How to open canned food with a twist opener or knife

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The need to open canned food with improvised objects is a very common situation that occurs in nature and other conditions outside the home. In fact, it is possible to do this without a bottle opener. The lid of a can is actually a very thin piece of metal pressed against the body.

Most kitchen utensils (knives, spoons, even forks) are stronger and thicker, so they can pierce most canned food containers without too much effort.

What and how to open canned food?

If you apply force at the right angle and with the right pressure, a tin can can be opened with many available objects. Without a special opener, you can make a small hole in the lid. Next, you can use a spoon or its handle to widen the opening.

At the same time, it is important to be careful - often when opening canned food with objects not intended for this purpose, very sharp edges are formed, which are easy to injure.

A regular bottle opener

Using a can opener is the easiest way to open cans and is the recommended method. Common devices designed for this task are known as can openers.

The principle of their operation looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to place the opener perpendicular to the edge of the lid, hold it firmly in this position with your hands and apply force with pushing or striking movements until the tip of the blade makes a hole.
  2. Then you should push the blade into the pierced part of the lid and move the opener in a circle along the edge of the lid, holding it firmly by the handle with the blade facing forward.

  3. As a result, the lid will be separated from the container and can be lifted and removed.

Opener with wheel

Opening canned food with a modified opener is convenient when hiking and during outdoor activities. This device is equipped with a toothed wheel, is compact in size and light in weight.

It is very easy to open canned food:

  1. The wheel must be installed on the edge of the can lid and secured to the convex rim.
  2. Then you need to squeeze the handles of the device with your hands.
  3. As a result, the wheel breaks through the metal cover, which is accompanied by a loud hissing sound.

    How to open canned food with a wheeled opener.

  4. Next, you need to turn the container to cut off the top of the can in a circle, after which you can pick it up with a knife or your hands and remove it.

Knife and its handle

Regular kitchen, chef's, or camping knives are common for opening canned food, almost on par with bottle openers.

With their help, you can easily open any jars by following a few simple steps:

  1. You need to place the can on a stable surface (a table at hip height is ideal).
  2. Then you need to stand over the can to be able to hold it steadily.
  3. Next, place the tip of the knife against the inner edge of the lid, setting it vertically and not at an angle. It is necessary to grasp the handle so that your fingers are not in the path of the blade if it slips. The back of the hand should be facing up. This method is more effective than trying to saw off the lid with a knife blade (which risks damaging the lid and introducing metal shavings into the food).
  4. You need to make sure that the knife is completely locked in place so that it does not slip (you can do this by lightly tapping the handle with the back of your hand).
  5. The second hand should lightly push the first, squeezing the handle. This slight movement will cause the tip of the knife to pierce the lid of the jar. Do not push your hand too hard, otherwise the blade may slip.
  6. After this, you need to tilt the knife and make a new hole, placing its tip a few centimeters higher and repeating the previous steps. You must continue to follow these instructions until holes have been made around the entire circumference of the canning lid. Then you just need to connect them with sawing and cutting movements, as when using a special opener.
  7. Finally, you need to finally tear off the lid with a knife and remove it with your hand covered with a towel or sleeve (this is recommended to protect against cuts and scratches).

Canned food can also be opened with the handle of a knife under certain conditions. For this method, a tool with a significant mass and a voluminous handle (chef’s and similar types) is suitable.

The process of opening iron cans using this method looks like this:

  1. The jar must be placed on a stable surface. Do not place it on your knees or between your legs, otherwise the knife may slip and cause injury.
  2. Next, you need to grab the top of the knife with your palm just above the junction of the blade and handle. Your fingers should rest on the side of the handle, at a safe distance. It is important to ensure that the tool is held securely. This method can be dangerous if your hands or knife slip.
  3. Then you should place the “heel” of the knife against the inner edge of the lid. This is the area where the blade is widest, located at the opposite end from the tip. It should be centered directly under where your palm grips the knife.

