Restoration of lacquered furniture - preparation and restoration stages

It must first be melted:
1.Apply the compound to the chips, covering the areas around them.

2.After a few minutes, you need to cut off the protruding areas and level the surfaces as much as possible.

3.Sand and polish the surface.

The main advantage of using wax for restoration is its wide range of colors; it can easily be matched to almost any furniture.

To quickly and easily melt wax, you can use a soldering iron.

How to restore and how to paint over scratches on furniture: 100% effective oil polish

If you are in doubt about how to remove scratches on a wooden door, you can use oil polish to mask them. It perfectly fills damaged areas, and also cleans them of dust. As a result, the surface is smooth and shiny.

How to quickly remove scratches from polished furniture using folk remedies

When scratches appeared on furniture, our ancestors did not have the opportunity to buy special products; they coped well with traditional methods that still work successfully today.

How to disguise a scratch using walnut kernels, nut butter and mayonnaise

Walnut is an excellent remedy for eliminating defects. You need to wipe the scratch with the core and wait a few minutes, repeating the steps if necessary. The damaged area will gradually fill with mass, as a result of which the scratch will not be noticeable.

Advice! Instead of the kernel, you can use nut butter. It needs to be applied to a napkin and wiped off all damage.

The effectiveness of mayonnaise is based on its deep penetration into the structure of the wood, due to which it swells and the scratch is filled on its own. After this, you need to paint over the damaged area with cream and polish thoroughly. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Periodically apply mayonnaise to the damaged area for three days.
  2. There should be 2 hours between treatments. During this time, the composition will be completely absorbed into the wood.

After processing, mayonnaise does not need to be wiped off, it must be absorbed

How to remove scratches from lacquered furniture: use tea leaves, machine oil and iodine

For simple cosmetic repairs, you can use an alcohol solution of iodine or tea leaves.

It is important! Iodine can only be used on lacquered furniture.

To make it more convenient to apply iodine, you need to use a cotton swab. Similar actions can be carried out with machine oil.

Brew a bag of black tea in ¼ cup of boiling water, let it brew and wipe the scratch with a cotton swab dipped in the liquid.

Removing scratches from light-colored furniture using vinegar with vegetable oil and stain

If you are faced with a dilemma about how to cover up scratches on light-colored furniture, use a recipe made from vinegar and olive oil. The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. In a small container, prepare a mixture of 20 g vinegar and 50 g oil.
  2. Wipe the damaged area with the mixture and leave for 24 hours to absorb.
  3. Polish the area with a rag.

A mixture of vinegar and oil perfectly masks minor damage.
Stain, unlike the previously mentioned products, must be applied to the entire surface at once. Its use in certain areas will be visually noticeable. As a result of such actions, you will receive completely restored furniture.

A unique composition of stain, prepared with your own hands, as a means of eliminating scratches

To restore furniture at home, you can make your own mastic from wax, alcohol and turpentine. The operating algorithm is as follows:

  1. Melt 40 g of wax in a water bath.
  2. Pour in 30 g of turpentine and 10 g of alcohol. Mix everything until smooth and turn off the stove.
  3. Treat the damaged areas with a warm mixture and rub with a rag to a glossy shine.

Advice! You can use homemade mastic to remove white spots on the surface of lacquered furniture.

Methods for carrying out restoration measures

Analysis of the degree of wear of lacquered furniture

First, you need to analyze the current conditions of the furniture to be repaired. A good reason to start the restoration process will be deterioration in the appearance of the headset, including darkening in the thread area. In addition, a common reason for restoration is small cracks on the surface.

In cases where such defects are not very pronounced, they may not harm the appearance, but, on the contrary, add solidity to it. In the case of severe defects, there is a need for restoration measures, which are organized by a professional from a specialized workshop, or they can be carried out independently at home, while preserving the antique qualities of the furniture.

If something goes wrong, you can cover the product with paint at any time, although then the unique pattern inherent in the wood will be hidden by the paint and the furniture will lose its presentable appearance.

Products for restoring lacquered furniture

There is an opinion that it is supposedly possible to restore the previous state of products only by treating them with alcohol. Without a doubt, alcohol can remove the top coating and repair the damage, but such a measure can lead to irreversible results.

