So that there is no unpleasant aftertaste: we get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the apartment

The corrosiveness of cigarette smoke is an eternal problem both for smokers themselves and for their households. If you do not ventilate in time, this pungent and unpleasant “aroma” permeates the entire apartment: upholstered furniture, curtains, clothes, bed linen and even wallpaper begin to smell like an old ashtray. In this article we will talk about the most effective ways to get rid of tobacco smell.

Why is the smell so pungent? The fact is that tobacco contains resinous substances (tar) and oils - it is because of them that tobacco smoke penetrates deeply into the structure of various materials and remains there for a long time.

In the room of a heavy smoker who has not given up his bad habit for years, the depth of penetration of tobacco tar into the wall material can be up to several centimeters. This means that the smell of tobacco cannot be removed easily. For example, in a room with plastered walls, you will have to remove not only the wallpaper, but also remove a layer of plaster from the walls.

Three main reasons for the cigarette smell in the apartment

Causes of the smell:

  • "Inheritance" from the previous owner . A common situation is that in rented housing, tenants smoked without going out onto the balcony or landing. Another option is that one or more rooms in the purchased apartment turns out to be smoky;
  • Smoker in the family. Does not require comments;
  • Poor insulation. Even a small gap in the doorway is enough for cigarette smoke from the entrance to penetrate into the apartment. This is especially noticeable on weekends, when most smoking neighbors stay at home.

So, how to quickly get rid of the cigarette smell in your apartment? Below we present several simple express methods that do not require special costs or effort.

Vinegar. To quickly remove unpleasant odors from various surfaces, you can use a solution of vinegar and water in a one-to-one ratio. Wipe furniture, floors, window sills and other hard surfaces with this solution, after which you will need to open the windows for ventilation.

Activated carbon, coffee, rice and other sorbents . To make your house stop smelling like tobacco, you need to put several tablets of charcoal on plates and place them in the room. Coffee beans and rice can be used with the same effect - they have excellent absorbent properties and can quickly absorb unpleasant odors.

Orange. Orange zest contains fragrant essential oils. Remember - just start peeling this fruit, and the fresh aroma immediately spreads throughout the room. Use orange peel as a natural flavoring. It is enough to place several containers with it around the room.

Aroma oils. Natural essential oils (such as clove, fir or lavender) help with unpleasant odors. Add a small amount of oil (10-12 drops) to a container with sea salt and place it in the room.

It should be taken into account that essential oils, like orange peel, are not able to completely remove the smell of tobacco.


To learn more about methods of getting rid of the smell of cigarettes in an apartment, watch the following videos:

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Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

How can you remove the smell of tobacco in “advanced” cases?

If the room is heavily smoky, sorbents and flavors will not help - in such cases, tobacco tar has already become deeply embedded in the surface of the floor, ceiling and walls, interior items and furniture. Only repairs with replacement of coverings will help, and some things will have to be thrown away.

To remove odors from upholstered furniture, you can use baking soda - to do this, apply a thin layer of it to the surface of the upholstery, leave for a day, and then remove with a vacuum cleaner. If you are unable to completely get rid of the smell the first time, the treatment will need to be repeated.

Carpets (especially long-pile carpets) that are heavily soiled with cigarette smoke also need treatment. You don't have to take them to the dry cleaner - there are also home remedies. To remove the smell, you can use the same baking soda, mixing it with shampoo that contains a strong fragrance. Proportion – 50 ml of shampoo to 1 teaspoon of soda. This mixture must be stirred until foam appears and applied to the surface of the carpet with a brush. Then the carpet should be rinsed with clean water and dried.

What to do if your clothes are saturated with tobacco?

What to do if your clothes are saturated with tobacco? This question interests smokers, who find it extremely difficult to get rid of the aroma of cigarettes. If this is not done, there is a risk for the smoker to become a kind of “tobacco flavor” and cause discomfort to others. This is also necessary for those who often communicate with smokers. The following recommendations should be followed to eliminate or prevent the appearance of “odors”:

  1. The basic rule is to wash your clothes as often as possible. You need to dry it exclusively in the fresh air - in the yard or on the balcony, so that during the drying process things do not absorb another smell.
  2. Fragrances as a way to displace annoying smells. Any perfume is an opportunity to mask the tobacco “aroma”. But you should be careful with perfume so that another unpleasant odor does not appear. It is important to understand that perfume does not remove, but only masks.
  3. Baby powder is a great method for removing tobacco aroma. Just sprinkle it on your clothes and shake well after a few minutes.
  4. It is best to store items of clothing with lemon or orange peels. If desired, you can put them in your pockets.
  5. It is advisable to carry cigarettes separately from clothing, and not in your pocket. Particles of tobacco may spill out of the pack, which leads to the unpleasant odor becoming embedded in clothing.
  6. Use dry cleaning services. This is a rather expensive pleasure, but it allows you to forget about discomfort forever. This is especially important if smoke has penetrated into items of clothing such as a sheepskin coat, jacket or fur coat.

