How to peel hazelnuts and walnuts in a few seconds?


Hazelnut is a small nut with a fairly strong shell. Often, attempts to crack it with a regular hammer or heavy stone result in the nut slipping out and the hammer injuring your fingers. In addition, when you try to split hazelnuts at home in this way, a lot of fragments scatter throughout the kitchen, which is not very pleasant.

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In fact, there are many other, more convenient and safer ways to open hazelnuts.

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Methods for deshelling


In the industry, special equipment is used for chopping hazelnuts, which allows you to obtain tons of clean kernels within a few minutes. To quickly and easily clean hazelnuts at home, you can use:

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  • Garlic press.
  • Nut cracker.
  • With pliers.
  • Gas wrench.
  • With pincers.
  • Hammer for beating meat.
  • A homemade device made from two bars and a loop.
  • With a regular hammer and electrical tape.

If you don’t have the right tool at hand, you can make a nut cracker yourself.

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Garlic press


Most models of garlic presses are equipped with small recesses on the handles, which many use for chopping nuts. However, the diameter of the hazelnut is so small that if it is placed between these grooves, the nut will not be crushed.

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But this does not mean that the garlic press should be put aside. Take one nut, place it inside the device (where garlic cloves are usually placed), and crush it. The advantage of this method is that the shells remain in the garlic press and do not scatter throughout the room.

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Nut cracker


Today on sale you can find a variety of models of devices designed for cracking nuts. Many of these models are able to cope with all types of nuts, while some can chop only small nuts, or, on the contrary, only large nuts. This must be taken into account when purchasing a nut cracker.

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Universal customizable nut cracker from Aliexpress.

Advice: For those who love nuts and buy them quite often, it is better to purchase a convenient and high-quality device for cracking nuts that will serve its owner for many years.

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If you don’t have a garlic press or a nut cracker at hand, you can use regular pliers. Since the diameter of the hazelnut is small, it can easily fit into the recess that is provided on the metal part of the pliers.

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It is necessary to wrap your hand around the working part of the tool, fixing the nut in the desired position, and applying a little force, squeeze the pliers so that only the shell cracks.

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The advantage of this method is that the broken shells end up in the hand and do not scatter around. The disadvantage is the danger of pinching the skin of the hand with pliers. You need to be careful when peeling hazelnuts from their shells.

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Gas key


If you have a gas wrench at hand, you can safely use this tool. The key is set to the minimum position, a hazelnut is inserted between the jaws, the shell is clamped and cracked. This method is distinguished by its simplicity; it allows you to crush the nut without damaging the kernel itself (as happens when using a hammer, you just need to adjust the key to the desired distance). Using a gas key, you don’t need to put in much effort at all, which is especially important if a child or woman decides to eat the nut.

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Another tool that can be used for other purposes is plumbing pliers. Using this tool, you can control the degree of compression, which allows you to keep the kernel intact, and also use the key to crack both hazelnuts and walnuts or other types of nuts.

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Meat hammer


Another tool that can be found in almost every kitchen is a meat hammer.

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Compared to a regular hammer, it is equipped with spike-shaped protrusions that will prevent the nut from slipping out, which means it does not need to be held with your fingers. Although this eliminates the risk of injury, this method has several disadvantages:

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  • The impact scatters fragments throughout the kitchen.
  • Loud noise created when struck with a hammer.

Tip: To avoid making too much noise, it is recommended to break the nuts on a kitchen towel folded several times.

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Hammer and tape


For those who are accustomed to using a traditional hammer to crack nuts and do not want to change their habits, there is good news. You can easily protect your fingers from impacts, and the room from flying shells, with a regular roll of electrical tape. Simply place the electrical tape on the table and place a nut in its center.

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Homemade device for chopping hazelnuts


You can make a device for cleaning hazelnut shells with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to connect two bars with a loop, inside which two holes should be made corresponding to the diameter of the nut.

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This device will allow you to easily and quickly peel hazelnuts without damaging their kernels.

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Methods for peeling


When preparing desserts and some other dishes from hazelnuts, it is necessary to carefully clean it from the thin shell covering the kernel. In order not to waste a lot of time and effort, it is better to prepare in advance and find out how to easily and quickly peel hazelnuts.

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To remove the thin skin from the kernels, you will need to dry them in the oven at 150ºC for 10 minutes and cool. Then the cooled nuts are poured into a paper or cotton towel, wrapped and gently rubbed with your hands. As a result, all the skins will easily separate from the kernel.

