All about ginger root - how to choose, peel, eat and brew it into tea

Ginger root is a unique product in its effects, which has become famous not only as a spice, but also for its beneficial properties.

It has a positive effect on human immunity during the period of raging colds. But this is not the only benefit that ginger has. It contains many elements such as nicotinic acid, silicon, potassium, vitamin C, phosphorus, aluminum, iron, etc.

We also love this product among women - it helps to cope perfectly with extra pounds.

How to choose ginger root

Before you figure out how to eat ginger, it’s worth deciding on the rules for choosing this product:

  • Choose exclusively dense specimens with smooth skin. It should not show limp folds that appear from too long and improper storage.
  • Do not purchase a root with spots and a loose structure. Mold may also be visible on such products.
  • The most fragrant roots are long and thin. They contain a higher content of essential oils.
  • Give preference to a product with a thin peel. You can check this by quietly prying up the outer layer with your fingernail.

Advice: if you do not purchase fresh root, but in powder form, pay attention to the packaging. It must be complete. Otherwise, the spice may be damp and the flavor may not be as rich. The shelf life is also important - it must coincide with the period during which you intend to use the product.

Brew ground and dried ginger

One teaspoon of ground and dried ginger replaces 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh root vegetable. This should be taken into account when brewing any spicy drink. Take one teaspoon of spice per 500 ml of water maximum. It is always brewed with boiling water or boiled for about 10 minutes. Tea with ground spices always turns out cloudy, very spicy and hot in taste. It is good for colds, intestinal poisoning, and for weight loss.

To make the taste less pronounced, mint, lemon balm, lemon or orange are added to tea. In the summer, you can make ginger lemonade, which, in addition to water and ground spices, contains lemon juice, sparkling water and cane sugar. For 300 ml of boiling water, 1 tsp is required. spices, juice of 2 lemons, a glass of soda, sugar to taste. Ginger must be brewed with boiling water, infused, filtered and the rest of the ingredients added.

Ground root vegetables as tea leaves are valued for indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Why you need to peel ginger

You can either peel the ginger or leave the outer layer intact. In this case, you should proceed from the age of the product and how exactly you are going to use it:

  • young specimens, the skin of which is practically not felt, can simply be rinsed in running water. True, for Russia it is extremely difficult to find such roots. This is due to the fact that the outer layer of a small root is extremely untransportable. When transporting the product, it may be damaged, which will lead to rapid spoilage.
  • If you decide to brew ginger with a thin skin, then without fear you can only chop it - such skin does not have the property of being bitter.
  • Those specimens whose skin is quite well defined and has a dense, rough structure must be cleaned. It can completely ruin the taste of a dish or drink and also actively absorbs foreign odors.

Product selection

Ginger can be stored for a relatively long time; by its appearance it is not difficult to determine how edible it is. The root should be:

  • light (Indian subspecies) or dark (African subspecies) golden color;
  • with uniform color without darkening or spots;
  • hard;
  • dry and slightly rough to the touch;
  • with a fresh citrus aroma;
  • without scales, plaque, breaks or other damage;
  • without lumps and eyes, which indicate that the ginger was stored in improper conditions and began to sprout.


Ginger with sprouts can be planted in a pot of citrus soil, and after 10 months you can dig up a fresh harvest of the spice.

It is not worth buying more than one root for brewing tea, it will be used slowly. It is very easy to store it even after it has been cut or broken. Just wrap the spice in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Cleaning methods

If you have come to the conclusion that preparatory work cannot be avoided, then here are several ways to peel ginger quite simply, having the usual tools at hand.


An ordinary teaspoon is quite suitable for the role of a scraper. It is necessary to hold it so that the thumb is firmly on the convex back side of the device.

Manipulations are performed with confident movements strictly in one direction. Also try to get to the healthy pulp by removing the skin as little as possible.

Tip: Before peeling the ginger, rinse it thoroughly in low-temperature running water. Warm liquid will negatively affect the condition of the root.

Razor or knife

The principle here is the same as peeling ginger with a spoon. It is important to carry out manipulations so that the tool cuts off an even thinner layer. You need to barely touch the blade to the surface. But it is important to observe one condition - whether it is a knife or a blade, they must be as sharp as possible.


Almost every housewife has such a device. It allows you to quickly remove the skin of any vegetable. In the case of ginger, it is necessary to observe the thickness of the cut - it should not exceed two millimeters.

