How to sharpen razor blades using jeans, a belt and a sharpener

The availability and convenience of razors has led to them being extremely popular among both men and women. But it’s not enough just to choose a good razor, you also need to use and store it correctly so that it lasts longer and performs its functions efficiently. That’s why owners have questions about how to sharpen a razor so that the procedure gives the best possible result.

Most users do not try to sharpen blades at home, thinking that it is difficult and unlikely. But some still decide to find such methods and extend the life of the razor.

Such methods do exist and are quite effective at home. Although, of course, a razor blade is not a knife, it cannot be updated in the usual way.

Why sharpen your blades yourself?

The question of the appropriateness of sharpening procedures for razor blades is relevant, and there are several answers to it. Firstly, it allows you to extend the life of the machine. That is, instead of throwing away the razor, you can renew it and use it for the same amount of time.

Secondly, it saves money. After all, purchasing replacement cassettes regularly requires significant financial investments. And sharpening and updating them will help put off going to the store for at least a few months.

Thirdly, it is not always possible to buy replacement cassettes, but shaving is safe and sometimes simply necessary urgently. In order not to put off shaving until you buy a new blade, you can sharpen it and enjoy the result.

Sharpening a razor is a useful and convenient skill that can save money. Having tried to use any of the blade sharpening methods once, each user will be able to learn and perform the procedure quickly and efficiently.

Do I need to sharpen my razor myself?

The following facts support a positive answer to this question:

  1. If you take it yourself, you can extend the life of the machine by approximately the same period of time.
  2. Such actions allow you to save significantly, because... When buying a replacement one, you are spending a significant amount of money. And sharpening helps to postpone the trip for new accessories by 2-3 months.
  3. In some situations, it is problematic to buy a new pack of replacement blades. For example, when you urgently need to shave. To do this without being distracted by going to the store, you just need to sharpen the blades.

Having used one of the sharpening methods once, everyone has the opportunity to learn how to do it efficiently and easily. If there is no need for these inventions, of course, it’s easier to run to the store and buy a new pack of cassettes. And anyone who sharpened a blade using one of the methods listed below will probably be happy to share their impressions of a positive result.

Using a special sharpening device

Demand always creates supply, so not long ago special devices for sharpening blades at home appeared on the market. The device is a handle equipped with a small strip of plastic, on the surface of which a special abrasive is applied. It allows you to sharpen disposable and reusable razors with equal efficiency, extending their service life several times.

A prominent representative of such devices is the RazorPit device from a Danish company, although it also has a cheaper analogue, Zattoch, made in Ukraine. The devices are easy to use and give good results. The sequence of actions includes the following steps:

  1. You need to apply a little cosmetic product – gel or foam – to the surface of the device.
  2. Use the cutting part of the razor to move along the abrasive in the direction opposite to how the razor moves during the shaving process.
  3. Depending on how long you use the machine, 25-30 movements are enough to get the blades sharp again.

The procedure is simple and effective, but you need to understand that the razor sharpening device itself also costs money. It may be cheaper to update replacement cassettes on the machine.

Sharpening a cassette in a pyramid

If you are wondering how to sharpen a razor and don’t want to buy any equipment, you can build a special pyramid for this purpose.

This device is useful for repeated use. Sharpening your razor is simple and convenient. When manufacturing, you should proceed from the dimensions of the machine. The device itself can be constructed from wooden slats and any available material that is used to cover the sides of the figure. Using machines with this device is very profitable.

The razor is placed in the inner part of the pyramid with the blade directed north. The device itself is also positioned taking into account the cardinal directions.

Why razor blades become sharp is still an open question for debate. Judging by the reviews of those who tried to build a special pyramid, we can conclude that the method really works.

One razor must be processed in a pyramid for 1.5-4 years. Therefore, the device is considered effective and reliable, despite its secret technique of influence.

