How to properly peel celery and what to cook from it

Until recently, celery was a rather rare product; it was not so easy to find on store shelves. Today, this product can be purchased in almost every supermarket all year round. Therefore, the question arises as to whether it needs to be cleaned. And, if so, how to do it.

There are different opinions on this matter. Some insist that the vegetable does not need to be peeled; it should be consumed with the skin in order to preserve the beneficial substances contained in it. Others insist that this process is necessary. After all, the skin is a coarse fiber that has virtually no taste, simply spoils the texture of dishes, and is not very pleasant to eat.

Still, there are tips on what type of celery and under what circumstances should be peeled, and when you can do without this procedure. The leafy variety is not usually cleaned; the texture of the leaves allows it to be used without pre-treatment, other than washing in running water. The petiole also does not need to be cleaned if it is young and fresh. Its skin is thin and juicy, so it is quite suitable for eating. But if it has been in a warehouse or store for a long time and has withered a little, then cleaning is necessary. In this case, the stem fibers become too stiff and dehydrated. The root must be cleaned. In addition, it is necessary to carefully remove all darkening, unevenness and damage.

Types of celery


It was valued even by the ancient Greeks. The greens were eaten, used in medicine and in rituals dedicated to honoring the gods. This is one of the popular types of celery. In cooking, it is used as a seasoning that gives dishes a spicy aroma and as the main ingredient in salads and casseroles. Leaf varieties do not form thick and juicy cuttings and roots. This species is the easiest to cultivate; it is not afraid of frost, so it can be grown in open ground. In the first year, the plant produces an abundant amount of greenery, which can be eaten fresh and dried for the winter. When preparing hot dishes, the leaves are crushed and added a couple of minutes before cooking or sprinkled on top at the end of cooking.


This species is distinguished by the fact that it forms thick, juicy stems containing a lot of juice. Its fibers are very soft and suitable for human consumption. Petiole celery is an important product of many diets aimed at both losing weight and improving the health of the body. It is consumed fresh, without heat treatment; salads, light snacks are prepared from it, soups are also cooked and fried. Juice is squeezed out of petiole celery. When combined with freshly squeezed juices of other vegetables and fruits, you get very fresh, tasty and healthy cocktails.

There are special rules in growing stem celery that allow you to get a white and juicy fruit. It is planted in trenches or holes, like potatoes, and hilled throughout the entire growing period. Harvested in October.


This is a round-shaped root vegetable with snow-white pulp. It has a dense structure, bittersweet taste and strong aroma. It is used both as a seasoning and as the main ingredient for preparing salads and snacks. It is fried, stewed, and aromatic spicy puree is prepared as a side dish. You should buy fresh root, it is easier to peel, it has a more pronounced taste and aroma. It also contains more nutrients than the one that is stored for a long time.

How long to preserve celery and how to prepare it for the winter

It is not always possible to find a practical vegetable in store windows, especially in small towns. Therefore, it is useful to find out how to prepare it for long-term storage.

To store the root crop, it must be cleaned as follows:

  • the leaves are cut off, leaving only small petioles;
  • sand is poured into the box, the root crops are placed with the petioles facing up;
  • Store celery in a basement or cold room.

You can save the root vegetable in dried form. To do this, it must be cleaned, chopped into strips and dried. After this, place in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Celery greens wither instantly, so it is better to dry them and use them for their intended purpose, regardless of the time of year. To do this, the sheets are prepared, spread on paper and dried for four weeks. Dried herbs should be stored in paper bags.

You can preserve stalked celery by freezing it. Peel the shoots, chop them and place them in 1 layer on a cutting board. Then place it in the freezer. When the pieces are frozen, they are poured into a polymer storage container or bag. Use the workpiece without prior defrosting.

Useful properties of celery

The healing effects of this plant on the body have been known since ancient times. It is still recommended for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. This is due to its unique composition. It includes many vitamins (C, PP and B), microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium), essential oils, amino acids, acetic and oxalic acids. The plant has a bactericidal property that does not lose its effect even after entering the digestive system. Therefore, it is recommended for disinfecting not only the oral cavity, but also the stomach, intestines and even the urinary system.

Celery is especially useful for older people. It helps fight rheumatism, strengthens joints and bones, improves metabolism, tones, improves immunity, and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

The sodium contained in the composition helps reduce the consumption of table salt, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The plant helps fight excess weight, as it removes excess fluid from the body and speeds up metabolic processes. Also, its use helps regulate the process of hormone production.