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Instead of a towel, you can use a fine mesh sieve. You need to pour the nuts into it and rub them with your hands on the walls of the sieve. As a result, all the peel will remain at the bottom.


Hazelnut, also known as hazelnut, is a cultivated species of wild hazel, which was used by our ancestors for food and was also used as a medicinal product. The popularity of this type of nut has remained to this day, which is not surprising, given the huge amount of useful components it contains. In this regard, the question of how to peel hazelnuts from husks becomes very relevant.


Frying in a pan

First, it’s worth considering the most popular option for peeling hazelnuts. This can be done using a regular frying pan - aluminum, cast iron or with any non-stick coating. This is not of fundamental importance. In addition to the frying pan, you will need a spatula (or spoon) to mix the product. How to peel hazelnuts using these common kitchen utensils? To do this you need:

  1. Place the frying pan on the fire. Wait until it warms up thoroughly.
  2. Pour the previously shelled nuts into the frying pan.
  3. Fry them over low heat for about 5 minutes. With longer heat treatment, the nut may burn, and this is undesirable. In addition, the hazelnuts should be stirred constantly while frying.
  4. Place the processed nuts on a plate or towel.
  5. Take a handful of cooled hazelnuts with your hands and rub them between your palms. The husk comes off quite easily.

Now the product can continue to be used for its intended purpose. Our grandmothers have long known how to peel hazelnuts in a similar way.

About the beneficial properties of hazelnuts

First, let's figure out what the benefits of hazelnuts are. Few people know that the calorie content of delicious hazelnuts exceeds meat, bread, chocolate and fish, so you should not get carried away with their absorption. This may surprise some, but improper consumption of hazelnuts can cause serious harm to human health. As for its beneficial properties, hazelnuts contain the following nutrients:

  • vitamin B (normalizes the functioning of muscles and the human cardiovascular system);
  • magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron;
  • pacletaxel (a substance that helps inhibit the development of malignant tumors);
  • fatty acids (help increase the elasticity of vascular walls, slowing down the aging process).

Pine nuts

If you look at it, calling them nuts is wrong. These are the seeds of cedar pine trees. They are “hidden” behind a reliable shell-shell in the cone. Our country is the world's largest producer of these nuts.

Pine nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Contains a lot of fats, carbohydrates and protein. The latter are twice as much as in chicken meat. This is not counting about 10 amino acids essential for the body. Few people know, but cedar oil is healthier than coconut and olive oil. This is because there is several times more vitamin E in the seeds of cedar pine trees.

Source: surabhi25/

In terms of calorie content, tree nuts are superior to walnuts - 680 kcal per 100 g. It is enough to eat 20-40 g of nuts per day.

Methods for peeling hazelnuts

It’s worth noting right away that the process of peeling hazelnuts from the shell is quite troublesome, so using a hammer or cobblestone for this purpose is not the best option. Of course, the easiest way is to buy nuts without shells so as not to bother with them, but due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such a luxury.

In addition, shelled hazelnuts retain freshness, which cannot be said about shelled hazelnuts. To peel hazelnuts, many people use a garlic press, but you can’t be 100% sure of its reliability, because if it gets hit with hard hazelnuts, it can easily break.

There are 3 ways to clean hazelnuts at home:

  • using pliers;
  • using a bag and a hammer;
  • by heating in the oven.

Speaking about how to peel hazelnuts, we note that it will be most effective to roast the nuts. To do this, they need to be placed in a mold and placed in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees. They should be stirred from time to time, allowed to cool slightly and sent back. Such actions will promote active bursting and cracking of the hazelnut skin.

When the nuts are sufficiently fried, they will need to be placed on a towel and pressed well so that they rub against each other. This is necessary so that the skin lags well behind the kernel. After the nuts are completely peeled and “shed” all the skins, you can use them for further purposes.

What to do with waste?

What is done with the shells:

  • Used in folk medicine to treat various ailments such as low blood pressure, dizziness and to rid the body of parasites. Powdered shells can help treat diarrhea.
  • Used to cleanse the body of toxins, infusions and decoctions are prepared in combination with hazel leaves.
  • In some countries, hazelnut shells are used as an alternative fuel for heating homes. The product burns for a long time, retaining heat.
  • The ash after burning the shells is used as fertilizer for plants.
  • Hazelnut shells are used as a drainage layer for indoor and garden plants.
  • Used in landscape design in garden areas to design paths and plantings.