Sharpening the blade using denim

Instead of a blade sharpener, you can use denim or any ribbed fabric. The effect of this procedure is practically no different from using special devices, but it is cheaper and simpler. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Jeans need to be turned inside out.
  2. Under a small piece of fabric you need to place some kind of dense thing - a cardboard cylinder, a wooden block or a ruler.
  3. Jeans are usually made from bias-cut fabric, so the thick lining needs to be laid flat. If the jeans are sewn straight, then the base must be fixed diagonally.
  4. The razor is drawn across the fabric in the opposite direction to a normal shave. This sharpens the blades and keeps the fabric intact.

You can repeat the blade sharpening procedures several times until the steel becomes so thin that it can no longer be restored. But before this happens, you can use the machine much longer without spending much money.

If you need to sharpen the blades of an electric razor, it is better to contact a specialist. Its peculiarity is that for any action the razor will have to be partially disassembled, which means that then it will need to be assembled. For a beginner, this is not always a simple and easy procedure. But sharpening the blades of a conventional machine is a very real process that is worth trying at least once.


Editing on the belt

How to shave a straight razor on a belt? Some people say "sharpen", but this is wrong. They only use the belt to correct it. The belts used in this craft typically have one side made of pure leather and the other side made up of a fabric backing. Straightening with a belt is carried out under strict control of the tension and angle of the functional surface.

How to shave a straight razor? Technologically, it is necessary to observe the sequence: for every fifty wires on the skin, fifteen wires on the fabric are replaced. The most important rule when editing is to observe the angle of the blade and the tension of the belt itself.

Before sharpening a straight razor on a belt, you need to check all the initial parameters. The width of the straightening belt must correspond to the width of the most dangerous blade being straightened. Otherwise, if the belt is smaller than the blade, then during operation you will have to shift the blade area in order to straighten everything evenly.

The belt should be taut, especially if the technician is using a hanging belt. There is no need to use special efforts when editing. If the belt comes off the hook, be careful not to get hurt by the sharp blade, which, with effort, can also jump off your hand and you will not be able to edit the straight razor.

If the technology for straightening the belt is correctly followed, with the correct tilt and tension, the master will hear a characteristic echo.

How to sharpen a Gillette machine at home using improvised tools

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Every man who has ever held this particular razor in his hands is well aware that one cassette for a multi-blade razor costs a lot of money. In reality, it's not about the brand at all. Any similar cassette, due to the complexity of its production, will be like this. Unfortunately, blades “kill” much faster than men would like. But there is one simple and very effective way to sharpen razor blades. We are talking about the method of sharpening using denim, but there is just one “but”.

How to sharpen a gilet razor on jeans

A razor is an indispensable attribute of a man, designed to maintain personal hygiene. The device is used to eliminate excess hair.

Today, the following types of shaving systems are distinguished: rotary and foil. Unlike a machine, these devices do not require the use of water, are mobile, simple and safe to use, reduce the likelihood of cuts to a minimum, do not irritate the skin, and require rare blade replacement (depending on the model - once every 0.5-3 years ). However, they are not able to remove stubble “at the root” and ensure smooth skin. As a result, the number of adherents of wet “inexpensive” shaving is not decreasing.

Intensive use of the machine leads to rapid dulling of the blades. Today, the network presents various variations of restoring the performance of a device with a detailed description of the technology for performing the work and videos.

A striking example of a high quality razor is Gillette. For a century, the Company has been producing devices and skin care products that are popular in Europe.

There are cases when the need to extend the service life of an old device is urgent, and it is not possible to purchase a new device. Let's look at how to sharpen a vest razor on jeans and quickly solve this problem.

Advantages of a razor

At the end of the 19th century, the American inventor King Camp Gillette first proposed placing a sharp blade in a handle holder. Due to the undeniable advantages of disposable machines, they have become firmly established in everyday human life.

Advantages of the Gillette razor

  1. High shaving quality. When removing unwanted vegetation, the device comes into direct contact with the skin of the face. The first razor blade lifts the hair, and the second blade cuts the stubble at the root.
  2. Low cost.
  3. Availability. You can buy a disposable razor or replace the razor cassette either at a newsstand or in a supermarket.
  4. No need for electricity.
  5. Hygiene. Due to the fact that a disposable razor is used for a short time (2 – 3 weeks), the risk of harmful bacteria appearing on the blades is minimal.
  6. Easy to maintain. Cleaning a Gillette razor involves rinsing the device under running hot water.