In this regard, during restoration you should pay attention to more reliable methods, including:

  • Shellac polish - this material emphasizes the refined structure of wood, enhancing it with an unusual shade. Varnish is one of the most ancient methods of restoration, which is a varnish that is similar in thickness to water. To restore the furniture, it is coated with varnish in 40-60 layers, which allows you to achieve an unusual noble shade.
  • Nitrocellulose varnish - this material is used for the restoration of large areas. Nitrocellulose varnish is applied through a special spray bottle, which very quickly covers the area to be restored. At a lower speed, the particles of the product would solidify individually. For this reason, it is not recommended to use standard sprayers, as they will create areas with an accumulation of bubbles. Thus, such material should be used exclusively in a specialized studio.
  • Pentaphthalic varnish - this substance is famous for its ease of use, so it is convenient to use at home. It does not require a special application procedure and dries very quickly. Pentaphthalic varnish needs to cover the surface with at least 4 layers, with the first one serving as a primer. After completion of the restoration, it is necessary to sand the treated area. To achieve a semi-matte effect, the varnish should be applied with a cotton pad, and to obtain a glossy shine, use a brush.

After determining the type of restoration product, you need to select a color scheme. If desired, it is possible to coat the product with colorless varnish or bright paint.


How to remove scratches from a glass table using GOI paste and nail polish

Even small scratches can ruin the appearance of a glass tabletop. You can try to eliminate them yourself; if unsuccessful, it is better to turn to professionals.

Method 1. GOI paste

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Melt the paste.
  2. Apply it to a rag and rub into the damaged areas in a circular motion.
  3. For larger damages, it is better to use a sander with a fur attachment.
  4. Polish the countertop with polish, which can be purchased at any auto store.

Method 2. Nail polish

To repair damage, you can use clear nail polish. After complete drying, polish the surface with a soft cloth soaked in sunflower oil or special polishing wipes.

Nail polish can help with minor scratches on glass countertops

Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture

Did your grandmother leave you antique Soviet furniture from the 30s? Did your parents reward you with an old wardrobe from the 60s? Don't rush to get rid of them! In this article you will learn how to restore Soviet furniture with your own hands, or more precisely, how to update old furniture so that it again begins to please your eyes. Photos of successful experiments are attached. So…

Removing scratches from wooden furniture

Scratches on furniture are a rather unpleasant phenomenon, if only because visually it adds several extra years (or even dozens) to your interior items. Once stylish and impressive, scratched furniture takes on the appearance of used and outdated, making you want to cover it with a blanket or tablecloth, or maybe even replace it altogether. At the same time, many people forget that scratches on wooden furniture can be removed, at home and on their own. Let's look at the main ways to do this successfully.

Furniture restoration

If we compare furniture restoration or the purchase of new interior items, we can clearly speak in favor of the first.

Compared to buying new furniture, restoration is much cheaper. Advantages:

  • Saving. With the current variety of materials and a truly extensive pricing policy, you can significantly reduce the cost item in your budget.
  • No furniture transportation required.
  • Time, it is not necessary to set deadlines for repairs, you can do everything when there is an opportunity for this.
  • You can always make changes or add something new to the work already done.
  • The use of both purchased materials and those that you already have in stock.
  • The opportunity to receive a unique item that will be in a single copy.
  • New life given to your favorite pieces of furniture.

The new life that old furniture finds is one of the main advantages in favor of restoration.

Selection of tools

Tools for furniture restoration can be completely different, depending largely on what kind of work you are going to do. For example, if this is restoration of wooden furniture, you will need:

  • Sandpaper, you need to take several types of different grain sizes;
  • Ruler or tape measure, square;
  • To mark the fastening of parts, there are special markers for wood, although you can get by with ordinary pencils;
  • Spatulas, plastic and metal;
  • A hammer or mallet (if you are afraid of severe damage) so that you can knock out or, conversely, knock out the desired part;
  • Wood adhesive;
  • Putty for restoring wooden furniture;
  • Paint and varnish materials that are suitable specifically for this item;
  • Screwdrivers, their size and shape must be determined when inspecting the fasteners on the furniture;
  • Brushes, if varnishing is provided;
  • Gloves, mask or respirator (it is advisable to protect your lungs from dust or when painting);
  • Scissors, chisels, furniture scrapers.

The complete set of tools you need directly depends on what type of restoration you plan to do.

