How to use Dichlorvos against cockroaches: application and principle of action

For many centuries, cockroaches have coexisted with people, constantly trying to penetrate their homes and causing many problems and inconveniences with their presence. That is why the issue of getting rid of these insects is still very relevant today.

Unfortunately, cockroaches have very successfully learned to adapt to all kinds of insecticides. This makes their complete eradication from residential premises a very difficult process. At the moment, there are several effective methods of pest control, but one of the most popular and successful over the years has been and remains the use of Dichlorvos. It is this miracle remedy that will be discussed in our article.

What is Dichlorvos?

Dichlorvos is a product that destroys and kills insects. Dichlorvos contains poisons called pyrenoids; they act on the cockroach as a nerve agent that immobilizes the insect’s muscular system. Paralyzed cockroaches die quickly. The poison begins to act on the cockroach only after it has inhaled the vapor. The composition is in a spray bottle and is easy to use.

When treating a room, toxic chemicals kill only cockroaches, flies and other insects, while no harm is caused to humans or animals when sprayed. The organophosphorus composition instantly kills unwanted insects, while quickly decomposing in the external environment without causing damage even to plants.


How Dichlorvos acts on cockroaches is described in the instructions. Insecticides penetrate through the chitinous cover and the respiratory tract. At a high concentration of the toxic substance, insect death occurs within a few minutes. In other situations, death occurs within several days, after a dangerous dose accumulates in the body.

Dichlorvos for cockroaches - instructions:

  • shake the can several times,
  • hold the product at arm's length,
  • there should be 20 cm left to the surface to be treated,
  • After disinfestation is completed, leave the room closed for 2 hours, then ventilate thoroughly.


When poisoning cockroaches with Dichlorvos in an apartment, you must wear a suit with trousers, long sleeves, rubber gloves, a mask or a respirator. There should be no animals or other people in the house; the aquarium, terrarium, insectarium should be tightly closed with a lid.

The use of dichlorvos against cockroaches

  1. Thoroughly treat with the product the places where cockroaches hide: baseboards, furniture on the back side, floors, doorways, sewers.
  2. Carry out disinfestation in the bathroom, kitchen, pantry, dark corridor, toilet. One bottle of product is enough to treat a room of 70 square meters.
  3. After 14 days, repeat the procedure, since the effect of the spray weakens every day. The poison does not affect larvae in the ooteca.
  4. If the apartment is heavily infested, the premises should be treated a third time 20 days after the first disinfestation.

Does Dichlorvos help against cockroaches, buyers say. Reviews about the effect of the drug are found on various forums where the problem is discussed.

How does Dichlorvos work against cockroaches?

For the cockroach repellent to take effect, you must:

  • Find the nest or location of the cockroaches, and then spray Dichlorvos around and directly into the habitat.
  • You can accurately spray directly onto the insect.
  • Another effective method is to apply the product to furniture and baseboards, where cockroaches most often appear.

The more Dichlorvos is applied to the cockroach habitat areas, the more effective the product is. Each insect that is affected by the spray transfers the poison to its fellow insects.


Disinfectors often encounter biological resistance of pests. In case of “irritability”, it is necessary to carry out complete disinsection of the building, and if there is a suspicion of resistance, then treat more than once, alternating drugs according to certain schemes.

Do you want to destroy cockroaches so that you immediately forget about the problem? Avoid aerosol products. Instead, use emulsion concentrates (according to the instructions). And remember that eliminating the outbreak locally is easier and cheaper than when cockroaches are everywhere and you need to carry out a complete pest control of the building.

If you have any questions or don’t know what to do, we recommend that you seek professional help from specialists.

Are modern Dichlorvos effective?

Modern Dichlorvos are definitely effective, progress does not stand still and the products improve their composition every year. It becomes more poisonous to cockroaches and less smelly and unsafe for humans and animals.

Modern industry on the Dichlorvos market offers a wide selection of drugs, all of them are not much different from each other, because their main active ingredients are similar. The composition of modern products includes: cypermethrin, esfenvalerate, permethrin, vaporrin, tefluthrin and other active poisons.

The store presents such brands of Dichlorvos as: Neo, Eco, Universal, Varan, Super.

Do cockroaches die from Dichlorvos?

