How to wash jeans correctly: basic tips and common mistakes

Washing jeans while maintaining their color and shape is a result that any housewife wants to achieve. Most often, the manufacturer recommends washing denim clothes separately from other items.

But in order to save time and water consumption, housewives use a trick by combining denim clothes with other things in one wash.

Knowing the secrets of how to wash jeans with other clothes will help you achieve perfect clean results. What can you wash jeans with in a washing machine? Is it possible with whites and things of other colors? Details are in the article.

Features of denim

Classic denim is made from cotton twill weave. This fabric is very dense, with a characteristic relief, comfortable to wear. Denim is often supplemented with threads with a synthetic base: this adds new properties. Stretch jeans with polyester have excellent stretch and fit perfectly to the figure.

Caring for natural and blended denim consists of a number of rules. The most basic ones are always indicated on the label.

How often to wash

Although no one forbids washing jeans every day, frequent contact with water and detergent will cause the fabric to lose its elasticity and color faster. The less frequently we wash our jeans, the longer they last. But this does not mean that you need to stay in your pants for a whole month, and only then wash off the ingrained layer of various dirt. Washing is always commensurate with wear: worn a little, then washed.

It is better to wash new jeans immediately after purchase. Local stains should be washed by hand in a basin, so as not to spin generally clean trousers in the drum.

Advice A sure sign that jeans need cleaning is a stretched waistband or slightly protruding knees. After drying, the shape will be restored.

Is it possible?

You can wash black jeans, but you shouldn't do it too often. The less often they come into contact with water, the better .
This will preserve their original color and shape. Denim fabric is made from cotton fibers. Initially, all pants are white. They are painted in production to give the desired color.

If the leaching of pigment from light jeans is unnoticeable, then faded black pants look pale. To prevent the item from “aging” ahead of time, you need to wash it at low temperatures and as rarely as possible.

Washing rules

For any type of washing, try to use cold, or maximum warm, water. Jeans need to be prepped a bit before soaking or cycling in the machine.


Check your pockets and remove anything unnecessary. It is better to fasten zippers and buttons. If you machine wash on the standard cycle, turn the pants inside out so that the front side experiences less friction. Be sure to turn decorated trousers inside out.

If there are difficult stains, for example, grass or berry juice, then wet them with water and soap them with laundry soap. Antipyatin soap for colored laundry works well on jeans.

Wash by hand

Hand washing is a priority if jeans are prone to shedding and contain synthetic threads.

How to wash by hand:

  1. Dissolve the detergent in a large bowl. The jeans should be completely submerged in water. Temperature - 30-40 degrees.
  2. Soak the prepared pants for 40-50 minutes.
  3. “Massage” your pants with light movements, paying attention to the seams, pockets, knees, waistband - those places that get dirty the most.
  4. Drain the solution and rinse thoroughly in running water.
  5. Squeeze gently. You can twist it, but moderately.
  6. Shake off the moisture, straighten your pants and set them to dry.

Machine washable

It is important what mode the jeans will be washed on. Consider the composition of the fabric.

How to wash denim in a machine:

  1. Choose manual or delicate mode. “Cotton” at 30-40 degrees is suitable.
  2. Reduce the spin speed to minimum if you want to save your pants.
  3. To avoid overloading the drum, do not wash more than 3-4 pairs at a time. Cotton jeans become heavy when wet.
  4. Don't neglect additional rinsing.
  5. Avoid machine drying.

Note to housewives

When dried properly, jeans straighten out under their own weight and do not require ironing. Denim is a very dense fabric that is wrinkle resistant. If you still need to iron, do it while the jeans are slightly damp - this will make it easier for the fabric to straighten out. Ironing from the inside out is preferred.

Black jeans will lose their color less if they are first left in water and vinegar. The acid will set the dye in the middle of the fibers. Dark blue and black jeans will fade less if you subsequently wash them in slightly salted or acidified water.

It is better to wash denim clothes with embroidery and rhinestones by hand. When cleaning by machine, be sure to not only turn your pants inside out, but also place them in a special bag (pillowcase). In this case, the most gentle mode is set, for example, “Wool”: it is better to hang very damp, wet jeans than to lose all the decor, and even clog the filters of the machine with it.

It is not recommended to dry clean jeans. Chemicals negatively affect the fabric, as a result of which the item quickly loses its appearance.

By following the above recommendations, it will not be difficult to clean the dirt from your favorite jeans. Good denim can withstand both hand and machine washing. For cheaper samples, you just need to choose a more gentle mode. It is recommended to pay attention to the selection of detergents and not to overdo the spin cycle, and your clothes will look like they came from a store for a long time.

Typical washing mistakes

Banal laziness or ignorance of the features of jeans leads to minor troubles, and if you are unlucky, then to damage to the pants beyond repair. Don't make these mistakes like other housewives.

Washing with other items

Washing classic blue jeans with white clothes, even at 30 degrees, is a big risk. After such a mistake, housewives take a long time to remove blue stains from T-shirts and shirts.

Wash jeans only with similar fabrics, preferably of similar composition, following the instructions on the labels.


Washing at 60 degrees or higher often causes jeans to fade, especially if they are black or deep blue.

There is another problem: the fabric shrinks. You risk simply not fitting into your favorite trousers.

Incorrect spin

If you set the washing machine to the most powerful spin, thin jeans may not withstand the load and tear. Reduce speed to avoid excessive wrinkling of the fabric.

Incorrect washing mode

Natural cotton jeans on the “Wool” or “Synthetic” mode may not wash.

What products can you use to wash jeans?

If the issue of caring for jeans is really very important to you, we offer you an overview of special washing products developed taking into account the characteristics of denim fabric.

