The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

The operation of the multicooker is no longer enjoyable, and instead of delicious dishes you have to deal with burning or burnt pieces? Inspect the device for damage, check the correctness of the chosen mode, the order of placement, and the ratio of ingredients. Stir the food periodically with silicone or wooden spatulas and add water. Before cooking, grease the bowl with oil, do not get carried away with too much sugar.

A multicooker has ceased to be a luxury, having become a reliable assistant for many women. But along with the quick preparation of delicious dishes, housewives are in for a less pleasant “surprise” - burnt food. A common reason is violation of operating rules; this problem can be solved at home. If you encounter a technical breakdown of the elements, contact a technician for help.

Getting to know the multicooker and making your first mistakes

What do housewives do when purchasing a multicooker? Most often, after briefly reading the instructions, they immediately begin cooking, choosing not simple recipes, but the most intricate ones. And this is where they make their first mistake.

After all, multicookers, even of the same brand, work differently. Everything depends not only on the heating element, the material from which the bowl is made, but even on the voltage in a particular apartment.

And in order to understand how a multicooker behaves in a given case, you need to get to know it slowly.

It is advisable to stay close to it in the first days while preparing a dish in order to immediately notice any surprises in the form of escaping broth or porridge starting to burn. This is when problems with the further culinary process may begin.

After all, if the food in the bowl burns, this also affects its non-stick coating, because even with careful washing of the burnt food, micro-scratches may appear on the walls of the multi-cooker pan. As a result, the non-stick layer will be broken, and in this place the food will burn again and again.


  • First, you need to thoroughly read the instructions for using the multicooker.
  • Start with the simplest recipes, gradually moving on to more complex ones.
  • If food burns while following all the rules, then you need to contact (before the warranty period expires) the service center or the store where the purchase was made. After all, maybe all the problems are in the temperature sensor, which regulates the temperature in the multicooker.

Failure Diagnosis

Before troubleshooting these household appliances, the user needs to know that all the main programs of home assistants (multi-cookers and steamers) are considered a trade secret of each manufacturer and are not subject to publicity. Why the multicooker does not work - not a single specialist from the service center will immediately answer this question, because the entire operation of a household appliance is based on the clear interaction of two sensors. Some craftsmen believe that inside the electronic board the developers have stored a memory of the nominal temperature, duration of operations, as well as specified programs. Based on this data, the heating elements in the Redmond multicooker are programmed.

The product has sensors installed.

  1. The thermistor is inserted into the main button of the product. It is very difficult to dismantle it, because manufacturing companies do everything to make independent repairs difficult, considering this the prerogative of special service centers. It is the Redmond company that fills all terminals with a compound - a special insulating material, making their dismantling impossible.
  2. The second working sensor is inserted inside the cover of the product - to get to it you will have to dismantle its filling with compound, disconnect the sensor and try to turn on the product. If it doesn't work, then you are on the right track. For 100% results, test the wires going to the sensor using a multimeter.

For the multicooker to operate effectively, it is necessary to read readings from both sensors at once: they transmit the signal through wires to a special terminal on the control board, which is located under the panel with buttons. When the multicooker does not work when turned on, the culprit may be the power supply - you can check this by plugging the product into the mains. If at least one of the indicators is illuminated from the inside, then everything is fine. In other cases, you will have to contact specialists.

There are times when the product is not included in the cooking process - the bowl cannot heat up to the required temperature. Try measuring the resistance on the transformer. Behind it is a rectifier consisting of 4 diodes. The main board is positioned with all elements down, so if the current increases, the solder will melt and flow down to the bottom of the product. When opening the bottom cover, this can be determined visually by drops of tin - this means that a short circuit has occurred inside and the heating elements have turned off.

Sometimes it is worth checking the functionality of the relay. Connect the product to the network, turn on any program. If you hear a characteristic click, then the relay is working, otherwise you need to make a step-by-step replacement: first the relay, and then the control board.

Selecting the correct operating mode for the multicooker

It’s not for nothing that the multicooker has several programs. Most often there are “Stew/Soup”, “Baking”, “Steaming”, “Milk porridge”, “Buckwheat”. More expensive multicookers also have additional modes.