To increase the service life of the machine, it is important to know how to properly sharpen a straight razor.


If the razor blades begin to shave poorly, pulling hair instead of cutting them, it’s time to either sharpen it or replace it. If you are in no hurry to part with the machine, you can sharpen it.

But for this the product will have to be prepared:

  • Rinse the blades thoroughly under running water and remove hair.
  • If hair is caught between the blades, take a Q-tip and clean it out by hand.
  • After this, rinse the machine again.
  • Let it dry; only dry blades can be sharpened.

Algorithm for sharpening a razor on jeans

The sharpness of the cutting blades is the main criterion for choosing a quality razor. Since a “dull” machine leaves excess facial hair and causes micro-damage to the skin, it is therefore important to maintain it in “good” condition.

Let's consider the least expensive way to sharpen the “handle-blade” - rubbing it on jeans.

  • tight jeans;
  • a block or foil sleeve;
  • disposable razor.

It is important to perform the blade sharpening procedure on a flat, stable surface.

Method for sharpening a razor at home

  1. Place the block under the jeans.
  2. Sand the machine blades. To do this, rub a safety razor on jeans 50 times in one direction and 50 in the other. The direction of movement of the device is “pull away”.

After this procedure, the sharpness of the blades increases 2-3 times. Thus, properly sharpening a razor on jeans is a safe and economical option, which increases the service life of the cutting product by 2 times.


What is important to know

The main accessory for men's daily grooming that requires attention is machines. Mainly used - disposable, T-shaped or reusable with replaceable cassettes.

It happens that the blade becomes dull or the replacement cassettes run out. You have to shave with unsuitable material, which results in severe skin irritation, abrasions on the face, and the hair is shaved poorly.

Home techniques will quickly restore the original appearance of the sharp material, extend the shelf life, help save money and help out in any situation.

How to sharpen a razor at home: instructions for different methods

Numerous manufacturers of men's accessories and shaving accessories offer disposable and reusable razors with blades made of quality materials. But sooner or later, any blade will begin to lose its properties, especially if you do not provide the machine with decent care, proper operation and storage. In this regard, experts offer many techniques for sharpening machine blades, many of which can be used at home.

Many men know how to sharpen a razor at home, since several ancient methods have been practiced for many years. Today, many new ideas have been invented that also sharpen blades quickly and easily, extending their service life. It is only important to follow all the details and instructions, otherwise you may damage the sharp cutting surface.

Sharpening accessories

When demand arises, supply always appears. Recently, on the windows of some stores you can find special devices that make it easy to sharpen a razor at home. The device itself resembles a special pen, which is equipped with a small plastic strip. On the outer part of which a composition (abrasive) is applied, which sharpens disposable and reusable machines. With this device, the service life is extended several times.

Such devices are easy to use and allow you to achieve good results. To process a razor using such a device, the following steps are taken:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid soap, gel or shaving foam to the top of the device.
  2. The razor is taken and passed along the abrasive in the direction opposite to the movement during the operation of the blade
  3. To achieve the result, you need to do about 30 movements. And this is enough, the blade of dreams will become sharp.

These are all the methods that solve the question of how to sharpen a razor. Using these simple devices you can save money and extend the life of your blades by several months.

Step by step guide

Today, the most pressing request from men in forums and communities is as follows - how to sharpen the blades of a Vest razor. This manufacturer offers high-quality machines with replaceable cassettes, which you can easily extend the shelf life yourself, without the help of a specialist. Most often, two devices are used for this action - a pyramid razor blade sharpener or ordinary denim.

You can make a pyramid yourself from a material that is incapable of magnetization, for example, plexiglass or cardboard. It is secured with glue or tape; it is prohibited to use metal fasteners. Further sharpening is carried out as follows:

  • mark the pyramid on a hard, straight surface;
  • then the pyramid is oriented to the cardinal points;
  • the razor blades should be placed along the pyramid in the north-south direction;
  • the blades should lie in this state under the pyramid for 6-8 hours.

