The best air fresheners for home and toilet: 2022 ranking

It’s good when the room smells pleasantly, there are no repulsive odors. To achieve this, it is important to know which air freshener is best to buy for the toilet and home, so that the spraying is harmless and copes perfectly with the task. You can try to make such products yourself or purchase ready-made ones.


This product is usually sold in spray bottles. By pressing a button, you can create a stream that will smell fragrant with fragrances. An aerosol aromatic air freshener is great for the bathroom, especially if it is combined with a toilet.

Disadvantages include individual intolerance. If microparticles of the spray enter the respiratory tract, this can lead to an allergic reaction. That's what an aerosol air freshener is. Such products also work for a short time; they cover up unpleasant odors with aromatic fragrances, but do not eliminate them.

But this remedy is inexpensive, fast-acting, and accessible.

Speaking about what good air freshener it is advisable to purchase for an apartment, we can highlight the following type of such product.

The best mid-price air fresheners

A bottle of air freshener is inserted inside, which is evenly consumed.
The rating includes products costing up to 1,500 rubles with the best price-quality ratio.

Ksitex PD-6D

Automatic air freshener weighing 380 g, can withstand up to 3 thousand sprays.


  • compactness;
  • economical consumption (the cylinder lasts for 4–6 months);
  • 4 operating modes.


  • the need for installation at a height of at least 2 m;
  • difficulty in replacing the cylinder.

The cost of the device is 950–1180 rubles.


Popular product for office spaces
Automatic air freshener that can be used in an area of ​​up to 120 square meters. m.


  • convenient body shape;
  • 4 operating modes;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • ease of operation.


  • the need to purchase expensive D-size batteries (not included);
  • high noise level.

The cost of the device is 860–1180 rubles.

With chopsticks

This type - this set consists of an aromatic oily liquid that is poured into a container and wooden rattan straws. If you need to choose safe air fresheners, you should consider this natural one. After all, the composition contains oil without flavors and dyes. To use this product, you need to open the lid of the container and install the included sticks here. The liquid will saturate them, evaporate, and give off a pleasant aroma in return.

But this product does not remove odors, but masks them. And you need to use brands of such air freshener in doses. Since not everyone likes a high concentration of essential odor, it can lead to headaches.

General information

Scented air fresheners artificially mask unpleasant odors with their scents, but are unable to completely eliminate amber.

Deodorizing air fresheners for the toilet, without having their own aromatic fragrances, act on the molecules of the unpleasant odor themselves. The unpleasant odor is completely destroyed.

And combined fresheners combine both described options: both flavor and deodorant, therefore they are more preferable and popular.


Very convenient to use, dosed budget options. Found widespread among our fellow citizens. A small volume (100-300 ml) of a can lasts for a month or more. A big drawback is that with the abundance of allergy sufferers in the modern world, aerosol air fresheners create an additional danger for people with such pathologies. The first such sprays contained a lot of chemical elements that were harmful both to human health and to the environment around us. Even if you want to save money, we strongly recommend that you avoid purchases containing formaldehyde, acetate, pinene, and phthalic alcohol. Unfortunately, these substances are still used in the cheapest copies. They are especially dangerous for people with bronchial asthma.

Toilet plates

Dry toilet plate fresheners are activated every time the water is flushed from the tank.


A gel freshener is a small cartridge with a scented gel placed inside it. By installing it indoors, you get a constant source of a pleasant smell. Such a plate can last up to 4 months on an area of ​​about 30 square meters. m. The price is slightly more expensive than aerosols, but they are convenient because they work constantly and are beneficial in apartments with a large number of household members. The cartridge can be easily replaced with a new one.

Electric aroma lamps

Aroma lamps have come into fashion relatively recently. This is a long-term item, and the fragrant composition can be changed according to your mood.

Modern electronic devices for aromatizing space can be equipped with special sensors that allow you to regulate their operating mode - set the frequency and intensity of aroma spraying, set the operating mode, and set restrictions on the spraying of the device. For example, react when the light is turned on.

