How to clean a bathtub using baking soda and vinegar - an alternative chemistry method

During operation, the plumbing fixtures in the house become contaminated. The market offers many professional products that allow you to clean the surface of any bathtub and achieve its impeccable whiteness and shine. But household chemicals are expensive and also contain aggressive substances that pose a health hazard. As an alternative, products that any housewife has in her kitchen are used. You can clean the bathtub with baking soda and vinegar. They not only successfully cope with the task, but are also safe for people and pets.

Types of pollution

First, we need to be clear: the nature of pollution can be varied.

  1. Quite often, soap deposits form in the bathroom. In order to avoid its appearance, you just need to rinse the bath after taking water procedures.
  2. Limescale deposits form due to increased water hardness.
  3. If it contains a lot of iron, rust appears in the sanitary room. In order to quickly get rid of unsightly reddish stains, you should use special products.
  4. It is quite difficult to remove yellow plaque. It often occurs due to the fact that the water supply pipes are in poor condition. They are covered with a thick layer of dirt on the inside.

  5. Untidy black and blue stains may also appear on plumbing fixtures. They indicate the appearance of a colony of mold fungi in these places.

Attention! Such pollution must be dealt with immediately. Ugly stains not only spoil the appearance of the bathroom. They are dangerous to health. A person gradually develops asthma or allergies.

If mold has formed on the bathtub, it must be additionally treated with a disinfectant solution. Instructions for using this product can be read on the packaging.

Plumbing fixtures can also get dirty accidentally, for example during renovations.

In addition, the appearance of the bathtub deteriorates from prolonged use. This should also be kept in mind.

Laundry soap, sodium bicarbonate for surface cleaning

If you don’t have ammonia, peroxide, or citric acid on hand, you can make do with laundry soap, which, in combination with sodium bicarbonate, will cope with stains just as well. There are no prohibitions on the use of the product - it is allowed to use the composition even on delicate coatings.

Preparation, use:

  1. Chop laundry soap (50 grams) using a sharp knife; a fine grater will help make the process easier - just rub part of the soap bar.
  2. Add baking soda (50 g) and mix the mixture.
  3. Pour in ammonia (10-20 ml).
  4. Bring warm water to the recommended volume (150 ml).
  5. Apply the product using a sponge to the dirty surface.
  6. Wipe the bath vigorously, treat any dirt additionally, and also wipe yellow spots more thoroughly.

Rinse, blot moisture with a soft cloth, and polish if necessary. When using laundry soap to get rid of dirt or yellow deposits, you should not forget that you need to wash the surfaces more thoroughly - if foam remains, stains cannot be avoided.

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We recommend!

There is a little trick to make the process easier - after rinsing, spray a vinegar solution (20 ml of vinegar per half liter of water), rinse again.

Baking soda

Some people have no idea how to clean a bathtub with baking soda.

You can prepare such a universal remedy: mix soda ash with baking soda in a 1:1 ratio. The composition is applied to the contaminated surface. After drying, the mixture is washed off with warm water.

If the stain remains, add acetic acid and dry bleach to the remaining soda solution. They must be mixed in a 1:1 ratio. After forty minutes, the product is washed off.

As a rule, not a trace of dirt remains.

Soda ash - what is it?

What else?

Cleaning an enamel or acrylic bathtub can be done with any acidic or alkaline detergent. Only the concentration makes them dangerous for the surface of the walls. Accordingly, the same “Toilet duckling” or “Sillite” based on hydrochloric and oxalic acids, respectively, simply needs to be diluted with water in a concentration of 1:3.

In its pure form, “Toilet duckling” can only be used on ceramic surfaces. But in the form of a solution it is also safe for enamel.

Personally, I prefer to clean my acrylic bathtub with “White,” a sodium hypochlorite-based product. It combines an attractive price (20 rubles per liter bottle), efficiency and safety for the surface being cleaned.

Cleaning the bathtub with your own hands using “Whiteness” is extremely simple:

  1. It is applied with a sponge to the entire contaminated surface;
  2. After 10 minutes, the dirt is washed off with a shower and the same sponge;
  3. If necessary, the processing is repeated.

In my personal rating of detergents, “Whiteness” leads by a wide margin.

Instructions for use

In order to bleach a bathtub with soda, you need to purchase a high-quality sponge.