Leather items tend to absorb any odors. It is very difficult to get rid of them. The easiest way to combat this is white vinegar, which is mixed with water. The resulting mixture is used to wipe leather items of clothing. Next, it is recommended to ventilate them. You can also use a soap solution. The effect is weaker, but the aroma will be somewhat reduced.

Ventilation is the best prevention of cigarette smoke pollution

The measures described above are used in advanced cases when the premises have been contaminated with tobacco smoke for many months or even years.

Meanwhile, there are simple ways to prevent contamination. If the problem is neighbors smoking in the entrance, then you need to look at the front door - find the cracks through which smoke enters the house. Rubber seals are usually used to seal the door. This will not only get rid of the unpleasant “entrance” smell: the sound insulation will increase, and the cold will stop coming from the door.

What to do if there is smoking in the house every day? It is enough to ventilate the apartment after each cigarette smoked. This will not allow the components of tobacco smoke to be absorbed into things and coatings - particles of resins and oil will leave the room along with the “old” air.

This decision seems obvious to a non-smoker, but for a smoker it is not so simple. If you smoke 10-15 cigarettes a day, you will have to ventilate almost every hour. This is not entirely convenient - it’s easier to leave the windows open at all, so as not to open and close them many times a day.

Unfortunately, this is difficult to achieve in urban conditions. There are at least four reasons for this.

  • Dust . In Russia, the vast majority of urban apartment buildings are located near intra-block roads. In summer, road dust reaches the 4th floor, and if the windows are open, it will settle on all surfaces of the room;
  • Smog. Not all residential complexes in Russia have underground parking. Most apartment buildings are characterized by spontaneous parking lots under the windows. The result is high levels of air pollution from exhaust gases;
  • Noise. Children in the yard, passing cars, drunken groups, cutting the grass - all these and other sources of city noise make it impossible to fully relax in the apartment;
  • Climate . In most Russian regions, real summer with consistently high temperatures lasts 6-8 weeks, after which the weather is no longer conducive to open windows. Only those who are fond of extreme hardening will be able to ventilate frequently at sub-zero temperatures. For everyone else, this risks hypothermia and colds.

A vicious circle arises - to prevent the smell of tobacco from remaining in the apartment, you need to regularly ventilate, but this is problematic due to dust, noise, smog and cold.

Is it possible to ventilate with the windows closed?

Let's ask ourselves a question - what is ventilation? When we open the windows, the air exchange process starts: “old” air is forced out into the hood, and fresh air from the street takes its place. If there was an alternative way to “deliver” street air into the apartment, then the windows could always be kept closed.

Such a solution could be the installation of full-fledged supply and exhaust ventilation . This is a system consisting of air ducts, a forced air supply unit and auxiliary components - filters, control unit, heater and others. As a rule, equipment of this kind takes up a lot of space (usually mounted on the balcony).

Another nuance is that installing air ducts in each room of the apartment requires significant labor costs. Communications are pulled along the ceiling, and after installation they need to be masked - covered with a false ceiling. But the most important thing is the cost of such ventilation. Together with installation, it ranges from 200 thousand rubles and above.

OXY: an effective and affordable means of combating tobacco smoke

In fact, there is a solution that is many times cheaper - this is the OXY supply ventilation. This is a compact device the size of an A4 sheet that provides a continuous flow of fresh air into the room. At the same time, the constant air exchange process prevents tobacco smoke particles from being absorbed into fabrics, coatings and interior items.

What is inside? The design of the OXY supply ventilation is very simple - the device consists of an electric fan, air filtration and heating systems, as well as a control unit. The listed components are housed in a stylish case with a minimalistic design.

How does he work? When the device is turned on, the fan forces air from the street into the apartment. Feed rate is up to 150 m3/hour (OXY-3). In this case, the air exchange process occurs continuously. Even if you smoke without opening the window, the smoke will escape into the hoods without lingering, and fresh air will take its place.

