How to peel an orange quickly and effortlessly!

Bright juicy citrus filled with sun and vitamins lifts your spirits just by its appearance. However, many remain only to contemplate this sweet and sour fruit. But the reason is that you simply don’t want to clean it. You don’t want to splash everything around so that your hands are sticky and your nails are yellow. But there is a way out! We will reveal all the secrets of how to peel an orange without difficulty and splashes. And now you will never refuse delicious citrus just because you don’t want to peel it. Moreover, you will want to try these methods right away!

How to peel an orange without getting splashed with juice

To quickly peel an orange and protect your clothes from the sticky, aromatic juice:

  • choose a ripe fruit (bright orange, hard and heavy, with a smooth peel);
  • place the fruit on a hard surface and twist it a little, pressing it on top with an open palm (this is necessary for ease of subsequent cleaning and to make the fruit more juicy);
  • then take the orange in your palm and with your finger crawl under the skin using your nail (it is best to do this near the stalk or at the base of the fruit, where the peel is not pressed too tightly against the pulp);
  • Using your fingers (or a knife), carefully remove the entire surface of the fruit from the peel (if the pulp is not damaged, then sweet splashes flying around will be avoided).

Slicing an orange for serving

Among the ways to peel an orange, there are several that are most aesthetically pleasing. They are suitable for cutting citrus fruits before serving.

To serve an orange beautifully, it is not necessary to peel it completely. You can leave the peel on the pulp. We offer 2 ways to cut citrus this way.

Method 1:

  • cut off the tops of the fruit;
  • cut the fruit in half;
  • cut each half into thin half rings;
  • Gather the half rings together and arrange them in a wave on the saucer.

Method 2:

  • cut off the top and bottom of the fruit, leaving only the middle;
  • cut the peel on the resulting orange ring;
  • cut through the flesh to the center of the fruit;
  • Taking the peel at the cut site with your hands, sharply pull it in different directions;

  • you will end up with a long “ribbon” of orange peel containing citrus pulp.

The slices should separate from each other; all that remains is to remove the zest and eat them.

Now you know how to quickly peel an orange and how to beautifully serve it to your guests. We hope our tips will be useful to you.

How to remove film from orange

The film covering orange slices sometimes spoils the aesthetic appearance of the fruit, and some consider it unsuitable for food. You can clean it with a knife using this life hack:

  • Wash the fruit and your hands so that dirt does not get on the pulp.
  • Prepare a knife with the sharpest possible blade and a cutting board.
  • Place the fruit on the board and carefully cut off the stem and the back side.
  • In the place where the stalk was previously, carefully cut off the peel, taking with it a small amount of pulp.
  • Gradually go down, moving in a circle, to the base of the orange, sequentially grabbing the entire peel with a knife.
  • After peeling, the result is a fruit that is practically naked from the films, and no juice comes out at all unless you accidentally damage it with a knife.
  • Slice the orange along each segment so that the film remains to the left of the knife, then to the right of it.
  • The result is an absolutely clean fillet, without any signs of film.

Using a spoon

A spoon will help you peel an orange quickly and without splashing! Did not know? If you use this tip, you can avoid juice runs and keep your nails and palms clean. This is especially true for girls who are afraid of ruining their manicure with orange spots.

Let's get started? First, wash the fruit thoroughly - you can use a sponge or soak the fruit in warm water for a while. Now we begin to get rid of the peel:

  • Carefully make a crosswise cut with a knife - it is important not to touch the flesh, only separate the skin;

  • Complete the circular cut and lightly press the top of the fruit to make peeling easier;
  • Take a spoon and insert it between the flesh and the skin (deep side);

  • Moving in a circle, separate one from the other;

  • Rotate the half, loosening it from the flesh and removing it;

  • Repeat the action with your other half.

Ready! You have two hemispherical cups and a whole delicious sweet fruit in your hands! A little trick - if you don't have a spoon at hand, take a fork to peel the orange. Turn it over with the handle first - don't poke it with the teeth!

There is a drawback to this method - we were able to easily peel the orange, but the white film remained. We do not recommend cleaning it - the veins contain a lot of vitamins, phytoncides and flavaoids.

But if you want to get rid of the film, consider the following method!

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How to Peel an Orange in 10 Seconds

A very interesting trick is that it allows you to peel the fruit in a matter of seconds. It is used if the orange is planned to be eaten immediately:

  • prepare ripe fruit;
  • wash the fruit and dry thoroughly with a towel until completely dry;
  • cut off the stalk and its reverse part, on the other side of the fruit (grabbing the peel as deep as possible in order to use the upper part of the film from the segments);
  • make a longitudinal cut across the orange, trying to get between two slices;
  • insert your thumbs under the skin and with a strong movement, unfold the orange into 2 parts.

If all the conditions are met, the fruit has not wrinkled for a long time and has not lost its shape, you will get a row of slices separated from each other on a long skin.

