remove it from any surface, including the sole of a shoe, using a regular sponge soaked in water.


Alcohol base. The most common groups of markers are the so-called alcohol ones. It is important to remember here that “like is removed by like.” It can be removed with alcohol or with a cloth soaked in alcohol or any other alcohol-based liquid.


Fat soluble base. These are oil-based markers. Such markers are called fat-soluble and traces of them can be removed using vegetable or other fatty oil.

If you don't know what base your marker was made on that left a mark on the sole of your shoe, then try different methods from most to least fitting.

Method one - removing permanent ink from hard surfaces

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How to remove marker from the sole using improvised means?

You don’t always have alcohol or any special liquids on hand to remove marker, so you can try using an alcohol-based aftershave lotion or cologne if you have it on hand. If not, you can try applying toothpaste to the surface that was stained with a marker, leave it for a few minutes and then try to wipe it off with a sponge or napkin.

If you have sunscreen in the house, you can try spraying it on. An alcohol based sunscreen will probably do a pretty good job of removing marker from your soles. And, of course, nail polish remover, especially if it contains acetone, but you need to do this very carefully so as not to damage the sole.

How to clean suede or leather shoes

The material of the shoe determines how to remove marker marks from it. Dermatin or leather is wiped with alcohol or acetone. These substances will not harm the skin or the substitute.

It is more difficult with suede shoes, especially if they are light-colored. To clean suede use:

  • Milk. Suitable for light-colored shoes only. A napkin soaked in milk is applied to the soiled suede for 2-3 minutes. When it is soaked, rub it with a special brush for caring for nubuck. The stain is erased in 5-10 minutes.
  • Semolina. A small amount of cereal is rolled over the stains until they disappear. The method is labor-intensive. Semolina must be changed after it changes color.

In case of extensive contamination, it is better to take the shoes damaged by marker to the dry cleaner. The workshop uses special reagents and solutions that will clean suede without harming the product.

How to erase a permanent marker?

Here, of course, we would congratulate you on the fact that you fell for an indelible marker, which, as you know, is called that only because it is very difficult to wipe off and step aside. But Otvecharium experts are not like that! A permanent marker is not a problem for us either. We don’t guarantee results right away, but we recommend trying:

1. Alcohol. The higher the degree, the better. Everything is the same as in life, but here the tasks are slightly different. Inexpensive whiskey or pure alcohol is ideal if you have it on hand.

2. WD40. All-purpose chemical cleaner. Apply to the surface for a few seconds and wipe off with a cloth.

3. Sunscreen. There are situations when it wipes off marker marks quite well.

4. For fabric, you can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol or a mixture of vinegar, milk, borax and lemon juice.

In any case, remember that the wording “permanent marker” is nothing more than a figure of speech or a phrase used by marketers to attract your attention. There is no marker that cannot be wiped off. Including at the cost of preserving the surface - it won’t work, burn it and that’s it - consider it wiped off :).

How to save painted wallpaper

If a permanent marker gets on paper wallpaper, it will not be possible to clean it. Moisture on the paper causes it to become limp, and the marker penetrates the porous material too deeply.

Remove paint from vinyl or non-woven wallpaper with hairspray. To do this, the outlet of the sprayer is brought close to the mark of the felt-tip pen and pressed on the piston. Cover the wet area with a clean, soft cloth for 5-10 minutes, and then blot it several times.

If you don’t succeed in erasing the felt-tip pen the first time, try again 2-3 times. If there is no result, you will have to get rid of the wallpaper, because the marker is too ingrained and cannot be cleaned.

Choosing paint and necessary tools

There are many coloring compounds designed specifically for shoes. You should not take risks and use automotive and construction paint to completely paint sneakers or other wardrobe items, because the result can be unpredictable.

The choice of paint depends on the type of surface and the desired result:

  • It is recommended to use liquid emulsions for coloring summer shoes;
  • shoes and boots are painted with greasy compounds with a dense texture;
  • The leather surface is covered with spray paint containing water-repellent impregnation;
  • to paint sneakers and trainers, you should use white acrylic dye;
  • if you just need to update the black sole, the most affordable option would be to tint it with an ordinary marker;
  • tire paint in an aerosol can does not crack and protects the product from temperature effects and other harmful factors, so it can be safely used to repaint the soles black.

In addition to the coloring composition, to paint the sole of the shoe you will need:

  • latex gloves;
  • mask (when working with aerosols);
  • oilcloth;
  • masking tape;
  • sanding sponge;
  • brush (or foam sponge, brush with soft bristles);
  • surface degreasing agent (industrial or homemade).

Cleaning fabrics and leather from marker

The main problem is that the color penetrates quickly and deeply into the tissue structure. It becomes more difficult to get him out. If your favorite jacket or T-shirt is damaged, you can try soaking the item in bleach. But this method is only suitable for light-colored fabrics that are not too sensitive to aggressive chemicals.

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Clothing made from thick fabrics can be cleaned with acetone or alcohol. Dermantin or genuine leather - there is no difference. This method can be used for leatherette shoes, but not for suede. In the latter case, it is better to take the items to the dry cleaner.

It is important to remember to wipe the area with a damp cloth, removing traces of the product so that it does not continue to work, corroding the material. You need to be careful with the seams, as they absorb the color. The movements should not be rubbing, but as if collecting dirt.

Cotton items can be cleaned with lime or lemon juice. Alcohol is more suitable for carpet. But in this case, the stain does not need to be rubbed hard so as not to smear it on the fabric. To enhance the effect, you can apply hairspray on top.

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