Yes, of course, cockroaches die from Dichlorvos, but not immediately. The substance needs time to act on the insect’s body. You cannot see the immediate effect when spraying. Unfortunately, it happens that one treatment is not enough. This can happen due to the fact that, in addition to adult cockroaches, they lay eggs in different corners and clutches. Consequently, after some time, young offspring begin to hatch from the eggs and Dichlorvos did not affect them, since the embryos were in a cocoon.

It is for this reason that repeated treatment and spraying is carried out in places where masonry is laid. If there are no pets or children in the room who can lick up the toxic chemicals of Dichlorvos, it is better to postpone cleaning and washing the floors for a couple of weeks. Over time, the substances will dissolve in the air and stop working.

How quickly does Dichlorvos act against cockroaches?

To date, Dichlorvos remains the most effective means of removing cockroaches. Due to its properties, it kills insects quite quickly. Within 10 minutes of contact with the insect, depending on the concentration, it dies. If an insect transfers the composition of the product to another fellow insect, then the life of the pest ends within a couple of hours.

Does Dichlorvos kill cockroach eggs?

Some people who use the product believe that Dichlorvos is not effective, as they notice the return of cockroaches to the premises. Although this is not true, because an adult who has felt the effect of the aerosol dies. The reappearance of cockroaches means that the insect previously left the clutches and new offspring hatched that did not interact with the poisons.

In most cases, it has been proven that Dichlorvos has too little effect on cockroach eggs, so we can say that it does not kill cockroach eggs 100%. The eggs are in a so-called capsule, which is not affected by water or chemicals; moreover, such a larva can survive frosts down to -11 degrees.

But in the modern composition of Dichlorvos, manufacturers guarantee the killing of eggs in the larva. It all depends on the concentration of the product in the affected area. Cockroaches are very prolific and their effective removal completely depends on the destruction of clutches. It is best, after the main treatment with a disinfectant, to go through the area where cockroaches accumulate again after a few days, since the birth of new young insects is possible.

Is the spray harmful to humans and pets?

The composition of Dichlorvos contains pesticides, but their action and concentration mainly affects only insects. There are precautions for humans and animals to avoid exposure to aerosols. Of course, if you specifically spray Dichlorvos on a person or animal, you can cause a negative reaction, most often it can be difficulty breathing and irritation of the mucous membranes; if it comes into contact with food, vomiting and diarrhea are also possible.

In some cases, allergies and itching of the skin occur, nausea and vomiting are possible if the product was accidentally licked from the treated area by an animal or child. To avoid unwanted symptoms, animals and children should be removed from the premises for some time during treatment and disinfection. When processing, be sure to open the windows and ventilate the room.

Composition of "Dichlorvos"

All types of Dichlorvos contain a synthesized chemical pyrenoid; this is the most effective substance for killing cockroaches for a long period. The composition also includes piperonyl butoxide, permethrin, flavors, various types of preservatives and fragrances. At home, it is recommended to spray the “Neo” and “Varan” brands of Dichlorvos. They are less harmful and toxic to humans and pets. Other formulations and products may cause adverse effects due to the strong odor of chemicals.

Former composition

The basis of Soviet Dichlorvos is an organophosphate insecticide. The old composition had a terrible odor for humans, which definitely caused discomfort and made it impossible to stay in the room for some time after treatment. In addition, there were such types of chemicals as: cypermethrin 0.2%, permethrin 0.2%, tetramethrin 0.2%, dimethyl sulfoxide, piperonyl butoxide 1.0%, corrosion inhibitor, propane, butane, isobutane, isopropyl alcohol.

New line-up

It is a proven fact that insects mutate very quickly and adapt to external changes, including pesticides. Therefore, the old formulations of the product today are not as effective as before. Modern manufacturers are constantly working to improve the quality of Dichlorvos.

The main direction is a higher concentration of poison and a less pungent odor for humans. The basis of modern Dichlorvos is pyrenoids. They are less toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals, but are more effective at killing insects. Do not forget that the absence of odor or pleasant aroma from modern Dichlorvos still requires precautions; it is just as poisonous as its previous version.