How is it installed? To install OXY, a through hole is made in the outer wall of the room. For this purpose, a high-tech diamond drilling installation is used, which ensures high speed of work. The result is an even hole with a slight (3-5°) downward slope, so that when atmospheric moisture enters, it flows towards the street. An important point is that drilling can be carried out for a clean repair, without dust or damage to the wall covering.

How to manage it? The OXY supply ventilation features simple and convenient controls. On its body on the right there is an air supply regulator - by turning the adjustment knob, you increase or decrease the speed of air flow (from 0 to 150 m3/hour). When smoking, you can start air exchange at maximum, and then reduce it to standard values.

Features of cleaners

The level of purification and the quality of the surrounding atmosphere are directly related: the higher the first indicator, the higher the second will be. In various devices, the air flow capacity ranges from 400 to 2600 m3/hour.

Electricity consumption can also fluctuate between 50-200 W. A properly selected purifier will consume 10-15 W, this power is enough to keep the air within normal limits over an area of ​​25 m2.

The absence of moving mechanical parts allows the device to operate almost silently. Power can be supplied either from the AC adapter or from a battery.

Various cleaning modes can be controlled:

  • mechanical switches;
  • from the remote control;
  • automatically, the device automatically turns on/off at a certain saturation of air with smoke.

Installation of purifiers is possible almost anywhere: in a suspended ceiling structure, on a wall, on the floor.

What are the advantages of OXY?

You can smoke with the windows closed. Constant air exchange will prevent tobacco smoke from being absorbed into the surfaces of furniture, things and coverings - everything will go into the hood.

The air enters the house already purified. OXY is equipped with a system of air filters that remove various types of contaminants from the incoming street air - exhaust gases, dust, odors (in the OXY-3 model). There will always be clean and fresh air in your home with the windows closed.

The presence of a carbon filter. Filters odors from the street, smog, tobacco smoke from smoking neighbors.

No drafts or noise . Thanks to constantly closed windows, you can forget about drafts and their consequences. No street noise will enter the apartment, and cigarette smoke from smoking neighbors will not be drawn into the windows.

Comfortable microclimate. In the cold season, supply ventilation heats the air flow that is supplied to the apartment (in the OXY-3 model) to a comfortable temperature. Heater power – 1 kW.

Economical. The “supply” fan consumes no more than 27 W per hour. It can be turned off while you are away: air exchange will continue in passive mode, without the use of electricity.

It is necessary to mention another advantage of OXY - the possibility of upgrading the device to a more “advanced” model. For example, when installing a basic model, you can later replace it with OXY 2 or OXY3, paying only the difference in the cost of the devices.

Types by principle of action

They are divided into the principles of their operation:

  • Performed filter functions;
  • Composition of elements;
  • By device power;
  • The presence of functions that complement the functionality.

Popular ones are mechanical, carbon, electrostatic, photocatalytic and HEPA filters.

  1. Mechanical filters are used for any type of purifier. Added to their main functions is the ability to clean the internal parts of the device. For filtration, a cloth or fine mesh is used, and this can also be foam rubber. They have a long service life and are easy to clean with water or a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Carbon filters purify the air from smoke, but at the same time eliminate unpleasant odors that arise during the combustion of tobacco and paper. The filter is used in many devices - from a gas mask to a kitchen hood. They have a drawback - they cannot rid the room of carbon monoxide. Its effect is small with light air pollution. And soon the carbon filter begins to pollute the environment during self-cleaning. These filters need to be changed regularly.
  3. Electrostatic filters work using positively charged particles. The air passes through a special chamber where harmful substances receive a positive charge, which helps them settle on the plates with a negative energy charge. The records can be easily cleaned with water and soap. The filter works great, but at the same time, like the carbon filter, it cannot cope with light substances - vinegar or organic substances.
  4. HEPA filters are made of a substance that resembles fibrous cloth or cardboard. They do not cope with cigarette smoke and viruses. They need to be changed every few months. This is necessary because the substance that serves as a filter, over time, itself becomes a source of formation of harmful microorganisms. To prevent this from happening, the filters are treated with a chemical composition.
  5. Photocatalytic filters work on the basis of ultraviolet rays. They destroy toxic substances contained in smoke and can destroy the smallest particles of harmful substances. They are most effective when used for air purification. They have a long service life.
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