For example, the BathMatic product is equipped with a comfortable handle. The sponge has a unique retractable mechanism, so it easily penetrates hard-to-reach places. The product does not scratch the surface of plumbing fixtures. It is actively used to clean bathtubs made of enamel and plastic. One side of the product cleans the surface, the other polishes it.

You need to follow these simple recommendations:

  • Cleaning the bathtub with soda or other folk remedies should be done at least once every ten days.
  • If the surface is heavily soiled, treatment begins with the most difficult stains.
  • After treatment, you should not leave the bath wet: it is recommended to dry it with a soft terry cloth towel.

The essence of the method?

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a white powder that is highly absorbent (Figure 1). Its grains absorb dirt without damaging surfaces or leaving scratches. This substance is worth choosing to clean your bathtub for several reasons:

  • mild effect - soda does not contain insoluble particles hazardous to human skin;
  • efficiency - with the help of this powder you can remove even old plaque and rust;
  • removing unpleasant odors - baking soda neutralizes odors, rather than simply masking them with flavors.

Baking soda is hypoallergenic, so it can be used to clean bathtubs for people with sensitive skin. In addition, it is recommended to use it for washing baby baths.

Figure 1 - baking soda in standard packaging

Is it possible to update a bathtub without extra costs?

At home you can do the following:

  1. Apply a thick layer of mustard made from dry powder to the stains. It must be left for ten minutes.
  2. After the specified time, rinse the mustard with plenty of water.

To make your own seasoning at home, you can use the following recipe:

  • Take 3 heaped tablespoons of mustard.
  • It is filled with water in a ratio of 1:4.
  • The mixture is left in a warm room for twelve hours.
  • Then the liquid formed in the container is drained.
  • Add 5 g of salt and 2.5 g of sugar to the resulting mass.
  • After this, carefully pour 10 ml of vegetable oil into homemade mustard.

The prepared product should be kept in a cool place.

You can also prepare this mixture:

  • First you need to take some oxalic acid.
  • To prepare the cleaning composition, the acid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

The sponge is carefully moistened in the resulting solution. The place where the rust appeared is thoroughly wiped and washed with water.

How to clean the grille of a hood.

Ammonia, sodium bicarbonate against stains, yellowness

Expert opinion

Did you know?

Using a mixture of ammonia and sodium bicarbonate against yellowness is a quick way to return the bathtub to its original whiteness and shine. The process is no different from using other solutions based on baking soda.

Preparation, use:

  1. Mix sodium bicarbonate (55 g), ammonia (20 ml).
  2. Stir until smooth and foam disappears.
  3. Spread the paste in a thin layer over the surface.
  4. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Wipe with a sponge, especially vigorously treat dirt, lime stains, and yellow discoloration. It is not recommended to use hard brushes - they can easily cause scratches.

Wash the surface with water, use only warm liquid. Complete the process by removing residual moisture; you will not need to use special preparations for polishing - the mixture will return shine and whiteness.

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Citric acid for cleaning the bathroom

If a person does not have the opportunity to wash the bathtub with soda and vinegar, you can use citric acid.

It effectively removes limescale and yellow stains. Moreover, this liquid is completely safe for enamel.

There is such a simple recipe:

  • One sachet is dissolved in 200 ml of water.
  • The composition is applied to the surface.
  • After 30 minutes, the mixture is washed off with water.
  • Remaining stains can be easily removed with sodium bicarbonate.

Hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate against rust stains

The combination of hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate will help deal with rust, restore the whiteness of plumbing fixtures, and remove stubborn lime stains. The product can be used even on delicate surfaces - the active components do not harm the coatings.

Preparation, use:

  1. Combine sodium bicarbonate (30 g), hydrogen peroxide (15 ml).
  2. Leave after stirring for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Apply the mixture to the surface and spread in an even layer.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Apply the treatment with a sponge, rub too stubborn stains additionally, if necessary, use a brush with stiff bristles.
  6. Rinse and thoroughly rinse off any remaining alkaline solution.

Wipe the surface and polish if necessary.

Crystal white

Chemical bleaches enhance the effect of soda.

For example, one of the most effective means is “Whiteness”.

It must be applied to the surface after cleaning the bath with sodium bicarbonate. The duration of exposure is approximately 30 minutes.

