How to open canned food with a twist opener or knife

The very first canned foods were made in the eighteenth century for army food. The container for them was large, heavy, and for a long time various tools were used to open it - a hammer, chisel, bayonet, chisel, and sometimes guns.

The first can openers were invented only in the nineteenth century. They were difficult, inconvenient and very rare. Since then, their design has undergone various changes. By the mid-twentieth century, the can opener had acquired its final form and retained its shape.

Types of can openers

Modern openers are one of the most necessary working tools in any kitchen. Working with them does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is to ensure that the can opener remains sharp at all times. It will be difficult to cut through the metal layer and open canned food with a blunt instrument.

Modern models differ from simple can openers in a more complex mechanism, shape, and blade length. Devices designed for easy and quick opening of cans are equipped with various additions: wheels, magnets, motors and handles. These models meet the most modern hygienic requirements. Thanks to the modern design, the metal of the opener does not come into contact with the contents of the can. When opening, you can be sure that metal particles or microorganisms will not get on the food. To work with can openers effectively, you need to know the features of various models and choose the right one.

Popular models

Among the wide range of can openers, there are several particularly popular models that customers love and have gained their trust.

Can opener MVQ 75020PCO

MVQ 75020PCO.
This model is a desktop device. The device is securely attached to the table surface and is therefore considered one of the safest. The design of this can opener is quite simple and reliable.

Can opener Tescoma President

The material of the device is high quality stainless steel. The model is universal in use and using this knife is quite easy. The appearance of this can opener has a stylish and laconic design.

Tescoma President.

Tupperware can opener

This opener is easy to use. The process does not require much effort and, due to the absence of sharp edges on the cut of the lid, is safe. The device can be used for cans of any size and diameter.

Tupperware can opener.

Can opener IKEA STEM

This modern model is inexpensive. The device is universal and is suitable for opening jars with different lid diameters. The device is also additionally equipped with a security system.


IKEA KONSIS can opener

This device will also become an indispensable thing in any home. It is made of quality materials and is easy and safe to use.


Can opener Joseph Joseph Can-Do

This is a bright modern device. The device has a stylish design, wide functionality and ease of operation.

Joseph Joseph Can-Do.

Manual openers

Simple manual can openers are the most durable retro models, found everywhere since Soviet times. They consist of a handle - wooden or plastic, and a working part. The key has a sharpened blade and a small hook that is convenient for prying tin lids off glass jars.

Mechanical keys

More complex mechanical designs are often used in catering establishments. A professional can opener is fixed to the edge of the table using screws or special clamps.

Homemade machines consist of two levers and a thumb, which, when turned, cuts off the lid of the can.

Advantages of a mechanical opener:

  • High quality sharp blades, sharpened on both sides, made of hardened carbon steel.
  • Rust-resistant mechanism.
  • Plastic bushing that facilitates movement and reduces physical effort.
  • Simplicity of design, allowing you to independently disassemble and reassemble the mechanism if necessary.
  • Dishwasher safe.

Bottom line

The range of can openers on the market is quite wide. The variety of models is distinguished by functionality, ease of operation and mechanism of action. Having carefully studied the features of each type of opener, everyone will be able to choose a suitable device for themselves, with which they can open a jar easily and safely.


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Automatic openers

An automatic can opener is a very convenient model that is simple and easy to use. Automatic can openers have advantages:

  • Convenience - when opening a can, you do not need to make any physical effort.
  • Small size - the device can fit in a regular kitchen drawer.
  • Safety - the device leaves the edges of the container smooth, and when opening it is impossible to cut yourself or get injured.
  • Hygiene - the device has a small holding magnet that removes the open lid, preventing it from slipping and preventing it from falling into the contents of the jar.
  • Independence from the presence of an electrical network.
  • Duration of use even with constant use.

Caution should be exercised when children are around before replacing batteries or cleaning the device.

Electric cars

Capable of opening any number of cans as quickly as possible. The electric opener consists of:

  • A holder that securely fixes the can, preventing accidental falling, slipping and injury.
  • The motor that starts the mechanism.
  • A knife mechanism that quickly and without the use of physical effort opens the lid.

Portable and stationary electric models are widely available. Portable ones operate with batteries; you can take them with you on hiking trips, fishing, or to the country house. Desktop accessories operate on mains power only.

Multifunctional types of openers with various additional accessories, wall-mounted and table-top, are also produced.

What to look for when choosing a bottle opener

When purchasing you need to consider:

  • The material from which the can opener is made.
  • Simplicity of design and ease of use.
  • Compactness and weight.

