Automatic air freshener Air Wick FreshMatic: reviews

Today we bought an automatic Air wick air freshener for our apartment for the first time and tested it. We didn’t have time to really figure out what the 1, 2, 3 dots under the flavor cap mean. I understand that this is the number of “injections”, but over what period of time: 30 minutes, an hour or more?

And how long does one can last if you choose the most “economical” mode?

I also have this fragrance in my apartment, 3 dots are sprayed once every 10 minutes, 2 dots - once every 28 minutes, 1 dot - once every 32 minutes.

At one point, the can lasts for about 3-4 weeks.

Well, now I can write an answer-review about this device myself.

We figured out the points (thanks to the author of the previous answer).

Indeed, if you put it at 1 point, then spraying occurs somewhere in 32 minutes. In 2-point mode, it works more often, after about 28 minutes. And with the most intensive mode with 3 points, the interval between sprays is about 10 minutes. The main thing is not to forget that when you turn on the device and select a mode, the first spray will occur automatically after 15 seconds; to do this, you need to move it away from your face! It is important! We didn't take this into account the first time, and as a result, the aroma liquid almost got into our eyes ((

We used mode 1 more often. To be honest, I have never timed the accuracy of spray intervals on a watch. But approximately, about 30 minutes passed between sprays (in mode 1). From my own experience, I can say that for an apartment the most intensive mode (3 points), in principle, is not needed. This is too common! 1 mode is enough to maintain a pleasant aroma in the apartment. I can also recommend turning it off at night and when you leave home. Why spend extra? Then it will last longer, or rather, the contents of the can will last much longer.

Freshness is the norm

Everyone knows that rooms need to be ventilated. However, it is not possible to keep the windows open all the time. Therefore, it is advisable to get an air freshener.

An unpleasant odor can appear in every room. But the places where pets live are most susceptible to it. The specific aroma is especially felt by people who enter the apartment.

To prevent the smells of cats, neighbor's borscht and factory smoke from hitting their guests' noses, many residents of megacities use air fresheners. Store shelves are filled with this product. Most often it is released in aerosol form.


The advisability of purchasing an automatic air freshener depends on the individual needs of the home owner. If the air in the apartment satisfies the tastes of the owners and does not cause complaints from visitors, in order to get rid of a suddenly appeared unpleasant odor, it is enough to have a regular aerosol in stock. An automated device is necessary for busy and forgetful people. The device will independently take care of the freshness of the air while you sleep. The owner will not have to blush in front of sudden visitors for inappropriate odors in the house. If placed correctly (2 meters above the floor), the air freshener will not turn out to be a dangerous toy in the hands of children. A smart air freshener, controlled remotely, will provide the desired aroma according to the mood of the owners returning home.

In the living room

The need for an automatic air freshener in the living room is due to the frequent gathering of a large number of people. The device will maintain the festive atmosphere during the feast and relieve the owners from monitoring the freshness of the air. At the same time, the room is used as a gathering place in a narrow family circle, where it is necessary to maintain comfort and warmth. Among the scents chosen for the living room, preference is given to floral and cotton scents.

For kitchen

The device, placed in the kitchen, eliminates odors that accompany cooking. An error in cooking leads to smoke, and an overcooked dish also does not contribute to flavor. The automated device will return freshness to the air and eliminate the need for the housewife to grab the aerosol can with greasy hands. When choosing kitchen aromas, it is recommended to pay attention to natural odors that will not affect the condition of dishes and products:

  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon.

In the nursery

The presence of aerosols, including automatic ones, in children's sleeping and playing rooms is not recommended. Volatile substances do not always have a beneficial effect on a fragile organism. In addition to allergies, they lead to addiction.

If an unpleasant odor appears in the nursery, it is enough to use a simple air freshener, after which you need to thoroughly ventilate the room.

For the bathroom

The toilet, as the most piquant place in the apartment, needs freshening most of all. A compact automatic device located on the wall unloads the space of a small room, eliminates the retention of unpleasant odors due to forgetfulness and does not force you to look for a can of flavoring. The bathroom uses sharp and active aromas characteristic of pine needles, sea breeze, citrus fruits, etc.