Therefore, when you decide to cook a dish according to any recipe, you need to choose the right program, because under different modes a specially set temperature is automatically set.

The operating principle of a multicooker is the same as an iron. After all, when ironing silk fabrics, housewives do not set the iron wheel to “Linen” or “Cotton”. Otherwise, a hole will immediately form on the fabric.

But when cooking milk porridge (even rice) in a multicooker, the housewife can safely set the “Buckwheat” or “Pilaf” mode. In this case, the food will burn, because the milk porridge is cooked over low heat with constant stirring. And if you increase the temperature, the porridge will either run away (if there is a lot of liquid) or burn if it is thick. This is what happens if the mode is incorrectly selected, if a higher temperature is programmed in it than is required for cooking a particular dish.

Save time

Some people may find it much faster to cook on the stove than in a slow cooker. This may be true, but there are a few things to consider.

Firstly, food on the stove needs to be constantly monitored, but a multicooker handles the process on its own.

Secondly, this device can be programmed for a delayed start and get an excellent light dinner at a certain time. If you fill the bowl with water and cereal in the evening, in the morning, as soon as you wake up, a healthy breakfast will be waiting for you. Thus, you can load all the necessary products into the miracle pot and calmly go about your business, go for a walk with your child, and when you return, a ready-made lunch or dinner will be waiting for you.

Thirdly, a multicooker can cook several dishes at the same time. For example, in the second compartment you can stew vegetables in their own juice, and in the first compartment you can steam meatballs from lean meat. Here's a complete diet lunch for you.

Correctly placing food in a multicooker is the key to success

If the mode is selected correctly, but the food still burns, this may be due to an imbalance in the proportion between liquid and dry foods. Even unpretentious buckwheat will burn in an ordinary pan if you add little water. What can we say about a multicooker, in which everything is brought to automaticity.

The sequence in which the products are placed into the multicooker bowl is also of great importance.

It’s not for nothing that each multicooker comes with a recipe book, which gives the exact number of ingredients and the order in which they should be added. After all, due to randomly placed food in the bowl, the temperature regime may be disrupted and the food will begin to burn. Especially if water or juicy vegetables are not added in time.

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Do the same if you need to turn the baked goods over in the slow cooker to continue baking the other side of the pie or loaf of bread. Use a plastic tray, from which you transfer the baked goods back into the bowl with the desired side. For example, if you need to cook porridge, the “Porridge”, “Cereals”, “Buckwheat” or “Rice” mode is suitable. If you need to bake something, select “Baking”, etc. Watch the proportions. Perhaps you added too little liquid, but you went too far with the dry component. This often happens when cooking cereals when there is not enough water in the container. Observe the proportions and do not forget to check for doneness. Scratches on the non-stick coating. Take a closer look at the coating, is it scratched? If there are scratches, the integrity and functionality of the bowl is compromised, you need to buy a new one. Use silicone spatulas, it does not leave scratches. You forget to stir your food. Many people think that a multicooker will cope with any task on its own, although in fact this is not the case and you will have to control the process.

Baking in a slow cooker

Many housewives complain that baked goods in a slow cooker either turn out pale and unbaked, or burn.

This could be for several reasons:

  • non-stick coating is damaged;
  • the pan is made of low quality material;
  • The temperature sensor does not work well;
  • the recipe is incorrect.

If the housewife herself cannot cope with the first reasons, then she can reconsider the last one.

It’s enough to remember how baking behaves in the oven. If the dough is unleavened and unsweetened, then it remains pale for a long time. Conversely, fatty and sweet dough browns quickly. Baking sticks to the baking sheet if it is not greased or covered with parchment paper.

The same thing happens with baking in a slow cooker.

  • Therefore, to prevent the dough from burning in it, you must, firstly, be sure to lubricate the bowl with oil.
  • Secondly, you don’t need to put a lot of sugar in the dough, which starts to burn at high temperatures.
  • You also need to know the exact time for which the dough will bake well. In multicookers from different brands, the cooking time for dough with the “Baking” function is programmed differently – from 20 to 40 minutes. Therefore, you need to use trial and error to determine for what period of time a particular dough is baked.
  • You need to learn how to determine the readiness of baked goods. After all, in a slow cooker it looks completely different than when cooked in the oven, because in a slow cooker even a completely finished cake has a pale surface. And only by turning it over onto a plate or towel, you can see how it has browned. Therefore, the readiness of the baked goods is checked with a toothpick and based on this time.