Liquid fresheners

The principle is simple - bottles with odorous liquid stand open and exude a perfume composition. The cost is higher than any other air aromatization options. But they are the least harmless with high efficiency. Usually the kit includes bamboo sticks that need to be dipped in liquid.


This product can be used not only for indoor use, but also for scenting linen. Here's how to use the gel air freshener: just open the package and install the applicator.

This product is natural, safe for both the environment and people. It is recommended for use even in children's rooms. The aroma is unobtrusive, it neutralizes odors well. But the impregnation of this product is short-lived and disappears after a month.

Here are the types of air fresheners for your home. You can purchase one or more types to use indoors. But here there are certain nuances.

The best expensive air fresheners

Expensive products costing more than 1,500 rubles are suitable for those who value practicality and effectiveness, as well as a delicate aroma rather than a strong odor.

Beurer LA20

The attractive appearance of the device allows you to use it in an apartment.
Ultrasonic air freshener with LED lighting. It works via USB interface or network adapter. Performs the functions of a humidifier and air freshener at the same time.


  • noiselessness;
  • use of water-soluble oils instead of aerosols for aromatization;
  • energy saving function.


  • small area of ​​action (up to 10 sq.m.);
  • the need to regularly monitor the presence of water in the tank.

The cost of Beurer LA20 is 2200–2390 rubles.

How to choose air fresheners

First you need to decide for which room this product is required. If you need to muffle the smell of a public toilet, then a professional automatic spray, which can be electric or battery-powered, is suitable. On this gadget, the desired concentration of liquid spray is set, the interval between such sprays, after which it starts working.

Here's the best public toilet freshener. It will successfully cope with unpleasant odors in the home water closet and will refresh the rooms.

If the bathroom is located in an apartment, then a product with pine or citrus scents is suitable. For the kitchen, it is advisable to choose vanilla, chocolate or strawberry aromas. And the purpose and use of an air freshener in the living room can be to aromatize this room with the smells of the sea breeze, conifers or flowers.

Even when purchasing such funds, you need to pay attention to their cost.

People with families with children and those with allergies should especially know what a particular air freshener is made of. Then you need to purchase a product that does not contain synthetic fragrances or harmful ingredients.

When deciding why you need a room air freshener, it is worth noting the ability of some of these products to remove odors from soft furnishings and clothing. To do this, you need to buy a product that has this effect.

The best budget air fresheners

The products are some of the most affordable air fresheners.
These include air fresheners costing up to 500 rubles. These are regular aerosols that can be used individually or placed in units for automatic spraying.


Popular inexpensive air freshener
Automatic air freshener with the smell of freesia, made strictly in black.


  • safe composition;
  • economical consumption (a replacement unit lasts for an average of 2 months);
  • effective neutralization of odors, air disinfection;
  • Triggers only when the light is turned on;
  • The universal black body will suit any interior design.


  • obsessive aroma;
  • the ability to use only Brait cylinders;
  • fastening at a height of at least 2 m.

The cost of the product is from 400 to 600 rubles.


A fairly economical and inexpensive air freshener.
An aerosol-type air freshener for eliminating persistent odors.


  • natural composition;
  • good atomization;
  • removing odors from fabrics.

Disadvantage: short duration of action.

The cost of a freshener is on average 280 rubles.

Operating principle

Air freshener manufacturers produce three types of product. The principle of operation of each type is slightly different.

Table 1. Operating principle of air fresheners

Product VarietyOperating principle
FlavoringArtificially masks unpleasant odors, but is unable to completely eliminate them
DeodorizingThey act on molecules that emit an unpleasant odor, neutralize them, and are usually produced without fragrances
CombinedCombines the benefits of fragrances and deodorants, they are the most preferred option

When choosing, you should rely on your own needs and preferences.


The best smell of an air freshener is one that everyone in the household enjoys, does not cause irritation, does not spoil the mood, and does not contribute to allergic reactions.

