Types and principle of operation of fumigators: electric and pyrotechnic

As soon as warm days begin, countless different insects appear, including mosquitoes. Swelling, tumors, allergies, itching - all these are consequences of mosquito bites. In addition, mosquitoes can carry quite serious diseases, so everyone wants to protect themselves and their family from the presence of these small, but far from harmless creatures.

It is for this purpose that manufacturers produce various fumigators. Are they really capable of repelling mosquitoes? More on that later.

  • 4 With plates
      4.1 Operating principle
  • 4.2 Use
  • 5 Best mosquito fumigators
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 7 Conclusion
  • What is it and how does it work?

    A fumigator is a special device for controlling mosquitoes.
    It heats up, as a result of which the insecticidal substance placed inside evaporates (a process of fumigation occurs). To do this, just plug the fumigator into a power outlet. If there is no power supply at hand, use regular batteries or rechargeable batteries. The composition of the repellent substance can also be liquid. The principle of operation of a fumigator with liquid: under the influence of heat, a chemical composition evaporates, which has a poisonous effect on mosquitoes. By the way, for humans these doses of “chemistry” are small and non-toxic, but they help kill mosquitoes very quickly.

    A fumigator with liquid will save you not only from mosquitoes, but also from various midges. With the help of insecticides, insects are paralyzed in a matter of minutes: in blood-sucking insects, neurotransmission between cells is disrupted, which leads to dysfunction of important organs. If repellents simply scare away parasites, then a fumigator destroys them.

    The liquid fumigator is considered the most effective and convenient to use. This device, turning liquid into steam, will forever save you from the buzzing of bloodsuckers. The device is usually sold as a kit, which includes the fumigator itself and the liquid.

    Let's list some advantages of a liquid fumigator:

    • non-toxic for people, odorless, works without noise;
    • effective over an area of ​​up to 30 square meters and will protect everyone in the room;
    • one bottle of liquid will last at least a whole month if used daily;
    • will provide instant protection.

    A liquid fumigator is affordable, but in order for it to last for a long time, you need to turn off the device in a timely manner, otherwise the consumption of the product will be high. It should also be taken into account that the chemical composition of the liquid can cause allergies in people.

    It is used with caution where there are children and women preparing to give birth. Be sure to frequently ventilate the room; stagnant air reduces the effectiveness of the fumigator with mosquito repellent liquid. Now let's take a closer look at the types of liquids.

    Large killer lamp for the veranda

    If you have a summer cottage where various insects constantly fly, you can order a lamp of a more impressive size and place it outside. Stop putting up with annoying mosquitoes and other midges in your life.

    The lamp coverage is approximately 40 square meters. The brightness cannot be adjusted. You can choose from several variations: 30 W or 40 W. They are not very different in size; in any case, it will be a large battery. You can also choose a mini version of the lamp; it is smaller in size, but the power is also lower - only 11 W.

    Buy: aliexpress.ru

    What is the job of a fumigator?

    Fumigation is the destruction of harmful insects by exposing them to toxic fumes. The word comes from the Latin verb “fumigare”, which means to fumigate or smoke. The chemical used to carry out this procedure is called a fumigant. It’s easy to guess that a fumigator is a device that allows you to spread substances that are poisonous to insects.

    The fumigator device consists of the following key elements:

    • a heating element;
    • insecticide in the form of a plate, spiral, tablet or wick.

    The principle of operation of the fumigator is to ensure the evaporation of a chemical substance that kills pests, but is safe for humans and pets. In addition to insecticides, non-toxic repellent substances are used in the fight against annoying insects. These are pyrethrins extracted from plants and synthesized pyrethroid components. Such substances help, through fumigation, to get rid of midges in the kitchen and scare away “bloodsuckers” from the children’s room.

    Important! The answer to the question of how a fumigator works against mosquitoes directly depends on the substance used in the device. The insecticide works to destroy, while pyrethrin and pyrethroid simply repel.

    Device classification

    Modern science has developed a wide range of specialized chemicals to control pests, from insects to rodents, using the fumigation method. A universal fumigator that works in all directions is just a dream. There are various types of specialized fumigators on sale. The most popular ones are anti-mosquito and anti-midge devices. Less common from flies and cockroaches. And if you try, you can find a fumigator against mice or other harmful living creatures: bedbugs, moths and even fleas in the apartment.