All types are equally useful. Therefore, you can use the one you like or is an ingredient in your favorite dish. In any case, the body will receive all the microelements, vitamins and amino acids.

Of course, this plant is most useful in its raw form, but even after heat treatment it retains some of its beneficial properties.

The benefits and harms of celery for the body

This valuable vegetable contains a number of basic elements necessary for the full functioning and development of the human body:

  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium, etc.
  • Thanks to this composition, regular use of this product allows you to:
  • improve erectile function in men;
  • restore the functionality of the body's defense systems;
  • improve the condition of the central nervous system by providing a tonic effect;
  • improve metabolism and remove toxins, cholesterol, excess fluid from the body;
  • lower blood pressure by relaxing smooth muscle muscles;
  • restore favorable hormonal levels;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegetables can cause harm to the body if the daily norm is exceeded, which should not be more than 200 g.

  • Side effects may include:
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • severe decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rashes in the form of urticaria.

The use of the product in question is contraindicated when:

  • pregnancy - can greatly increase the tone of the uterus, which will lead to premature birth;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • epilepsy;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • product intolerance.

How to choose celery

When purchasing plant leaves, stems, or roots, you need to know what to look for. Like any other greenery, the leaves and stems should be bright green. There should be no yellowing or signs of wilting. This suggests that it has been stored for a long time or that too much fertilizer was used when growing it. The leaves should not have an excessively strong gloss. They are usually a little matte. A perfectly smooth surface is obtained if the plant has been treated with special compounds to increase shelf life.

The stems of a high-quality and fresh product are strong, fleshy and juicy. When the petiole is separated, a sharp crunching sound is heard. When purchasing a petiole type, you should refrain from choosing those specimens that have a seed arrow in the center. This plant can be very bitter.

When choosing a root vegetable, you should pay attention to smooth and even specimens without damage, darkening or soft spots on the surface. Of two options of the same size, it is recommended to choose the heavier one. It will be denser and juicier. Also, a smooth skin will make the cleaning process easier.

Only a fresh product will contain useful substances in the required quantities. Those that have managed to wilt a little are already losing their taste and aroma.

How to properly peel celery

Each type requires its own method of preliminary preparation and cleaning.


If the stems are very young, then the skin is still thin and tender, so you don’t have to remove it. Just rinse well, dry and use for cooking. In the case when the product has already matured well and has been stored for a long time, the skin should be discarded. It does not affect the taste of dishes, but its hard fibers will interfere with eating and cause discomfort.

  1. The first step is to cut off the lower part to which the stems are attached, also remove the leaves and dried upper tips. Only after removing the rosette, wash the cuttings thoroughly in running water. If you rinse without removing the base, dirt and sand may become trapped there.
  2. Then remove the tough fibers. They stretch like threads. This can be done manually, cut with a regular knife. But using a vegetable peeler will be more effective.
  3. After cleaning, check the quality of work. To do this, break the stem. If threads remain, they should be removed. Now the cuttings can be cut and prepared into salads, snacks, and smoothies.


This type of plant cannot be cleaned. The leaves are mainly used, so it is enough to tear them off from the hard stems, wash them in water, dry them, and chop them if necessary.

The stems can also be used, for example, in broth, they will give off their aroma, then they should be removed and discarded. They are not suitable for human consumption as they are very hard and fibrous.


how to peel celery Expand


The root vegetable requires more careful preparation before cooking and eating. It is always covered with a very tough skin. There are also often nodules and irregularities on the surface. Since its pulp is very dense, you will have to make a significant effort to peel it.

  1. First, wash the root thoroughly to get rid of lumps of earth. You can use a coarse sponge or dish brush for these purposes.
  2. Then use a knife to cut off the lower and upper parts of the fruit.
  3. If you do not plan to cook the entire root vegetable right away, you should not peel it entirely. You need to cut off the amount that will be used in the dish. Store the rest in the refrigerator without wrapping it in film or putting it in a bag.
  4. Using a knife, cut off all the peel from the prepared piece, remove knots, cracks and dark spots. The pulp should be absolutely clean and white.
  5. The spongy part can be distinguished in the pulp; it is denser. If the root vegetable is used simply for cooking and not for cleansing the body, it is better to cut it out and throw it away. It has no taste, but it takes a long time to digest. It is used by those going through the detoxification process.
  6. Rinse the peeled piece again and cut it for a dish. If the product is not used immediately, it must be filled with water, otherwise the pieces will quickly darken.