Use of the husk:

  • In folk medicine for the preparation of alcoholic tinctures and aqueous decoctions. Used to treat cardiovascular diseases, burns, colds, SARS, skin diseases, inflammation of teeth and gums.
  • In cosmetology. The ground husk is added to facial scrubs to cleanse the skin, shampoos to treat split ends, and infusions are made and drunk for brittle nails.
  • Hazelnut shells are used to mulch the soil around the plant. This prevents the soil from drying out and inhibits the growth of weeds.

Hazelnuts can be peeled at home using simple tools found around the house. You can use a hammer, pliers, a wrench, a garlic press, or a nut cracker. You can use a microwave, oven, frying pan, or hot water to remove shells from beans.

Any of these methods allows you to preserve all the nutrients of hazelnuts and fully use them for the benefit of the body.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of cleaning hazelnuts. The main thing is not to forget to follow certain tips that will help not only keep your teeth intact and healthy (this applies to those who like to crack nuts with their teeth), but also preserve the maximum beneficial properties of hazelnuts during processing (cleaning and roasting).

Remember that the product is quite suitable for preparing culinary masterpieces - pastries, cakes, desserts, salads and others. It is important that all of these dishes include nuts already in a peeled form, especially if you have your own restaurant or children are coming to your home. No one wants to mess with the husks, so it’s better to clean the product in advance and then use it as needed.

To peel a walnut or hazelnut, you need to spend a little time and effort. Because of this, many lovers of these products prefer to buy components that have already been shelled. Unfortunately, the conditions for processing, storage, packaging and transportation of such products are often violated. Their consumption can lead to digestive upset and even poisoning. It is better to choose nuts with a protective shell and peel them yourself. Content

What's the easiest way to peel hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts not only have a pleasant texture and a delicate taste. This is a very healthy nut that supplies the human body with a scattering of vital trace elements and chemical compounds. For this reason and because of certain difficulties in growing it, the component should not be cheap. If you buy a product that is too cheap, it may be empty or damaged inside.

Well, the best way to peel such nuts is in the following ways:

  • Pliers. We clamp the nut with pliers and place this structure in the palm. This technique will protect against the spread of debris throughout the room. Gently squeeze the product until the dense shell cracks. All that remains is to clear the kernel from it and you can move on to another instance.

Tip: When choosing walnuts, be careful. It is highly not recommended to purchase wild tree fruits; all existing cleaning methods have practically no effect on them. Such nuts can be easily recognized by their small size and unusually elongated shape.

  • Hammer. If you need to clean several products at once, or the nut turns out to be too hard, it is better to use another method. Place the hazelnuts in a fabric bag and place them in one layer on a hard surface. We take a wooden or metal hammer and begin to lightly hit the nuts until all the shells on them crack. You don’t even have to peel the nuts, just pour the contents of the bag into a bowl and remove the kernels from the mass.
  • Oven. If the hazelnuts are very hard, you should first place them on a baking sheet and place them in the oven at medium temperature for no more than 10 minutes. During this time, the shell will become more pliable and it will be easier to clean the components.

Removing the shell does not complete the cleaning, because fresh hazelnuts are covered with a thin skin, which imparts bitterness to the kernels. It is not so easy to remove it manually; first you need to fry them in a hot frying pan without oil over low heat for 5 minutes. Now we place the nuts between two pieces of fabric and three palms. This will allow you to quickly bring all the elements to the desired state at once.

How to prepare unshelled hazelnuts for shelling?

  1. To do this, raw, not yet peeled fruits are thoroughly washed under running water to remove dust, and dried well on a towel.
  2. Then the hazelnuts are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer, placed in the oven, and calcined in the oven at a temperature of 180–200 ° C for 5–6 minutes. This way the shell will become a little softer and more pliable when cracked.
  3. The degree of doneness can be determined by the characteristic nutty smell. Before shelling the hazelnuts, cool them for 25–30 minutes.

How to quickly and efficiently peel walnuts?

Many people try to crack walnuts the old fashioned way using a knife or scissors. This is not entirely correct and, most importantly, unsafe. If you slightly miscalculate the pressing force, there is a risk of getting a cut or damage to the tool blade. It is better to try one of the following methods:

  • Using boiling water. Place the walnuts in a bowl, pour boiling water over them and wait 10 minutes. Drain the liquid and wait for the product to cool. Now the products can be quickly and effortlessly split with a knife or scissors. The halves will separate on their own under slight pressure.
  • Pliers. A walnut is not a hazelnut; cracking it with pliers is not so easy, but it is possible. The principle of performing the manipulation is the same. But this method is recommended to be used only when you need to clean a small volume of product.
  • Heating in the oven. Place the walnuts in a preheated oven and keep for 10 minutes at 200ºC. This time is enough to make the shell more fragile and pliable. But in this case it is better to work not with a knife, but with a hammer. We just take a nut, place it on a wooden board and lightly tap it with a hammer. The shell will fall apart into pieces; the kernels will only need to be cleaned of jumpers and dirt.