The same method can be used to sharpen blades for cassette razors such as Gillette and other brands.

Many men have been successfully practicing the technique for many years, noting its ease of use and high efficiency. Using a special device from RazorPit or Zattoch, blades on a cassette or removable blades are sharpened as follows:

  • Apply a little shaving gel to the surface of the device;
  • further along the abrasive surface, but in the opposite direction, as during shaving, movements are made with the machine;
  • make 25-30 such movements at a time;
  • At the end, the machine and working fixture will need to be rinsed with water.

Just 5-10 minutes of such manipulations will be enough to revive the blades of the machine and give the razor a second life. This will not only save money, but also provide a man with high-quality and effective shaving of stubble and mustache without irritation and other consequences.

Handy tools to help

If a device such as a razor sharpener is not suitable for a man, you can use improvised means, for example, denim. This is one of the first methods that was invented by men many years ago. It is enough to simply turn the fabric inside out, and then run the loom with the blades inside against the direction of the fabric threads 30-40 times, but without pressing.

Another handy method is a leather belt, and sharpening the blades follows the same scenario as with denim. You need to choose a belt that does not have frayed areas or creases, otherwise the surface of the blades will be damaged. You need to move the blades along the belt from its wrong side. This will maintain the integrity of the painted side of the belt while improving the functionality of the machine.

Some tips

  • Straight razor belts must be stored correctly. The belt must be clean, smooth, without stains or any third-party damage or dents. Defects are not acceptable, but they can occur if stored incorrectly. Before using it for straightening, the belt must be carefully checked and, if necessary, cleaned. To store the belt correctly - lubricate the belt with a special paste while it is not in use, but do not allow it to touch other clean parts.
  • How to edit a razor on a belt, and how to store it correctly? A mistake many home craftsmen make is storing the belt folded. This way the belt bends and defects form, which prevents it from being used for a long time, requires replacement, etc. It is advisable to store the belt for straightening a dangerous blade in a separate closed cabinet, preventing even dust from getting on it. Dust spoils the abrasiveness, even if it is not noticeable to the eye.
  • Sharpening any razor has one more important rule - turning the blade over. Turning over the edge of the metal blade (blade) is strictly prohibited, as there is a danger of cutting the belt and breaking the edge.
  • Nowadays, few people use a blade razor; modern technologies are taking their toll. But there remains that small percentage of thrill-seekers who prefer to pay tribute to antiquity. This is where a dangerous blade will come in handy. The important thing here is to sharpen and straighten any straight razor on a belt.

Many people compare sharpening a straight razor to a meditative activity. And this makes some sense, since from beginning to end the whole process captures the master, all his attention and requires complete concentration. The man is involved in the process, thereby feeling stern and brave, who owns such a cold weapon.

Is it important to use special devices?

In fact, any selected razor sharpener should be approved by experts, like a leather belt, pyramid or denim. Other unfamiliar techniques and untested means at hand can easily damage the integrity of the blades, since we are talking about a metal plate with a thickness of 0.5 mm or less. Although there are many razor sharpeners sold online, only a few actually do the job.

If we are talking about an expensive machine and blades, it is better to purchase sharpening options such as a device from the RazorPit brand or its Ukrainian equivalent from the Zattoch brand. In such a device you can sharpen both blades and cassettes of a safety razor without fear for their integrity and functionality. If a man prefers the cheap option of sharpening on jeans, you need to correctly observe the direction of the blades perpendicular to the direction of the threads in the fabric.

Razor accessories all have their own service life, which depends on the materials used in the production of the razor itself and the quality of the blades in it. Disposable razors are used no more than 1-3 times, but T-shaped razors and reusable razors will last longer if you change the cutting parts on time. And in order not to spend money on buying new “feathers”, you can sharpen them in a timely manner. To do this, you may need a special device, as well as a pyramid of improvised materials, a leather strap or denim.


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