Conclusion: to prevent food from burning in a multicooker, you must strictly follow all recommendations for cooking a particular dish.

  • Set the mode correctly.
  • Adhere to the exact norm for storing products.
  • Do not increase the set cooking time. After all, even stewed potatoes can burn if you cook them for a long time.


In order for a multifunctional device to please the owner and not emit unpleasant odors, it requires special care. Here are some useful tips for using a multicooker:

  • You should not store raw or cooked food inside the appliance for a long time, as oxidative processes destroy the coating and lead to the appearance of foreign odors.
  • Be sure to clean all accessible parts of the device after each use using detergent and a soft cloth (sponge, fleece, felt). Do not use abrasive particles (melamine, metal brush, cleaning mixtures) to remove carbon deposits. It’s better to fill the container with water and leave it to soak for a while.

Important Details

A multicooker is a very smart saucepan that saves housewives a lot of time. With this miracle device, there is no need to constantly monitor the food and mix it.

Due to the fact that many operations can be performed directly in the multi-cooker bowl, the amount of dirty dishes is reduced significantly.

This device is an ideal assistant in preparing many first and second courses. Yes, you can also cook some baked goods in a slow cooker. A multicooker today is a great option, regardless of whether you live alone or have a large family.

However, quite often this kitchen device emits not entirely pleasant odors. Therefore, many housewives are looking for ways to get rid of it.

For example, a new multicooker has a not entirely pleasant smell of rubber or plastic. It is so strong that it simply saturates all cooked food and spoils both the taste and aroma.

Many people advise you to be patient and after a couple of cooking sessions the smell in the multicooker will go away. However, I don’t want to endure it.

It also happens that after you have prepared a rather aromatic dish with a lot of different spices, the multicooker retains all these aromas, and accordingly the next dish will deplete these aromas.

It is worth noting that even a well-washed multi-cooker bowl does not help. In order to quickly get rid of various odors, every housewife has her own secrets.

Tips for the hostess

  • If food burns even when the mode is correctly selected and there is no damage to the surface of the pan, then you can artificially reduce the temperature slightly. To do this, you just need to open the valve to let the steam out. Then the temperature in the pan will drop by several degrees and the boiling will become less active.
  • Although the multicooker is intended for preparing dishes independently, you still need to take part in the process yourself: stir the porridge in time or add a little water.
  • After all, the recipes are designed for the average quality of products. For example, different types of rice require different amounts of liquid, white cabbage cooks faster than Dutch cabbage, and homemade chicken takes longer to cook than chicken legs.

Many housewives believe that the multicooker needs to be tamed. But in fact, you just need to come to an agreement with her, taking into account all the nuances of her work. And then it will really turn out to be a very useful and indispensable kitchen appliance.

Date: 12/22/2015.

What to do

Food burns in the multicooker, but the mechanism is fully functional? Then simple but important tips on handling equipment will save you.

Before cooking, grease the bowl with a little oil

  • Study the instructions. The first step seems banal and hackneyed, but ignoring the manufacturer’s recommendations is the root of all evil.
  • From simple to complex. Before you become an ace in handling the device, learn from simple recipes. During the learning process, you will not notice how easily more refined dishes are given. This reduces the risk of damage to the device.
  • Before dipping the ingredients, grease the bowl with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Control the dosage of sugar in desserts and baked goods - if it burns, it will ruin not only the dish, but also the dishes.
  • Choose the right cooking mode. If you plan to have porridge for breakfast, then the designation “Porridge”, “Cereals”, “Buckwheat” or “Rice” is suitable. For flour – “Baking”, etc. The temperature and duration of cooking depends on the set mode.
  • If you find scratches on the bottom of the bowl, resist the temptation to reuse it and buy a new one.
  • Don't leave the entire process to the machine. Yes, it does not require the constant presence of a person, but no one has canceled periodic stirring and adding liquid (if necessary). This way, the food will cook evenly and won’t burn.
  • Place food correctly. Even such a simple dish as buckwheat can burn with a small amount of water. The loading order is no less important (chaotic immersion of ingredients into the container will affect the temperature, food will begin to stick to the bottom and walls). To avoid mistakes, open the recipe booklet included with the multicookers. It indicates the exact quantity of ingredients and gives a clear sequence of their addition. Don't overfill the cup!
  • If burning occurs even when the temperature is set correctly and there is no damage to the surface of the pan, you can artificially lower the temperature. Open the valve to release steam. Then the temperature in the dish will drop by several degrees - the boiling will become less active.
  • Proper care will extend the life of the multicooker. Stir food with silicone or wooden spatulas. Wash the bowl by hand using liquid products without abrasive particles. A surge protector is useful for those who experience frequent power outages.

