The best odor absorber for refrigerators. How to make an odor absorber for the refrigerator with your own hands?

Sometimes even the cleanest housewives have problems with smell in the refrigerator. This complexity can be addressed in different ways. Followers of traditional methods use soda, cloves, or wipe the walls with vinegar. And progressive consumers choose an industrial odor absorber for refrigerators. But how to choose it and how effective it is is worth understanding.

Causes of odor

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator can have various reasons. One of these relates to the technical features of the design. When plastic parts are heated, they give off a specific odor. But this is due to the new unit, and gradually the problem should disappear.

If after a month the aroma remains, you need to contact the seller, because this may indicate a defect or a problem.

An unpleasant odor may appear due to a temporary power outage, and the owners of the unit may not be aware of it. At the same time, if meat products were stored in the refrigerator, a persistent cadaverous stench may remain. Only thorough cleaning of the inside of the refrigerator will help get rid of the problem.

Universal recommendations for selection

The choice of absorber must be taken seriously, since it, although not directly, will come into contact with food.

Carefully study the composition of the filler if it is a purchased product. The absorbent must not contain harmful or dangerous components. If some terms are not clear, it is better to ask what they mean. If you ignore this, you can harm your health.

Be sure to pay attention to the tightness of the packaging of industrial products. If the seal is broken, do not buy such a product, because its proximity to food can be harmful to health and even lead to poisoning.

Keep industrial absorbers away from food. Their contact with food is not allowed.

All unpleasant odor eliminators have an expiration date, so you should pay attention to it first. If the packaging of the product indicates the period before which it must be used, you should strictly adhere to this recommendation. After the expiration date, remove the freshener, otherwise it will harm the food and health.

Many stink blockers are effective and harmless. In most cases, these are small balls that need to be placed on shelves inside the refrigerator. Make sure they do not come into contact with food.

Modern air fresheners can simultaneously absorb odors from the refrigerator and emit a pleasant aroma themselves. But it is better not to use them, as they can harm food.

It is better not to use Velcro air fresheners, as they cannot always stick to damp inner walls.

Choose a product that will cause as little harm to people and products as possible.

Never use fresheners that are not intended for this purpose to eliminate stench in the refrigerator. It is strictly prohibited to use odor blockers in rooms or furniture. The composition of these drugs differs from those intended for the refrigerator and can lead to poisoning. Take care of your health and do not ignore the recommendations provided.

The reason is the content

If the unit operates smoothly and all plastic parts have weathered, then the cause of the stench may be improper storage of food. Leaving them for too long leads to spoilage and waste of aroma. Moreover, even removing spoiled food does not solve the problem, because plastic is characterized by excellent absorption of odors.

Many people store medicines on the door shelves of their refrigeration unit. If the lids do not fit tightly, a rather specific aroma spreads throughout the refrigerator.

Special cases

Problems can be discovered after returning from vacation. Due to a power outage, food in the refrigerator quickly becomes sour. A particularly unpleasant smell comes from rotten meat, fish, and eggs. Remove the source of the odor and begin cleaning it.

Smells rotten

If it smells rotten, carry out a general cleaning of the refrigerator according to this scheme:

  • Disconnect the plug.
  • take out food, throw away spoiled food.
  • defrost the refrigerator.
  • Soak removable parts in warm soapy water.
  • Wash the internal surfaces with a sponge and soap.
  • Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.
  • treat the camera with lemon juice.
  • Wash the shelves and containers, dry them well and put them back.
  • leave open for several days.

To get rid of this smell faster, put any absorbent material inside. Ventilate the kitchen.

Dampness and mold

A strong odor appears when the air humidity is high.

This can happen when the refrigerator is turned off. Fungi and bacteria thrive behind tightly closed doors in a dark, warm, humid environment. Before a long trip, it should be defrosted and cleaned, and then leave the door open.

Mold loves to settle in the rubber folds of the sealant. Arm yourself with a toothbrush and hydrogen peroxide to remove it:

  • Pour hydrogen peroxide onto the sponge.
  • Wipe off the gum.
  • Clean greenish stains in the folds with a toothbrush.

