How to beautifully fold a man's scarf into the breast pocket of a jacket: methods, tips. How to beautifully fold a handkerchief into the groom's jacket pocket? How to choose a scarf for a men's jacket in the chest pocket?

What is the name of the handkerchief in the pocket of a man’s jacket, what is its size?

The product is called a pasha handkerchief. It is slightly different in size from a regular handkerchief. The sizes of this scarf vary, it all depends on the size of the jacket pocket. A stylish and expensive accessory made of silk fabric has a size of 33*33 or 40*40 cm.

In Chinese stores you can find very cheap pache scarves, but their size is simply tiny, about 20*20 cm. If you fold such a piece of fabric, you will get something unintelligible. Although Aliexpress has good options for pocket squares made of cute fabric. But the quality of processing leaves much to be desired. This is usually a standard machine overlocker. Designer scarves are hemmed by hand.

What is the name of the handkerchief in the pocket of a man’s jacket, what is its size?

Ways to fold a scarf into a man's jacket pocket beautifully

There are several options for beautifully folding a pocket handkerchief. Therefore, if you want to come up with a beautiful pattern, purchase a fairly large and high-quality scarf made of thick fabric.

Ways to fold a pasha:

  1. Presidential. One of the simplest options. In this case, the fabric is folded into a square, and the lower part is folded. A small strip of fabric remains on top.
  2. One corner. This is the simplest and most classic way. To do this, fold a piece of fabric 8 times. As a result, you will get a small square. It is necessary to fold it into a triangle, pressing the corners one against the other. Now connect the side corners to form a shape resembling a triangle on a square. Now put the handkerchief folded in this way into your pocket.
  3. Two corners. Fold the large scarf eight times to make a square. The fold should be at the bottom. Now move the corners. Fold in the side corners and bottom. The end result will be something similar to a crown with two peaks. Place the handkerchief in your pocket with the corners facing up.
  4. Four corners. It is necessary to fold the scarf eight times as usual. Now fold the square into a triangle, moving the corners slightly. Pull the corners formed from below upward. This way you will get 4 corners.
  5. Cloud. You need to straighten the scarf and take it in the center. Shake the scarf and tuck the corners inward. Place the handkerchief folded in this way into your pocket.
  6. A loop. A fairly simple and extraordinary way to fold a scarf. Fold the handkerchief eight times, and then make a triangle. Place your fingers in the center of the triangle base and pull the edges down. The result will be something similar to a loop.

Ways to fold a scarf into a man's jacket pocket beautifully Ways to fold a scarf into a man's jacket pocket beautifully

Ways to fold a scarf into a man's jacket pocket beautifully

How to beautifully fold a handkerchief into the groom's jacket pocket?

To decorate the groom's jacket, more sophisticated ways of folding the pasha are used. The handkerchief can be simply crumpled. Most often they prefer volumetric options.

Options for putting a handkerchief in the groom's pocket:

  1. Aster. Straighten the handkerchief by the middle and shake it. After this, pull the resulting corners up, you will get a crumpled loop with corners. A very original option. It looks great with plain and classic jackets. In this case, it is better to choose a scarf with an ornament.
  2. Cooper. A voluminous option that looks great in the groom's jacket. You need to straighten the scarf and take it in the center. Shake the fabric and wrap the resulting cloud inside. The result will be something similar to a flower.
  3. Cagney. Fold the handkerchief several times to form a square. After this, make a triangle with two vertices, moving the corners. After this, pull the side corners up. Lay them overlapping one on the other. After this, fold the side parts again. You will get many corners at the top.

How to beautifully fold a handkerchief into the groom's jacket pocket? How to beautifully fold a handkerchief into the groom's jacket pocket?

Wearing a boutonniere correctly is an art

Typically, the left lapel of the jacket has a small buttonhole usually used to attach a badge - this is where the boutonniere should be placed. The owners of jackets without a buttonhole adapt and wear the accessory simply, fixing it on the left side of the jacket lapel. The boutonniere must be firmly secured so that it holds securely and you also need to hide its stem. To do this, you just need to insert it into the buttonhole or, if there is none, decorate it with ribbon.

How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out from the pocket?

Folding a handkerchief is half the battle; you need to put it correctly and very carefully in your pocket. To do this, the structure is usually clamped at the bottom and top. The folded scarf is carefully placed in the pocket. Below are several options for styling a pasha scarf.

How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out from the pocket? How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out from the pocket? How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out from the pocket?

How to choose a scarf for a men's jacket in the chest pocket?

The most basic rule is that the ensemble must be complete and in harmony with all parts. There is no need for the scarf and tie to be made from the same fabric.

Basic rules for choosing a pasha scarf:

  • For a plain jacket, choose scarves with figured patterns.
  • Do not choose fabric that is similar in color and pattern
  • The handkerchief should stand out against the background of the jacket, shirt and tie
  • The simpler the jacket, the more intricate the design and method of laying the scarf should be.

How to choose a scarf for a men's jacket in the chest pocket? How to choose a scarf for a men's jacket in the chest pocket? How to choose a scarf for a men's jacket in the chest pocket? How to choose a scarf for a men's jacket in the chest pocket?

When might it be needed?

The pasha's appointment changed over the years.
Initially, it was used to demonstrate belonging to a certain class. A little later, it became an indispensable assistant when sniffing tobacco - it ensured the proper level of hygiene. Well, closer to the 20th century, its function was reduced to assisting emotional ladies. With a gallant movement, the man took out a handkerchief and handed it to the crying woman. Today the pache is just an accessory . It does not demonstrate social status, it is not used to wipe away tears or protect against the unpleasant smell emanating from the mob. A pocket square is just a decorative element , a pleasant, but not at all obligatory addition to the suit (exception: the uniform of service personnel). Depending on the type, it can either enhance the formal mood of the image or soften it, making the look more casual.

Important! Modern men use this accessory not only within the framework of the classic style. If desired, it can be organically incorporated into your everyday look. It looks equally good with conservative jackets and sporty blazers.

How to properly wear a scarf in a man's jacket pocket: tips

Tips for styling a scarf and choosing it:

  • If you are going to a formal meeting, you should choose simple styling methods. Ideal options would be the presidential method and methods with corners.
  • If you choose a matte tie, then the scarf should be silk from a smooth and iridescent fabric.
  • If you're going to a wedding, choose an intricate way to fold your scarf. This could be a "cloud" or a "loop".
  • Some men are trowels who select accessories. Sometimes the incongruous goes well together. For example, a piece of woolen fabric with a silk jacket. The difference in texture of the fabrics complements each other.
  • If a piece of fabric does not want to keep its shape, try starching it a little while ironing. This applies to scarves made of linen or cotton fabric. Silk handkerchiefs never starch.
  • If the pache is too small for the pocket and keeps sliding down, try placing a piece of fabric or paper napkin at the bottom of the pocket. Put in just enough so that the scarf holds well without any unevenness on the outside.

How to properly wear a scarf in the pocket of a man's jacket: tips How to properly wear a scarf in the pocket of a man's jacket: tips How to properly wear a scarf in the pocket of a man's jacket: tips How to properly wear a scarf in the pocket of a man's jacket: tips How to properly wear a scarf in the pocket of a man's jacket: tips
As you can see, a scarf is an excellent accessory that is suitable to complement classic ensembles consisting of a tie and a business suit.

Styling a pocket square

At a wedding or other significant celebration, you can often meet men with a chest pocket accessory in combination with a boutonniere.

Modern gentlemen, although rare, are also found in everyday life, with beautiful additions like a pocket square and a boutonniere.

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