Before and now

Balloons with attachments were very popular ten years ago. They are sprayed manually, which is extremely inconvenient. Very often, when pressed firmly, the substance fills the entire room and does not settle for a long time. It contains chemical compounds that, in large quantities and with prolonged exposure, can be harmful to health.

But science does not stand still. Modern air fresheners have become automatic. Their advantages are obvious.

Spray cans are not the only option for producing these substances. Today, many companies manufacture automatic devices. One of the most sought after and popular is the Air Wick air freshener. What are its advantages?

For a snack

Well, I decided to make two buttons for myself, left and right. Why did he do this? For comfort. You don’t have to think about which hand to take the air freshener with, left or right. This is especially convenient when the automatic air freshener is hanging on the wall, and you can only approach it from one side. However, you will understand this yourself, and if you want, do it as I did :)

You can clearly see the entire above process in the video Tuning the Air Wick Freshmatic air freshener. It will be more informative and much more detailed in all details.

How tired I was at one time, when we were still living in a rented apartment and our toilet was adjacent to the kitchen, constantly inhaling different smells flowing from the toilet. And besides, the hood didn’t work at all, of course, the house is old, and no one was going to repair it, and no one is going to (what are we paying money for?). So I set myself a goal - when we move to a new apartment, I will definitely buy myself an Airwick automatic air freshener. Moreover, all my friends have had this know-how for a long time. So the first thing I did when moving was to buy myself an automatic air freshener. Although in the new apartment the kitchen and toilet are located at different ends, and behind a solid load-bearing wall

But that doesn’t matter, I wanted my new house to smell clean. In addition to everything, in the new apartment we discovered the fact that behind the wall of our toilet in the next apartment there is a kitchen

Miracles, and that’s all! And, again, due to the fault of the builders or architects, our toilets smell of cabbage soup and fried potatoes that our neighbors are cooking. And I love the bathroom to smell of soap and washing powder. So the automatic air freshener came in handy. The Airwick machine has four modes of air freshener spray frequency: 2, 5, 12 and 24 minutes. I figured that too often was too much, so I set it to 24 minutes. This is the most economical mode. Now a replacement cylinder for the device costs around 200 rubles, but during the promotion you can buy two pieces for 350 rubles. I try to buy the economical option. The air freshener runs on two AA batteries. On the front side of the Airwick there is a LED that lights up green when the battery is charged and red when it’s time to change it. The air freshener also has a hole so it can be hung on the wall. The front cover is securely fastened with a locking button on the top of the device. In addition to the original replacement cylinders, there are other manufacturers on sale. I tried two different ones, which fit perfectly and fit into the device. An indispensable odor eliminator!

Automatic air freshener Airwick FreshMatic

Dosing regulator

Hole for wall mounting

The atmosphere of a living space largely depends on its aroma. The feeling of cleanliness and freshness today can be achieved through the use of air fresheners. The most popular among the samples on the market is the automatic air freshener AirWick. What does he mean? What are its features?

Positive sides

The electronic device can be pre-programmed. You need to set the mode according to your preferences. For example, small rooms should be refreshed much less frequently than large rooms. The automatic mode allows you to regularly spray a minimum dose of the substance. The user sets the time period himself.

The positive side of the device is that there is no need to touch it during hygiene procedures. After programming, the device works on its own for a long time. This is especially important for public toilets, for example, in a large office center. Cleaning these rooms is also much easier.

The Air Wick automatic air freshener is suitable for use in rooms of any size and purpose. It can be hung in the bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedroom. This device is also indispensable for offices. Convenient design allows you to place it in a place where it will be invisible to visitors. Your guests and clients will smell a wonderful aroma, thinking that it smells like some nice lady's perfume.

Setting up the device

Once the replacement cylinder is installed, the dispenser lid can be closed. The device should be placed on a flat surface and not pointed at your face. After this, you can set the required time interval between sprays. It can be low - up to 9 minutes, medium - up to 18 minutes, high - up to 36 minutes.

After turning on, the device will begin to spray after 15 minutes in automatic mode. Where is the best place to install a dispenser? The air freshener can be placed anywhere. But it is best to place it at a height of two meters from the floor surface.

