How to get rid of shoe odor using baking soda

In his life, every person faces the problem of unpleasant odor in shoes. Most often, this fate befalls people with severe sweating of their feet, as well as in the case of wearing shoes made of synthetic materials that do not “breathe” well and, as a result, retain moisture inside, which contributes to the development of bacteria. Therefore, odor in shoes should be dealt with for two reasons:
  1. Aesthetic. It’s not very convenient when, when you come to visit or go to the store to buy a new pair of shoes, your feet exude a fetid aroma, and even at home, boots or shoes that stand in the hallway are a source of unpleasant odors.
  2. Medical. Feet sweating in shoes creates moisture there, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which, if not removed in a timely manner, can lead to various foot diseases.

Based on this, it is necessary to constantly monitor proper foot hygiene and cleanliness of shoes. Moreover, doing this is not so difficult. A number of industrial products and folk methods will help get rid of the unpleasant odor in shoes.

Proper foot hygiene should consist of washing them at least twice a day with soap and drying them with a dry towel; if possible, people with excessive sweating should do this more often. You should also monitor the cleanliness of your socks; change them daily, if necessary, throughout the day. Also, to reduce foot sweating, you can use special deodorants or talc, which reviews on online forums or friends will help you choose.

Another important point that will help avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor in shoes is the use of insoles made of natural materials that absorb moisture well and their periodic change. This is a summary of preventive measures that help protect your shoes from foot odor. Now let's look at the most popular ways to combat unpleasant odors.


Soda has many advantages compared to store-bought household chemicals.

  1. Economical: consumed slowly.
  2. Neutralizes harmful microorganisms: fungal spores, viruses, bacteria.
  3. Has no harmful effects on the skin. On the contrary, it prevents excessive sweating and sebum production.
  4. Effectively cleanses any contamination (no matter: superficial or deep) thanks to its fine-crystalline structure. When dissolved in water, it forms a caustic mixture that can even fight rust and thick deposits (read about using soda to clean the bathroom).
  5. It is hygroscopic, quickly absorbs moisture, therefore it is used for drying (in bags).
  6. Eliminates odor due to its antibacterial effect.


Various aerosols, absorbers, and sprays will help eliminate the odor. They are based on odorous substances, as well as molecular chemical compounds that deactivate the cause of the odor. Manufacturers have released a whole series of products that will remove odor not only from shoes, but also from feet. Popular and effective products include:

  1. Deodorants that are sprayed onto the inside of well-dried shoes. Perform the treatment in the evening so that all unpleasant aromas have time to disappear overnight. The majority of respondents get rid of an unpleasant problem with aerosols: “Sholl”, “Saphir”, “Cliven”.
  2. Ointments and pasty creams. Used to eliminate foot odor caused by fungi. Ointments and creams are rubbed into the skin. The following pastes have proven themselves: “Teymurova”, “Algel”, “Step”.
  3. Absorbent bags absorb moisture and eliminate odor. Popular ones include: “Salton”, “Paterra”.

How to fight odor

Soda is an acidic sodium salt of carbonic acid. When interacting with water, it turns into a weak alkali, which has a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

But to eliminate odor in shoes, dry powder is used: an alkaline reaction occurs when it interacts with moist air vapor. The smell disappears after 12–24 hours. The effect is explained by the destruction of pathogenic microflora.

Due to its hygroscopicity, sodium bicarbonate powder also absorbs other foreign odors that are not associated with the activity of microorganisms.

Tip: To give your shoes a pleasant scent, add dry fragrance, rose or lavender petals to baking soda, and place a pad with the mixture inside your boots or sneakers.

Washing sneakers in an automatic machine

You can wash sports shoes without wasting time and effort in a washing machine, but it is worth remembering that not all types of sports products can be cleaned. It’s great to wash rags in a washing machine. The cleaning algorithm involves the following steps: clean the shoes of debris, put each sneaker in a separate bag for washing things, put the prepared item in the drum, turn on the machine for half an hour, the drum speed should not exceed 600 revolutions.

  • cheap sneakers that are made from the simplest material. When washed in an automatic machine, they will simply fall apart;
  • After cleaning in a machine, leather shoes will crack, shrink, and lose their shape. Expensive sneakers can only be thrown in the trash;
  • When washed in a machine, suede products will lose their normal structure and may crack or tear.