Use the same:

  • vinegar solution;
  • ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • laundry soap.

Additionally, the walls need to be cleaned. Even if the walls are not affected by mold, mold spores may still be present.

Chlorine bleach, such as Whiteness Bleach, can kill mold. Pour bleach into warm water and wipe down the rubber seal. Leave the door open to release the chlorine. After drying, apply Vaseline or vegetable oil to the material. This will prevent the rubber from breaking.

Smells in the freezer

Defrost and rinse your freezer periodically. Bacteria from meat and fish products will remain in the freezer and cause an unpleasant odor.

After washing the walls with soap and water, use ammonia in the freezer:

  • Dilute two tablespoons of ammonia in 300 ml of water.
  • Soak a soft cloth or foam sponge in the solution.
  • Wipe down interior surfaces.
  • Allow to dry.

To make application easier, pour the liquid into the spray gun and spray the walls. Let it soak in for a few minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth.

Advice. If you suspect a breakdown, unplug the device and leave it for ten hours. After turning it back on, the problem may disappear.

Gel fresheners

The most popular odor absorber in this line is Topperr. It comes in a variety of scents and comes in a plastic container with gel contents. When used, there is no harm to the unit, and the composition of the absorber can get rid of such persistent odors as fish, garlic or cheese.

The freshener does not have any unpleasant effects on stored products and even helps them stay fresh longer. The gel refrigerator odor absorber can be installed in any convenient place. Thanks to the Velcro, you can not only put it on a shelf, but also hang it on the door.

Odor absorber for the refrigerator: special products

Today, stores offer a wide selection of unpleasant odor absorbers. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  • Neutralizers with carbon adsorbent. These are products from brands such as Frau Schmidt, Filtero and Greenfield. Of the Russian-made analogues, the most popular is the odor absorber “Barrier” for the refrigerator. It is a plastic capsule filled with activated carbon. Such an absorber will last no more than 3 months, depending on the nature and intensity of the smell in the refrigerator, as well as the volume of the chamber.
  • Helium absorbers. These include products of the FRESH PRO and Topperr brands. They are more expensive because they absorb unpleasant odors much faster than others.
  • Air absorbers-ionizers. These include products such as AirComfort XJ 100, Cyclone CN-13 and CN-15. They are good because they not only cope with unpleasant odors, but also stop rotting processes, extending the shelf life of products.

Thanks to a wide range of similar products, modern housewives can easily choose a product that suits their financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Indicator egg

Recently, a very popular absorber is a device in the form of a chicken egg. Its peculiarity is that it changes color when placed in the refrigerator. At room temperature it is blue, but after being in the cold for some time it turns white.

If the indicator remains blue, then you need to adjust the temperature in the refrigerator. This means that the unit does not cool enough and food may spoil ahead of time.

In addition to the indicator function, the egg is filled with a carbon filter, which does an excellent job of eliminating odors. Therefore, its use is becoming increasingly popular. In order for the device to function at its best, it must be changed every month and a half.

How to make an unpleasant odor absorber with your own hands

You can make an absorber for the unpleasant smell of animals, a product for the refrigerator yourself. You will have to spend 10 minutes of time. The formed product will have the shape of a candy. You will need to collect a couple of ingredients: 7 tablets of activated carbon, porous material and a ribbon of different colors for knitting a corner.

Use spunlace as an absorbent material. The material has absorbent characteristics. Non-woven fabric is used for the production of napkins and medical gowns. A special hydroplexus allows the smell (especially animal) to accumulate in the prepared capsule. The product is replaced after the 6th day of use. Over the allotted period, a large amount of harmful toxins accumulates (smoke in the apartment, tobacco residue, etc.).

  • Household chemicals for cleaning and eliminating sewer smell in the toilet
  • How to neutralize musty smell in an apartment
  • How to get rid of unpleasant odor in the house

Algorithm for executing a homemade absorber:

  • Place 7 coal spheres on spunlace.
  • Tie the corners of the candy with stripes. The coating should be dense.
  • Alternatively, use bamboo charcoal.
  • Check the product for strength so that it does not open.
  • Place a homemade filter in the refrigerator, near the source of the odor. The folk method will act against burning.