Metal sponge

Preference should be given to a new washcloth. Firstly, it consists of wire that is still intact, and secondly, there are no food residues on it. In this case, make movements in one direction, but if the result is difficult to achieve, start rubbing in the opposite direction too. The main thing is not to press too hard. If you cut into the root, you risk losing some of the healing oils.


Using a toothbrush with stiff bristles is the best way to clean the ginger root, although the process is quite time-consuming. Ultimately, the pulp remains intact and only the top layers are removed. The procedure must be carried out in a bowl of cool water.

Useful properties of ginger

Ginger root contains many valuable components:

  • vitamins B and C;
  • folic and nicotinic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

Thanks to this composition, the product has the following beneficial properties:

  • reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • enhances the secretory function of the digestive system;
  • helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • relieves pregnant women from toxicosis;
  • accelerates the blood circulation process, supplying the body with the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • improves the condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • has a fat-burning effect, which is important for weight loss.

How to store it correctly

The optimal conditions for storing ginger are fairly high air humidity and low above-zero temperatures. The best place to store the spine is the refrigerator compartment.

There are a number of rules that should be taken into account for the longest possible storage of the product:

  • Inspect the root for damaged areas. If they are present, it is better to get rid of problem areas.
  • Be sure to wipe off any moisture from the product and place it in cellophane. Additionally, you can wrap it in a paper napkin. In this state you can keep it fresh for several weeks.
  • Do not peel the ginger before storing it.
  • Do not store roots without packaging. They have a pungent odor that can easily be transferred to other products.
  • For longer storage, you can freeze the root. The form in which you do this is entirely your decision. You can either store it grated or cut it into thin slices.
  • If you intend to use ginger only for medicinal purposes, grate it and mix it with honey. You can supplement the product with crushed lemon.
  • You can also dry ginger. To do this, it is not necessary to grind it into powder (this is exactly what it looks like in store-bought spices), just cut it into very thin slices across and put it in the oven for at least an hour. The temperature is set to 50 degrees. When the slices begin to crumble, the product can be cooled and transferred to an airtight container.

Preparing the fetus

You need to peel ginger (root) after proper preliminary preparation of the product. This can be done in different ways. The choice of preparation method depends on what the ginger will ultimately be used for. For example, you can use the product for tea drinks, lemonade, pickling. The best place to start is to find a recipe that lists the exact required proportions of all ingredients used.

As a rule, it will also indicate which method is best to remove the coating from the root crop. Before cleaning, the root of the product must be washed. This must be done under a strong stream of running ice water. It is not recommended to use metal cleaning sponges. Otherwise, they will immediately begin to separate the peel from the product. It's best to use a soft sponge.

It happens that ginger root emits an unpleasant odor. In this case, during preparation you will also need to rinse the product with very hot water. It is important to examine the root and check for soft spots. If there are rotten parts among them, they must be cut off. But it is better not to use such a product in cooking at all. When purchasing root vegetables, it is recommended to choose whole roots.

They should not only be free of cuts, but also of any scratches or cracks. In the process of using ginger and cutting new pieces from it, the product will need to be properly processed. The cut must be coated with a thin layer of vegetable fat or covered with cling film. This is necessary so that the essential oils do not erode from the root vegetable. Such processing in the process will also extend the shelf life of ginger.

How to brew the root

A drink based on ginger root is distinguished by its beneficial properties and tart aftertaste. This drink will help support the immune system and will warm you well in the frosty winter.

Brewing rules

In order to make truly healthy tea, it is worth learning how to brew ginger correctly. There are several aspects that should be strictly followed:

  • If as a result you want to get a decoction based on the root, then you can easily prepare it in a water bath. In this case, the product is used in powder form for preparation. Add about two tablespoons per half liter of liquid. The drink is infused over steam for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered using several layers of gauze. But you should not use the infusion in its pure form - it is used as a standard tea leaves and diluted with three proportional parts of boiling water.
  • For a richer taste and high concentration, it is recommended to boil the root (it should be pre-cleaned) for a quarter of an hour with the stove toggle switch on medium. And when the drink reaches a temperature of 37 degrees, you can add honey and lemon to your taste.

How to add to tea

Ginger can be added to tea either as a single ingredient or by diluting its scorching taste with other components. As a supplement, rose hips, cinnamon, lemon, cloves, pepper and even milk can be used, which will give a calming effect.

You can use either black or green tea as a base. The main thing is to follow the chronology of preparing the drink:

  1. Prepare a brew of your favorite tea in advance. This can be either a packaged product or a sheet product.
  2. Add ginger root and any spices you like. Boil for no longer than ten minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add sugar or honey to taste. If desired, complement the drink with a slice of citrus.