What is inside

The kit includes:

• cylinder with active substance,

• plastic box in which it is placed,

The kit can be completed with a bottle of spray. The can resembles a regular hand sprayer, but is much smaller. Of particular note is the design of the box. It is made of white plastic with a minimum of details and decorations. There is a button to turn on and change modes. The minimalistic design makes it easy to hide the device by placing it among furniture or office equipment.

The box with the spray inside can be placed on any hard surface or hung on the wall. For this purpose, it is equipped with a hole on the back wall.

What is included

When a person goes to buy such a gadget for the first time, he often doesn’t have a very good idea of ​​what exactly he will have in his hands. Some people think that they will get a regular dispenser, and pressing it will release a stream of pleasant-smelling liquid. In fact, the first purchase is a basic set, which also comes with an instruction manual.

This kit includes this:

  1. The body (dispenser) is made of durable plastic, which can be of different shades. This allows you to choose it depending on the interior features of the room. The most common: white and light gray versions. But there are also black, blue, pink, etc. The size of the dispenser is small, the style is minimalistic, so it will fit well into any interior - be it home or office.
  2. A spray can (replaceable cartridge) that needs to be installed inside the dispenser. It contains the aroma that you like most. The cartridges are standard, they are suitable for any case.
  3. Sealed package with two AA batteries.

These three components of the basic kit are located inside the original packaging. There are also detailed instructions there. It provides step-by-step recommendations for assembling the kit and using the device.

Rice. 5 - Spray kit

Ah, this fresh air

Air Wick air freshener includes a traditional line of scents. These are fruity, floral and sea scents. Each of them contains unique bouquets created specifically for this device. For example, “Antitobacco”, “Orange” and “Bergamot”.

The first option is well suited for rooms where smoking is allowed. Even the best ventilation cannot cope quickly with large amounts of tobacco smoke. And the spray contains special substances that easily neutralize this unpleasant odor.

A creative idea to combine bouquets of fruits and other plant components is implemented in the “Mandarin and Pine” spray. It leaves a very interesting aroma - light, sweet, fresh and slightly tart.

Criterias of choice

When choosing an automatic dispenser, the following are taken into account:

  • area of ​​the serviced premises. Determined by the number of sprays before replacing the cartridge;
  • manufacturer . The criterion becomes a guarantor of the quality and reliability of the device;
  • assortment of scents. Allows a variety of scents;
  • functional. A larger number of settings makes it possible to obtain optimal freshness in the room;
  • design. Selected based on the interior of the room;
  • price.

Tenderness and coolness

Among the “delicious” smells, the aroma of green tea attracts attention. This is the smell from childhood. Delicious pastries in the dining room and grandma’s pies – everything comes to mind almost instantly. This incense is a great way to lift your spirits. “Fig and Blackberry” is another sweet duet that the company offers.

Among the bouquets of plants, the delicate combination of sandalwood and cedar is very intriguing. The coolness of flax and the freshness of lilac, as well as “Flowers of Paradise” are amazing ensembles of coziness and comfort. The tenderness of silk and lily evokes not only olfactory, but also tactile sensations.

The Air Wick automatic air freshener also includes fresh sea scents. The poetic names “After the Rain” and “Freshness of the Waterfall” hide smells reminiscent of a May city awaiting a thunderstorm. “Ocean Freshness” and “Long-lasting Tenderness” have a life-giving effect on many people.

What scents can there be and where can the device be used?

There are virtually no restrictions on the Air Wick Fresh Matic. The scope of application of these sprays is the widest. Home and public toilets, a kitchen in an apartment or a catering establishment, a hotel room and a fitness room, an office and retail outlets are those places where an aromatic fragrance and freshener would be quite appropriate. However, there are still certain restrictions.

People who have difficulty breathing or have diagnoses related to the respiratory system should approach the use of flavorings with caution. Allergy sufferers may also experience problems.

It is recommended to install the device approximately two meters from the floor level. This way the coverage of the room area will be most effective. In addition, the liquid from the can will not get on people.

Rice. 3 — Sprayer location

A separate story is the installation of Airvik automatic spray in children's rooms. It is understandable to want to provide your little ones with fresh air and a pleasant smell. However, one should be guided by the principle of “do no harm.” You need to understand: if a child regularly inhales chemicals sprayed around the room, this can trigger the development of allergic rhinitis. The situation is even worse if an air purifier that generates ozone is already installed in the nursery. It reacts with the sprayed chemicals from the fragrance, and as a result, compounds are formed that are dangerous to the child’s body.

