The best way to clean aluminum pans, proven methods

Aluminum pots are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but in the kitchen almost every housewife in the post-Soviet space has this piece of utensils. They are not in a hurry to abandon them, because in an aluminum pan the water rises to temperature faster, it is better suited for boiling milk and preparing milk porridges.

There are also a number of disadvantages: it is easily deformed, darkens over time, can turn black and become covered with soot, and abrasive powders cannot be used on it. So if you have dishes made of such metal in your household, it’s time to learn how to properly care for them and learn how to clean an aluminum pan. This is a comprehensive event and helps to protect utensils from darkening for a long time. Photos and videos of the process will help you avoid mistakes.

Removing carbon deposits

The most common type of contamination of dishes is carbon deposits. It is typical for almost all items of kitchen utensils, regardless of the material of manufacture, provided that they are used for preparing hot dishes. Black plaque occurs under the influence of high temperatures. As a result, the product loses its original appearance. There are a number of methods for cleaning and restoring if an aluminum pan is burnt. It is possible to use both folk remedies and household chemicals.

In this case, all manipulations should be carried out carefully. The surface is easily scratched, and such damage cannot be repaired. To bleach aluminum cookware, it is strictly forbidden to use caustic substances; you also cannot use sharp objects or metal brushes.

The appearance of soot is one of the main problems for pots made of any type of material.

Traditional methods

The most gentle option for dealing with soot is the use of traditional methods. If the dishes have darkened, you can use regular vinegar. To do this, moisten a soft cloth in it and wipe the stained area.

An apple is considered an excellent helper against soot at home. It must be cut in half and the area of ​​contamination treated with rotational movements. Then wash the pan as usual. Instead of an apple, you can use half an onion.

As you know, soda is considered an indispensable product in the kitchen. In the question of how to clean aluminum pans from carbon deposits, it is also an excellent solution. Soda should be dissolved in water until it has a paste consistency. Apply the resulting mixture to the surface. Leave for 15–20 minutes, rinse kitchen utensils as usual.

A solution prepared using water, laundry soap and one spoon of ammonia can easily remove carbon deposits. Boil the dishes in it for about ten minutes. To lighten the surface, the soap solution can be replaced with water with the addition of citric acid.

In rural areas, at the dacha there is a unique opportunity to use river sand (you should choose fine sand). To avoid scratches, it is advisable to mix the substance with liquid soap before applying it to a burnt surface. This connection will easily remove dirt without leaving scratches.

Baking soda works great on all types of stains


To clean a burnt aluminum pan at home, you can resort to household chemicals, of which there are a huge number on the shelves today. However, you should choose the appropriate option with extreme caution. Sometimes the concentration of chemical components is so high that the protective layer can be removed along with the contamination, thus ruining the dishes. Proven means are:

  1. "Shumanite." Recognized by many housewives because it is an effective, potent product that does not harm the aluminum coating.
  2. Amway Gel. A very gentle option, safe for dishes. However, the effectiveness is lower than that of the previous product.
  3. "Chister." The least effective, the main advantage is low cost. The product is intended for cleaning ovens, but also works great on dishes.
  4. Gel Dr. Beckmann. The product effectively removes carbon deposits, but at the same time is gentle on the surface of the pans. Has a pleasant citrus scent.

When choosing a chemical, you should consider how badly the pan is burned. The most effective, aggressive solutions are recommended to be used in extreme cases. Before use, be sure to study the attached instructions, paying special attention to the exposure time of the product.




Dr. Beckmann


Borax solution is another good dishwashing liquid. It can be used to remove rust, scale and carbon deposits. This is a quick help for burnt food particles.

You will need: borax, a clean soft cloth, water and rubber gloves.

How to clean carbon deposits from aluminum pans:

  1. Sprinkle the entire sink with borax.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water and lightly dampen the product.
  3. After 10 minutes, rinse the dishes thoroughly with clean water.

Using this method, you will quickly remove all dirt.


Descaling is a weekly ritual of the modern housewife. This type of pollution occurs as a result of boiling water consisting of dissolved hard salts. Under the influence of high temperatures, they settle on the walls of the dishes.

You can remove scale from an aluminum pan using citric acid dissolved in water. The liquid should be boiled in a container, then cooled, leaving at room temperature for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water. This method is effective for removing minor scale. For the same purpose, you can dilute one tablespoon of ammonia in water, wipe the dirt with the composition, and wash the dishes in the usual way.

A thick layer of plaque can be removed using water with the addition of acetic acid. The liquid is poured into a pan and brought to a boil on the hob. After a minute, turn off the stove and let the dishes cool. A distinctive characteristic of this method is a specific pungent odor. To eliminate it, you should thoroughly ventilate the premises and wash the dishes several times.