Stem – to clean or not

Celery stalks are mainly used in salads and cold appetizers without prior heat treatment. Whether the celery stalks need to be peeled before use or is best left as is depends on the thickness of the peel.

Young and juicy petioles do not require peeling . And sometimes this can be difficult to do: the pliable pulp separates under the edge of a knife. It is best to rinse this celery thoroughly with running water, dry it, chop it and then use it in salads or other dishes.

Sometimes you come across hard stems with a clearly visible “skin”. This is overgrown celery, which has a different taste from young celery, but after pre-processing it is suitable for food. Tips on how to peel celery, the stalk of which is not the first freshness, relate primarily to available kitchen equipment. If you have a vegetable peeler on your farm, you can use it; if not, a sharp knife will do. The main thing is to free the stem from the rough skin so that it can be used for its intended purpose in the future.

How to eat celery

The use of such a useful product has its own characteristics. Despite all its beneficial properties, celery can be harmful under certain circumstances. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, those with high stomach acidity, kidney stones, or those suffering from epilepsy. The rest can safely eat it, strengthening their health.

Each type has its own application. Thus, they prefer to eat the stems fresh. They are very juicy and tender, suitable for salads and snacks. For example, the stem cut into sticks can be dipped in hummus or other sauce.

The leaves of the plant can be used fresh or added to dishes when cooking. To prevent them from losing their beneficial properties due to heat treatment, it is recommended to add them 1–2 minutes before they are ready.

The root can also be eaten raw, making a salad from it, or stewed with vegetables and meat. Today, aromatic root vegetable puree as a side dish has become increasingly popular. Its spicy taste complements and emphasizes the taste of meat.

How to clean the root

The root crop of this aromatic vegetable has been undeservedly overlooked by consumers. But in vain, because it is healthy and tasty when prepared correctly. Make a soup richer and more aromatic, give a vegetable salad a piquant note, or become a full-fledged side dish - the unsightly-looking celery root is capable of all this.

How to clean rough peel correctly:

  • The root vegetable needs to be washed well; you can use a stiff brush - this way the lumpy peel will be washed off better.
  • Cut off the top and bottom of the root vegetable in such a way as to completely remove the leaves (if any) and roots.
  • Cut the root into 4 parts, set aside the required amount, wrap the rest in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Using a sharp knife or vegetable peeler, cut the peel to light pulp, then remove small spots and dubious areas - there should not be the slightest hint of vegetable “skin” left on the root vegetable.
  • Rinse the root vegetable again, dry and use as intended.

It should be remembered that peeled vegetables do not last long even in the refrigerator . 3-4 days is the period of time during which you will need to find a use for the root crop. Then it may rot or be attacked by a fungus, and all that remains is to throw it away.

Terms and conditions of storage

It must be remembered that celery cannot be stored for a long time. You need to buy it fresh and try to use it right away. But if there is a need to extend its shelf life, then you can use the following tips.

The refrigerator will help extend the shelf life by 1-2 weeks. The product should first be rinsed well, then placed on a napkin or cloth and allowed to dry. Afterwards, place the plant in an airtight container. You can use foil, plastic wrap, bags or containers. The product is stored in a container in the lower compartment or on the central shelf of the refrigerator.

If you want to make preparations for the winter, then you can freeze it. First, the product must be rinsed well, cleaned, and dried on a towel. Then crush the leaves in a blend or in another way. Place the crushed mass in ice-freezing molds, fill with clean water and place in the freezer. For convenience, you can later remove the cubes from the mold and put them in a bag. When you need to add it to a dish, just take out a cube and throw it into the broth or sauce. You can freeze whole leaves. They need to be removed from the stem, distributed evenly throughout the bag and frozen. This method allows you to preserve the product for 6–12 months. In addition, freezing does not destroy nutrients and vitamins. The root can also be frozen, but it must first be chopped.

Drying is another way to preserve the product until the next harvest. Leaves and roots are dried. The root needs to be chopped into pieces that are convenient for use. The leaves can be dried whole or chopped.

But simply storing it on a shelf in a closet or on a table would be the worst solution. The product will begin to deteriorate after 3 days. In such a case, there is a way to extend this period. To do this, celery must be placed in a container of water. The liquid should cover the product by half. Thus, it will last for 5 days, but the water must be changed daily.

Good tips and advice

Properly peeling stem celery is not enough to enjoy its taste; you need to know how to prepare the vegetable. The root is simmered until cooked, covered, until it becomes soft. The color of the finished vegetable changes from white to a light cream shade.