    The devices also differ in form factor. Electric fumigators can be battery-powered or powered from household power. Depending on the conditions of use, there are outdoor devices, for residential and office premises, portable portable fumigators that help out when fishing or in camping conditions. On sale you can find a special fumigator for a car and even devices with additional functions: a night light or a fumigator heating pad.

    Regardless of the type of fumigation substance and form factor, all devices offered on the market according to the heating method are divided into two classes:

    • electrical;
    • pyrotechnic (smoking).

    In an electrical device, solid (tablets, plates), liquid (in a bottle) or combined forms of the substance can be used as a fumigant, depending on the model. The heat source in the device is an electric heating element.

    To activate a pyrotechnic device, the coil/wick must be ignited and immediately extinguished to initiate the smoldering process, through which smoke is released into the air, affecting pests.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Disadvantages of fumigators:

    1. According to statistics, with prolonged use of such chemicals, 12% of people experience an allergic reaction (in adults - headache, sore throat, runny nose, and in children even cough, diarrhea and fever).
    2. Do not use in rooms where there are pregnant and nursing mothers.
    3. After turning off the device, toxic chemicals remain in the room for some time.

    But, despite these disadvantages, fumigators also have undoubted advantages:

    1. The main advantage of this method of protection against mosquitoes is, of course, their rapid destruction.
    2. Evaporating substances do not have a pungent odor, and the human sense of smell practically does not perceive it.
    3. These are general purpose protection products against unwanted insects. They protect all people in the room at once.

    Safety of children, pregnant and lactating women, and pets

    To ensure the safety of children, manufacturers reduce the levels of toxic substances and neutralize their possible effects.

    They produce special products that are accompanied by notes:

    • the room where the fumigator is turned on must be equipped with working windows in order to have access to air at any time;
    • in children's rooms it is not recommended to leave fumigators on throughout the night;

    If any discomfort occurs, stop using the device immediately.

    Important! Pregnant women are not recommended to stay in a room where the fumigator is turned on. For pets, being in such a room can also be dangerous. Experts advise removing aquariums, cages and enclosures from such premises.

    Types of mosquito repellents Fumitox

    Many of us remember the times when mosquito fumigators were just appearing in hardware stores. There were few of them then, and Fumitox was often the only one on sale. However, the scope of application of the fumigator is very limited, so the company has expanded the range of “anti-mosquito” products, and now you can choose the right one based on your plans and personal preferences.


    Those very popular fumigators have remained virtually unchanged: they are still an electrical device that is plugged into an outlet. In addition to the usual plates, an option with liquid has also been added.

    For Fumitox electrofumigators, both plates and liquid are provided

    D-allethrin or prallethrin is used as an active ingredient that directly repels mosquitoes. This is what cardboard plates are impregnated with. When the device heats up, the substance begins to evaporate from their surface and spread throughout the room. The principle of operation of a liquid fumigator is similar, except that a bottle of liquid is attached to the device, which also turns into vapor and kills mosquitoes. Bottles, as well as plates, can be replaced by purchasing new ones.

    Replacement bottles of liquid for fumigators are available for sale.

    I don’t know who cares. And for our family, this fumitox liquid kit for 30 nights without odor (there is an electric fumigator itself + a can of mosquito repellent liquid) is a pure salvation! The situation is that we managed to buy an old house in the village, naturally, with a crawl space. Well, in Russian villages, the underground generally serves as a warehouse. Storage of everything grown. And storage facilities for mosquito larvae too :) You can’t imagine that in January-February you can be bitten by mosquitoes - but it’s easy! And only this very liquid fumigator saves you from this disaster - you can’t get by with plates. You’ll get tired of changing plates... And here’s a month of peace, if you don’t unplug it. That's it…



    Both the plates and the liquid are also available in a version designed to protect children from mosquitoes - Fumitox Nezhenka. The fumigator itself is enough to be purchased once - it lasts quite a long time, and it can be used both for “adult” plates and bottles, and for “children’s”.

    The only drawback of fumigators is their dependence on electricity: they can only be used if there is an outlet.