  4. You need to make sure that this area of ​​the tool fits snugly against the edge of the lid to eliminate the risk of slipping, and press it firmly so that it pierces the jar, leaving a small hole. If you don’t have enough strength for this, you can stand up and lean over the container, increasing the impact on it.
  5. Now you need to hold the knife with one hand and put the second on top, press firmly and continuously with both hands on the tool until the can lid is pierced. However, do not hit the can to pierce it, as the knife may come off and cause injury. Instead, apply slow, even pressure until the container is pierced.
  6. Don't be tempted to pierce the jar with the sharp end of a knife. The heel is more stable and slips less. In addition, the tip of the blade can be damaged by this use.
  7. Next, you should tilt the knife, move it a few centimeters along the edge of the lid and make a new hole next to the first one, using the same technique.
  8. After this, you need to continue making holes in a circle along the edge of the jar lid. Then you need to insert the tip of the knife into one of them, press and push the blade in a circular motion, using the same force as when using a standard bottle opener.
  9. Finally, you can pry the lid with a knife and lift it up. It is recommended to point the blade away from you to prevent injury in case of slipping.

Before removing the lid completely, it is advisable to wrap your hand in a towel or sleeve, as the edges may be very sharp.


Almost anyone can open canned food with a can opener or a knife, unlike a very risky method that requires considerable effort and good physical fitness. This method always turns out to be quite dirty and sloppy. It is best used for large jars that have grooves or "ridges" around their circumference. However, it is recommended to resort to this method only as a last resort.

This is done like this:

  1. You need to tear off all the labels on the can and find the grooves.
  2. Then you need to grab the container with both hands from different ends, and rest your fingers on the grooves near the middle of the top of the can. If your hands are not strong or large enough to do this, you should place the container on the ground and press the grooves with the strongest part of your palms.
  3. As soon as a dent forms on one side of the can, you need to rotate the container 180° and reinsert your fingers into the grooves, and make dents on both sides in the same place as deeply as possible. To do this, you need to hold the container horizontally, resting your palms on it so that they press on areas closer to the edges, and not to the center.
  4. It is necessary to squeeze the ends of the can very tightly, pressing on them with your hands, and then repeat this step on the other side.
  5. Continuing to squeeze the container on both sides, you need to apply an equal amount of compression to evenly deepen the dents around its circumference. This should be continued until the jar takes on an hourglass shape.

  6. When the body is completely deformed, you need to firmly grasp the ends of the container and slowly move them apart. It is necessary to carefully spoon its contents into a separate container and remove any metal fragments that accidentally got into the food.


Another well-known way to open canned food is using a metal spoon.

It is carried out as follows:

  1. Place the jar on a stable surface and place the tip of a spoon on the inside edge of the lid. It always has a small convex circular edge.
  2. You need to place the spoon at any point and hold it strictly vertically, and then start moving it back and forth in a small area, creating friction.
  3. This will thin the lid of the jar, so you need to continue until a hole is formed.
  4. Then you need to move the spoon to the side and continue rubbing next to the damaged area. As a result, the hole made in the lid in the previous step will become slightly larger.
  5. Next, you need to continue moving the spoon and wiping the lid until it is damaged all around. In this case, you must not turn the container over, otherwise its contents will begin to flow out.
  6. After this, you should hook the spoon under the edge of the lid and lift it up until it is almost completely separated. If you can't pick it up with a spoon, you can use a knife to saw through any small parts of the lid that remain attached to the jar.

  7. The wiped edges of the container will be sharp, so care must be taken not to cut your fingers when opening. It is advisable to protect your hands with a towel or other cloth.

Using sandpaper

If you don’t have a can opener, you can open canned food with other sharp tools that can cut through a metal surface.

This can also be done using sandpaper:

  1. You just need to grind the top convex edge of the can with it until it wears through. When moisture appears on a sheet of sandpaper, this indicates the formation of a hole.
  2. It is necessary to periodically rotate the container so that the edge wears evenly, and from time to time squeeze it to enlarge the hole.
  3. Then you should wipe off the metal shavings and open the lid.