Attention! “Whiteness” copes well with smudges and stains, and eliminates darkening of the enamel. It is recommended to use it no more than three times a month, otherwise you may harm your health.

“Whiteness” is sold in the hardware department of the store. Its main component is sodium hypochlorite.

The product is also used for bleaching linen, washing porcelain or earthenware dishes, and disinfecting toilets.

Bleach helps eliminate the unpleasant odor coming from the trash can.

Efficiency of sodium bicarbonate, beneficial qualities

Bathroom care is a process that is recommended to be carried out regularly, because cleanliness of plumbing equipment is the main rule of hygiene.

It is not necessary to often spend money on purchasing aggressive preparations - soda solutions will cope no worse with bleaching, getting rid of rust and lime stains. It is important to remember that only fresh stains can be cleaned - the composition will be powerless against stubborn stains.

Along with removing stains, solutions based on sodium bicarbonate have additional effects:

  • replace antiseptic, disinfect;
  • cope with unpleasant odor;
  • destroy harmful bacteria;
  • prevent the development of fungal microorganisms.

Expert opinion

Another advantage of homemade mixtures that allow you to clean the surface of the bathtub is that the alkaline solution does not cause irritation to the skin and rarely provokes an allergic reaction. Despite the safety, it is better not to work without gloves - protecting your hands will avoid any undesirable consequences.

Rescue from black mold

In difficult situations, home remedies may not be effective.

In this case, in places with a large accumulation of black mold, you can additionally use Cillit Bang.

The product is suitable for processing:

  • baths;
  • shower cabins;
  • walls in the kitchen.

Cillit Bang features:

  • fragrance;
  • bleach containing less than 5% chlorine;
  • anionic surfactants.

Attention! Cillit Bang should be stored out of the reach of children. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with water. After using Cillit Bang, the room is thoroughly ventilated.

How to clear clogged pipes using baking soda and vinegar.

How do blockages appear in a pipeline?

The appearance of “traffic jams” can be caused by a violation of the structure of the pipe line. Mechanical damage to communications also leads to stagnation of water. The main cause of the problem is the accumulation of fat deposits, waste, hair and dirt. After washing dishes, particles of food and fat get onto the inner walls of the pipeline. Over time, they turn into persistent stains.

Throwing tissues, paper, and hair down the toilet can cause clogged drains. Lack of preventive measures to clean plumbing leads to unpleasant consequences. The causes of blockages are varied, mainly due to human carelessness.

Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out preventive measures to clean the pipe line


Alina, 20 years old. I recently got married, my husband and I moved into my grandmother’s old apartment. The bathtub was in a deplorable state. My mother recommended a tried and true remedy: whiteness. But I found a detailed article on the Internet. From it I learned that soda is also used quite actively for cleaning the bathroom. I washed all the plumbing with a mixture of baking soda and citric acid. The result simply shocked me. The old bathtub shone like a freshly minted coin!

Anna, 40 years old. I always buy Domestos at the supermarket. A week ago I decided to completely redo my bathroom. The cleanser ran out at the most inopportune moment: I didn’t have time to clean the dark stain on the bathtub. Ordinary food water with vinegar helped me. The stain disappeared as if it had never existed. Now I'll wait to buy new plumbing fixtures. I’d rather order an elegant, fitted coat from a fashion catalogue, which I’ve been dreaming of for a long time.

Secrets of cleaning the iron using soda.

Vinegar with salt

Most often, vinegar is combined with baking soda - they react violently and actively clean almost any surface. However, there is another effective method:

  1. Mix table vinegar (9%) with table salt.
  2. Heat to 50 degrees.
  3. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, apply with a sponge or brush to the walls of the bathtub or locally to dirt. The product removes rust stains well.
  4. Let stand for half an hour.
  5. Rinse off with clean water and dry.

How not to damage the coating

Cleaning the bathtub is done carefully, because soda is an abrasive. Do not try to rub the powder in as this may scratch the enamel. You just need to apply baking soda and wait for it to work.

Do not use metal scrapers or hard-bristled brushes. A soft sponge is used to apply the product.

But it should be remembered that soda is suitable for cleaning cast iron and steel enameled bathtubs. There is no point in cleaning acrylics this way.

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