    Fumitox Nezhenka liquid can be used to protect children from birth


    To protect against mosquitoes in open spaces, Fumitox created special spirals. They are completely autonomous and do not require a source of electricity. The spiral needs to be taken out of the package and separated (usually they are doubled), and then put on a metal stand and set fire to the tip. As soon as it lights up and begins to smoke, the flame should be extinguished: the spiral should slowly smolder and not burn.

    The mosquito coil must be used correctly: it should not burn, but smolder slowly

    The ingredients usually include transfluthrin or d-allethrin, which kill mosquitoes, as well as fragrance. Despite the stated low toxicity of the active substance, the spiral can only be used outdoors, preferably at a distance from people, or - at your own peril and risk - in a very spacious room, which must then be ventilated. Some careless housewives leave a burning coil in the living room overnight.

    At night in the summer at the dacha, even one mosquito flying into the house can drive you crazy. I use Fumitox mosquito repellent coils in my house. You light the coil, blow it out, put it on the stand and... sleep peacefully all night. The spiral lasts for 7–8 hours.

    Svetlana Yurievna

    However, this can be dangerous - the instructions for the spirals themselves indicate this. Long-term exposure to allethrin and its derivatives can cause nausea, headache and vomiting, not to mention allergic reactions. Moreover, not only the insecticide itself, but also the fragrance, usually containing geraniol, can cause allergies. So it is best to use the spiral outdoors, for example, to protect the garden, veranda and summer cottage from mosquitoes.

    Mosquitoes are nasty and annoying insects that cause no respite in the summer, especially in nature in the evening. Even though summer is coming to an end, I will still tell you about a wonderful mosquito repellent - Fumitox mosquito coils, which saved us from these insects all summer. There is no fire, it just turns red and begins to slowly smolder, emitting a specific smell. I didn’t even understand what it looked like, but it was unpleasant, which is why it was recommended for open areas. We placed it on the open veranda, and it fulfilled its functions 100%, there were no mosquitoes and the warm summer evenings were not spoiled by annoying bloodsuckers!


    It doesn’t matter if the processing area is small: it is not necessary to burn the whole spiral, you can burn it in parts - you just need to carefully extinguish the tip each time.


    One of the most radical products in the Fumitox anti-mosquito line is an indoor aerosol. It contains both sumitrin, tetramethrin and the same d-allethrin.

    Fumitox aerosol is used to protect your home from mosquitoes and other flying insects

    This product is proposed to treat the room that needs to be rid of mosquitoes: walls, floors, corners, furniture, door frames and window sills. Before spraying a room, you need to remove food, toys and dishes, and it is advisable to protect yourself with gloves and a respirator. After this procedure, ventilation must be carried out. Fumitox aerosol is good because it is designed not only to kill all insects in the room, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones. The effect lasts for several hours.

    I bought Fumitox aerosol two or three times. This remedy for various insects suited me quite well. After treatment, I usually always leave the room for twenty to twenty-five minutes. According to my observations, this aerosol preparation lasts for five to six hours, at least, but this is if you spray it not so much. But, if you make a more thorough and thick treatment, then it works almost all night.


    In addition, this remedy helps not only against mosquitoes, but also against other flying pests such as flies, wasps and moths. The disadvantage of Fumitox against flying insects is its high toxicity caused by the high concentration of active substances.


    In order to protect human skin directly from mosquitoes, Fumitox created a protective cream - Dainak-Fumitox. In principle, it is no different from repellent creams from other companies, being, in fact, an analogue of drugs such as Taiga cream and DEET, which contain the same active ingredient - diethyltoluamide (DEET) - and are much more affordable.

    Dainak-Fumitox is applied to exposed skin and clothing. The cream is washed off with water, and if you use it on the beach, the protective layer will have to be renewed after each swim. DEET is a universal repellent, so the cream helps prevent bites not only from mosquitoes, but also from midges, ticks, horse flies and other blood-sucking insects.

    The children's version of the cream - Fumitox Nezhenka - is suitable for children, expectant mothers and allergy sufferers.

    Fumitox Nezhenka series products are suitable not only for children, but also for pregnant women and allergy sufferers

    Fumitox children's mosquito repellent cream "Nezhenka": the price-quality ratio is very good. In general, mine chooses insect repellents very carefully, and this is the one that is suitable for children. It really helps against mosquitoes for 2-3 hours, this is quite enough, the cream itself is of medium consistency (which is very good), easy to apply, and also easy to wash off with warm water. I RECOMMEND.


