How to get rid of the smell of gasoline in a car, remove it from clothes and hands: the best ways

Not only car owners, but also housewives encounter the specific smell of gasoline, because it is often used for domestic purposes. For most, the aroma of gasoline is unpleasant, while others are practically indifferent to it. If, as a result of some action, gasoline gets on the skin of your hands and they smell unpleasant, then you can fix this using one of the methods described in this article.

How to remove the smell of gasoline from clothes?

  • Dishwashing liquid will help remove stains on clothes and forget about the smell of gasoline. You need to wipe the soiled laundry and then soak it for half an hour in a solution of detergent and water. Rinse in clean water and dry in fresh air.

  • Laundry soap and ironing. Apply a solution of water and grated soap to a fresh stain. A minute later, wash off the soap. Cover the item to be washed with white cotton material. Iron the item and hang it in the fresh air. The soap can also be used solo, without an iron. The soiled item is soaked for a couple of hours in warm water with grated soap dissolved in it. You can additionally rub the stain with laundry soap. After 3 hours, you need to wash your clothes and rinse thoroughly in warm water.
  • Starch, ammonia, turpentine. Take 1 tablespoon of starch, and 5 drops each of ammonia and turpentine, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the gasoline stain and scrub thoroughly with an old toothbrush. Then the item is washed, rinsed in clean water, and dried.
  • There is also a special powder for removing gasoline stains. Purchase and follow the clearly enclosed instructions.

· Lemon juice. Soak a cotton pad or sponge in freshly squeezed juice and wipe the gasoline stain with it. Let the citrus work for 20 minutes and then wash as usual. This is the surest way to get rid of the smell of gasoline quickly and reliably.

· Soda is mentioned in the vast majority of materials devoted to cleaning and washing things. We cannot do without mentioning soda in this article. So, to get rid of the smell of gasoline on clothes, dissolve 3 tablespoons of soda in a glass of water. Soak a piece of gauze, a sponge, or a toothbrush in the resulting product and scrub the stain on the item of clothing with the chosen “tool.” Then leave the soaked stain for an hour and wash the item by hand.

· Ammonia can now be bought at any pharmacy. Soak a cotton pad or sponge in an ammonia solution and wipe the gasoline stain on clothing. After 20 minutes of exposure of the item to ammonia, it is washed and ventilated in fresh air.

  • Mustard powder is diluted in a bowl of warm water. Soak the affected item of clothing for 4 hours and wash it in the usual way.
  • Newspaper . Thin paper, as you know, perfectly absorbs moisture, and with it odors. Anything that smells of gasoline should be wrapped in newspaper. After a week of such therapy, not a trace of the smell of gasoline will remain on your clothes.

Drastic measures and a thorough approach

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It also happens that no amount of washing helps, and no matter how much you struggle with the item, it stubbornly continues to smell like gasoline. Then it makes sense to use “heavy artillery,” that is, to use drastic means of struggle. However, you need to be extremely careful when doing this, and first make sure that the fabric can withstand such pressure from your side. For thin, soft and delicate materials, the methods described below are definitely not suitable, so be careful.

  • You can use bleaches to remove gasoline stains, the main thing is to make sure that they do not contain chlorine. Fortunately, there are plenty of similar products on the market today.
  • Regular acetone, or even nail polish remover, also removes the smell of gasoline from things very well.
  • In order for the stains to come off quickly and completely, and the smell to become much less, you can soak the clothes in a strong solution of salt, which will eat everything you need, but can also damage the fabric.

Need to remember

When starting to seriously figure out how to remove the smell of gasoline, as well as evaluating similar drastic measures as described above, you need to be prepared for unexpected surprises. For example, you can hopelessly ruin a thing, it can fade, or even become worn out, and instead of an unpleasant but tolerable light aroma of fuel and lubricants, it is quite possible to get a pungent and unpleasant smell of solvent.

How to eliminate the smell of gasoline in the car interior?

To get rid of the smell of gasoline in your car, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Perhaps in an untreated case it will be enough to simply ventilate the car. Leave all doors open for approximately 12 hours.
  2. baking soda on the problem area stained with gasoline. Leave for a day. Then remove with a wet cloth.
  3. White bread will absorb unpleasant odors well . Cut the fresh soft loaf into pieces and place it throughout the car interior, close the car and do not use it for 24 hours. Then of course the bread will have to be thrown away.
  4. lemon is cut into several large pieces. They rub gasoline stains left on the seats or interior trim. After this, the places from which the unpleasant odor emanates are wiped with a damp cloth.