If there are no contraindications to buying an Ervik automatic spray, the consumer will have a wide range of scents to choose from. Sometimes this even leads to the fact that the buyer in the store is confused.

There are two main categories on sale.

  1. Mono-aromas, which are based on a single base note (for example, citrus).
  2. Multi-layered aromas that give a whole complex of smells (for example, the “Morning in the Forest” version).

You should choose an option based on your own tastes and location of the device.

Premises Recommendations
For toilets and bathrooms.Precisely mono-flavors to make the atmosphere lighter and fresher. The optimal option, according to experts, is pine, citrus and other cool smells.
For the kitchen, Air Wick offers a completely different set.These are a variety of fruity aromas or “culinary” flavors such as “Chocolate”, “Coffee” or “Apple Strudel”. This matches natural kitchen odors and improves appetite.
For living or working areas.Here you can choose woody, coniferous, herbaceous notes.
For the bedroom.We recommend floral options.

Rice. 4 — Aroma “Tenderness of silk and lily”

The variety of Air Wick scents is another advantage of the brand. There are even such unique options as “Tenderness of Silk” or “Freshness of a Waterfall”.

What places is it intended for?

This device is useful for public restrooms in non-residential premises: restaurants, offices, cafes, educational institutions. It is capable of processing an area of ​​about ten square meters. For a larger area, it is advisable to purchase another sprayer and install it on the opposite wall.

The Air Wick air freshener will give your room a pleasant aroma with virtually no input from you. There is no need to even check the consumption of the substance in the cylinder. When the liquid runs out, the device itself will signal this by flashing a red light. The process of changing the spray bottle is also very simple.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the device is, perhaps, the ability to spray the spray without human intervention. This allows you to always be sure that there is a pleasant aroma in the house. In addition, you can adjust the spray intensity by setting the timer in one mode or another. This, by the way, allows you to save money. When leaving, you can set the spray every 12-24 hours, for example. The spray will be used economically, but the house will nevertheless always have a pleasant aroma. It will be possible to avoid the appearance of mustiness and the smell of non-residential premises, which occurs during a long absence.

Cost-effectiveness is also achieved due to the equal volume of sprayed product. In manual mode, this is impossible - often, pressing hard, sprays more product than required. This leads to overspending. On average, one cylinder lasts for 1.5-2 months. Considering the affordability of such sprays, this is practical and convenient. A large selection of scents is another advantage. You can choose them depending on the purpose of the room (for example, for the kitchen - refreshing citrus, for the living room - cozy pine or floral aromas), time of year or mood.

The “disadvantages” of the device are the need to select spray cylinders of the same brand as the body. Otherwise, it will be impossible to use the air freshener. If suddenly you don’t find the one you need in the presented palette of scents and you want to change the brand of spray, you will have to replace the entire structure. Another expense item is the need to purchase batteries. Finally, this type of device is not suitable for those who are allergic to the chemicals contained in the spray. However, this cannot be called a disadvantage of specifically automatic systems - this is a general characteristic of household air fresheners.

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Freshness for cars

The company produces Air Wick, an electric air freshener for cars. The compact design and pleasant color create a comfortable atmosphere in the cabin. It will be convenient to secure the device using a clothespin-shaped fastener. Small replaceable blocks and the ability to select the time interval between sprays are an additional bonus to automatic operation that does not require the attention of the car owner.

How to use?

Automatic flavoring models must come with instructions. Therefore, there are no problems with installation and startup.

It is necessary to open the housing cover and install the cylinder as indicated in the diagram in the instructions. Then install batteries in a special compartment or connect to the mains. All that remains is to set the intensity and frequency of spraying. In a small bathroom, you can set the interval to 30–40 minutes. In a large room you will have to use a shorter interval - 15–20 minutes.

The choice of interval between sprays is influenced by 2 more factors:

  • the presence of smokers (if there is smoking in the house, you need to spray the air freshener more often);
  • operation of the hood (if the ventilation in the bathroom is poor, then too frequent spraying will provoke an excessively high concentration of aroma in the air).