Preparing furniture for the procedure

In order to restore your furniture, you need to carefully prepare it for further work. First, a full inspection is carried out, we identify all violations of integrity, cracks, various chips or abrasions. We remove all the fittings that are possible. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble and (or) remove all elements that block access to hard-to-reach places of wooden furniture, these can be shelves, hinged doors, drawers, etc.

Before restoration begins, the furniture is inspected and all fittings are removed. If there are elements of the product body that are attached with glue and their design is not damaged, it is better to leave them in their original state.

Nut rub

This is perhaps the most widely known and simplest option. You will only need one or several walnuts (depending on the length and depth of the scratches), or several pecans, which, by the way, both in appearance and in taste, are quite reminiscent of a walnut.

In order to repair uneven surfaces of wooden furniture with their help, it is enough to rub the damaged area with them. As a result, the scratch cavities will gradually be filled with small particles of nuts, and they will be highly compacted, which guarantees the fairly high reliability and strength that such a seal will receive. After rubbing with nuts, wipe the treated surface with a dry cloth.

Required materials and tools

Updating polished furniture, like any other activity, requires the use of various materials and tools. So, you will need:

  • sandpaper cloth;
  • solvents used for varnishes and paints;
  • paints. It is better to take acrylic or alkyd. You choose the color at your discretion.
  • brushes, rollers, rags;
  • construction hair dryer (if network);
  • polishing machine (also, if available).

Prepare everything in advance so that the creative process is not interrupted.

Wiping with machine oil

Machine oil is best for covering up scratches on dark-colored varnished wood. It will need to be applied to the damaged areas in a small amount (using a cotton pad or cotton swab) and left there for a few minutes. Then these same places will need to be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth.

Let us once again draw your attention to the fact that very little machine oil is needed. Otherwise, you will simply stain the furniture, and you will have to wash everything off it, and then try to remove the scratches again, from scratch.

How to repair an old table

Over the years, your favorite wooden table begins to become loose and its top is covered in scratches. However, you love it so much that you don’t want to throw it away. The question arises, how to update the table. The repair and renovation process is best done in winter, when the heating is on and the furniture is perfectly dry. Newly created fastening connections will serve for a very long time and will not become loose.

Scheme of a wooden table.

Before starting the repair, you need to look at how the table parts are connected. Wooden parts are usually secured using metal brackets or tenons.

If the legs are connected by metal parts, they will need to be tightened. If tightening fails and the table continues to wobble, you need to unscrew all the fasteners. If there is damage to the thread, the fastener must be replaced.

Before installing new fasteners, you need to carefully inspect the holes. It is possible that their surfaces are crumbling. You cannot immediately screw screws into such wood. It is necessary to first strengthen such places.

Damaged areas must be drilled with holes of a different size. A wooden plug of the appropriate size must be lubricated with wood glue. Then hammer the plug into the drilled hole and dry thoroughly.

A new hole is made in the plug into which a self-tapping screw will be screwed. All that remains is to reassemble the table using new metal brackets.


The old table, which is held together with wooden spikes, needs to be disassembled into small components. In order to avoid leaving dents, the parts must be knocked out using a rubber hammer.

Applying a mixture of olive oil and vinegar

This method is especially recommended in cases where you need to eliminate not so much scratches as extensive abrasions (caused by frequent mechanical damage, constant exposure to moisture and high temperatures, and so on).

The mixture is prepared based on a three to one ratio, that is, three parts olive oil to one part vinegar. The specific amount of product will depend on how large an area you plan to treat. Dip a cloth into the resulting solution, then rub the worn furniture with pressure. After a couple of minutes, the same surfaces must be carefully wiped with a dry cloth. You will be surprised how much your interior items can be transformed after such simple manipulations.

Filling with mayonnaise

This method of getting rid of scratches on interior items may seem strange, but it can also be very effective. The reason is that mayonnaise contains some proteins and fats that cause wood to swell. It is suitable for removing small and shallow damage.

Just apply mayonnaise to the scratch, and try to do it so that adjacent areas of the wood are not covered with it, and wait a few days. If the scratch is really not too deep, then during this time the wood will swell and, on its own, will remove the groove that “showed off” on its surface.

Methods for eliminating minor defects

Now let's talk about methods that can be applied at the initial stage. The appearance of any minor single defects does not require extensive surface restoration work:

How to update furniture with your own hands if it has lost its shine? In order to return it to its original appearance, you need to find a furniture care product in stores that contains orange oil. The process itself consists of heating a foam sponge moistened with water in a microwave oven. Next, the product is applied to the surface and immediately rubbed with a heated sponge.