You can descale an aluminum pan using a solution of ten liters of water, 1/2 laundry soap, 250 grams of soda and a tube of silicate glue. This method is considered effective and at the same time labor-intensive. The dishes are placed in a large container, filled with the prepared mixture, and boiled for 20 minutes to 3 hours. The required time is calculated based on the degree of contamination. After cooling, the dishes are removed and thoroughly washed with water.

The combination of soda and silicate glue produces an effective dish cleaning product.


Anna, 28 years old, Perm I was able to clean the burnt jam from the walls of the pan with soap and PVA glue. I prepared a solution, boiled it for 2 hours and all the fumes easily peeled off.

Marina, 24 years old, Severomorsk I used salt and soda separately for cleaning, but I think the first option is more effective. The pan just shines.

Irina, Volgograd I tried various methods and came to the conclusion that if you soak the dishes for 1-2 hours, then the scale and soot are removed more easily. I usually use baking soda. I rub it on the sides of the container and wash it off after a few minutes.

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Getting rid of fat

Proper cleaning of aluminum pans from grease is the key to their excellent appearance and maintaining their characteristic shine. All procedures must be carried out carefully, otherwise the coating may be damaged. The most basic rule when cleaning dishes until they shine is to not let them cool down after the cooking process is complete. Using a soft cloth or sponge soaked in a liquid cleaner, wipe the dirty area. This is enough to remove a thin layer of fat. For a more thorough cleaning, you can fill the dishes with warm water with one tablespoon of cleaning product and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse as usual.

Citric acid is often used to clean aluminum cookware. It can even help in the fight against greasy stains. Water is poured into the pan and a tablespoon of citric acid is added. The solution is boiled for about 1–2 minutes, after which the dishes are thoroughly washed.

To remove old grease stains from an aluminum pan, a more effective solution consisting of water, laundry soap and silicate glue will come to the rescue. All components are mixed and poured into a large container. A pan covered with fat is placed inside and the container is placed on the stove. All contents are boiled for about half an hour. Then it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the dishes with water.

Effective products for removing grease from surfaces

Adding shine to aluminum cookware

Kefir, cucumber juice, vinegar, sour apple, onion decoction, oxalic acid, and tooth powder will help return the product to its original appearance. These products provide the best results with prolonged contact with aluminum. This means that after processing you need to leave the dishes for several hours, then rinse. It also restores the shine of the ink eraser. It is used in the standard way - rub the surface.

Restoring a badly burned surface

When aluminum cookware burns, it becomes covered with a black coating, which undoubtedly spoils the appearance of the product. Consequently, there is a desire to get rid of it as quickly as possible. There are plenty of ways to remove blackness from an aluminum pan or frying pan. The following remedies are considered the most common:

  • sorrel decoction;
  • mustard powder with vinegar;
  • wood ash;
  • cucumber pickle;
  • sour milk;
  • wine acid.

You can restore a badly burnt surface of a pan with a decoction of sorrel, which should be used to boil the darkened aluminum. Mustard powder is also often used for this purpose. It is mixed in equal proportions with salt and table vinegar. The resulting mixture is used to lubricate the stains and leave the dishes for a couple of hours. Then the surface is cleaned with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water and rinsed. After this, no traces of burnt food remain.

A very remarkable way to clean an aluminum pan is to use wood ash to cover the burnt surface. This is a fairly effective method, which, however, deprives the dishes of their shine. It is acceptable to use cucumber pickle or sour milk. Plant-based acid does not require boiling; just pour the liquid into the container and wait. At the end of the cleaning procedure, kitchen utensils should be rinsed with water.

When the dishes are very blackened, cream of tartar can also be used to solve the problem. This is the sediment at the bottom of the bottle. You can replace it with tartaric acid. Water is poured into the bowl, the indicated product is added, stirred, and infused for about 20 minutes. Then the kitchen utensils are washed in the usual way.

Fermented milk products will help remove darkening on the surface of an aluminum pan

Don't throw away cream of tartar, because it can be used to clean dishes


In an effort to descale your pots as efficiently and quickly as possible, you need to remember a number of prohibitions when processing.

These include the following:

  1. Do not use chemicals that are not designed to care for cookware to clean the inside of the pan. Such experiments can not only damage the material of the pan, but also cause harm to health.
  2. You should also not try to speed up the process by using sharp and abrasive objects (sandpaper, knife, etc.) - the surface can be seriously damaged.

Operating rules

In order for aluminum cookware to last a long time, it is advisable to follow certain operating rules. It is recommended to calcinate before first use. The dishes are washed with soapy water, rinsed, wiped dry, and placed on the stove. The bottom is covered with table salt and heated. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. Afterwards, the product is cooled and rinsed with plain water.