An important point is the correct installation of the device. If this is a wall model, then it needs to be hung higher than human height. It is generally recommended to install the device at a height of 2 meters. This placement will prevent the air freshener from getting into your face and will protect the device from curious children.

Where to buy and what to watch out for

If you keep pets in your apartment, then you simply need an Air Wick air freshener. The price of the device is very reasonable, considering that in the future you will only have to buy replacement cylinders. The cost varies in different stores, but usually does not exceed 300 rubles. It is better to purchase a sprayer in online stores. It will be cheaper this way and there will be more choice.

In search of the most beautiful aroma, be attentive to your health. Pregnant women, parents of small children and people with allergies should be careful. For those who are planning to purchase an Air Wick air freshener, the instructions for the sprayer will be very useful. The device is very easy to use, but it is better to learn the rules for its use before purchasing.

Rating of home fresheners

  1. The most popular are aerosol air fresheners for living spaces. When choosing, preference should be given to those products that first neutralize odors and then aromatize the air.
  2. Electrical appliances are no less in demand. Autonomy in use ensures their easy use: there is no need to monitor the air freshening personally.
  3. But the best air freshener is a humidifier with aromatherapy function. Although the devices are more expensive and require regular maintenance, they are increasingly preferred. Modern devices are multifunctional and easy to use. They not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but are also “air washers,” which is extremely important in a city apartment.

Rules of application

The instructions describe in detail the equipment and device, as well as programming features. Existing operating modes and methods for setting time intervals are explained. The prescription specifies the mechanism for replacing the cylinder and other features. It is strictly prohibited to use sprayers from other companies, as well as counterfeits. The instructions focus users' attention on safety rules when coming into contact with chemicals and aerosols.

The Air Wick FreshMatic air freshener has a thoughtful design down to the last detail. It is created for the comfort and convenience of different people:

  • entrepreneurs owning retail and office premises,
  • pet owners,
  • residents of houses with improperly designed ventilation,
  • for all lovers of a fresh aroma in the apartment.

How to upgrade an AirWick automatic air freshener in 10 minutes?

Today I will show you and tell you how to screw, add a button to the Air Wick Freshmatic automatic air freshener, what is needed for this, and also why sometimes the AirWick automatic air freshener does not work and how to fix it.

We need a button and a wire. I recommend a wire diameter of no more than 0.3 kV, but see for yourself. In principle, any wire will do, the main thing is that it is convenient for you to solder it and you can carefully place it inside the device.

The button is the most common on sale or in old junk. The height of the button core is 3.5 mm, no less. But no more than 4.5 mm, otherwise it will protrude far beyond the body of the air freshener. For example, here is the button L-KLS7-TS6601-7.0-180 (Tick button 6x6mm, h=7mm). Standard size 6×6, total button height (body and core) 7 mm, core diameter 3.5 mm.

By the way, to disassemble the automatic air freshener, just remove the top cover, take out the batteries and unscrew 4 screws, two of which are under the batteries.

Double wire 8 cm long for one button or at your discretion if you decide to change the location of the button.

We solder the wire to the button, first bending the contacts on the button itself, as shown in the photo.

We solder the other side of the wire to the electronic control board at the indicated points. The button has no polarity, so you can solder any wire to any point first.

For reference: the board has an RB1401C processor installed; I couldn’t identify what it is and what it’s used with. Perhaps this chip has its original name, but it was changed by the laser by the manufacturer for its own purposes. I didn’t find any official information on this chip, so I called everything up and studied it blindly. The circuit, in my opinion, is very simple and contains a minimum of elements, but in this version it is impossible to change the response time to an arbitrary one, because it does not contain any capacitors or resistors. Therefore, I concluded that this chip is a processor, and not an operational amplifier, a timer, or, for example, a trigger.

Now we drill a hole in the air freshener body. If the diameter of the button is 3.5 mm, then we take a drill with a diameter of 4 mm.

Having drilled a hole in the device body, we apply the button from the inside, inserting its core into the new hole.

And carefully apply hot glue to the sides of the button.

While the glue has not cooled, hold the wire with one hand, and with the other hand press the button against the wall of the air freshener body with a screwdriver or something else so that the button does not slide off until the hot-melt glue hardens. After about 2-3 minutes, you can carefully remove the screwdriver and release the wire.