    “Nezhenka” contains the active substance in a lower concentration and therefore does not cause irritation even on sensitive children’s skin.

    Causes of midges

    These insects can often appear in the house with brought fruits and vegetables. If indoors they find a suitable environment for feeding and reproduction (spoiled and overripe foods, a trash can, indoor plants with moist soil), then their numbers quickly increase in a few days.

    Such insects do not pose a danger to humans, but they can spread harmful bacteria by flying from contaminated areas. In addition, a swarm of midges in the kitchen is not very pleasant for the owners.

    According to taste preferences and habitat, house flies are classified into the following types:

    • Food Drosophila - settle in cereals, vegetables, food waste. They are black or burgundy in color. It’s quite easy to get rid of this type by doing a general cleaning of the room and keeping it clean.
    • Clothes live in things that are stored for too long, laying eggs there. To prevent their appearance, it is recommended to put various insect repellent scents in your cabinets, which are available in stores, or use herbs with a strong smell: lavender, dry nut leaves, etc.
    • Mermen - live in damp places in the house: kitchen, bathroom, bathhouse. To get rid of such pests, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the premises, do regular ventilation, and also use folk or chemical remedies.

    Drosophila midges are small two-winged insects that reproduce rapidly under favorable conditions; they are popularly called “wine” or “fruit” flies.


    The nutrient medium for laying larvae during the reproduction of fruit flies is often used tea leaves poured into indoor flowers. It is better to prevent this by adjusting the watering of the plants so that the top layer of soil dries well.

    Drosophila midges

    Insecticides for electrofumigators, which is better

    Insecticides are liquid chemicals that are used to disinfect premises to kill insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

    Those insecticides that enter the insect's body in a gaseous state are fumigants.

    Among them are:

    1. Natural insecticides – peritrins. They are obtained from certain plants by extraction.
    2. Synthetic insecticides – pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are isolated from esters of various acids.

    Natural fumigants are considered the safest for the human body. The use of artificial insecticides is widespread in industrial production.

    Insecticidal liquids

    Among the components of liquids for fumigators, there are various combinations.

    The main elements are considered to be:

    • prallethrin,
    • transfluthrin,
    • citronella extract.


    Other substances are used to make plates:

    • natural pyrethrum,
    • Thiamethoxam.

    Solar veranda lamp

    Another gadget that will help your area get rid of insects. Due to its size, it is not as effective as the previous one, but it looks nice. It can be used as a garden light, and killing mosquitoes will be a nice addition. The device runs on solar batteries, so you don’t have to worry about charging either. The battery will charge all day and work at night.

    Buy: aliexpress.ru

    How to use?

    There are rules that must be followed when using liquid fumigators.

    1. Before starting use, you should read the instructions on how to use the device. Please pay attention to how to turn on the device correctly.
    2. The manufacturer must provide an appropriate quality certificate, including a fire certificate, indicating the safety of use. All these documents must be included.
    3. Familiarize yourself with the composition of the liquid substance, check its expiration date and the presence of contraindications (if any).
    4. If the device is powered by the mains, make sure it is working properly.
    5. Before use, it is strictly forbidden to place the fumigator on a wet surface or touch it with wet fingers. It is forbidden to touch it with wet hands during operation or remove it from the socket.
    6. Turn on the liquid fumigator before bedtime for several hours. If there are a large number of bloodsuckers in the room, you can leave it overnight, if no one sleeping in the room has allergies or individual intolerance to the insecticides contained in the liquid.

    If the fumigator is low-power, several devices can be used in a large room. It is advisable to test the device before use and monitor your well-being and the well-being of loved ones.

    If you experience rashes, itching, headaches, nausea or other health changes, turn off the device and find a safer insect control method. If you run out of fumigator liquid, you can prepare it yourself.

    Mosquito light bulb

    An ordinary light bulb that can provide light in a room, but also kill mosquitoes. Base type E27. If you don’t want to screw it into the chandelier, you can get a socket for it from the same seller and use it as a night light.

    Service life: 10000 hours. 2 types of use: only ultraviolet, and light plus ultraviolet to kill insects. To switch to another mode, just turn off the light bulb and turn it on immediately.

    Buy: aliexpress.ru

    How to make liquid with your own hands?