  1. BiMax Jeans

    . The product, made in Russia, has the form of a gel. It dissolves well in water. Helps preserve and restore the color of clothing and removes stains. Average price - 300 rubles.

  2. Amway Home SA8 Black

    . American product, 1 liter volume, priced at RUB 1,500. Operates in a temperature range from 15 to 90 degrees. Helps retain paint and is completely washed out of the fabric. Can be used for children's clothing thanks to natural active ingredients.

  3. Luxus professional.

    The German liquid product in the form of a gel is available in a 1 liter plastic container. Economical consumption and active formula provides long-term and reliable care for denim fabric. Price – 300-350 rub.

  4. Coral Jeans.

    Liquid product with a volume of 1.5 liters made in Germany. It has a pleasant aroma and pronounced care qualities, thanks to which jeans do not lose color for a long time. Active at a temperature of 30 degrees.


    liquid washing powder. The domestic brand offers an active detergent that starts working at 25 degrees, retains color and removes complex stains. Average price – 200 rubles.

  6. Gel-con.

    A detergent for washing denim clothes was produced in Russia. Maintains fabric quality while removing stubborn stains. The average cost is 200 rubles.

  7. NORDLAND Denim washing balm

    . German product, volume 750 ml. Operating temperature range – 20-60 degrees. Gently washes and removes dirt. Suitable for all types of washing machines. Made from natural safe ingredients. Average price – 380 rubles.

In conclusion, we note that jeans are not uniform clothing that requires strict wearing. This is a thing that you create yourself. Over time, it only improves, acquiring a comfortable fit and individual features. It would be a shame to lose your favorite thing. Therefore, when caring for your jeans, follow some simple rules and follow some precautions to avoid their premature damage.

How to dry properly

The final stage of washing is proper drying. For most fabrics, natural drying is a priority, and denim is no exception.

All drying rules:

  1. Straighten out any creases.
  2. Hang your pants or place them on the dryer.
  3. Do not dry on a radiator or in a dryer. Over-drying harms the fibers and makes them brittle. For the same reason, ironing is harmful to jeans.
  4. To prevent your pants from fading in the sun, turn them inside out if you dry them outside in the summer.

Regular freezing

According to experts, denim items should be frozen regularly. Exposure to cold temperatures allows clothes to stay fresh and clean longer. According to experts in the field of denim care, the freezing process can replace washing items, since during it all the bacteria located between the weaves of the threads are killed.

Before placing an item in the freezer overnight, you should wrap it in an airtight bag.

Changing jeans size

We use all the tips in reverse to reduce stretched jeans. Tricks will also come in handy for those who have lost weight by 1-2 sizes, but do not yet have the opportunity to update their wardrobe.


Wash your jeans in a machine at 60 or even 90 degrees. The more cotton in the composition, the higher the likelihood of shrinkage. A radical method is boiling in a saucepan, but this is only suitable for the most durable denim.


To stretch pant legs, work with the fabric while it is wet. Simply secure the waistband and give the bottom a good tug. Leave to dry in this position, you can additionally secure the pant legs.

Another way is to steam your jeans well and put them on yourself.

Important Tips

To wash black jeans without ruining them, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When using a powder product, you need to rinse the product twice. Its particles tend to accumulate in the fabric and lead to the appearance of white spots and streaks. As a result, the pants will have to be washed again.

  2. Before you start washing, you need to read the information on the item's label.
  3. You can iron black pants only from the wrong side.

If your jeans become stiff after washing, you can iron them through gauze by turning on the steam function.

If it is not possible to wash or washing is prohibited

It is worth listening to the opinion of famous denim designers, such as the creator of the Levi's brand, Levi Strauss: to make jeans last for several years, wash them once every 2 months. There is no point in taking this advice to the point of absurdity, because today the fabrics of jeans vary greatly in composition, and the thing is so comfortable that you want to wear it every day. But you can take note of some tricks that will reduce the number of washes.

Dry cleaning

Folk remedies for dry and wet cleaning are salt, soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar solution and others. Can be used without water. To remove traces of the product, use a vacuum cleaner, an alcohol wipe, or simply wait until it dries.

Local wet cleaning

Stains can be treated with soapy water, dish soap (it effectively removes greasy marks), or soda slurry. Use a soft sponge or brush, be sure to rinse off the product with water.


An alternative to frequent washing is long-term airing. This method will help when there are no visible stains on the jeans, but body odor remains. The smell on the balcony will disappear within 24 hours.

Expert opinion

Experts assure that true denim fans rarely send denim clothes to the wash. This process can only be carried out in the most hopeless cases, and it is done manually using cold water. Amazing, isn't it?

Experts say that with good care, denim clothing can last quite a long time. A serious aspect in this case is the lack of constant washing, since this process negatively affects not only the color of the material, but also its structure.

Tips and warnings

Cleaning things is a good thing if it is carried out in compliance with all recommendations and advice from the manufacturer. Deviations in this case will not be appropriate, as it is fraught with damage to clothing. To preserve denim products in their original form for a long time, follow these rules:

  • Do not wash in too hot water; it is unlikely to remove dirt; on the contrary, the dirt will become more deeply embedded in the fibers.
  • High temperatures will also negatively affect the color scheme; jeans may fade.
  • Many people wonder how to wash white jeans, just like the rest, just don’t add anything to them.
  • What can you wash jeans with? It is advisable to clean them alone or select things that are similar in color.
  • In what mode can you wash jeans? The most suitable is delicate or gentle, the rest can harm the structure of the fabric.

Compliance with all of the above points will significantly extend the life of denim clothing. The products will delight you with their ideal appearance for a long time.

You can wash jeans either by hand or in a washing machine; a properly carried out procedure will thoroughly clean the fabric, refresh it, while the fibers will remain the same.

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