If minor abrasions appear, we restore the surface with the inside of a banana peel. For more significant defects, the following products are used: furniture marker for retouching, alcohol, wax. First, the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt using a soap solution. After drying, begin to wipe with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol. In this way we restore the original appearance of the coating. If the scratches are deeper, then alcohol will not help. We retouch them with a marker. Then polish with wax.

When wood swells, when, for example, water leaks and the furniture board absorbs it, you can use salt and olive oil. The products are mixed and applied to the damaged area, left for half an hour. Salt will draw out moisture, and olive oil will prevent the wood from drying out.

How to repair furniture with more serious damage (chips, dents, etc.)? You can’t do without the puttying process here. A special mixture for wood is perfect, although you can also use car putty. Defects are carefully repaired, the mixture is allowed to dry and then sanded with fine-grit sandpaper.

Repairing wooden furniture is a simple but labor-intensive process that requires endurance and patience. By performing all stages of restoration correctly, you can extend the life of your favorite things. Basically, options were considered on how to restore old furniture with your own hands, which was still made from natural wood. Nowadays, furniture is mainly made from chipboard sheets. It should be noted that repairing cabinet furniture with your own hands is basically no different. You can use all the algorithms presented above.

Steam treatment

This is perhaps the most radical way to disguise scratches, the use of which should be approached with extreme caution. Just in case, it’s better to first try steaming some inconspicuous area of ​​the damaged furniture to make sure that such exposure will not damage it.

If your piece of furniture turns out to be immune to such manipulation, you will need to place a piece of wet gauze or cotton fabric folded several times over the scratched area. After this, you need to place a hot iron on the wet gauze or cloth. The essence of this method is also to expand the wood: it should swell under the influence of steam and, expanding, remove the scratch.

Professional products

There are also many special products designed to hide damage on the surface of wooden furniture:

  • soft furniture wax;
  • hard furniture wax;
  • the so-called “furniture touch”;
  • stain.

Working with some of them requires the presence of certain professional knowledge and skills, with others (for example, with soft wax or a touch) - it allows for the possibility of success even in the absence of experience. The most difficult task if you take on the use of such products will be choosing the right shade. However, it is worth noting that if the scratches on your furniture are very deep and numerous, and “folk remedies” have not helped to significantly improve the situation, perhaps you should entrust the repair of the damage to professional restorers.

Durability of home methods

In fact, there is no way to hide a scratch “forever” as such - you will probably continue to use the treated furniture, and you may well damage its surface again or gradually remove the layer of the seal. To make the removal of unevenness last longer, you can resort to coating with furniture varnish. In any case, there is a very obvious rule here: in order for your furniture to look beautiful and well-groomed for a long time, you need to treat it with care and precision. And in extreme cases, all of the above methods will again be at your disposal to quickly remove a scratch.

How to remove scratches from furniture?

A private house or apartment is not only your own living space, but also comfort. That is why, when arranging their homes, people try to create the most pleasant conditions for themselves by furnishing the rooms with the necessary furniture. During prolonged use or careless use, small cracks and scratches may appear on the furniture, which are immediately noticeable. If furniture is expensive to replace, and its external imperfections haunt you, then the question immediately arises: is it possible to remove scratches from the furniture and how to do this, restoring its attractive appearance? With the help of this article, everyone will find the answer to this simple but important question.

How to restore lacquered furniture

If you intend to restore small areas of lacquered furniture, you will need regular shoe polish. A universal colorless composition is suitable. You can also use wax if the polished item has dulled over the years and lost its appearance.

Of course, to start polishing and varnishing furniture, as well as restoring it, you will need patience and studying the life hacks presented above. But if you use the methods correctly, the result will be visible immediately.

Caring for matte furniture without polishing is much easier.

How to remove scratches from furniture?

The list of products used to remove scratches from furniture depends on the material that was used for its production (chipboard, MDF, solid or polished wood). In general, the following means can be used to return interior items to their original appearance:

  • Wax for wood.
  • Masking pencils.
  • Marker or pencil.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Nut.
  • Vinegar.
  • Alcohol.
  • Stain.
  • Furniture polish.
  • Iodine.
  • PVA glue.
  • Shoe cream.
  • Black tea.
  • Paraffin.
  • Cigarette ash or ash.
  • Nail polish.