  5. Let's continue the food theme. Coffee will help eliminate the smell of gasoline in your car. Moreover, price and quality do not matter. Just pour a few spoons of granular powder into an open container and install it in the cabin.
  6. vinegar with water one to two. Treat all surfaces in the cabin and ventilate the car.
  7. You can also use dishwashing detergent . You need to apply it to the problem area for several hours and then wash it off.

Special formulations

There are products on sale that can be used to remove the smell of diesel fuel from many surfaces. They vary depending on the material from which the product is made. Compositions with maximum effectiveness:

OdorGone Professional

This universal spray is suitable for treating:

  • hard and soft surfaces,
  • bags,
  • of things,
  • clothes and premises.

Before using it, initial cleaning is required using a soap solution. When the product dries, the composition is sprayed onto it.

To prevent it from weathering, the item is covered with film or placed in a case for up to 8-12 hours. Price – 815 rubles.

Borger Gut Duft

This is an effective odor remover for cars . The finished solution can be used to treat:

  • seats,
  • upholstery,
  • salon,
  • air conditioning systems.

The composition contains binding and biocidal elements that destroy unwanted aromatic molecules in 10 minutes. The spray is sprayed throughout the car interior, the windows and doors are closed, and then the air conditioning is turned on to recirculate. Price – 235 rubles.

Dr. Beckmann

Liquid concentrate is able to cope with foreign odors absorbed into clothing. It can be used to process different types of fabrics .

The composition of the odor remover for clothes and linen is hypoallergenic, has an antistatic effect, tested by dermatologists, and does not irritate the skin. Price – 340 rubles.

How to get rid of the smell of gasoline on your hands?

How to wash the smell of gasoline from your hands? Of course, using measures that are effective and not harmful to the skin.

glass cleaning products such as Fine glass, Flat, GRASS Clean Glass and many others are excellent for this purpose etc. Take these products in the form of sprays, treat your hands and wash them thoroughly with soap.

dishwashing liquids without fear , because... they are safe for the skin. Lather your hands like soap and rinse with warm water.

Or after washing, rinse your hands again in a weak solution of vinegar .

To get rid of the smell of gasoline on the skin, you can use specialized liquids from manufacturers such as: AIR, Break Down, Good Sense Fresh. These products are designed to gently eliminate unpleasant odor on your hands.

Helpful information

Tips for eliminating the smell of diesel fuel or gasoline from various surfaces:

  1. The longer you soak the item, the better.
  2. Clothes should be washed in hot water.
  3. Washed items must be rinsed by changing the water 2-3 times.
  4. Treated products must be dried outside or in a room with good air circulation.
  5. The faster you take measures to eliminate the unpleasant odor, the easier it is to get rid of it.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.

General recommendations

There are many ways to get rid of nasty smells at home. Here are the most effective of them:

  1. Lemon juice. It’s very good, and most importantly, it quickly gets rid of the unpleasant odor and removes especially well the aromatic effects of cleaning fish. It is enough to rinse your palms and fingers with freshly squeezed lemon juice or cut a lemon into slices, rub your skin thoroughly with it, and then rinse under water. This method has a minus. It is not suitable for dry, damaged skin. Lemon dries out, if you use it regularly, there is a chance that cracks and wounds will appear.
  2. Stainless steel. To eliminate the bad odor emanating from the skin of your hands, you can rub them on a saucepan or frying pan made of stainless steel. Why the smell disappears is not known from a scientific point of view. But it really works. So-called “steel” soap is increasingly appearing in hardware stores. This is an excellent neutralizer of any odors.
  3. Coffee beans. This method helps, but does not always help. You need to rub coffee beans or a handful of freshly ground coffee in your hands. But some people, after such a reception, hear from their hands not coffee, but a distorted, even intensified, unpleasant aroma, which they tried to suppress in this way.
  4. Soda. Regular baking soda is an excellent neutralizer. You need to slightly moisten your palms, pour a handful of soda on them, rub the skin thoroughly, and then rinse under warm water. But keep in mind that this method only works when the unpleasant odor is fresh. If you decide to use this method after a couple of hours, it will no longer help.
  5. Toothpaste or powder is another option to kill bad odors. If a paste is used, it is enough to squeeze about a teaspoon into the palm of your hand, and if it is a powder, then the volume should be 2 times larger. Many people are allergic to these products, so skin irritation may occur.
  6. Fresh greens. This method helps get rid of bad breath, but you can try using it to return a pleasant aroma to your hands. To do this, you first need to wash them well with soap, and then take a few sprigs of fresh herbs and rub them well. The downside is the possible staining of the palms and fingers.
  7. Salt. Coarse sea salt absorbs odors well. You just need to take a handful in your palms and rub it well between your palms, and then rinse under the tap. Just keep in mind that even if there are microcracks on the skin, the oven will be incredibly difficult.

