How to remove smoke smell from clothes: 9 effective ways

The acrid smell of smoke on clothes can appear for a variety of reasons, for example, after a fire, during an outdoor picnic, or after being in a smoky room for a long time. Dealing with an intrusive aroma is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Therefore, let’s look at how you can quickly and effectively get rid of the smell of smoke on clothes.

How to remove smoke smell from clothes: 9 effective ways


Smoke from barbecues, burning autumn leaves or smoking - there are many reasons why clothes become saturated with smoke. The unpleasant stench comes from microparticles stuck in the material. And if it also contains resinous substances, then it is incredibly difficult to deal with. However, there are ways to remove the smell of smoke from clothes, and you don’t have to go to the dry cleaner to do this. Everything can be done at home.

Cleaning up after a fire

But washing things after a fire is still half the battle. It is necessary to clean up the place where the fire occurred.

First, all the walls and ceiling should be swept with a broom or a vacuum cleaner. Then dissolve 2 tbsp in 500 ml of warm water. l. baking soda and wash all smoked areas.

If there are traces of soot on the tiles, then it can easily be removed from the glass. Laminate flooring can be cleaned of soot and burning with alcohol. Soot can be easily removed from bricks with table vinegar, which must be diluted in half with water.

To clean PVC windows, you should first fan them with a dry cloth and then clean them with a special window cleaner. Plastic can be washed with dishwashing detergent.

Even a fire is not a problem. If the fire site is small, then traces of the fire can be destroyed by washing clothes and washing the room.

It doesn’t matter if yellow stains appear on your down winter jacket after an unsuccessful wash. It happens that you have to wash vomit stains from upholstered furniture or clothes, and it is very difficult to clean a mattress from red stains and the smell of urine, but there are methods. You can, Removing stains is always a long and labor-intensive process, especially if it concerns traces of food or

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How to remove the smell of burning from clothes: methods, means, life hacks, How to wash things after a fire from the smell of soot.

How to remove campfire smell from clothes without washing

If water with powder is contraindicated for things, or there is no time or opportunity to start the washing machine, this does not mean at all that the situation is hopeless. There are several home tricks to get rid of the smell of a campfire or cigarette smoke from clothes, without washing. You will need funds that are available in every home.

Use of coffee

One of the easiest ways to clean things from the smell of smoke is with coffee. You can use chalk, but it is better to take it in grains. Roast the coffee, grind it, pour it into fabric bags. After this, place it together with the clothes in a bag and tie it tightly. Keep for at least a day.

Another option is to place cans or bags of coffee in the closet next to the smelling clothes. If it doesn’t work the first time, repeat the operation, changing or roasting the coffee again.

Advice! To get rid of the smell, you can use peppermint: mash the fresh leaves and put them in a plastic bag with the item.


Sodium bicarbonate is excellent at absorbing volatile substances and is therefore suitable for cleaning items that cannot be washed. Before removing the smell, clothes should be thoroughly ventilated in the fresh air: kept on the balcony or next to an open window for at least 8 hours.

After that, place it in a plastic bag, generously sprinkle it with soda (you will need 2-3 packs). Distribute the powder evenly and tie the bag tightly. Leave it like this for a day, remembering to shake the contents periodically.

Using a spray

Modern household products are excellent helpers for many household jobs, including removing burning smells from clothes. If you don’t want to tinker with the means at hand, then you should purchase a spray specifically designed for such cases:

Advice! The spray can be replaced by fumigation with incense sticks. Essential oils will also help: citrus and coniferous fruits are most effective at removing odors.


Ultraviolet rays are good at breaking down burning particles, so if the clothes do not stink too much, they should be hung on the balcony. Keep it on until the smell disappears. On average, this will take 2-3 days. The main thing is that the weather remains dry and clear all this time.

However, you should not leave clothes in the direct sun, otherwise the material will fade. If there are a lot of things, then they need to be hung at a distance from each other so that air flows freely penetrate the fibers.


Hot, moist condensate breaks down and breaks up particles of burning and smoke, thereby removing the source of the stench. Steam treatment is the ideal solution for items that cannot be washed. These include clothing and shoes made of leather, suede, nubuck, and patent leather.

The cleaning process is very simple: the product is hung on a hanger and treated on all sides with a steam generator or an iron in a vertical steam supply.

If there is no such household appliance in the house, then the product is placed over a bathtub or bowl of boiling water and left until it stops smelling. After this, the products are dried in fresh air.


A less popular way to clean things, but just as effective. Rice, like coffee and soda, perfectly absorbs odors, so it can replace them.

The principle is the same: place the clothes in a bag, sprinkle generously with dry cereal, and tie the bag tightly. Leave for 1-2 days until the smell disappears. If necessary, repeat the operation, replacing the rice with a fresh portion.