For everyone, the best scent is the one that meets his standards, his criteria. This is a personal matter of taste.

But, when a freshener is purchased for a family where several people live, it is certainly worth asking for the general opinion.

Homemade Recipes

“Homemade preparations” justify their effectiveness by the use of natural ingredients, to which there is practically no allergy, and the availability of the components. By improvising, you can achieve any smell, even the most imaginative one. And to your own taste.

Essential oil

It's easy to create your own fragrance using essential oils. Ready-made air fresheners operate on the same principle. Their kit includes:

  • special vessel (glass or ceramic);
  • sticks (usually bamboo);
  • the actual odorous component (essential oil).

The disadvantage of such a flavor is standard - it does not eliminate the unpleasant odor, but masks it. Otherwise, it is quite effective, emits a light, refreshing note (citrus oils - orange, lemon, lime - work well), and is used sparingly. It is best to take wooden sticks, although plastic ones will also work. The result is a reusable air flavoring agent. It is easy to wash, refill with fresh oil and reuse.

Another option with higher efficiency is to use an empty spray bottle, after washing it thoroughly.

Then water and a few drops of the selected oil are poured into the container. All you have to do is shake the bottle slightly to mix the flavor components. Used like a regular air aerosol.


A homemade air fragrance, first of all, is good because it is made “under strict control,” that is, by you personally, and does not contain allergens or chemical odors. First we find the main component. These can be coffee beans, anise seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds. All of these aromas are very strong; just remember how quickly the smell of a freshly ground or brewed coffee drink spreads in the air of a kitchen. But these products are most suitable for dry air flavorings. For liquid ones, essential oils are the best choice.

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The choice is yours; any pharmacy offers a kaleidoscope of natural scents and bottles of aromatic oils for every taste. Next you will need gelatin. It is soaked in water; some dye can be added for decoration. And at the end, oil is added to the almost finished air flavoring. All that remains is to place the mixture in a suitable sized container - a plastic box, a glass jar, with holes there for the distribution of the smell.

Soda, salt and gelatin

Soda and salt are natural flavors, or rather, absorbers of unpleasant odors. Gelatin will retain their properties for a long time. By mixing these 3 components together, we get a reliable composition for long-term use.

From soda

Baking soda is known to be an excellent odor absorber. It is enough to place a small open container in the toilet room, pouring a little sodium carbonate into it. The air will noticeably clear. As necessary, when grains of soda turn yellow and cake, it is replaced with a new one. This is a cheap and reliable way to deodorize without chemical odors or complex products.

From toothpaste

Leftover toothpaste will come in handy when eliminating unpleasant odors in the toilet. The price does not matter, the main thing is the presence of mint flavor in the product, which is present in almost all pastes.

All that remains is to carefully pierce the holes in the walls of the tube with an awl or a thick (“gypsy”) needle, then place the finished flavor in the flush tank. The principle of operation is as simple as twice two: water gradually washes away the paste with each drain, filling the air with a fresh minty note. The more paste in the tube, the longer the flavor lasts.

From gelatin

Edible gelatin is used as a thickener. First, about 15 grams of gelatin are steamed in a separate vessel. In another container you need to mix 20 grams of salt (fine), a drop of essential oil and 100 milliliters of vinegar. You can also drop liquid dye there (just a little).

All that remains is to mix the main ingredients until a homogeneous product is obtained. The finished gel-like mixture is placed in ice trays (any suitable size) and placed in the freezer. The finished flavor is placed in the flush tank. When flushing, the water is mixed with the gel, and the air in the toilet is purified.

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What can be done?

Modern air freshener manufacturers offer their products in different forms, for example, liquid or thick, in the form of balls or crystals.
Any variations of commercially produced flavors can be repeated independently at home. The main thing is to find the necessary recipe and figure out how to prepare a mass of a certain consistency, or use an unusual form. Aerosol. A fairly simple and most common option for making an air freshener. To prepare it, you will need an interestingly shaped container or a bottle with a sprayer. A liquid prepared according to the chosen recipe is poured into the container, after which the sprayer can be activated, thereby filling the rooms with a hand-created scent.