When the glue hardens better (in a couple more minutes), you can assemble the air freshener, laying the wire so that it does not interfere with the assembly.

That's it, the device is ready for use.

The main thing is energy

You must remember to periodically replace the batteries. It is better to install powerful power sources, then the sprayer can be used longer. If the device suddenly turns off, the batteries may have expired.

The chemical compounds contained in the nebulizer may adversely affect the health of pregnant women and young children. People prone to allergic reactions should also use Air Wick air freshener with caution. Reviews from men and women who use this device are mostly positive.

Why does AirWick sometimes not work?

It turned out that the bottom battery does not fit tightly to the contacts, because of this, the voltage from the battery dances, that is, it is either not there or not enough. With such poor contact, the device will not work or will work incorrectly, spontaneously triggering ahead of time.

It turned out that the thick sides between the positive contact of the battery and the contact of the battery compartment were to blame. These sides need to be mechanically cut off and made thinner. After this procedure, there will always be contact. I bought two of these air fresheners and both have the same problem.

This problem does not occur with all types of batteries or accumulators, but only with some whose case is slightly thicker than a standard battery. To be more precise, on some batteries the positive contact does not protrude enough beyond the body of the battery itself, that is, it is too short. And the problem is only a distance of 0.5 mm. After the above procedure, the problem will disappear and you can use any type of battery or rechargeable battery.

Advantages and disadvantages

Numerous clients of the company note:

  • compact design,
  • ease of use,
  • long-term operation without damage,
  • variety and originality of aromas.

The only drawback of the device is the noise during operation. The substance is sprayed with a characteristic sound. It is quite loud and can frighten a sleeping baby or pet. If you activate the intensive mode, the device will turn on frequently, which will distract guests or prevent employees from concentrating.

Air Wick air freshener is one of the best sellers in Russia. This is the best option for home and office.

Air Wick Air Freshener

The automatic air freshener from Air Wick has gained great popularity in the market of professional products and home air fresheners. It has many advantages over its competitors. The device is equipped with a convenient control system, simple design, and has a large selection of flavors to suit every taste.

An air freshener is designed to eliminate unpleasant odors and aromas. It helps create a unique aroma in the room, which will create atmosphere and comfort. A huge selection of aromas (from all kinds of floral to the subtle aroma of silk, sweet figs and blackberries) will not leave anyone indifferent. The automatic air freshener Air Wick can be used in any room of a living space, in a country house, in a cafe, in a hotel.


Automatic dispensers vary in location:

  • Wall-mounted – mounted on a vertical surface. Save space. Exclude access to children and pets.
  • Floor-mounted – installed on a shelf or floor. If necessary, they are moved to another place or room (this function is often present in humidifiers).

In addition, automated air fresheners are divided by power (area served). Available for home, office, public spaces with large crowds of people.

Best Manufacturers: Top 5 for 2022

Among the most popular manufacturers of automatic sprayers in 2022 are:

  1. American brand, part of the Reckitt Benckiser company. Founded in 1943. Specializes exclusively in air fresheners and is one of the innovators in the production of automatic devices.
  2. A brand registered in 1956 by SC Johnson & Son (USA). The brand has become famous for its effective and affordable aromatization products for all occasions. It stands out for its wide range of products.
  3. Chinese brand Ksitex, known on the Russian air freshener market since 2009. Produces relatively inexpensive multifunctional dispensers. He became famous for the PD-6D model, capable of working with one cartridge for 3–6 months.
  4. Turkish brand Discover, famous for dispensers for large areas. Some of the devices produced under this brand are designed for 3200 sprays.
  5. BRAIT IVORY FREESIA (Poland). Reliable and practical dispensers that seriously compete with products from leading companies. The signature feature of the brand is that the dispenser is equipped with an additional aerosol can, offered as a bonus.

Products that are no less interesting for buyers are offered by the trademarks NRG, LAROM, ONNEX, MERIDA, etc.