The nature of the unpleasant odor

In the case of shoes, the persistence of the odor is explained by the active proliferation of the microbial environment and the release of waste products. Our olfactory organs easily capture the volatile molecules of these substances.

The odor emanating from boots, shoes or sneakers can also be associated with the quality of the materials from which they are made, their absorbent and permeable capacity:

  • burnt rubber (rubber) - typical for shoes made from low-quality cheap petrochemicals;
  • rotting - occurs in boots, low shoes and boots made of leatherette, which does not dry well.

Another factor is the parameters of the room in which your shoes are stored. Smells depend on this:

  • dampness (swampy) - a frequent companion of shoes and clothes stored for a long time in unventilated areas with high humidity;
  • pets (especially dogs and cats) - torment all owners without exception, are considered the most caustic and difficult to remove;
  • kitchen and tobacco - shoes easily absorb them.

Reference. An unnatural odor appears in shoes if they are worn incorrectly (out of season) or if they are not properly cared for. High-quality products made of suede, leather, and nubuck require special impregnation and deodorization.


Bacteria and microorganisms are considered the main culprits of stink. Abundantly secreted sweat is an excellent environment for their reproduction. The higher the degree of sweating, the faster the shoes become unusable.

It is bacteria that should be thanked for the recognizable aroma in the locker rooms of cheap gyms and fashionable fitness clubs. In addition to physical activity, the following factors can cause odor:

  • poor quality shoes;
  • regular wear of products made from artificial materials;
  • increased sweating;
  • foot fungus;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • infrequent shoe washing.

Regardless of the origins of the problem, it can be solved.
In cases where fungus or other foot diseases have become the decisive factor, it is necessary to first cure the disease. For the rest, hygiene and several effective methods for cleaning shoes can help. One of the most effective remedies is considered to be ordinary baking soda.

Deodorizing recipes

Attention! The use of sodium bicarbonate powder in high concentrations causes side effects and is therefore contraindicated for people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases.


To combat the smell of sweat, sew a couple of bags made of cotton or other thin natural fabric the size of the shoe and fill them with soda. Use as liners at night.

Lifehack. If you urgently need to dry your shoes, use old nylon socks or tights.

As aromatic additives, you can add chamomile flowers, lavender, and sage to the soda. If your sweat smells strongly sour, use lemon or orange zest.

To combat unpleasant odor not associated with increased sweating, drop a little of your favorite essential oil or extract (eucalyptus, spruce, pine), fruit and flower extracts into your shoes.

Advice. For people who sweat, preliminary antibacterial shoe cleaning is recommended. Otherwise, the deodorizing effect may have unexpected results.

Baking soda can be used in its pure form: pour it under the insoles and treat the inner surfaces. The next morning, remove the remaining powder with a vacuum cleaner.

Mixture with peroxide

A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities is suitable for treating insoles.

  1. Rub the mixture on the insoles and leave them in the fresh air for a couple of hours.
  2. Rinse shoes with alcohol.
  3. Dry.

With ammonia

Make a solution: 2 tbsp. l. Stir soda in a small amount of ammonia. Wipe the insoles and inner non-fabric surfaces of the shoes.

With essential oils

The best antibacterial effect is achieved by combining baking soda with essential oils. In addition, the shoes acquire a fresh aroma.

Suitable aroma oils:

  • tea tree;
  • sweet orange or lemon;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • sandalwood;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • juniper, pine or spruce;
  • bergamot;
  • eucalyptus.

The best options: pine or eucalyptus. They have a persistent fresh smell that is difficult to overcome if you clean your shoes regularly.

A cotton swab dipped in one of these essential oils can be used on insoles to neutralize bacteria and odors.

Other anti-odor methods

  1. Mix vinegar and peroxide and apply with a cotton pad to the insoles.
  2. Place 8 tablets of activated carbon in each shoe and leave overnight.
  3. Buy insoles that are scented or contain activated charcoal.
  4. Place tea bags in the toes and heels.
  5. Send your shoes to the cold (for example, on an unglazed balcony).
  6. Treat the inner surfaces of the shoes with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  7. Use Candide powder or any shoe deodorant in the form of a spray, stick, tablets, or balls.
  8. Wipe your boots with an alcohol-containing solution or vodka for 2 weeks.
  9. For a one-time treatment, use apple cider vinegar.