Ways to remove smoke smell from clothes by washing

If the previous measures failed to remove the smell from clothes, all that remains is to wash them in a machine or by hand. In some cases, one powder may not be enough, then you should use additional home remedies to remove the “aroma.”


There are two ways to get rid of the smell of smoke: rinsing and soaking. The first option is to add vinegar to the last rinse of washed clothes. The second method can be used before or after washing.

If it is not possible to wash and soak, the following life hack will help remove the smell from clothes:

Instead of vinegar, you can use vodka. The principle of operation is the same: mix half and half with water, spray on the material. The alcohol particles will dissolve the odorous molecules, and the source of the stench will disappear.

If there is a fear that after drying the clothes will begin to emit an alcoholic scent, then your fears are in vain. The alcohol evaporates quickly, so the material is not in danger.


An excellent natural remedy that can rid clothes of burning smell. However, it is recommended to use it on materials with persistent coloring, since the fruit acids contained in citrus have a bleaching effect.

To remove ingrained burning particles, proceed as follows:

Important! Before soaking the item, you should test the solution on an inconspicuous area to make sure that the lemon juice will not eat away the paint.


Clothes can simply be washed with laundry soap, but it is better to soak them in a strong solution for 5-6 hours. Moreover, the effect will increase if ammonia is added to it. Procedure:

After the time has passed, rinse the clothes and wash them with powder.

Thus, you can get rid of the smell of a fire, smoke or burning in different ways. The main thing is to find the right approach, be patient and follow the recommendations.

The acrid smell of smoke on clothes can appear for a variety of reasons, for example, after a fire, during an outdoor picnic, or after being in a smoky room for a long time. Dealing with an intrusive aroma is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Therefore, let’s look at how you can quickly and effectively get rid of the smell of smoke on clothes.

Vodka spray

Today you can find special products on sale to neutralize odors: sprays, liquids and powders that can be added during washing. However, if they are difficult to find or you are not happy with the price, you can try a vodka spray.

To freshen up smoky clothes, you only need three things: vodka, water and a spray bottle. It is necessary to mix the liquids in a 1:1 ratio and spray things. Vodka works well against bacteria and can effectively remove the smell of cigarettes. The alcohol in it disappears quickly, so there will be no characteristic alcoholic amber.

Effective ways to get rid of the smell of smoke and burning on clothes

In fact, there are many more affordable ways to get rid of smoke smell from clothes.

We use steam

If you need to remove odor from outer clothing that you don’t want to wash, for example, a leather jacket or coat, you can use a steam cleaner. All you need to do to get rid of the smoky plume is to walk with steam over the surface of the contaminated products. Then let them dry naturally.

Fresh air

In situations where there is a slight smell of a fire on clothes, it makes sense to arrange intensive ventilation for things. To get rid of the problem, you need to hang smoke-smelling products outside and leave them to air for two to three days. In this case, weather conditions should be taken into account - this method will not work if there is high humidity.


If the methods discussed above did not help get rid of the burning smell on clothes, you cannot do without washing. In such cases, you can wash smelly items in the following ways:


If your clothes still smell like smoke even after washing, the following life hack will help get rid of the problem:

Baking soda perfectly absorbs aromas, so it perfectly removes the corrosive burning smell from clothes. To get rid of the plume left behind by smoke, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

To completely remove the smell of smoke, you need to leave the clothes in this condition for at least a day.

The most common natural flavoring – coffee – will help to effectively remove the burning smell from smelly things. To get rid of the problem using it, you will need:

After two or three days, the unpleasant aroma should completely disappear. It is also allowed to pour coffee not into bags, but into plastic cups.

Ammonia and soap

One of the most effective ways to effectively get rid of smoke plume on wardrobe items is to soak in an active cleaning solution. To carry out the hygiene procedure you need:

If you need to remove a fairly intense smoke smell from things, after washing they need to be hung outside for at least three days.


It is often recommended to remove leather odor from products using vinegar. If airing and wiping the item with damp cloths does not help, using vinegar is considered a slightly more radical method. Add a tablespoon of colorless liquid soap and two tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of water. The resulting composition must be carefully treated with a piece of clothing or accessory.

If the smell of a leather jacket literally irritates you, it’s time to use any means at hand that are effective in combating the “fragrances”. Soda is one of them. This product is an indispensable absorbent in everyday life. It's easy to use: sprinkle the powder on the item and leave it for a while. Afterwards, shake thoroughly and ventilate.

Baking soda is considered effective in removing unpleasant odors not only from leather items, but also from furniture.

