How to remove a wasp's nest in a country house under a roof - methods


Spring and summer are the times when most people are used to enjoying the warmth and sun. However, in some situations, people have to start a fierce war with wasps in the country or in the house. Agree, few people will like such a neighborhood, and you don’t want to give up your home to a dangerous insect. Before you start fighting, try to determine why dangerous pests appeared in your area. There are many methods for dealing with wasps in the country.

  • What attracts wasps to the area
  • Traditional methods against wasps
  • Traps and bait
  • Chemicals
  • Help from specialists
  • Preventive measures

How to get rid of a wasp nest: 3 easy ways

If you remove a wasp nest in late winter or early spring, there is a risk that the insects will wake up. In this case, safer methods should be used.

First, take care of your own protection - wear thick clothes with long sleeves, cover your face with a special net, and be sure to use gloves.

After this, you can begin to implement the following methods:

  • Destruction using a package. To do this, a thick plastic bag is placed over the nest, the nest is torn off, the bag is tied and burned. You can also drown a bag with a wasp's nest in boiling water.
  • Filling with polyurethane foam. Another option for destroying a wasp nest. It should be used if the nest is located inside a wall or under the floor. And don’t skimp on the foam; the nest must be completely filled.
  • Kerosene impregnation. It penetrates perfectly into the nest and blocks the wasps' respiratory tract. This method will help get rid of a wasp nest in a hard-to-reach place.

Security measures

Wasps are one of the most aggressive insects, so it is important to protect yourself when dealing with them. It is necessary to wear clothes and a hat made of thick fabric, through which the wasp cannot sting. It is advisable that the clothes have a hood so that wasps cannot get inside through the collar. If it is possible to take a special protective suit, it is better to wear it. Gloves are required - rubber or leather. The face must be protected with a mosquito net. Despite the measures taken, wasps can reach a person and sting him. In this case, it is better to have ice and medications against allergic reactions at the ready.

Handle dead wasps with care too. Their sting, even after death, remains capable of piercing human skin.

How to provide first aid for a wasp sting:

  • rinse the bite site to remove some of the poison and disinfect the surface;
  • try to remove the sting with tweezers;
  • apply ice or a cold compress;
  • just in case, take an allergy medication, even if the person is not allergic.

Any tools for removing stings must be disinfected with alcohol or antiseptic. Plantain, tea compress, and onion will help relieve pain and reduce swelling.

If a person is bitten by three or more insects, or if the face, larynx or tongue are bitten, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. If a wasp has bitten a child, you should definitely seek medical help.

Traditional methods

One of the popular methods is to repel pests with the help of unpleasant odors: the aroma of pine needles, garlic, horseradish. They can be used in their natural form, in the form of flavorings. Mosquito repellents also repel them. If you set a spiral on fire and leave it near their home, the smell will be unpleasant to them and they will fly away.

You can consider the option of removing a wasp hive using a dummy. Artificial nests that look like real ones are available in specialized stores. It is best to hang them next to a wasp hive; its inhabitants will leave their home themselves - they do not like proximity to their other relatives.

Insecticides for wasp control

This is a universal method. Wherever the wasps live, insecticides will help in any case. The procedure has several stages:

  1. First of all, you need to purchase the product in a specialized store. These may be the following drugs: Lambda Zone, Executioner, Sinuzan, Cucaracha, Aktara, Tetrix, Karbofos, Diazinon, etc.
  2. Dilute the product according to the instructions.
  3. Prepare a thick plastic bag of such size that the entire nest fits into it. Pour 200 g of diluted product into the bag in advance.
  4. Press the bag with the drug firmly onto the nest so as to block the wasps from flying out. If the nest hangs under the roof, then the neck of the bag is glued to it with tape. If it is located in a tree, pull the neck over the nest and wrap it with rope or tape.

After 2-3 days, remove the bag - all wasps should die. Just in case, before removing the bag, tap the socket through it. If you don’t hear a buzzing sound in response, it means the operation was a success. If for some reason this method does not suit you, try using insecticidal dust, which can penetrate into the very center of the wasp house. At the entrance to the nest, the wasps stain their paws in this dust and transfer it to other individuals. After a couple of days they all die.

Factors of destruction

Wasps should not be tolerated; they must be gotten rid of. They pose a danger due to numerous factors. If you find a wasp nest under the roof of a garage or house, you must destroy it immediately. To exterminate striped pests in the territory of your dacha, you can fight it with the help of baits.

The following factors contribute to the removal of wasps:

  • They are prone to destroying crops in garden beds. Several individuals can destroy berry bushes and damage apple trees, pear trees and grapevines.
  • Wasps carry infections by landing on freshly washed fruits. Often people suffer from the disorder without even thinking about what triggered the cause of such trouble.
  • They show persistent aggression towards humans. An insect can sting about 5 times without saying goodbye to its sting. Wasps become especially dangerous when a person approaches their home. Children have a hard time with wasp stings, as they often have allergic reactions to insect venom.


Fighting methods

To understand how to deal with wasps that have settled under the roof, you need to follow some important rules. By adhering to them, you can avoid harm to your health. They are as follows:

  • Before you drive wasps out from under the roof of your house, you need to warn your neighbors about the upcoming procedure. During this time, people should keep all windows closed and stay indoors.
  • Wear waterproof clothing to avoid insect bites.
  • All parts of the body must be covered, gloves are put on the hands, the face is covered with a specialized mask, and rubber boots are put on the feet.
  • The choice of method for removing a wasp nest under the roof should be based on safety for others. One of these methods is the use of a smoke attack. This will help euthanize the wasps while the nest is being destroyed.
  • It is better to poison insects at night, when they are less active.
  • You should not deal with single individuals that have left the nest. When dying, they release a toxic substance that helps attract other members of the wasp swarm to attack.