    At home, you can make not only the fumigator itself, but also prepare a liquid product for it. A homemade design will work and give an effect no worse than the factory one, if you have at least minimal technical skills and you have the necessary elements at hand:

    • plastic body;
    • iron tip as a heating element;
    • container for liquid substance;
    • wick;
    • electrical plug.

    A homemade device is assembled according to a pre-prepared scheme. If not everyone will undertake the manufacture of the device itself, then if the liquid runs out, anyone can prepare it. Here are some simple recipes:

    • mix eucalyptus essential oil with clove essential oil in equal proportions (for example, 8 drops each);
    • clove and anise oils are also combined;
    • 2 ml of lavender oil is mixed with 1.5 ml of citronella essential concentrate and tea tree oil (1 ml).

    When choosing an essential oil, ensure that it is natural, does not cause allergies, and has a strong and lasting aroma. Strong alcohol is used as the basis for the oil composition: vodka, alcohol, who cares, cognac.

    How and where to store?

    Storage of special fumigators must be carried out correctly, taking into account the recommendations.

    • Do not leave the electrical appliance in the outlet for more than 8-12 hours. The same goes for spirals. Their smoldering is usually limited to 8 hours. After this, the pyrotechnic fumigator is removed from the stand.
    • After use, the plates are stored in foil branded packaging. Each of them is designed for 8-10 hours of use. If storage rules are violated, chemical insecticides disappear much faster.
    • Bottles with liquids are disconnected from the fumigator after use. They must be stored tightly closed, under a special protective cap.
    • It is advisable to store the spirals in protective packaging after use. This way the product will not evaporate. Instead of cellophane, it is better to use food foil.
    • At the end of use, the packaging of liquids or wafers is disposed of. No additional precautions are needed. Repellent canisters should only be discarded in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is strictly forbidden to throw them into fire.
    • All Fumitox products should be kept away from children. They are stored in a dry, protected place at room temperature.

    By following the manufacturer's recommendations, you can ensure the safe use of Fumitox brand mosquito repellents. When properly stored, they will ensure effective destruction of insects even after a long break.

    The most effective mosquito fumigators

    Below is a list of the most effective and popular insect repellents for the home, ranked by price:

    1. Combat for plates. Average cost 61 rub. (without plates). Cost with plates for 30 nights 122 rubles. Compact, convenient and easy to use. The plates begin to act within 5 minutes after switching on, and within an hour the insects are completely destroyed.
    2. Fumitox for plates. Average cost 149 rubles. The set includes 10 plates. One plate is enough for 8 hours of reliable protection against mosquitoes. Within 10 minutes after turning on the device, the number of insects noticeably decreases.
    3. Anti-mosquito diffuser Raid, with replaceable unit. The average cost is 170 rubles. This is an improved design for distributing active substances in the air to kill flying blood-sucking insects. The built-in indicator will tell you when to change the fluid block. Copes with its task perfectly in rooms up to 20 square meters. m. The removable unit is enough for 30 nights.
    4. Argus with mosquito repellent liquid. The average cost is 178 rubles. The device has a rotating plug, which allows you to plug the fumigator into even the most inconveniently located outlet. It is used in rooms of at least 16 square meters. m. Even with open windows, mosquitoes are destroyed in less than an hour. The liquid is odorless and lasts for 45 nights.
    5. Mosquital. Professional protection for home and garden. The average cost is 572 rubles. Liquid fumigator with a built-in electric fan, thanks to which almost instantaneous protection is achieved, and a timer that programs the start time and duration of operation.

    How to choose a fumigator?

    1. Pay attention to the concentration of the chemical. This information must be indicated on the packaging. If the content of hazardous substances does not exceed 10-15%, then such a fumigator is suitable for children and allergy sufferers.
    2. It is better to choose coils for outdoor recreation, and not for getting rid of mosquitoes in the apartment, as they spread smoke with a pungent odor.
    3. If you choose plates as a fumigant, they will need to be changed each time before use. 1 plate is enough for 8 hours of use, but this is only one night.
    4. Liquid cartridges do not need to be changed every time. You insert them into the device once, and the filler consumption is calculated automatically. Typically, liquid fumigants are designed for 30-45 days of eight-hour operation per day, which does not cause any hassle in replacing the cartridge. All you have to do is remember to plug it in.
    5. For alternate use, it is better to take 2-in-1 devices, with the ability to use both plates and liquid in one device.
    6. And if you are forgetful, choose a fumigator with an on/off timer, then you won’t even need to unplug it from the socket, just change the cartridge once every month and a half and sleep peacefully.