Shampoo wash

Using an interior cleaner makes sense if the smell appears due to gasoline getting on the seats or other interior elements. In this case, it is enough to use standard factory cleaning products for cleaning the stained area, and the washing will eliminate the unpleasant odor. Most shampoos are used the same way. To do this, apply the product to the surface, let it sit for several minutes, and then rinse off with a sponge or rag. However, in any case, before using any cleaning product, carefully read the instructions for its use.

Features of processing various surfaces

The biggest problem arises when treating porous surfaces, as they tend to absorb odors. This feature is taken into account when disinfecting various materials.


Before processing, the chipboard must be freed from dust and dirt and degreased, and then a disinfectant must be applied on both sides. The final stage is to protect the surface with sealant or polish.


If the drywall is soaked through, it is impossible to remove the smell from it. It will be easier to throw away the damaged sheet and replace it with a new one.

Natural wood

The wooden surface is cleaned in several stages:

  • First of all, use any absorbent to remove residual liquid; for this purpose, cover the surface with an even, dense layer for some time.
  • After removing the absorbent, the affected area is disinfected using folk remedies such as vinegar or potassium permanganate, or professional sprays.
  • Finally, the wood is treated with sealant or polish.

What should you not do?

Diesel fuel and gasoline have a persistent and pungent odor that is difficult to remove, but this must be done, as it is harmful to health

Before you learn how to easily and quickly remove traces and smell of fuel, it is important to remember what is strictly prohibited to do:

  • Wash dirty clothes in a washing machine. The fact is that the drum and rubber parts of the machine can absorb the smell of gasoline, which will negatively affect the further operation of the device. It is better to wash gasoline-soaked items in a basin by hand.
  • Do not use chlorine-containing bleaches, as chlorine reacts chemically with petroleum products, resulting in the release of fumes that are harmful to the body.
  • You should not hope that the smell will completely disappear after the first wash; usually you can achieve the effect only the second or third time.

Salvation can be purchased in stores

Air purifiers that break down molecules of unpleasant odors can help both inside a car and inside an apartment. These can be well-known Christmas trees with a scent that is acceptable to you. Nowadays, most air freshener manufacturers use odor absorbers. But in any case, you first need to remove the source - the fuel stain itself.

Important! If you spill gasoline on yourself, try to change clothes as soon as possible and place all soiled clothing inside a sealed bag until a convenient time. After this, you will only have to remove the smell from the surface of things.

Where does the unpleasant smell of a new product come from?

Many buyers who are faced with a similar problem for the first time do not understand the reason for the unpleasant odor in a new, unused item. The secret lies in the processing technology of the material from which the purchased item is made.

According to this criterion, bags are divided into:

  • goods made from genuine leather;
  • bags made from leather substitute;
  • products made from textiles.

Genuine Leather

An unpleasant odor emanating from a genuine leather accessory occurs when this material is treated with low-quality chemicals. Previously, when tanning leather, natural ingredients were used that did not give such a negative effect. Today, the manufacturer is trying to reduce the cost of making leather products as much as possible by treating the leather with whatever they can find. This causes a pungent odor that causes a negative reaction among buyers.

Synthetic leather

Leatherette is a budget analogue of genuine leather, allowing the product to look rich and at the same time have an acceptable cost. The disadvantage of leather substitute is the fact that many different chemicals are used in its production. As the temperature rises, such material begins to emit a nasty odor that is difficult to confuse with anything else.

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