In addition, you need to prepare equipment that may be useful during external restoration of furniture:

  • Soft sponge.
  • Lint-free fabric.
  • Paint brush.

Removing scratches from polished furniture

Method 1

  • Mix water and vinegar in a 3:1 ratio.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the solution.
  • Soak a cotton swab in the mixture.
  • Rub the scratches until they disappear.
  • Polish the surface of the furniture with a flannel cloth or lint-free cloth.

This is interesting! Thanks to this method, you can not only get rid of scratches on furniture, but also protect its surface from dust, because it will settle much less.

Method 2

A labor-intensive but effective option is to use furniture polish:

  • Take special equipment.
  • Apply it to damaged areas of furniture.
  • Rub until the scratches disappear.

Method 3

Uses of walnuts:

  • Peel one nut and remove its core.
  • Rub the inside of the walnut onto the scratches on the furniture so that the nut oil penetrates into the material.
  • Wait a couple of minutes until the scratch begins to darken.
  • Repeat if the effect is not fully achieved.


If the furniture itself is still quite durable, the polish is just worn out, then you can update it. You can also change the color to match the overall color scheme of your interior. First of all, you need to get rid of the old polish. For ease of operation, it is necessary to remove the doors and shelves. It is advisable to disassemble the entire structure into parts, so the work will be done more thoroughly and accurately. Remove all fittings from the parts. If it has lost its respectable appearance, it will need replacement. In modern furniture stores you can easily find any fittings. You can choose the size and design you need. Then we start polishing.

If you don’t have a hair dryer, then you shouldn’t remove all the old polish. It will take a lot of time. We remove chips on the polishing surface using sandpaper. First we work with a coarse-grained canvas, then we use paper with a fine grain. Gradually, slowly, you need to wipe out all the chips and cracks. For ease of work, you can wind the canvas onto a round wooden block, securing it with nails. Its thickness should be such that the block can be easily held by hand. The main thing is to achieve a matte polishing surface; the paint will stick to it better. Cover the grooves that appear at the chip site with putty.

If you have a hair dryer, the job of removing the old layer of varnish will be easier. This is very important, if the surface of the old polish is covered with cracks, then it is better to remove it. This work must be done using a hair dryer. Starting in small areas, heat the surface. Then use a spatula to remove the layer of old varnish. Try to do this work as carefully as possible, without damaging the surface of the furniture. This will add extra work to you.

Then polish the surface cleaned of old polish with the same sandpaper. You can use a grinding machine, so the work will be done faster and better. But do not forget that there will be much more dust. So it is better to use a mask to protect your respiratory tract and eyes.

Then you need to degrease the surface. This can be done with a cloth and solvent. You can also use a solution of washing powder. In this way you can get rid of not only greasy stains, but also various contaminants.

If cracks are found on the surface of the wood itself, cover them with wood putty. The repaired area needs to be cleaned again.

Cover the degreased surface with acrylic or alkyd paint of the selected color. These paints dry quite quickly compared to oil paints. This will speed up repairs, which is very important in a city apartment. It is better to paint large parts using a roller, it will be much faster and more accurate. Make sure there are no drips or gaps. Don't forget to paint the interior surfaces. Wait for the paint to dry completely. Then coat the surface with varnish.

Removing scratches from wooden furniture

The easiest way to remove scratches from the surface of interior items is to use proven products that are sold in any hardware store or household chemicals supermarket.

Method 1

Using leather shoe cream:

  • Select and buy a cream in a shoe store, the color of which matches the tone of the furniture.
  • Using a sponge, apply a little cream to the damaged area.
  • Polish with flannel cloth.

Method 2

Using a masking (restoration) pencil for wood:

  • Treat the scratch with a pencil.
  • Wait until it dries.
  • Polish with a clean soft cloth.

Method 3

Using special wax to protect wood:

  • Apply the product to a soft sponge.
  • Rub it onto the problem area.
  • Rub until the scratch disappears.

Method 4

Using wood stain or oil:

  • Choose the product of the desired tone.
  • Apply the substance to the surface using a paint brush.
  • After reading the instructions, wait for the specified time period.
  • Re-treat the surface, taking breaks between approaches.

Important! This method is most effective if the furniture is made of solid wood.

How to update old furniture - painting furniture

Let's start with the most popular and easiest way to update old furniture. Here you will learn how to paint Soviet-era furniture.