Automatic air freshener Air Wick: instructions

  1. Preparation of the plastic case. After purchasing the device, remove it from the original packaging. To open the air freshener, you need to empty the dispenser. This can be done by pulling the button on the top of the block towards you. Before installing batteries, turn off the regulator by selecting the appropriate position. After this, you can insert the batteries, observing the polarity conditions.
  2. Installation of a aroma bottle. After preparing the body, you should begin installing the cylinder. Before placing it, check the location of the switch (red). It must be in the raised position. After this, you can put a bottle with aroma (note that the sprayer should be turned towards the room, and not in the opposite direction).
  3. Program installation. Close the dispenser temporarily and do not point it towards your face. On the back of the device's plastic housing, select the desired spray level. After completing the procedure, the first spray should occur within 15 seconds.
  4. Checking the operation of the device in case of failure. If spraying does not occur within the specified period, then make sure that you did everything correctly. To do this, turn off the device again, then make sure that the batteries are installed correctly (check their polarity and tightness), as well as that the dispenser is facing appropriately.

After starting the device, a red signal may light up. This sign means that the device does not recognize the installed cylinder as original.

The automatic air freshener must be set at the required level to prevent the aerosol from getting into your eyes. For this reason, it is not recommended to locate the device below 2 meters from the floor.

An automatic air freshener (the instructions for which are presented above) may sometimes have a red signal. After a long period of use, it will mean that the aroma cylinder is running out and must be replaced.

How to install the cylinder?

The protective cap must be removed from the cylinder. You won't need it anymore. After this, you should carefully examine the bottle. There should be two black magnetic strips on its head. It is also worth making sure that the cylinder is not a fake. Otherwise, the composition of such an air freshener will be questionable. The original cylinder contains a substance that is safe for human health and pets.

If there are no protective stripes on the head of the bottle, then such a cartridge simply will not work. A red indicator will indicate problems. Its blinking immediately after the first spray indicates an error. In this case, the freshener will not be sprayed, since the device does not recognize the replacement bottle.

The cylinder can only be inserted if the selector wheel is in the “off” position. In this case, the red lever should be raised up.

What are the possible intervals between sprays?

The device has three spray options:

  1. Indicated by a small flower - the interval between operations will be 32 minutes.
  2. Indicated by the middle flower - the interval between work will be 28 minutes.
  3. Indicated by a large flower - the interval between operations will be 10 minutes.

Despite the frequency of spraying, the device is used quite economically. One 250 ml bottle of fragrance is enough for 2450 sprays, which is approximately one and a half months of continuous use with a maximum spray interval.

How to choose and install the air freshener correctly?

To correctly select a suitable air freshener and its aroma, it is worth considering some rules:

  1. The choice of fragrance should be made depending on the room where it will be sprayed. For example, airy, sea and pine scents are perfect for toilet rooms, floral and cotton scents for the hall and corridor, and choose citrus or sweet scents for the kitchen. They will create a great mood and increase your appetite.
  2. The spray interval should depend on the size of the room. For a small bathroom, a minimum 30-minute interval is suitable; for a large hall or the lobby of a small hotel, you will have to set the maximum spray interval.
  3. When using the device in a large room, it is recommended to use several air fresheners at once. The smell will be distributed more evenly if two sets are installed opposite each other.
  4. It is most convenient to place the cylinder on the top shelf of a cabinet or cabinet. If there is no space for the device, then it can be hung on the wall. For this purpose, there are holes on the back wall of the air freshener.

Possible harm and advice on selection and use

It is impossible to say categorically about the benefits or harms of air fresheners. Naturally, formulations with synthetic components are more dangerous to health than natural ones:

  • Common aerosol devices are harmful to both humans and the environment. This is especially true for components such as sodium benzoate and sodium nitrite. Exceeding their daily dose provokes the growth of cancerous tumors and causes toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, intensifies allergic reactions;
  • Gel cartridges are less dangerous. However, due to rich (one might even say aggressive) artificial aromas, allergic reactions may occur in residents.

Fresheners using natural oils cause the least harm. If you choose the right composition, the oils will deodorize the air, eliminate harmful bacteria (pine oils), and improve your mood (citrus compositions).

To make the right choice, you need to pay attention not only to the characteristics of the products

It is also important to take into account the area of ​​the room and the composition of the family. For spacious rooms, devices that constantly scent the air are suitable.