This method takes some time, but it almost always works. Therefore, it is considered useful in cases where there is no knife or spoon at hand.

Mechanical key

Mechanical devices are rarely used at home. These are large openers that are fixed to the surface of the table, and then the container to be opened is placed in them. The mechanism includes a sharp knife and handles for its rotation, as a result of which the lids are easily and quickly separated from the cans.

Automatic opener

Opening cans with a battery-powered opener is very convenient. This device is installed on the surface of the lid and a mechanism is activated that quickly moves the knife along the edge of the lid and cuts it off.

Electric machine

Electric machines for opening cans work very quickly and require virtually no participation in the process (only sometimes you may need to hold the container so that it does not tip over during opening):

  1. Place the device on the surface of the cover and press the power button.
  2. After this, a mechanism is launched that cuts off the lid by passing along its edge with a sharp knife in a circle.


Rolling on a hard surface can open most metal cans:

  1. It is necessary to place the container with the lid down on a hard, rough surface (asphalt, large stone, concrete, etc.).

  2. Holding the jar with your hands, you need to rub it with the edge located along the edge of the lid along the selected uneven structure.
  3. As soon as liquid begins to appear on the edge, you should squeeze the container with great force. As a result, the lid, which has begun to separate as a result of friction, will bounce upward.

With a belt

Opening a can with a belt seems unlikely, but it is actually a good method.

It is as follows:

  1. The belt must be folded into a loop and secured with a buckle.
  2. Then you need to throw it over the top of the tin can and tighten it as tightly as possible, moving it counterclockwise.
  3. At the same time, the container must be rotated clockwise.
  4. After a while, the lid will separate from the container with a loud bang.


In addition to mechanical methods, canned food can also be opened by heating. The best and most controlled way to do this for rolled glass jars is to use a hair dryer.

They do it like this:

  1. It is necessary to evenly heat the entire upper part of the tin can with a hairdryer, directing the hot air clockwise.
  2. To keep warm, it is recommended to wrap the jar with a towel or thick cloth.

  3. After this, you need to start unscrewing the hot cap counterclockwise until it begins to give way.

Using rubber gloves

Rubber gloves help in opening glass jars with rolled lids. They are recommended to be used when using any methods - both standard and unusual.

In addition, they provide additional safety by protecting your hands from damage.

With my own hands

Looking at the tin can, it seems that there is no way to open it. In fact, you can even do this with your bare hands.

You need to know that this method requires enormous physical strength. But even a weak person can use it if he is very hungry and has nothing to open the cans with.

Long corrugated containers are easier to open than flat ones. To do this, do the following:

  • Remove the paper label.
  • In order for the container to open, a dent is made in its side. To do this, turn the container horizontally and press firmly with your fingers on the central point. The same dent is made on the reverse side.
  • Next, the jar is bent. First one way, then the other. When the seal is broken, hissing will appear. This means that the container will soon break into two parts.
  • To prevent metal particles from getting into the food, the torn container is inspected for their presence. All particles are removed and the product is transferred to another container. This is necessary to avoid injury from the metal edges of the container.
  • A flat jar is opened using the same principle. Only instead of two dents they make three.

If there is a lot of liquid inside the container, then it is placed in a plastic bag and only then opened. This way the inside contents will spill out into the bag and not onto the ground.

Precautions when opening canned food using improvised means

In fact, you can use any hard, sharp object to open canned food (as long as it is made of a material harder than a metal can).