An extensive family of devices, united under the name “air freshener,” includes fragrances, deodorants, sprays, and gels. According to the spraying method, they are distinguished:

  • manual (balloon) means;
  • automatic devices;
  • combined action.

Which one to choose is determined based on the initial data - the area of ​​the room, the neglect of the situation. Sometimes it is more convenient to replace industrially produced deodorants and air flavorings with homemade, oil-based ones, as they are environmentally friendly and harmless to humans.

According to the operating principle

All air fresheners used in everyday life are divided into fragrances (“embellishing” the smell in the room) and deodorants - those compounds that act on the irritating component at the molecular level.

Each group has its own relative advantages and disadvantages. If you are allergic to strong, strong odors, then it is better to choose a deodorizing option. A compromise solution involves combining both solutions in one bottle.


The most common air fresheners. A few short presses on the spray cap are enough to fill the space with the fresh aroma of meadow herbs or sea breeze. One problem: when applied to the underlying component (unpleasant amber), the freshener can create an unimaginable combination of odors, because it does not eliminate the cause of the discomfort, but only masks it.


Much more effective than air flavorings, they do not contain perfume fragrances. But they destroy the structure of the odor and most effectively eliminate its nature.


This group combines the advantages of both previous ones. At the same time it improves the smell and destroys molecules.

By release form

Ease of use, as well as healthy competition between manufacturers, provides for the release of several different options for sprayers:

  • “manual”, in cans;
  • automatic;
  • with a combined system.

Next, we will consider each type separately in detail.

Aerosols in cylinders

One of the most common types. Present in supermarkets, on the shelves of hardware stores, and markets. They are distinguished by the variety of scents offered, convenient release form, and ease of use. But the main advantage is the affordable price.

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Automatic sprayers

Special devices that periodically release a stream of aromatic substance into the air.

There is no need to worry about the appearance of unpleasant odors; all you need to do is secure the device in a pre-selected location.

Then you should monitor the consumption of the cylinder and change it on time. Another point is the dependence of the flavor on the energy source. It doesn’t matter whether it’s charging batteries or powering from a household network. Without electricity, the device loses its advantages.


A combination of several spraying methods achieves the most complete effect. That is, there are 2 modes: manual and automatic. Unfortunately, such products are not suitable for cleaning the toilet bowl. A separate, special group of flavors is intended for this - float, dry, lowered into the flush tank.

Flavors for flushing

These are highly specialized products for refreshing the bowl and filling the tank with flavored (sometimes tinted) liquid. They are divided into suspended, submersible, dry and gel.

Dry ones are glued under the rim onto a previously cleaned surface from the inside. Gel ones are placed in a hanging container, washed with water and create a wave of pleasant smell. The tablets for the tank are placed directly into the storage container, gradually dissolve and fill the bowl with a colored, flavoring liquid.

The presence of any of the listed products does not relieve owners from the need to periodically sanitize the toilet and replace consumables.

What to look for when choosing

Before purchasing an automatic air freshener, we recommend considering the following parameters:

  1. The volume of the cylinder has a great influence on the duration of operation, so you should choose the largest value possible.
  2. The spray interval can be 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes. You can set this parameter yourself depending on your requirements.
  3. Case material. Most often, reliable impact-resistant plastic is used.
  4. Weight. It is worth considering that lightweight models can fall from a great height while spraying, so you should choose based on the expected installation location.

Operating mode

You should choose a freshener taking into account your own needs and intended use. If the family is small, it is enough to purchase an aerosol and use it as needed. It will last for a long time, since the consumption will be economical.

Gel plate - ideal for a large family

For a large family, the best option would be a gel plate. Throughout the entire period of use, it will constantly maintain optimal freshness in the restroom. In addition, this form of air freshener is suitable for busy people, because to eliminate odors you do not need to make an effort, spray an aerosol or open a bottle of aromatic liquid.

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