Choose the right cooking mode

When choosing a multicooker, do not go for budget models. If all operating conditions are met, no visible damage is found, but the food burns, contact the service center.

Larisa, October 14, 2022.

Oven tray

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How to clean a steamer?

To descale the steamer you need to:

  1. Pour 1 glass of vinegar into the tank, fill the rest of the space with water.
  2. Turn on the steamer for 10-15 minutes, then turn it off and wait until it cools down.
  3. Drain the liquid and remove excess water.

You can use Antiscale. This product was created specifically to fight scale. Before use, you should read the instructions and act according to them.

Citric acid will help remove traces of lime:

  1. You need to mix acid (1 tbsp) and water (full tank).
  2. Turn on the steamer.
  3. After 25-30 minutes, turn off.
  4. Wash and dry.

Huge variety of recipes

The instructions for the multicooker contain a lot of delicious recipes, including for those who pay attention to their appearance. Fluffy omelettes, casseroles, all kinds of desserts made from berries and vegetables, aromatic porridges and soups will give you the opportunity to feel that proper nutrition is not only beneficial, but also excellent taste. Any dish prepared with a multicooker has a soft and delicate consistency, remains juicy and light.

Secrets of cooking in a slow cooker for the site *Pepper the hostess*

How to wash the bowl?

All removable parts of the multicooker are washed separately after removal from the body, this also applies to the bowl . Manufacturers equip all multi-cooking units with bowls with non-stick coating made of Teflon or ceramic. Next we will tell you how to process each of them.

Do you like cooking in a slow cooker?

Not really


Ceramic bowls are extremely fragile, so they should be handled with extreme caution. Do not knock on the container or place it in the dishwasher . Processing of ceramics is carried out manually and only in a gentle way - without the use of caustic alkalis, acids and abrasives.

Ceramic multicookers should not be washed with cleaning powders, soda ash or baking soda; it is forbidden to scrub burnt food with metal spatulas, brushes and scrapers. They spoil the coating and deprive the vessel of its non-stick properties.

Advice! For cleaning, it is best to use gel and liquid soap-based products. Any gel or dishwashing liquid will do, as well as specialized products for caring for ceramic dishes.

But keep in mind that the bowl will come into contact with food, so you should not be too zealous with the use of household chemicals.

Ceramics is a capricious material. Find out now how to clean the ceramic soleplate of your iron. Read about cleaning ceramic hob surfaces here.


Teflon coating is less demanding to maintain, but also does not tolerate cleaning with powders and scrapers . Scratches left on the surface will eventually turn into deep cracks, which will impede quality cooking and easy cleaning of the bowl.

The instructions for some models may specify dishwasher processing. If the accompanying documentation does not emphasize this, it is better to wash the Teflon bowl by hand.

The products used are the same as for ceramics – soft and delicate, without acids or abrasive particles.

How to clean burnt food at home?

If you did not keep an eye on the dish being prepared and it managed to burn, the bowl can be saved. First, fill the container with water to the burning level and leave for at least an hour to soften the carbon deposits.

Important! The non-stick coating does not like temperature changes, so start washing after the bowl has cooled completely.

Try removing softened carbon deposits with a wooden or silicone spatula (but not metal) . If it doesn't help, use this method:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into a bowl and add 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Place the vessel in the multicooker and turn on the “Bake” mode, leaving the lid open.
  3. Let the solution boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the device.
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