In this case, too, not everything is finished yet, because the edible kernels are covered with a dense husk. If the nuts are young, then these formations will come off the surface without any problems, you just need to rub the elements a little. But with an older product everything will be more complicated.

Secrets of making nut flour

Walnut flour for confectionery products should be finely ground. This is primarily flour, and not just ground nuts. It is very important that when grinding nuts there is no release of oil, otherwise flour will not turn out. If you decide to grind nuts in a coffee grinder, add them in small batches and turn on the grinder for no more than 20 seconds, otherwise the blades will overheat, the nuts will release oil and stick together. Shake the coffee grinder periodically to prevent the nut flour from sticking to the walls and blades. If this does happen, it means the nuts are too wet and you need to dry them in the oven for 5 minutes at 150 °C.

When you sift the nut flour through a sieve, the remaining grains of nuts can be put back into the coffee grinder, ground and sifted until all the nuts turn into flour.

There are some features of working with different nuts. For example, not everyone knows how to make hazelnut flour without soaking. The fact is that the skin of this nut cracks when toasted, and then is easily removed if you pour the nuts onto a towel and rub, so you don’t have to soak the hazelnuts. Just pour boiling water over the pistachios and then dry them in the oven.

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Removing the husks from walnuts

To remove the husk quickly and without hassle, it is not necessary to process each nut, as some housewives do. It is much easier to use one of the following approaches:

  • Place the ingredients in a fabric bag, lightly shake and pour into a bowl. Pour boiling water over the product and leave for 5 minutes. Drain the liquid, put the workpiece in the bag again and shake it again. After such manipulations, all unnecessary skin should come off the nucleoli. An additional advantage of this approach is that it returns the delicate milky taste to even slightly stale products.
  • You can also fry the kernels in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes. After this, they are very easy to clean; part of the husk will come off the nuts during the heat treatment process. The main thing is to ensure that the products do not burn. Problems will be indicated by a change in the color of the workpieces and the appearance of a specific pungent odor. By the way, some housewives still add a little vegetable oil, but not to the frying pan, but to the nuts themselves about a minute before the end of processing.

According to experts, the use of approaches involving heat treatment is more preferable. They not only simplify the process of cleaning nuts, but also establish the quality of the product. If during exposure the kernels begin to emit a specific smell of mold or rot, this indicates a violation of the rules for storing nuts. It is better not to eat them, even if they look very appetizing. But such pre-treatment, on the contrary, will fully reveal the taste and aroma of the fresh product.

Rich in vitamins, valuable fats and protein, hazelnuts can be found on shelves today in several forms. Hazelnuts are sold unshelled in shell, in kernels, raw shelled, and also roasted. In-shell nuts are cheaper because there are no processing costs and they last longer. Therefore, from the buyer's point of view, this is a very profitable purchase.

Buying environmentally friendly hazelnuts without overpayment, which retain all their beneficial properties and fragrant characteristic aroma, the buyer is faced with only one drawback: it is necessary to spend more time processing the nuts and make some efforts for this.


Today, in every home, housewives have many different modern kitchen appliances. Take, for example, a microwave oven. With its help you can not only cook quickly, but also process food. By the way, this is not at all difficult to do. Hazelnut lovers will be interested in learning how to peel hazelnuts in the microwave.

To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the nuts in a bowl or other deep container.
  2. Pour hot water over the products.
  3. Place them in the microwave chamber.
  4. Turn on the device at full power.
  5. Set the timer for 30 seconds.
  6. After the signal, take out the dishes, pour out the water and wait until the hazelnuts cool down.

Chilled nuts will peel quickly and effortlessly. The dark skin is easily removed by hand. You won't need a knife or any other equipment here. In addition, the product undergoes additional heat treatment. And this is a guarantee that there will be no bacteria or germs left in it.


How to carefully remove the shell from a hazelnut

When you need to get whole beautiful kernels, for example, to decorate dishes, the shell must be removed carefully. Not everyone has an electric walnut cracker in their kitchen, and a manual walnut cracker may not be able to handle hazelnuts because there is no seam in the nut shell.

