How to remove chewing gum from carpet, furniture and clothes? 10 effective ways

Chewing gum sticks well to almost any object. It is most difficult to remove from fleecy surfaces. This is exactly the structure that carpets have.
Dealing with the problem can be difficult, especially in cases where a lot of time has passed and the gum has already dried out. The solution to the problem will be home recipes and the use of special medications.

We will tell you in this article how and how to remove chewing gum from a carpet or rug at home.

Stationery tape

If chewing gum is discovered at the “moment of the crime,” that is, when it has just had time to stick, ordinary transparent tape will help. You need to cut off a small piece, press it firmly against the stain and pull it off sharply. This procedure will have to be repeated several times, changing the adhesive tape as it gets dirty. Usually after about ten minutes the chewing gum is completely removed. However, another problem arises - now you have to remove traces of glue. But this is much easier to do. Nail polish remover without acetone usually helps. In “especially advanced” cases, you can resort to acetone and stain remover. But then you will have to act extremely carefully - there is a risk of ruining the thing.

Stain removers and acetone should not be used on delicate fabrics. Caustic substances can damage thin fabric and dissolve dyes

Stain removers

Stain removers are specialized products designed just for such situations. The most effective in removing chewing gum stains from rugs and carpets are anti-inflammatory products.

The company produces the “Expert Stain Remover Office and Hobby” product, which has a powerful dissolving effect. An analogue is the stain remover spray from, although its effectiveness is somewhat less.

You can use other types of stain removers, but be sure to read the instructions for use. Each type of carpet has its own types of stain removers. Most stain removers are not suitable for natural wool carpets.

Use stain removers with caution as they may discolour areas of the carpet.

Having chosen the stain remover, we proceed to processing:

  1. First, test the product on a small area of ​​the carpet. If the reaction is neutral, it can be used fully.
  2. We soak a small piece of white cloth in the stain remover and then blot the stained area with it until the chewing gum completely disappears. We just blot it - it is forbidden to rub the product in.
  3. After completing the procedure, we rinse the contaminated area with warm water and leave the carpet to dry in the fresh air or directly in the apartment.

You can buy stain removers in household chemical stores or in specialized stores that sell carpets. There are always products for the care and cleaning of carpets, rugs or rugs. To choose the most optimal product, contact a store consultant.


The use of vinegar is appropriate when it comes to staining bright fabrics that are “afraid” of stain removers. True, the cleaning process is quite troublesome.

A glass of white distilled vinegar should be heated to a temperature of about 40°C. It is not safe to do this over an open fire; it is better to arrange a water bath. To do this, place a bowl of vinegar in a container of water and place it on the burner for 2 minutes.

You need to soak a white cotton or linen fabric (non-fading, without a pattern with bright dyes!) in warm vinegar for a minute and a half, and then put it on the problem area. After a few minutes, the acid will dissolve the chewing gum and it can be removed with a toothbrush, making circular movements. After this, all that remains is to wash the surface or wash the product.


If the sticky mass has already dried, the soiled item should be placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. The gum will freeze and can be scraped off with little or no effort. This method is suitable even for the thinnest fabrics that require careful handling.

But what should you do if chewing gum sticks to furniture upholstery, carpet, curtains, or just large items of clothing that won’t fit in the refrigerator? Ice cubes will help here. They need to be folded into a plastic bag and placed on the stain. When it freezes, all you have to do is remove it with a brush with stiff synthetic bristles.


Do not wrap ice in cloth. Melt water will seep through, and soaked chewing gum will leave stains that are difficult to remove.

If you don’t have the time and/or desire to wait for the chewing gum to turn into ice, you can use a freezing spray, which is sold in pharmacies. With him things will go much faster.

Freezing helps not only with tissues. This way you can remove chewing gum from plastic and wooden surfaces.

Removing gum using ice cubes

Removing gum with freezing spray

How to Remove Chewing Gum from a Long Pile Carpet

In this case, simply cleaning with ice cubes will not work. If such a nuisance occurred in the winter season, then everything is much simpler - send the rug outside to freeze, and after a while simply remove the chewing gum as described above.

Well, what if it’s hot summer? There is also a solution: purchase an aerosol can with compressed air or liquid gas for a lighter. It needs to be sprayed onto the chewing gum stain. This makes for perfect frosting and makes it easy to remove crumbs.

Exposure to boiling water

Another method of thermal exposure is heating with hot water. The soiled item should be placed in boiling water and kept there for about a minute. When the chewing gum becomes soft and pliable, it can be removed like a film.

Of course, this method is not suitable for thin fabrics that are prone to shrinkage, or for large items. Theoretically, a blanket or curtain can be spilled with hot water from the shower, but the likelihood of success will be much less than in the case of boiling water.