Coffee also helps get rid of skin odor. For this purpose, it is best to use freshly ground coffee, as it has a much richer aroma. You need to proceed in the same way as with soda: sprinkle the powder on your clothes or accessory, and then leave it for a day. At the end of this procedure, the clothes are shaken off and aired. This should be enough to permanently get rid of the smell of leatherette or natural leather (that is, tannins that are used to process it).

Remedies for burning smells that you can buy in the store

In situations where none of the described methods has helped to effectively get rid of the acrid smell of smoke on clothes, you will need to buy specialized household chemicals. Here are a few professional products that can easily eliminate foreign odors:

The advantages of these products include fast action and high quality. With their help, you can even get rid of the aroma of smoke that has become ingrained into the fabric.

Important! Before using purchased products, be sure to read the instructions for use.

If professional household chemicals did not help to cope with the problem, it is better to take the smelly items to the dry cleaner.

Household chemicals

Many housewives prefer not to bother with traditional recipes, mixing various cleaning compounds, but use strong household chemicals. Although chemicals are very aggressive, they almost always give 100% results.

Housewives speak highly of a special cleansing pencil that effectively removes stains of various origins. Using the product is very simple: rub the mark with a pencil, leave the item for a few minutes, and then wash and rinse thoroughly. Such pencils are produced, for example, by Faberlic.

For light-colored fabrics, you can use chlorine-containing bleaches, which will remove soot stains in a few minutes. To prepare a cleaning solution, dilute a couple of caps of the product in 5 liters of cool water, and soak the product for literally 10 minutes. After soaking, the item will become clean. But the disadvantage of this method is that chlorine can thin the material, and it will break through easily. Such chlorine products are not suitable for delicate fabrics.

For capricious materials, you can use oxygen bleaches, such as Vanish. The item is soaked in diluted water for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed and washed.

There are many products on the shelves of household chemical stores that help remove soot stains. There are products for colored linen that do not damage the paint on the fabric and are suitable for washing even light curtains in the kitchen if they have soot on them.

What are we dealing with?

The smell of smoke can be created by burning microparticles remaining in the fibers of clothing. It is not always possible to eliminate them using simple methods, because oily and tarry ashes sit in the fabric for a long time, creating an unpleasant odor. Smoke suppressants are not effective, because their effect is limited by time, and the smoke will remain, so you need to fight not the smell itself, but its source.


The first folk remedy that can eliminate the burning smell is lemon. To remove burning and its unpleasant odor, it is enough to:

This method is probably the most popular, since in this case there is no need to wash clothes, and the effect is simply amazing. The procedure for eliminating burning smell with coffee is as follows:

This is interesting! An alternative, but equally effective solution is to use peppermint, which is sold in bags in any supermarket.

Ammonia and soap

You can also remove odor from artificial leather using ammonia and soap. You already know how to use them. The proportions will be the same as when using vinegar, only instead of it you need to add ammonia to water and liquid colorless soap. Wipe the leather product and the “fragrances” will finally disappear.

Among all the above methods, it is difficult to single out the most effective one. Use whatever is at hand to eliminate stench. The main thing is to treat your new leather item with care. If you do not follow clear processing recommendations, it can simply be ruined. Synthetic or suede, leather or eco-friendly - you need to remove the smell from the jacket in any case.

Mild cases

Similar options include:

In simple cases, the smell is unpleasant and irritating, but it is easy to eliminate it, because oily inclusions are weakly expressed, there are no stains from ash, and things are not stained by burning. If this is the case, then regular washing will help get rid of the smell.

This is interesting! Anti-allergenic and children's washing powders are best at eliminating the smell of smoke and its consequences, as they are able to eliminate any strong odors.

To eliminate burning smell from clothes, in mild cases the following procedure should be carried out:

Important! After washing, you need to check the condition of the washing machine. If there is an unpleasant smell inside it, then it needs to be cleaned using special means, otherwise other things will absorb the burning smell.

Removing soot stains with solvents

The easiest way to remove soot is with kerosene. But it is not suitable for capricious fabrics. To clean the stain, soak a cotton pad in kerosene and use it to wipe away the stain using movements from the edges to the center. When the stain is soaked in kerosene, leave the item for 15 minutes and then wash it with washing soap.

You can also use acetone or acetone-based nail polish remover to remove such marks. The operation scheme is simple:

  1. A cotton pad is soaked in acetone.
  2. The stain is processed.
  3. The item is postponed for 40 minutes.
  4. All that remains is to rinse the product and wash it with powder - all the fumes will go away.

To remove soot stains, you can also use paint thinners or white spirit. The operation scheme is the same as when removing contaminants with acetone. It is also acceptable to use gasoline, but only highly purified gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores; ordinary automobile fuel is not suitable for these purposes.

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