Furniture should only be painted if it is made of cheap wood (pine). If your Soviet furniture is made, for example, of oak, then painting it is highly not recommended, since this will forever reduce its value.

Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture is usually done with oil paint. How to paint furniture correctly:

  1. Apply the paint with light movements in a thin layer along the wood grain.
  2. Let dry for about 12 hours.
  3. Clean the surface with sandpaper, wipe off dust and apply a second coat.

If you are restoring Soviet furniture from the 50s to 70s, which was made in a minimalist style, then black, as well as light pastel colors, are perfect for painting it. With this finish it will become an excellent accessory for a modern interior.

If you want to take a more creative approach to painting furniture, but you don’t know how to paint by hand, then use templates. They are sold in stores, they can also be printed from the Internet and cut out on thick paper. Before applying the design to the furniture, the stencil should be secured with adhesive tape.

Painting furniture - before and after photos of old furniture:

Restoring a chest of drawers with your own hands:

Also read: Soviet furniture: history of development, styles and photos

How to update an old cabinet:

How to repurpose an old nightstand and chairs:

It has become very fashionable to paint furniture with thin lace. Simply attach the lace fabric to the surface of the Soviet furniture, then apply paint. The result is amazing!

Removing scratches from furniture using traditional methods

Solution 1

Using used black tea leaves. This is possible as follows:

  • Brew strong black tea and let it brew for a couple of hours.
  • Treat scratches with a cotton pad soaked in tea.
  • Periodically allow the surface to dry, checking intermediate results.

Solution 2

Smoking is a bad habit that is harmful to health. However, sometimes even this can be beneficial by using cigarette ash:

  • Collect some ash while smoking.
  • Mix it with ash in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Add a couple of drops of water to create a paste.
  • Treat damaged areas of furniture.

Important! This method is suitable for dark-colored furniture, but if you use only ashes, you can remove scratches from light-colored interior items.

Solution 3

You can remove scratches from light-colored furniture using paraffin from candles:

  • Knead the paraffin in your hands.
  • Apply it to furniture with scratches.
  • Rub in circular motions until the scratches disappear.

Important! This method is suitable for all types of furniture: it is enough to remove excess paraffin from ordinary furniture; polished furniture needs to be rubbed until shiny with a flannel cloth.

Solution 4

  • Mix water with iodine to make a weak solution.
  • Paint over the scratches with a paint brush, dipping it in iodine.
  • Leave until completely dry.
  • Cover with clear nail polish.

Important! Iodine has a brown tint, so it is not used to cover scratches on light-colored furniture.

Solution 5

For women who wear a lot of makeup, scratches on furniture are not a problem, because they can be covered with special eyeliners or pencils. In addition, you can use regular markers for drawing, the main thing is to choose the right tone.

Solution 6

Using PVA glue (only possible for inexpensive furniture):

  • Dip a paint brush in glue.
  • Cover the damaged area.

DIY decoupage of Soviet furniture

Mastering the decoupage technique will help you turn old Soviet furniture into a real designer masterpiece. Decoupage of old furniture is performed using the following tools:

  • Fine-grit sandpaper;
  • Alcohol;
  • Primer;
  • Brush and glue for decoupage;
  • Roller or sponge;
  • Material for decoupage - newspaper clippings, old postcards, letters, drawings, book pages

The Internet will help you find inspiring ideas and materials for decoupage. For example, we especially like these 2 examples of how to update an old chest of drawers using decoupage:

Have you chosen the right pictures? Next, you can start updating Soviet furniture with your own hands using decoupage. This process consists of the following steps:

  1. Surface preparation with sandpaper;
  2. Cleaning with a cloth soaked in alcohol;
  3. After the surface has dried, apply a primer (3-4 layers);
  4. If materials for decoupage will be used only in places, then the furniture must first be painted to create a background;
  5. If the furniture will be completely covered (for example, with newspapers), then you can immediately begin applying glue after the primer has dried;
  6. Thin paper can be immediately applied to the glue, while thicker paper should first be thinned with sandpaper and soaked in water;
  7. The wet paper is blotted with a towel on both sides and applied to the glue;
  8. After gluing all the materials, you should walk over the surface with a roller or sponge to remove any remaining glue;
  9. The last stage is applying varnish to the dry surface.

Original furniture in Provence or vintage styles is ready!

Photos of old furniture before and after decoupage:

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