The product must be washed after each of the above methods.

Hand wash in hot water

Heat-resistant fabric is soaked in hot water for 5 minutes, the bulk of the elastic is removed, and then treated with detergent. It is recommended to wash with a brush.

Washing in a washing machine

It is easy to remove chewing gum from smooth fabric by regular washing in an automatic washing machine. A temperature of 40–60 degrees is sufficient. But you will have to scroll 2 or 3 times. It is better to pre-soak it with washing powder or soap and remove the bulk of the Velcro.


Fast, effective and therefore very popular method. The soiled item is turned inside out and placed on a sheet of cardboard, felt or natural fabric folded several times. And then apply a heated iron (in the “Wool” mode) to the problem area and hold it there for some time.

At the same time, it is important not to press the iron tightly and not to move it back and forth, otherwise the elastic band will only melt, aggravating the situation. The heated mass should remain on the underlying canvas. True, a greasy stain will remain on the cleaned item, but it is easy to wash it off with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.

Some useful tips

  • The freezing method is effective only if there is a fresh chewing gum stain; otherwise, use oils or solvents.
  • Do not rub the carpet when cleaning. You can destroy the fibers or rub the gum into the depths of the pile.
  • Remember to check each chemical composition in inconspicuous places on the carpet or upholstery to avoid even bigger problems.


This method is great for cases where chewing gum is stuck in your hair. Olive, sunflower or peanut oil is applied to the frozen mass. After a few minutes it becomes soft and can be removed without problems. All that remains is to wash your hair with shampoo. Theoretically, fabrics can be cleaned in the same way, but the oil should only be applied to the chewing gum itself. If you miss the mark, the fabric will have to be washed.

An alternative may be mayonnaise, as it contains oils. It is rubbed into the chewing gum like a cream until it softens completely.

Application of chemical solutions

How to remove chewing gum from a car carpet? This is usually an easier process because the upholstery's pile is short. This means that the chewing gum does not stick so much.

Take any alcohol with a mineral composition (for example, you can use White Spirit). It will easily dissolve the polymers in the chewing gum that make it sticky. Use a clean cloth to treat the stain.

Leave to dissolve for 20 minutes, and then begin cleaning with a blunt object, remembering that the movements should only go in one direction!

Rinse the carpet with water.

A wonderful cleaner to use at home is vinegar. It acts in the same way as alcohol.

Hairspray and toothpaste

Oddly enough, this cosmetic product makes chewing gum harden. Toothpaste works almost the same way. The product is applied to the sticky mass, left for a while, and then the dirt is removed piece by piece. Hairspray is also good because it does not leave stains on fabrics.

What should you not do? There is an opinion that you can remove the gum with another, fresher one. So to speak, knock out a wedge with a wedge. Sometimes it works, but more often than not it only makes the problem worse.

Recommendations to help

Expert advice will help you clean the carpet without unpleasant consequences:

  1. The use of solvents is not suitable in all cases, and not for all types of carpets. Before using on a visible area, the effect of the chemical should be tested on an inconspicuous area. This is because solvents can discolor bright colors and damage the fibers.

  2. If the carpet is expensive or the coating has a complex texture, then dry cleaning carpets at home will help solve the problem. In this case, the problem will be entrusted to professionals.

  3. You need to clean off the chewing gum efficiently, trying not to leave even the smallest particles.
  4. Freeze cleaning may not be effective for gum that has become embedded in the lint.
  5. If after removing the gum there is a sticky residue left (most often after thermal removal methods), you can rub the area of ​​the carpet with a napkin soaked in lemon juice or a vinegar solution.
  6. When using any cleaning product, you need to act carefully, locally.
  7. For cleaning, it is advisable to use a small brush, preferably an old toothbrush. This way the work will be done more accurately.
  8. Do not use hard brushes to clean high-pile carpet.
  9. Washing the carpet after cleaning should be done without getting the coating too wet.

You will find all the most important and useful information about removing chewing gum from various surfaces in this section.

Professional products

In addition to folk remedies, there are also professional ones. They are capable of not only chewing gum, but also glue from tape, posters, etc. These cleaning fluids remove even traces of tar stains.

In the vast majority of cases, the preparations do not emit a pungent odor and do not contain caustic solvents that are dangerous to humans. They can clean stains on fabrics, as well as wood, metal, stone (natural and artificial), glass and plastic. But if chewing gum sticks to rubber or latex, you should use gentle folk remedies. Professional “chemistry” harms rubber-based materials.

As a rule, cleaning products are supplied in the form of aerosol cans, but ordinary plastic containers with liquid are also available. The average cost is 300-900 rubles. per package.

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