The product instantly destroys and protects treated surfaces for a long time. The highly effective formula of the composition ensures the extermination of various insects that cause trouble to humans. The aerosol has a pleasant lavender aroma due to the perfume composition it contains. Cylinder volume 250 cubic meters. cm.

The name eco explains the absence of risk of harm to human health. Previously, the spray was very toxic and posed a danger to the body, because of this it was no longer used and sold.

Modified dichlorvos


Cypermethrin is the world's leading insect control compound. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. The main advantage of the product is its high resistance to direct sunlight and heat. It contains strong poisons that are also harmful to humans, so it should not be used without special training and instructions. The product is used by specialized insect control companies.

Piperonyl butoxide

Piperonyl butoxide is a chemical with toxic properties that is found in more than one and a half thousand agricultural, household and industrial chemicals.


Permethrin is an effective antiparasitic substance. It is used in formulations for treating surfaces against ticks, fleas, cockroaches, as well as for external use on human skin to disinfect viral infections.

Instead of an afterword

Getting rid of household pests is a troublesome and time-consuming task. It is very rare that someone manages to achieve 100% results the first time, especially if the number of insects is off the charts. The presence of cockroaches in neighboring apartments can also ruin all efforts.

Therefore, it is much more productive to reach an agreement with neighbors and treat the building together. Moreover, we should not forget about the technical premises. Basements, attics, and boiler rooms may well become a breeding ground for infection, from where insects will spread to comfortable apartments.

Which dichlorvos to choose

Each user chooses the best cockroach repellent for himself. They vary slightly in price and all claim to kill insects. The difference may be in the smell of the product and the method of application. You also need to pay attention that if you use only one product for a long time, cockroaches can get used to it and develop immunity, so they often use several varieties and brands together or in sequence, depending on the reaction of the parasites.

Spray "Varan"

The cost of the spray is 79 rubles. It contains components that allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of cockroaches. After treatment, it not only kills, but also manifests itself in a residual property, which means a long absence of insects.

Spray "Neo"

"Neo" is the most recognized and effective spray against cockroaches. It has almost no specific odor, but despite this it is very toxic to insects. When it hits an individual, it kills it in almost seconds and scares away other unwanted animals. The only drawback is that cockroaches get used to the aerosol over time and its effect does not affect them. The average price of Dichlorvos is 70 rubles.

Clean house

The price on the market for the “Clean House” anti-cockroach product reaches 450 rubles, and it is not the cheapest product with unambiguous responses. The manufacturer offers a release form in the form of spray, powder, chalk, gel and traps. There are convenient attachments for treating hard-to-reach areas. It has a pleasant smell.


, proven in the market. The effective composition fights crawling insects well and kills cockroaches. Active poisons such as tetramethrin and cypermethrin paralyze the insect, killing it. The cost in the store of the product is 365 rubles.


Aerosol against cockroaches is aimed at killing insects. Contains toxic chemicals. They allow you to quickly get rid of unwanted “guests”. It is easily sprayed onto the insect habitat, destroying both adult individuals and their clutches. Without smell. Cost 215 rubles.

Dichlorvos gel against cockroaches

Dichlorvos gel against cockroaches is an insecticidal agent. The basis of the product is fipronil. The drug is less toxic to humans. The effect on cockroaches is a paralytic agent, which allows you to kill the insect within 8 hours. The gel is in a special syringe; it is applied in a thin line along the entire perimeter of the room, as well as on furniture and corners where cockroaches appear. Cost 45 rubles.

Pros and cons of the product

The advantage of Dichlorvos is that there is a wide selection of drugs with this poison on the market. Dichlorvos acts against a whole range of different insects. Its price is affordable and can be used both at home and in industrial premises.

The main disadvantage of this insecticide is its increased toxicity to the human body.

Proper use of Dichlorvos


  • Use cockroach repellents as directed.
  • Do not spray the aerosol onto an open fire.
  • Do not break the integrity of the cylinder and do not throw it to avoid an explosion.
  • Beware of direct sunlight on the packaging, the container is under pressure.
  • Do not spray in the presence of children or animals.
  • Avoid contact with hands and mucous membranes.
  • Work with Dichlorvos wearing gloves and a mask.
  • Do not spray on food.
  • After handling, wash your hands and wash your clothes.
  • Store in a dark place out of reach of animals and children.