Important! If a large number of wasps fly out of the nest, it is better to postpone the procedure to another time.

How to remove a wasp's nest in a country house under a roof in an inaccessible place

Insects are attracted to various cluttered and rarely visited places, where nothing prevents them from building huge hives. Cleaning wasp homes in such conditions is inconvenient and dangerous, but there are good, proven methods. They get closer to the nest, while trying not to disturb the swarm, then treat it with a special preparation - a solution of a universal insecticide or spray:

  1. Raptor;
  2. Bross;
  3. Delicia;
  4. Combat;
  5. VD-40;
  6. Dichlorvos (classic version with a strong odor);
  7. Agrus;
  8. Cobra;
  9. Dr Klaus.

After treatment, they immediately leave the attic and do not return within 24 hours. The treatment is repeated several times until all the wasps die, and the nest is removed. Another effective method is fumigation. Place a special smoke bomb (Fomorian, Mukhoyar, etc.) in a large metal pan or bucket, set it on fire and leave the room, tightly closing the entrance. They are returned after the period of time indicated on the packaging of the product and destroy the empty nest.


It is impossible to prevent the appearance of wasps on your property or in your house - these insects fly everywhere and can settle anywhere. To make your home less attractive to them, you should not leave fragrant fruits, flowers, food and animal feed available. You also need to keep the trash can or waste containers closed, clean them more often with water and a disinfectant. You need to monitor the condition of the house, regularly inspect the attic, basement and other rarely used rooms. The cracks in the outer cladding of the walls must be sealed, loose boards and parts of the cladding must be nailed down. It is in such places that wasps like to settle. You also need to avoid cluttering the area, remove trash - there may also be nests in such piles. If you find a nest, you need to remove it immediately, without waiting for the population to increase. Knock down with a stick and destroy all abandoned wasp nests so that they cannot establish new homes near them. It is necessary to remove overripe and rotten fruits that have fallen from garden trees. Wasps are territorial insects, so they will not build nests in places where there are already other people’s homes. Try tricking them with a fake nest, which can be purchased at a garden or hardware store.

Before the start of the season, you can and should treat the area and home with insecticides. For example, the duration of the effect of Medilis-Ziper against insects is up to two months.

How to get rid of a wasp nest

The roof is a favorite place for wasps to settle because it is in a hard-to-reach place. Much more problems await the owner of the home if the wasp's nest is in an inaccessible place, for example, under logs. In this case, it makes sense to first rid the hive of live wasps, and then proceed to remove it. Here, either various chemicals or a vacuum cleaner will help you.


Use aerosols or sprays. This way, you won’t have to get too close to the wasp’s nest. Then spray the entire insect home and plug the entrance to the hive with a cloth soaked in the chemical. After all the pests have died, remove the wasp's nest and burn it.

Vacuum cleaner

In this case, you will need more powerful equipment. Direct the tube with the rod towards the entrance to the socket and turn on the device at maximum power. In order to remove absolutely all insects, it will take at least 15 minutes. Then place the dust bag in boiling water and remove the hive and burn it.

Reviews from summer residents about insect repellents

The deratization service will help you, or the sanitary and epidemiological inspection, or whatever you have in your city. We have Spetsbioservice doing this. They have special means, but dichlorvos is not guaranteed to help. Either they will be able to sell a suitable poison there, or they will come and process it themselves.


Dichlorvos helps super! They instantly die from it. Place the nest in a bag, tie it and throw it away


In our dacha, wasps also built a nest in the toilet. The husband took a long stick, wrapped the end with cotton wool, and set it on fire. From the street he himself carried a stick into the toilet to the nest. It flared up instantly, they didn’t even have time to fly out! And the toilet was not damaged, by the way. It flared up and burned right away, only the ashes fell off.


Plastic bottle, fill halfway with water. Or drop some honey, or pour juice from a watermelon/melon, or something else sweet. The wasps climb in, but cannot get out. Sometimes it fills 2/3 of a bottle


dichlorvos helps a lot to fight wasps, the last 2 years have been like an invasion!


Poisoned baits and traps

The easiest and safest way for humans is to get rid of wasps using bait. First of all, prepare it. Sour jam or beer with sugar will do. You need to add a few grams of any insecticidal preparation or boric acid to them and mix. Then pour it into a saucer and place it in the most visible place of the area (inaccessible to children and pets). You can hang the bait on a tree branch. Within a few hours the wasps will drop dead. Honey cannot be used for bait: not only wasps will fly to it, but also bees, which you do not plan to exterminate.

A trap is not much different from bait. Unless, in this case, the same bait is placed in a special container from which the wasps will not be able to escape into the wild. You can buy a trap in a specialized store or make it yourself: unscrew the cap from a plastic bottle and cut off the top third. Place the bait in the lower part, turn the upper part over and insert the neck down into the lower part. Hang the trap on a tree or the wall of your home. The wasps will crawl into the neck, but will not be able to get back. All you have to do is shake out the wasp corpses every few days and replace the bait as needed.

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