In addition to the methods listed, many people use other, more non-standard instructions:

Item usedThe essence of the methodAdvantagesFlaws
a cobblestone with a rough surface or a piece of concreteacts similar to sandpaper in creating frictionthe edges of the open lid are not sharp and less dangerousrequires long, consistent effort
pocket knife and stoneUse the tip of a knife to punch a hole in the edge of the lid, then knock it out with a heavy stone (after depressurization)can be used outdoors or in unusual conditionsthere is a high probability of contaminating food with small pieces of stone or other foreign particles
forkYou need to position the fork so that one of the tines is on the inside edge of the lid and press down firmly to pierce it, then repeat this step along the edge in a circle, punching holes.a useful method in the absence of other toolsThe plug may break and become stuck in the lid, making it even more difficult to open the jar.
pliersyou need to hook the side edge of the lid and turn until a hole appearsthe lid can be damaged quite quicklyFragments of metal shavings often end up in food

Opening cans using improvised means is nothing new, as the can opener was invented more than 50 years after the first sealed tin food cans were introduced. Moreover, some methods have a long history and are considered very reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to the most practical and safe proven methods, and only in extreme cases, open cans with bare hands or with traumatic objects.

Other precautions may include the following:

  • Do not try to saw off the lid with a bread knife. As a result, metal shavings will remain in the contents of the jar.
  • Any method that does not involve the use of a special opener may result in metal shards or dirt particles getting into the food. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise caution and inspect the product carefully before use, in good lighting.
  • Food from cans that have burst or been punctured for 1 day or more should not be eaten, since there is a high probability that dangerous bacteria have multiplied in them.
  • None of the methods for opening canned food with improvised objects is ideal, and each of them carries a risk of injury. Therefore they should not be used by children. You should take proper precautions and take your time when trying to open a jar without a can opener.


Life becomes easier when there are various auxiliary devices in everyday life. When such devices are missing, a person looks for a way to replace them.

For example, what to do if you have nothing at home to open a tin can with? An ordinary spoon will do the job .

Making the first hole with a spoon is very difficult and you will have to tinker a little with the container, but the result is worth it:

  • Place the container on your knees or on the table and hold it with your hand.
  • The spoon is placed on the base between the lid and the side.
  • And they start rubbing. Soon a small hole will appear. Thus, continue to do throughout the circle.
  • The finished hole is expanded to the maximum. By pressing on the container, lift the lid with a spoon.

Do not open the container with an aluminum spoon, it will break. It is better to use a device that is made of stainless steel.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a universal opener?

To purchase the ideal tool, you need to pay attention to some of its characteristics together.

First of all, the opener must be able to:

  • quickly open any type of canned food (or most of them);
  • be easy to set up and operate, and do not require complex actions.

To avoid having to buy a new can opener every year, it is recommended to find a tool from a manufacturer that offers a good, long-term warranty.

Additional requirements for an opener may include the following qualities:

  • Good build and reliable materials. If the opener is manual, it should be comfortable to hold; if it is electric, it should not tip over the containers, and in any case, you should make sure that it grips the lids of the cans well.
  • Rust resistant (it is best if the cutting mechanism is made of stainless steel).
  • Easy to maintain - It is advisable to purchase an opener that can be washed in the dishwasher or disassembled into parts for hand washing.
  • When cutting the lid, the device should leave smooth, safe edges to prevent cuts and scratches on your hands.

Can openers can be purchased both in hardware stores and in retail outlets with military, sports or camping equipment. They are generally capable of opening all types of cans. Some of them are reduced in size and weight, so they are easy to carry with you and store in your pocket or bag.

Concrete or piece of stone

A piece of stone will solve the problem if you don’t know how to open a container or if you don’t want to spoil the knife. The process is very simple.

The tin can has a simple design. This is a round container consisting of walls and a bottom, which is closed with a lid.

The lid is folded with a press around the base of the container. If the protruding metal side is removed, it will open easily.

To do this, do the following:

  • Take the container by the bottom and turn it over so that the top lid is on the bottom.
  • The container is pressed against a concrete or stone surface and the edge is erased with sharp movements. The surface of the stone must be rough.
  • Erasing the edge is done in a circular motion for three minutes.
  • The lid will fly off if you press lightly on the sides of the container.

This method is good to use while hiking. The lid can also be easily opened with pliers. They carefully bend the sides on the can.

Expert opinion

Zakharov Igor Vyacheslavovich

Consultant at a furniture store. 5 years of experience.