You can store the peeled and cut into pieces root in the refrigerator for a short time. Like all products, the pulp loses its good properties, fades and becomes weathered. Vegetables cannot be kept in a bag; this will not extend their shelf life.

The freshness of petiole celery is preserved for about a week. Store it in the refrigerator, well wrapped in foil. This type is most valuable when it is still fresh. After thermal treatment, the main part of the useful elements disappears.

However, not everyone can eat celery. The vegetable is prohibited if there are the following pathologies:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis in the deterioration stage;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • risk of thrombophlebitis.

Moreover, the product is strictly harmful to pregnant women and nursing mothers, since its effect on the fetus has not been mastered.

Nutritionists advise taking no more than 150 g of celery per day so as not to cause harm to the body. If you follow these tips, the vegetable will not do any harm:

  1. The aging process of cells slows down.
  2. The water-salt balance in the body is restored.
  3. Blood pressure improves and blood flow improves.
  4. Brain activity increases and nervousness decreases.
  5. The immune system is strengthened, which is important during the cold season.
  6. Resistance to stress appears.
  7. The kidneys and ureters are cleansed.
  8. Blood sugar levels decrease.
  9. The stool improves and constipation disappears.
  10. Heartburn goes away.
  11. Weight is improving.
  12. Vision becomes better.

In addition to everything else, the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals. So moderate consumption of greens will not interfere with health.

What can you cook from celery?

The leaves are used as a seasoning for dishes, applied fresh or cooked. But the stems and roots can be separate ingredients from which you can prepare a huge number of tasty, aromatic and healthy dishes.

It is better to receive nutrients in the morning. This will help you make a simple smoothie using celery stalks.



  • 3 medium celery stalks;
  • 1 apple;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • salt, sugar as desired.


  1. Peel the celery and chop into pieces if necessary.
  2. Cut the apple into cubes.
  3. Place the prepared products into a blender flask. Pour milk. Grind until smooth. Serve in tall glasses. You can decorate with strips of celery stalks.

Celery and raisin salad

Also a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients is a fresh salad with all types of celery.


  • 200 g of all types of celery (root, petioles, greens);
  • 50 g white raisins raisins;
  • 1–2 sprigs of parsley;
  • 30 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • salt, pepper as desired.


  1. Wash all products, dry and clean those that need it.
  2. Prepare the dressing sauce. In a bowl, mix vinegar, oil, salt, pepper. Shake thoroughly. Add raisins. Leave for 30 minutes, the raisins should soak and become saturated with flavors.
  3. Chop the peeled celery root into thin strips.
  4. Chop the petioles into circles, chop the parsley and celery leaves.
  5. Place the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, pour in the sauce, and stir. Let stand for another 30 minutes.

We recommend reading:

how to fry celery

Vegetable puree soup

For lunch, you can make a gentle celery stalk soup.


  • 1 bunch of stalked celery;
  • 4 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 medium tomato;
  • vegetable oil;
  • seasonings to taste.


  1. Clean and prepare ingredients. Cut the potatoes into cubes, celery into slices. Place everything in a saucepan, add water, add salt and cook over medium heat.
  2. Chop the onion. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry onions and carrots.
  3. Peel the tomato, chop finely and add to the carrots and onions when they are almost ready. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the sauteed vegetables to the pan and cook everything together a little more.
  5. When the potatoes and celery are ready, remove from the heat. Grind with a blender until smooth. Heat again and bring to a boil.
  6. As soon as the soup boils, remove from heat. Pour into plates and serve.

Recommendations for consumption

There are definitely people who eat celery because they like the taste of the vegetable. However, the vast majority begin to eat celery when they become ill or need to lose weight.

Depending on the purposes, the methods of consuming the plant also change - raw, stewed and boiled, in the form of juices, decoctions, etc.

For the purpose of treatment

The first recipe will be useful for the treatment of rheumatism and other joint diseases. You need to take a tablespoon of root, pour a glass of boiled water over it and leave to steam for four hours. Use as compresses.

To get rid of allergies, a cold tincture is used. Pour two large spoons of finely chopped root vegetables into a glass of water at room temperature and leave overnight. Take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

To stabilize blood glucose levels, take 20 grams of the root and pour a glass of hot water. Boil the mixture for fifteen minutes, cool and take three large spoons before meals.

Celery-based ointment heals wounds and helps with burns. To prepare it, pass the plant through a meat grinder and mix with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio.

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