How to properly treat a room?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to remove animals and children from the premises. Furniture should be covered and textiles that may come into contact with the skin should be removed. Remove food items. If possible, move furniture away from walls and corners to free up all hard-to-reach places as much as possible and identify the breeding ground for cockroaches. Dichlorvos has a very strong odor, so it is better to open the windows.

How much does it erode?

Before processing, it is best to immediately open the windows in the room, as the pungent odor can cause an immediate headache. The treated room is completely evaporated within 2-3 hours with the window open; complete disintegration of the chemicals can take weeks.

Safety rules when working with Dichlorvos

It is important to use rubber gloves and a respirator mask. Avoid contact with eyes and food. Spray at a distance of 20-30 centimeters and at arm's length, in this case you get minimal contact with clothes and face.

Instructions for use

When treating at home, you should adhere to a certain dosage: 190 ml (1 bottle) is consumed per 28-30 m². If the apartment is heavily infested, then you will need 2 cans: one for general spraying, the other for treating cracks and other hard-to-reach places.

When you have completed all the steps to prepare the apartment and put on protective equipment, you can begin processing:

  1. Close all windows and doors (for greater effect).
  2. Take the aerosol and shake it well.
  3. Extend your hand (20-30 cm should remain to the surface).
  4. Start spraying. Its duration should not exceed 5 seconds, and you cannot change direction.
  5. Expect to spend 20 ml. per 1m².
  6. After treatment, you need to leave the apartment for 2-5 hours. Upon return, open all windows and wash all contact surfaces with soda solution.

Important! Under no circumstances should you treat with dichlorvos inside cabinets and drawers where food, medicines, and bedding are usually kept. Violation of precautionary measures can lead to health problems for people and animals

Each type of insect has its own spraying rules:

  • for bedbugs and cockroaches - along the baseboards around the perimeter of the apartment, behind radiators, wallpaper joints and cracks in walls and floors, the back side of wall objects, carpets, furniture frames and other places of accumulation and locations,
  • for moths - the aerosol is directed directly into the cabinet, it is recommended to keep the stream for about 2 seconds. per 1m³.,
  • for mosquitoes and flies - destruction must be carried out in places where they accumulate. Typically the jet is directed at doorways, doors, windows, cabinets, and ceilings. The remainder of the aerosol should simply be sprayed into the air to consolidate the treatment,
  • for fleas - pay special attention to the walls: from the bottom of the baseboards to a height of 1 m. It is also worth spraying on the pet’s sleeping areas, and then wash in hot water,
  • for ants - spraying is carried out along the path of movement.

Advice! It is very difficult to completely destroy insects in hard-to-reach places. To make the task easier, there are special attachments. Using them, the jet can easily reach hidden pests and parasites.

If you are convinced that the aggressiveness of the chosen “Dichlorvos neo” will have a negative effect on you or you are not sure that you can use it correctly, especially if bedbugs have been living in the house for more than 1 year, call professional exterminators who will help you cope with the task.

What to do in case of poisoning?

In case of poisoning, you must leave the room for fresh air. If poisons enter the body, it is necessary to induce vomiting and after a few hours drink a laxative to remove the poisons from the body. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, rinse the eyes with cold water. Do not enter the treated area for several hours until the product wears off.

Usually, if poisoning occurs, a person returns to full normalcy within 3 days, even if no additional first aid is taken. But you shouldn’t wait until everything goes away on its own; if the symptoms of poisoning continue for several hours, you should consult a doctor for help.

Preparing the room for processing

Before starting work, it is necessary to clear the room of all foreign objects. Remove paintings, move equipment and furniture to the center. Textiles must be rolled and washed. Wash dishes and personal hygiene items or put them in plastic bags. Such measures will not only protect residents from chemical poisoning, but will also prevent insects from breeding from eggs.

Particular attention should be paid to the bathroom and kitchen. Cockroaches constantly need water, so they try to stay close to it.

Before you start pest control, you need to clean the apartment: sweep out the trash, wipe off the dust. The product adheres better to cleaned surfaces and, accordingly, the residual effect of the drug lasts longer.

Food products must be placed in sealed bags or placed in plastic containers. After completing processing, the container should be wiped to prevent the poison from entering the human body.

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