Stone or sandpaper

A rough object will help increase the friction to pierce the metal sheet. A piece of asphalt or a textured concrete block will also work.

1. Turn the jar upside down and place it on sandpaper or stone. Start rubbing the container with force to make a hole in the metal sheet. As soon as you see liquid starting to ooze from the jar, stop.

2. Turn the canned food over and open the lid with light pressure of your hand. Another option is to take a rock or stick and punch the metal inside the can. The method is effective, but in this case dirt may get into the canned food. If this happens, try to remove all debris so that it does not enter the body.

small knife

The tin can is made of a thin tin sheet that even a pocket knife can handle. Yes, and this method will require a little effort.

1. Place the jar on a flat surface and place the tip of the knife over the rim of the lid. Firmly grasp the handle and hold the tool strictly vertically. If you place the knife at an angle, there is a high chance of getting hurt.

2. With your free hand, lightly hit the handle of the device with your fist so that the tip of the knife pierces the metal. The main thing is not to overdo it with force, otherwise the cutting object may jump out of your hands.

3. Using a progressive motion, move the tip along the edge to enlarge the hole. Walk along the entire lid and, without reaching the end, bend the metal sheet upward. When bending, it is better to protect your hands with a towel, since sharp edges form at the lid.

Chef's knife

A chef's knife is a fairly massive tool for canning. However, if you act carefully, you can effectively open the metal lid.

1. Place the jar on a table or any other flat, stable surface. Do not squeeze the container between your knees, otherwise you may cut yourself.

2. Firmly grasp the handle of the tool, keeping your fingers away from the blade. Place the widest part of the blade (the heel) over the edge near the edge. Secure the heel firmly to the lid to prevent the knife from slipping out. It is with this part of the blade that you need to make a puncture in the jar.

3. Don’t pound on the container if you can’t make a hole the first time. Better stand up, lean on the can and press your heel with all your weight. You can’t use a chef’s knife like a pocket knife either. This can result in a bent or broken blade and wounds.

4. When you have made the hole, move your heel along the edge of the lid in the usual way, and at the end, pry it up and open it.


If you are afraid of piercing or cutting objects, use a regular metal spoon. You'll have to put in a little effort and tinker, but the results are worth it.

1. Place the cutlery in a vertical position over the rim of the lid.

2. Move the spoon back and forth across the metal until the tin is worn out. The main goal is to make a hole in the lid.

3. Next, use a spoon like a knife and open the canned food around the entire perimeter. After this method, the edges of the lid turn out to be sharp and torn, so bend it carefully.

Bare hands

If there is no suitable object nearby, you can open canned food with your bare hands. This option is suitable for canned food where there is little brine and oil. True, the life hack will only work for a strong person with good physical fitness.

Expert opinion

Zakharov Igor Vyacheslavovich

Consultant at a furniture store. 5 years of experience.

1. Hold the jar horizontally between your palms. In this position, begin to push the container in the center with your fingers so that distinct dents remain. Do the same manipulations on the other side of the can.

2. Grasp the upper and lower parts of the container with your palms and make a simultaneous rotational movement in different directions. The goal is to create a crack in the deflection area. The jar will split and you can easily remove its contents or divide it into two halves.

Even in a difficult situation, our life hacks will help you get ready and not be left without dinner. The main thing is to follow safety rules, and during packing, check whether you took the opener correctly. Continuing the topic, we recommend reading about 10 shelf-stable canned goods that you need to stock up on for a rainy day.

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Canning jars have become a part of everyday life. Due to its convenience and the ability to store food for a long time without loss of taste and beneficial properties, canned food can increasingly be seen in almost every home.

Many manufacturers equip banks with special ring keys, with which they can be easily opened. And also, there are a large number of different openers and keys that help cope with this process.

But what to do if you don’t have a special device at hand? How to easily open a can without an opener? In this case, there are several options that will help you open the jar using improvised means.

  1. How to use a knife to open?
  2. How to open with a spoon?
  3. How to open a jar while away from home
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