If the family is small, then you can get by with an aerosol can. If there are many tenants and someone is constantly in the apartment, then it would be reasonable to install automatic devices or regular means (essential sticks, gel pillows)

For spacious rooms, devices that constantly scent the air are suitable. If the family is small, then you can get by with an aerosol can. If there are many residents and someone is constantly in the apartment, then it would be reasonable to install automatic devices or regular means (essential sticks, gel pillows).

A wide range of models allows you to choose a completely safe air freshener or install a device with a variety of functions. Modern appliances not only refresh the air, but also “clean” it in an original way. And some fragrances have bodies of such beautiful shapes and shades that they completely decorate the interior of the toilet room.

Comparison with competitors

The AirWick air freshener stands out in the market. It has a large selection of models (from candles and crystals to automatic options), and among the assortment of various scents, anyone can choose a freshener to suit their taste.

Few manufacturing companies can compete with this air freshener. The lines of the Chirton and AmbiPur brands are more modest, and the choice of fragrances is smaller. On the same level as AirWick is another popular air freshener - Glade. The brand has long been a leader in the market. Its range and selection of fragrances is no less extensive than that of Ervik.

Popular manufacturers

Currently, the most common automatic air fresheners on the domestic market are AiRWick and Glade. The price for them is approximately the same, the resource of one cylinder is designed for up to 50 days, or about 2 months.

The AiRWick and Glade tend to have nice, streamlined designs. The kit includes two batteries and one replacement cylinder. Batteries run out faster and, accordingly, will have to be changed more often than an aerosol.

Structurally, the AiRWick and Glade systems are almost the same: their functionality depends on the model. They have the same price category. Their main difference (except for the shape of the containers) is the line of fragrances, which does not overlap. Therefore, when choosing, you should focus on your favorite palette of scents. The AiRWick cylinder can be installed in both brands of housings. Glade aerosols can only be used with native automation: a competitor’s atomizer recognizes the can as foreign and does not start the timer.

In addition to the two undisputed market leaders, you can find automatic air fresheners Discover, Ambi Pur, Ballu, Meria on sale. Their prices, design, functionality and fragrance lines may also differ.

Most modern air fresheners do not have significant differences, except for the aromatic composition. Therefore, when choosing a device, it is better to focus on the smell that you like. And operating the device will be equally easy and simple, regardless of the manufacturer.

The cost of a device for refreshing a room

The price of the Air Wick kit varies depending on the store and the scent chosen. A complete set, including a plastic container, a cylinder and batteries, can be purchased for 450-500 rubles. You don't have to buy this kit on a regular basis.

After the aroma has run out, you can buy a new air freshener (automatic). A replacement 250 ml aroma bottle can be purchased for 250-400 rubles. Stores often hold promotions. In this case, there is a chance to purchase several Ervik bottles at a minimal price. An automatic air freshener will freshen the air in your room for a long time at a reasonable price.

The Air Wick air freshener receives mostly positive reviews. Buyers are satisfied with the versatility of the product. Many note the ease of use of the product and the ability to hang it on the wall. Often buyers highlight certain scents in the line.

Negative reviews often include dissatisfaction with the fact that the device’s body is not suitable for other similar products.

Principle of operation

If a regular air freshener is an aerosol can with a button, then an automatic air freshener is a mechanism with a timer into which you can set an aerosol.

The design of an automatic air freshener is quite simple. This is a plastic dispenser housing equipped with a device that operates the valve. Essentially, the mechanism consists of a mini-electric motor and a gearbox, which together allow pressing on the sprayer. The timer on the back panel of the device allows you to set the spray mode every 5, 10, 30 or 9, 18, 36 minutes or turn off the device by turning the slider to the appropriate position. Each time the freshener will spray the same amount of product, the intensity of the aroma is regulated only by a temporary period. A replaceable cylinder with a valve from the same manufacturer is installed inside the air freshener. The device runs on mains power or alkaline batteries.

Once installed, the device can maintain a pleasant aroma for several weeks. The operating time depends on the life of the can and batteries, as well as the set interval.

Some budget models may be equipped with an indicator that flashes from time to time. This consumes a little power, but allows you to control the operation of the device. There may also be a forced spray button on the body.

Modern air fresheners have other functions. For example, some models are equipped with a motion sensor and are triggered when a person appears in the room. Some series of air fresheners are equipped with a display and can function as a clock, and also allow you to program the spray intensity by hour, day and week.

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