Coffee with ginger

Coffee lovers can also enjoy this healthy drink. The infusion will not only fill you with warmth, but will also invigorate you quite quickly.

To prepare coffee with ginger, you must follow the usual steps when brewing a drink in a Turk from natural ground beans.

True, in this option it is worth giving preference to ground ginger, a teaspoon of which is added to the contents of a special vessel. Ground cinnamon will also perfectly complement the taste.

Tip: after finishing the brewing process, let the Turk stand for a while - as a result, all the spices will settle to the bottom with the coffee grounds and will not get into your cup.

Infusion in a thermos

This method of preparing the drink will allow you to taste it at any time and even take it with you on a walk. There is nothing complicated in preparation - you just need to pour hot water (about 50 degrees) into a thermos and add the chopped root. Then let it brew for several hours. You can add a few sprigs of peppermint or any other favorite herbs.

Ginger with garlic

The drink will help you get rid of extra pounds without harm to your health and protect your body from viruses. The disadvantages of such drinking include a rather specific smell.

To prepare this miracle drink, you will need a root four centimeters long and a couple of garlic cloves. All components are crushed, poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water.

It is recommended to strain the infusion before use. This tea can be taken not only by adults, but also by children as a preventative against colds, but not more than 30 ml per day.

Important : before eating ginger, pay attention to contraindications. If you suffer from all kinds of intestinal colitis, ulcers or are pregnant, you should refrain from consuming this product.

Option for weight loss

To combat fat deposits, you can also use the healing ginger root. You should proceed as follows:

  1. Grate the spine using a large-hole grater. On average, you will need four tablespoons of crushed product.
  2. Fill with water (not boiling) and leave to infuse. If you do not have a thermos, then wrap the container with a towel, thus slowing down the cooling process.
  3. Take 100 milliliters before each meal.

Tip: do not dilute the drink with a lot of water - its taste must be quite sharp to achieve results.

Description of the qualities of ginger

Ginger is a cultivated plant native to Asia, Africa and the Americas . This is a low-calorie product - a total of 80 calories per 100 g. Ginger contains a large amount of essential oils, for this reason it is very fragrant, contains amino acids, various vitamins and other substances. Without exception, all components renew the digestive system and improve gastric secretion. In addition, ginger (or its root) strengthens the immune system and promotes fat burning. In folk medicine, it is often used as a way to get rid of colds.

Modern medical science has learned to make preparations from the root. Based on it, a medicine was created for asthma, gallbladder diseases, kidney diseases and other diseases. The root has a great effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol in the blood and improves memory.

The female body needs this root, as it relieves pain during the menstrual cycle, eliminates signs of toxicosis during pregnancy, nausea during motion sickness, and interferes with the development of cancer cells. For this reason, it should be used, regardless of whether you need to lose weight or simply improve your health. The product is used both in main dishes and in confectionery products.

How else can you use the plant?

In addition to making healthy tea, there are many ways to use ginger:

  • adding to meat or fish dishes. In the first case, the root enhances the taste, and when preparing fish dishes, on the contrary, it removes the specific fishy smell;
  • as a flavoring for spicy baked goods;
  • in the process of pickling, as well as in making salads. This product is widely used in the cuisine of China and Japan.

You can often come across the question: is it possible to eat raw ginger - of course you can! It is not only healthier than the powder form, but also much more effective and faster.

Even if you haven't liked ginger up to this point, don't neglect to consume this incredible root, especially if you're trying to pay due attention to your health. Good health to you!

Is cleansing necessary?

Cleaning the pulp of a plant or refusing it directly depends on the purpose of its use.

No need:

  1. Making tea and drinks.
  2. Sugaring and pickling.

Need to:

Subject to mandatory cleaning if the product is consumed as food. The peel will not spoil the dish if the ingredients are subjected to long-term heat treatment. Insufficient frying or boiling will turn the plant skin into dirt, which can ruin both the taste and aesthetics of the food served.


When using only part of the root. The rest is left unrefined to prevent drying out.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to purchase purified spice, as it is devoid of all beneficial qualities and will not impart the desired taste to tea or food.

Ginger tea - two questions, see inside.

Lyubov Orlova

​Ginger can be eaten raw. if you are afraid of the burning taste. I do this: I put the lemon in a cup. I finely chop fresh ginger and put it there. I pour boiling water over it. let it sit for a while. then add a spoonful of honey. I'm having a drink. At the same time, pieces of ginger soaked in honey are very tasty. although it’s hot. Peel, grate, lemon slices and mint - class!