If you can't wash it

Leather and fur shoes cannot be washed in a washing machine. If the option with “soda socks”, which is described above, does not inspire confidence, you can get by with another method - a solution of water and vinegar. Vinegar disinfects well and eliminates odors. Simply mix ½ cup water and ½ cup 9% vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the inside of the shoe and after a while wipe the entire inside surface with a paper towel. And let them dry before putting them on again.

Feet and shoes stink: how to get rid of the smell

Foot care rules

To effectively combat the smell of sweat, you need to follow simple hygiene rules:

  • Wash your feet 2 times a day.
  • Change your socks daily.
  • Wear shoes made from natural materials.
  • Engage in the prevention and timely treatment of fungal diseases of the feet and nails.
  • Take care of your shoes: do regular cleaning, repairs, change insoles at least once a month.


A good way to combat sweaty feet is the natural absorbent potato starch: mix it with baking soda in equal parts. Add essential oils and extracts of your choice.

The product lasts on average from 4 to 10 hours.

Advice. If you want to make homemade deodorant for future use, add beeswax or vitamin E - natural antioxidants that act as preservatives. Additionally, coconut oil will help soften the skin and prevent the formation of corns.

Hard wax


  • disinfected storage container;
  • ceramic bowl;
  • 6 g beeswax;
  • 3 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 1 tsp. vitamin E;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 2 drops of any essential oil (fragrance).

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the wax in a water bath until liquid.
  2. Carefully add all ingredients.
  3. Stir and pour into the mold.
  4. Leave to cool in the refrigerator or in fresh cool air.

Apply to feet and toes before leaving home and at night.


With salt. Mix baking soda and iodized salt in equal proportions. Add to a warm foot bath. Take the procedure for 15 minutes. Then treat your feet with talcum powder.

With herbs. Take 1 tsp. nettle, mint, calendula and chamomile. Fill with hot water (500 ml). Boil for 15 minutes, cool slightly and add 2 tbsp. l. soda Soak your feet in the solution for 20 minutes.

General rules for using soda baths

It must be remembered that effectiveness against sweat will be guaranteed only if the nuances are strictly observed. Otherwise, the skin on your feet can be damaged. That's why:

  • Feet should be soaked in warm soda liquid, duration – 15-20 minutes.
  • When fighting sweat, water must be warm; hot water will cause excessive sweating.
  • After a soda bath, feet and heels are cleaned with pumice (a special brush), and then rinsed first with warm and then cooled water.
  • After the manipulation, the feet are dried with a towel: this should be a specially prepared foot towel for personal use.
  • To soften the epidermis, the feet and heels are lubricated with a nourishing cream or other product that softens the dermis, and after waiting for the cream to be absorbed into the skin, cotton socks are put on.
  • Baths against foot sweat should be carried out in the evening, the course consists of 7-10 sessions, but it is allowed to use the baths 3 times a week - under any circumstances, the result will be noticeable immediately.

Whitening properties

The reasons why white shoes turn yellow: improper drying (on a radiator or in direct sunlight), the use of aggressive detergents or too hot water, prolonged contact with powder and other chemicals.

Several ways to whiten sneakers or sneakers:

  1. Take your shoes to a dry cleaner or repair shop for repainting.
  2. Use special white foam with color pigments.
  3. Try available remedies: vinegar, lemon, ammonia, laundry soap, soda or hydrogen peroxide.

A good whitening effect is achieved by combining soda with other available household chemicals (in equal parts), such as:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • toothpaste;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • acetone;
  • talc and water;
  • lemon acid.

First you need to clean the shoes from dirt, then apply the previously prepared composition to the surface using a shoe or an old toothbrush. Leave for 10–15 minutes. Remove with a damp cloth.

Attention! Homemade cleaners are suitable for soles made of foam, rubber or plastic.


  1. Apply peroxide, vinegar, lemon juice + powder (in equal parts) to the yellowed areas with a brush, leave for 7 minutes.
  2. For rubberized soles, apply gasoline lotions for 5 minutes.
  3. For shoes with fabric uppers, rub a little Vaseline into the stains, leave for 15 minutes, then wash with laundry soap and dry.
  4. Rub a thick paste of powder and water onto the contaminated surface with a brush, let it soak in for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  5. Dilute 20 ml of vinegar with 60 ml of water and soak the yellowed areas.

If your sneakers smell bad: 7 ways to solve the annoying problem

Shoes are something you can't skimp on. Naturally, having spent a decent amount on shoes, you want them to last longer. It is better to wear one good pair of shoes for several years than to change them every season by buying cheaper but lower quality shoes or boots.