    Electric fly swatter XIAOMI YOUPIN QUALITELL

    This fly swatter is perfect for an apartment. It has two uses:

    1. You hang it on the wall or put it on the table and turn it on. At night, flies, mosquitoes, bees, wasps fly into the neon light and say goodbye to their lives from electric shock. In this mode, the gadget works on its own, without your participation.
    2. If you notice an annoying mosquito, you can bring an electric fly swatter to it, and it will also be shocked. Therefore, you won’t have to spend a long time chasing insects with a newspaper, and the ceilings and walls will remain clean.

    The fly swatter itself runs on a battery (and it is removable), and charging lasts for an average of 30 days. Thanks to the protective mesh, it will not harm a person, but will destroy insects that interfere with sleep at night.

    Buy: aliexpress.ru

    Types of fumigators

    A large selection of fumigators on the market forces manufacturers to produce more advanced models that could meet all customer requirements.

    Improved models of fumigators

    They are equipped with:

    • indicator light allowing you to control the operating time,
    • swivel plugs that allow you to plug the fumigator into any outlet, vertical or horizontal.

    The leading positions among such devices are occupied by several models:

    Autonomous fumigator Thermacell. This is an ideal solution for the street. No matter where you are - outdoors or on a hiking trip, you won't find a better device. To verify this, just look at its characteristics:

    Autonomous fumigator Thermacell

    • Works on plates.
    • No batteries are required to operate; all you need is a can of butane.
    • Allethrin, of natural origin, is used as an insecticide, so it will not harm people with a tendency to allergies.
    • The area affected by insects is 20 square meters. m., which is enough for a comfortable stay for four people.
    • Does not leave any odor on hands, which is especially important for fishermen.

    The cost of such a device is quite high, but the result is worth it. The price is 2250 rubles.


    The device of this brand has the following technical characteristics:

    MOSQUITALL device

    • Works only with liquid fumigators.
    • The design includes a fan, which helps provide instant protection against midges and mosquitoes.
    • The available timer allows you to set the operating time of the device.
    • The liquid for such a device contains two components that negatively affect all types of blood-sucking insects.

    The cost of such a device is 572 rubles.

    MOSQUITALL for children.

    Unlike other models, this device can even be used in a children's room. In addition, “MOSQUITALL for children” has the following characteristics:

    MOSQUITALL for children

    • Does not harm children and adults,
    • Transfluthrin in low concentration and chamomile extract are used as the substance in the bottle.
    • The aroma released during operation is not dangerous for children with allergies.
    • Within 20-30 minutes you can completely get rid of midges or mosquitoes.
    • The liquid in the bottle is enough for a month.

    The cost of this product is 319 rubles.


    Fumigator Raid

    Such a device has a timer for setting the operating time, and an intensity regulator. In addition, the device is characterized by:

    • Effectiveness of destruction, even with open windows in the room.
    • Prallethrin is used as a damaging substance, in a small concentration, with a eucalyptus odor.

    With all this, the cost of the device is 580 rubles.

    MOSQUITALL spiral

    MOSQUITALL spiral

    This product can be used both outdoors and in the country. This device has the following characteristics:

    • The package includes 15 spirals.
    • When burning, they emit little smoke and have virtually no odor.
    • Complete combustion occurs in 8 hours.
    • The package includes a tin package with a special handle for installing the spiral.


    • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/komary/fumigatora-s-zhidkostyu/
    • https://tehnika.expert/dlya-sada/prochaya-sadovaya-texnika/fumigatory.html
    • https://obnaruzhil.ru/komar/fumigatory.html
    • https://zoolog.guru/drugaya-poleznaya-informacia/fumitoks-ot-komarov-v-rozetku.html
    • https://comp-plus.ru/uborka/ustrojstvo-fumigatora-sredstvo-ot-komarov-kak-dejstvuet-pomogayut-li-vred-i-otzyvy
    • https://stroy-podskazka.ru/komary/fumitoks/
    • https://ecology-of.ru/moshki/printsip-raboty-fumigatorov/


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