​In the same container, place a piece of lemon to taste (or squeeze the lemon directly inside), add a tablespoon of your favorite honey.​

Elena Ostaltsova

​Another important point in preparing this fruit is how to dry ginger at home.​

Lyubov Tian

​Ingredients:​ ​water for syrup - 0.5 cups;​ ​Pour boiling water over the grated ginger root and leave in a thermos for 40 minutes. Then we filter the warming drink. The taste of tea is quite piquant, so you should pour more boiling water or add berry jam or pieces of fruit.​

Yesterday's Summer

​has a positive effect on taste buds.​

​Celebrity chefs know how to use ginger. In addition to all of the above, ginger has many more qualities that make it an effective remedy for preventing cancer, improving skin condition, and, of course, improving mood. Therefore, there are many dishes that include this plant.

It is unlikely that any other plant can boast of the properties that ginger has. This is an almost universal remedy for many diseases; ginger can be used to improve the condition of the entire body, as they say, “from head to toe.”​

​It is not recommended to use this plant for people who are struggling with an illness such as bleeding hemorrhoids.​

Definitely need to clean


​Then, pay attention, fill the container about a fifth full with ordinary cold water, stir everything that is inside, and only then fill it with hot water.​

​In order to start drying it, you need to buy the fruit or collect it from your garden (this should be done when the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off). Then it must be washed well and dried in the sun or in the oven. Before leaving the ginger to dry, it is recommended to chop it or finely grate it. If the ginger has turned a grayish-white color, it means it has already dried well enough.​

marina astafieva

​water - 2 glasses;​

Elena "MIRACLE" Filippovskikh

​fresh mint - a pinch;​ ​Brewing ginger for weight loss​

Can you eat ginger raw? And if so, how should I peel it or something else?


​lime – 1 pc.​


​Ginger is better than any newfangled pills and drugs in promoting rapid and uniform weight loss. The plant normalizes metabolism, removes waste and toxins from the body, and also has a warming effect. In order for ginger tea to have a beneficial effect on your figure, add a little lemon juice, lime or cinnamon to it.​

Denis Bozhenko


Sergey Ushakov

​To give the soup an original taste and add satiety, you can use “horned root” as a dressing ingredient. Another way to eat ginger root is to add it to meat sauce.​


If you have a cough or sore throat, ginger tea will be the best remedy. The roots of the plant must be crushed and brewed to prepare a medicinal cough drink.​

Yuliya Plugatarenko

If you suffer from high blood pressure, then under no circumstances should you eat ginger root. Those who have had a stroke or myocardial infarction are also contraindicated from eating ginger, even in small quantities.​


​probably not​ ​Ginger is very bitter and it’s simply impossible to eat. It can be added to tea, coffee, when cooking meat and fish

Vyacheslav Dudnik

The result is a slightly hot, aromatic, sweet and sour hot drink that warms perfectly and contains an incredible amount of all kinds of useful substances. I won’t describe everything, because it will take a lot of space and time.​ ​1 I don’t peel - I’m lazy, the skin is thin​


​black/green tea – 2 tsp;​



Oksana Filippova

​How to brew and drink ginger drink for the whole family?​

Rules of use

If a person does not suffer from a stomach ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastritis, or hypertension, you can drink ginger drinks as desired, but not more than 2 liters per day. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink the brewed root vegetable on an empty stomach in the morning and before each meal during the day.

For colds, warm tea is recommended, which is drunk in small portions, but often throughout the day. One and a half to two liters of liquid can be divided into 6-8 half-cup doses, regardless of meals. To strengthen the immune system and prevent colds, drink tea 2 times a day, morning and evening, no later than 2 hours before bedtime. In other cases, they drink teas, drinks, and lemonades according to any scheme, but within reasonable limits.

Brewing ginger is quick and easy. This process does not require special technologies and devices, and this is its beauty. Without effort and wasting time, you can get a rich concentrate of nutrients that will preserve health, youth and beauty.  

How to tell if ginger has gone bad

You can determine that ginger has gone bad by the following signs:

  • fresh root: becomes soft, cracks, dents, stains or mold appear on it;
  • dry powder: cakes, ceases to be crumbly and volatile;
  • pickled: the brine becomes cloudy, sediment appears at the bottom;
  • candied fruits or flakes: become sticky or wet.

You should not eat such foods; not only will they not bring health benefits, they can cause additional harm. Such products should be disposed of immediately. And those purchased again should be kept at home in strict accordance with the advice and storage conditions.

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