Aluminum containers should not be used for pickling and daily cooking.

Frequent use of aluminum pans may cause unfavorable changes in appearance. After preparing food, it is recommended to move it to another container. Leaving food in an aluminum pan or frying pan for a long time causes an unpleasant odor and a rather strange taste. The dishes may darken and lose their original shine. During cooking, intense boiling is not recommended, as exposure to high temperatures can cause deformation of the bottom. The dishes will lose their original shape and become unusable.

Aluminum cookware is not intended for long-term storage of cooked food.

Caring for dishes and preventing the formation of burning

After the pan is cleaned, you need to keep it that way for a long time. It is better to prevent the appearance of soot than to deal with it using aggressive methods.

  • Wash pans immediately after use, without leaving or soaking them.
  • Wipe the surface thoroughly with a dry towel so that not the slightest trace of grease remains.
  • When cooking, use only wooden or silicone spatulas. With a fork or knife, you will quickly scratch the surface, and fat will accumulate and burn in the damaged areas.
  • It is not recommended to salt food in aluminum containers. Fermentation occurs due to the release of acid, which causes the aluminum to begin to darken.
  • After cooking, always remove leftover food from aluminum cookware.
  • You cannot store food in such containers.
  • After washing, always dry the container with a towel.
  • To avoid damaging the bottom, try to cook food over low heat. Do not leave aluminum accessories wet, as this will cause the metal to darken.

Using simple and affordable means, you can return an aluminum pan to its original appearance.

By following the simplest rules for using and storing aluminum cookware, you can extend its service life, prevent possible harm to health and save on the purchase of a new pan.

Additional recommendations

To preserve the original appearance and shine for a long time, you should treat the dishes with care. The use of hard brushes and sponges is strictly prohibited. To clean aluminum pans, it is advisable to choose liquid products, since powder particles can scratch the surface, which will result in damage to the product.

If, after all, the aluminum pan has lost its shine, then you should treat the surface with a solution of water and citric acid. For this procedure, it is advisable to use a soft cloth. In this case, circular movements of medium intensity should be performed.

Do not wash aluminum products in the dishwasher. The cleaning agents used can damage the material. Washing with alkaline substances is also not recommended. They damage the protective film and then react with the metal.

When cleaning aluminum cookware or directly cooking, it is unacceptable to use sharp objects. They should be replaced with wooden or silicone analogues. By following all the recommendations, you can significantly extend the life of aluminum cookware.

Special means

It makes sense to buy household chemicals when none of the methods listed above helps, or the contamination has a very large area. Of the most well-known products, the following powders and cleaning liquids are most often purchased:

  • Amway;
  • "Shumanite";
  • "Mr. Cheester";
  • "Antinagar";
  • "Sif";
  • "Silit."

To clean aluminum, choose products with a gel structure. They gently clean the surface and do not leave scratches. Before use, always read the instructions for the product, it will tell you how to wash it properly. Wear gloves before washing to avoid damaging your skin.

Many housewives who have dishwashers advise taking a Finish-type capsule or tablet, pouring water into a pan and boiling for half an hour. Even hard-to-remove carbon deposits dissolve under the influence of surfactants and become less noticeable.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Sodium bicarbonate is a proven solution that helps effectively clean silver, aluminum, copper and brass cookware.

If the housewife is faced with the issue of scale on her favorite pan, then this is the best solution to the problem.

How to clean aluminum cookware from blackness and scale:

  1. Pour hydrogen peroxide onto the area to be cleaned.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda until it completely covers the area to be treated.
  3. Gently scrub the surface with a soft brush.

Finally, rinse the item with warm water to remove baking soda and any remaining dirt.

Aluminum reacts quickly with sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda can cause discoloration on your cookware, so it's best to use it in moderation.


If you don’t know what to clean with, you can always use the products that are in the refrigerator. If oxidative processes have begun, it is recommended to use ketchup. You can use any product to clean your pan.

Ketchup can be used to clean aluminum pans, spoons and pans.

Action algorithm for an oxidized product made of such metal:

  1. If the dishes are oxidized, they are completely covered with a layer of ketchup. Let it sit for a little while, about 20 minutes.
  2. Wipe with a soft cloth and rinse with water.

With this simple and cheap method you can wash aluminum until it shines. And also the dishes will stop oxidizing.

Household chemicals

The most effective way to clean aluminum cookware is to use household chemicals. The most commonly used drug is “Mole,” which is used to combat blockages in drain pipes. A few spoons of powder are added to half a liter of water. Oxidized parts are placed in the created solution for two minutes, and then cleaned with a brush and soapy water.

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