Preparing the fruit

It is very important to choose the right fruit, which should be very dense and heavy. If the orange is unripe, it will have a yellowish color with areas of green. Such fruits will be difficult to clean. Before using one of the techniques, special preparation is required.

Experts believe that this will make subsequent steps easier and make the pulp juicier. The product must be placed on the countertop and covered with your palm, then pressed slightly. For 15 seconds, twist the fruit with your other hand, while the pressure should remain the same. If you need to peel several fruits, you should prepare them all in a similar way.

Interesting fact: few people know what ending is put at the end of a word if there are several fruits (oranges or oranges), and how to say it correctly so as not to seem illiterate. It should be said - oranges.

How to beautifully peel an orange for table decoration

Orange is suitable for decorating a home holiday table; it is not difficult to make a beautiful dessert from it:

  1. Cut the fruit like this:
  • using a knife, make 2 light cuts that will affect the stalk and lower part of the fruit (they should be on different sides of the fruit);
  • remove the peel from each of the 4 resulting slices, you can use a knife for this;
  • There is no need to cut the peel to the base of the orange, then the fruit will look like an open flower, on the leaves of which there are fabulously tasty fruits.

  1. Alternatively, you can simply cut the orange into discs without peeling it and arrange it beautifully on a serving plate (in this case, the fruit should be thoroughly washed and dried).

Method for peeling an orange without a knife

There is one easy way to peel an orange that does not involve using a knife:

  • after washing the fruit, carefully pick up the skin at the top with your fingernail;
  • without touching the pulp (it is important not to damage it at all when exposed), remove the peel sequentially, in a spiral;
  • It is best to proceed by gradually turning the orange around the circumference (with experience, you can even peel the fruit so that the skin does not tear and is removed in one long strip);
  • A properly peeled orange turns out smooth and beautiful, after which it can be either eaten or used for cutting into a salad.

Selecting and preparing an orange

The easiest way to peel a ripe fruit. Its ripeness is evidenced by the smooth peel of a uniform, rich orange color, without spots or “splashes” of other shades. In pale and greenish oranges, the peel fits very tightly to the pulp; peeling them without getting splashed with juice is almost impossible. The same can be said about citrus fruits with “wrinkled” and “lumpy” rinds.

Another criterion by which to evaluate how easy it will be to peel an orange is its weight. When it is obviously heavier or lighter than citrus fruits of the same size, it is better to refuse the purchase. In the first case, the pulp had clearly begun to rot and turn into an unappetizing mush; in the second, it had dried out and lost its juiciness.

Unripe, overripe, spoiled oranges not only have a poor taste, they are also difficult to peel

Important! The orange should be quite dense to the touch, but not “wooden”. If you press the peel with your finger, it gives slightly and “springs”, but no dents remain.

Preparing the orange before peeling it is an optional step. But some believe that after it the process goes easier, and the pulp becomes juicier. The citrus is untwisted on a cutting board, table top, or other horizontal surface for 10-15 seconds, lightly pressing but not pressing with an open palm.

Important! Of course, you cannot start peeling an orange without washing the citrus itself and your hands. Such preparation should be especially thorough if the chosen method involves extracting only the pulp.

How to peel an orange with a knife and spoon

The trick allows you to carefully peel the peel, without damaging the pulp, using a spoon and knife.

  • Make a circular cut across the orange skin.
  • Insert the handle of a spoon under the skin (it’s better if it’s a tea spoon), you need to act carefully so as not to damage the pulp, which could cause the orange juice to run off.
  • Turn a spoon around the circumference of the pulp under the skin, separating one from the other. The result will be a peel that does not adhere to the pulp, but only to the base of the fruit.
  • Repeat the procedure with the other part of the fetus.
  • Turn the peels in different directions relative to each other, after which they will easily separate.
  • After cleaning the films (if necessary), the orange can be eaten or used for cutting into a salad.

Peeling an orange from peels and films is not a very difficult task, and with the use of small tricks, the process can be carried out without splashes, neatly, quickly and fun.

How to cut an orange for salad

The peculiarity of orange citrus is that the films protecting its slices are very thin and delicate. If it is very easy to strip a grapefruit or sweetie with your hands, freeing the juicy pulp from the membranes, then you will have to work more painstakingly with an orange.

To get pieces of pulp for a fruit salad or snack, you need to do the following:

  1. Cut off the “lids” on both sides with a knife, eliminating the zest and white layer.
  2. Next, place the orange and begin to cut slices of zest along the pulp, touching the slices so that they are exposed at the edges.
  3. To separate the pulp, a knife is inserted along the edge of each membrane. It turns out that you make a wedge, after which the slice without the film falls out of the base.

This method of cutting releases a lot of juice, so you need to proceed carefully.

Another salad method is to extract curly pieces. Since the partitions of the orange are really delicate, it is not necessary to remove them. But you can get beautiful slices for salad. The orange in the peel is cut across the slices into thick rings (select the parameters taking into account the specifics of the dish). Next, the rings are cut in half and triangles of pulp are released, including fragments of 2-3 segments.

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