To choose the most correct and successful model of a can opener, you need to determine what types of cans or bottles the device will open. And also how often it will be used.

If you need a small and universal model that can be used to open iron cans, cans or bottles and used occasionally, then a manual opener would be the best choice. When choosing, you need to pay attention to quality. A good material for manufacturing would be stainless steel. The handle should be made of wood, plastic or rubber and firmly fixed. There should be no defects or roughness on it.

If you need an opener that can quickly and effortlessly open several cans, then a mechanical device will be the best choice. It is the most convenient and less dangerous. But when purchasing a mechanical opener, you must remember that you will need a separate device to open bottles.

When choosing an automatic device, the quality of the tool is important. The best models are made with a body made of metal or high-strength plastic. Automatic openers are convenient, reliable and durable. But we must remember about timely replacement of nutrients. When taking the device with you on a hike or to the country, you need to purchase an additional set of batteries.

Electric models are very convenient for frequent use. But they are not cheap, so before purchasing you need to carefully read the instructions and the warranty period.

How to open a tin can?

When using a manual can opener, hold the device by the handle with your working hand and make a small hole in the sealed lid. Then, without removing the blade, cut through the metal, moving the knife in a circle. In this case, the hook should serve as a stop for the blade. Having completed the circle, lift the cut part with the sharp end.

Video: How to open a jar with a wheeled knife?

To open a tin can with a mechanical can opener, you need to use the blade to pierce the metal from the top. The device is attached to the side on the side, rotates and gradually opens the can when you turn a special twister by hand. With this tool you can handle a lot of cans.

The automatic machine operates using ordinary inexpensive batteries. To work, you need to attach the device to the top of the canned food and turn it on by pressing the button. Before using the automatic opener, you must carefully read the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to open cans that are under high pressure, aerosols, or containers with flammable liquids.

Before working with an electric knife, carefully study the instructions for use. It is necessary to attach the cutting roller correctly to avoid cuts. And while opening, hold the container with one hand.

Subtleties of design

But the use of force is not the only way out of such a situation. Yes, and the knife may not be at hand. How then to extract its contents from a tin container? Don't throw it away in this case. Sometimes the clue lies in the technical side of the issue. Understanding the technology of sealing food in tin containers, you can figure out how to open a tin can without an opener and a knife.

As you know, in industrial enterprises the process of rolling a tin container is that the edges of the lid are bent around the cylindrical base of the container using a press. To remove it, you need to remove the protruding layer of metal. This is very easy to do:

  1. You need to take the jar in your hand so that its bottom lies in your palm.
  2. Turn it upside down.
  3. Pressing the jar onto a hard, rough surface (concrete, stone), make circular movements. Literally in 2-3 minutes the “side” will be erased. After this, all you have to do is lightly press the container from the sides, and the lid will bounce off to the side.

This method can be useful for those who find themselves far from civilization and do not take care of everything they need in time.

How to open a rolled up can without an opener?

This situation occurs quite often and can be done with improvised means.

  1. For canning corn, you can use a regular knife, a folding military knife, or a butterfly knife. To do this, punch a hole and continue to use it, moving in a circle. The method requires physical effort and caution to avoid injury.
  2. The tin screw cap of a glass jar is lifted with the tip of a knife. When the air is released, a pop will be heard and the lid will quickly unscrew. Jars sealed with industrial or home canned food, for example, stewed meat, can be easily uncorked by making several holes in the lid along its diameter. After that, pick it up with a knife and remove it.
  3. A glass jar can be handled using pliers. To do this, carefully lift the edges of the cover to the side and remove it.
  4. You can uncan a metal can, such as condensed milk, using a strong spoon or fork. To do this, you need to use its stalk as a knife. Hit the edge of the lid with force with the device until you can pierce it, and then move it in a circle until the hole is large enough.
  5. You can open a flat metal can, such as sprats, using the old method - with your bare hands, if there are no tools at all. This will require a lot of effort. First, bend the edges of the jar from different ends and try to unbend and bend the canned food until a hole is formed at the junction of the walls of the jar with the lid. It is impossible to open a container with high sides using this method.

Using your hands

There is a situation when you don’t even have improvised tools at hand, how to open condensed milk without a bottle opener? If a person is physically strong, then this will not be difficult.

  • Hold the jar horizontally with the palms of both hands and make a dent in the middle on the sides with your fingers, repeat this movement several times in a circle
  • Grab both bottoms of the jar with your hands and make counter movements, squeezing the container until the bends crack, then it can be opened in half.
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