Here two tools can come to the rescue: a clamp and an impact hammer. As a fixative you can use:

  • nutcracker;
  • garlic press;
  • pliers;
  • kitchen tongs;
  • manual meat grinder vice and similar improvised means.

Fix the nut in a vice, rest it on a hard surface - preferably a wooden cutting board placed on the table. After this, apply a light, precise blow to the nut. The shell should crack easily.

Here are a few secrets on how to remove the shell from a hazelnut without damaging the kernels:

  1. Work with each nut separately. It will take more time, but the grains will definitely remain unharmed.
  2. Use a towel, bag or napkin to keep the shells from scattering and to keep pressure on the nut gently.
  3. Use caution so that shell fragments do not damage the kernel.

How to quickly crack hazelnuts

If the integrity of the kernels is not very important and there is little time for processing, there is a quick way. Place the nuts in a linen bag or place them on half of a spread towel - and cover the nuts with the second part of the linen. Use a hammer to strike quickly and repeatedly, stopping periodically to feel around the contents with your hand. Whole shells can usually be easily felt - then you need to continue breaking them.

After this, the nuts must be carefully sorted, removing even small shell fragments. With this method, some kernels may break or crumble.

benefits and harms of hazelnuts for the health of the body

In the oven

If you need to process a large number of nuts, then a frying pan will most likely not be suitable. Frying will have to be done several times in small portions. And this will take a lot of time. There is another way to quickly peel hazelnuts. To do this you will need an oven. Today it is in every home. To carry out the cleaning procedure you will need:

  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
  2. Place the hazelnut kernels on a baking sheet. Distribute them so that they are located in one layer.
  3. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes. In this case, stirring the product is not necessary. Processing occurs from all sides at once.
  4. Place the roasted nuts on a towel.
  5. Cover them with a napkin and rub vigorously. The dried husk flies off instantly.

To prevent debris from scattering around the kitchen, you can put the nuts in a pre-prepared cloth bag and also rub them with your hands. The result will be the same. True, the garbage will remain in the bag.

What to do if you can’t crack the hazelnuts

Heat treatment helps soften the shells of nuts.
Boil water and boil the nuts for 10 minutes, then let them cool for about 20 minutes. After cooking, the shell should become less rigid and yield to impact even without a hammer - it will be enough to lightly squeeze the nut cracker or pliers in your hand. You can also keep the nuts in the oven or coals, if we are talking about your own home.

Hot water

When using nuts for baking or decorating cakes, you must be sure that the skin on the surface of the kernels is completely removed. Otherwise, this may adversely affect the taste of the finished dish. A better option here is using hot water. How to peel hazelnuts with boiling water:

  1. After removing the shells, the nuts should be poured into a deep container. It could be a bowl, a plate or even a pan.
  2. Pour boiling water over the product.
  3. Blanch for about 10 minutes.
  4. After processing, drain the water.
  5. Remove the husks with your fingers.

This method guarantees perfect kernel cleaning. While in hot water, the skin gradually peels away from the surface of the nut. Now all that remains is to press lightly on it, and the core simply pops out. And the skin remains in your hands. The disadvantage of this method is that the housewife will have to process each nut separately. This will take more time, but the result is worth it.

Alternative Methods

When you don’t have any specific tool at hand, but you still need to get nutritious kernels, you can resort to other methods. Someone is using the door leaf to crack a nut. To do this, the fruit is placed between the door frame and the leaf - and the door is pulled in, acting on the nut. For safety, hygiene reasons and to preserve the decorative coating of the doors, you need to use a towel as a cover.

There is a “field” option - use 2 bricks, slabs or wooden beams. The nuts are placed in a bag, placed on a hard surface and pressed down with a heavy layer on top. Next you need to apply additional pressure. You can press your abs with your foot or sit down on top.

Storing hazelnuts

The natural shell helps preserve the beneficial properties of the nut and prolong its freshness. A peeled nut, on the contrary, dries out and loses its pleasant aroma. Therefore, it is better to store hazelnuts in their shells and not peel them in advance. However, if you bought a shelled nut or polished more than required, the bare kernels will last longer when dried. To do this, roast the nuts in the oven or fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown and a spicy, pleasant aroma emerges.

It is advisable to store prepared nuts in a tightly closed jar, without access to air. It would be better to eat dark glass. Avoid direct sunlight exposure of the product.

Can you eat hazelnuts while breastfeeding?

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