1. Return the whiteness to the sole.

Toothpaste is useful not only for teeth, but also, for example, for sneakers that need to be made white. Take an old toothbrush and apply a small amount of toothpaste, then give your shoes a good scrub. The same product can be used to clean fabric shoes - rub the paste into the textiles, leave for 15 minutes and rinse off with a damp cloth.

2. How to clean leather shoes?

For leather products, medical alcohol is suitable. It is sold in pharmacies, but please note: you do not need ethanol, but isopropanol (this point can always be clarified with the seller). If a stain forms on your shoes, simply wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in this alcohol and leave for half an hour.

3. Fresh shoes are the key to self-confidence.

Before going to bed, sprinkle a little baking soda on your shoes and leave them overnight, and in the morning you will need to shake them out and clean them - baking soda absorbs unpleasant odors.

4. A manicure file is not only for manicure.

Dirty marks and stains on suede shoes can be easily removed with a regular manicure file. For the best effect, first take a dry cloth, try to wipe off as much dirt as possible, and then clean this area with a file. There is no need to rub too hard - a gentle scrubbing is enough.

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5. Vinegar solution for shoes.

Thanks to its acidic properties, a vinegar solution will not only help remove unpleasant odors, but also neutralize road salt. Mix 1/3 cup of vinegar with 1 liter of water and generously soak a rag in the solution. Wrap the shoes in some rags and leave them for a couple of hours, then wipe them with a clean damp cloth and dry them naturally.

6. Bring back the shine to patent leather shoes.

Vaseline will help you with this. This is a cheap alternative to branded shoe care products. Rub clean shoes thoroughly with it, paying more attention to scratches and minor imperfections.

7. Oatmeal against stains on suede.

Greasy stains, which often appear on suede shoes, can be easily removed with oatmeal. Take some flour and rub it into the stain, leaving it for half an hour. Then just wipe with a piece of cloth.

8. Stretch the shoes using a hairdryer.

To make the shoes comfortable and fit perfectly on your feet, you will need thick socks and a hair dryer. Put on socks, shoes, and then use the hot drying mode to warm up the shoes properly.

9. Stretch the shoes in the freezer.

Here's another way to stretch shoes that are too narrow. But this time we use cold rather than heat. You will need 2 ziplock bags that you fill with water and place in the toes of your shoes. Leave the shoes in the bags overnight and, when you take them out in the morning, let the ice melt naturally for 20 minutes.

10. Anti-slip sandpaper.

To avoid problems with slipping in new shoes, take note of the following life hack - immediately, as soon as you bought shoes with flat soles, rub them with sandpaper. This creates an abrasive layer that will prevent you from slipping and falling.

11. Prevent blisters.

Each of us has chafed our feet in new shoes at least once in our lives, but it turns out that this can be easily avoided by rubbing problem areas with regular deodorant.

12. Stick your toes together when wearing heels.

It sounds strange, it’s true, but we women know that frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes eventually deforms the foot “under itself”. Isn’t it easier to avoid pain and immediately make the foot “suitable” for a narrow toe? A regular patch will help... Of course, you shouldn’t abuse this method, but for “going out” it’s perfect.

13. Waterproof shoes.

This advice is equally good for both leather and canvas shoes. To make your shoes waterproof, rub them with regular beeswax. A very thin layer is enough for the protective properties to remain for a long time.

14. Soothe calluses

If you do get chafing on your feet, tea will help. But not inside, but outside. A tea foot bath will soothe tired feet, relieve swelling, and at the same time relieve pain in chafed areas.

Precautionary measures

  1. Check the composition of the shoe materials: whether the cleaning products you purchased are suitable for them.
  2. Carry out all work with gloves to avoid allergies, contact with caustic substances on the skin, chemical burns, and irritation.
  3. Dangerous variations that require additional protective measures (gloves, glasses): hydrogen peroxide with vinegar; chlorine bleach and vinegar; bleach and ammonia/alcohol.

The listed methods are not suitable for shoes made of suede, leather and some (loose) types of fabric. This will require professional dry cleaning services.

In most cases, having a box of baking soda at home is enough to clean, whiten and deodorize your shoes. This is a cheap, relatively safe and effective remedy.

How to clean a mattress from stains using baking soda.

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