It is not recommended to attach the absorber and fragrance next to each other. The products neutralize each other's actions when located in opposite parts of the rooms. As a result, the source of the pleasant aroma will not work.

Ball version

A budget-friendly but easy-to-use product is a roll-on odor absorber for refrigerators. It is usually offered in a pack of three balls. To use, you need to remove one and place it on the shelf.

But many consumers advise using two balls when storing a variety of foods in abundance and placing them on different sides of the refrigerator. This option belongs to the low price category and uses siliconogen as the active ingredient, which is not able to cope with persistent and pungent odors.

Baking soda

As for baking soda, it can eliminate unpleasant odors only when used for a long time. Baking soda itself cannot cope with harmful bacteria, so it can only be used after wet cleaning.

But this powder does an excellent job of eliminating shoe odors, destroying residual sweat and bacteria. If you don’t want to stain your favorite boots with it, you can pour the product into a canvas bag and then place it inside your shoes overnight.

Soft surfaces should be handled differently. Sprinkling baking soda in pure form or in bags all over the house is not the answer. It's better to clean the house first. Sofas, mattresses or carpets should be vacuumed and then applied to their surface with baking soda mixed with 2-4 drops of any essential oil. After an hour, the remaining mixture should be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

If you need to eliminate odors from cabinets or pantries, you can make a sachet of baking soda and essential oils.

Dispensary absorbers

The devices consist of a plastic base and replaceable carbon filters. Usually 1-2 additional cassettes are included with the absorber, but after using them you can purchase new ones without changing the base. The active effect lasts on average 4-6 months, and the charcoal filler does an excellent job of removing unwanted odors.

Rationale for use

Although not all housewives have yet appreciated the advisability of having an odor absorber for the refrigerator at home, reviews indicate that this device often helps out. Those who have installed it say that unpleasant odors have decreased or completely disappeared. But in order to choose the best odor absorber for the refrigerator, it is important to take into account the features of food storage, the size of the unit and the principle of operation.

The odor eliminator makes it easier to maintain the refrigerator, preventing not only food spoilage, but also frequent defrosting of the unit and its cleaning.

How to choose a safe and effective absorber

All necessary information about the device must be indicated in its instructions; in order to choose a quality device, you need to pay attention when reading:

  • Purpose of the device. Indoor appliances are not suitable for use near foodstuffs;
  • Shelf life of the device;
  • The composition of the shell and, most importantly, the composition of the filter. It is recommended that you find out the meaning of any unfamiliar names to ensure that the specified filler is safe;
  • Size. The device must fit in the place where it will stand.

Please note that you should be responsible when choosing an odor neutralizer, especially when it comes to the refrigerator, where an important resource for humans is stored - food. A properly chosen absorber will serve for a long time without causing harm to the product or causing negative emotions among the owners.

Traditional ways to get rid of odors

To make an odor absorber for the refrigerator with your own hands, you need to decide on the main active ingredient. In the kitchen of any housewife there will probably be a couple of products suitable for this purpose.

If you need to get rid of the smell of plastic in a new refrigerator, you need to wipe all shelves and walls with a soda solution before adding food for the first time. But if the smell appears as the appliance is used, you should use an odor absorber for refrigerators.

The simplest method is to use baking soda poured into a shallow container. It tends to absorb odor molecules, but it must be changed at least 4-5 times a month.

Some people recommend using lemon, orange and other citrus peels. But this measure rather refers to the neutralization of odors, rather than their removal. Therefore, this method can be used as an additional measure.

Judging by the reviews, ground coffee is a powerful odor absorber. Therefore, you can pour it into a container and leave it for several days. However, it is not recommended to use coffee all the time because it leaves a strong aroma on all foods stored in the refrigerator.

Many industrial absorbers use activated carbon. Although the composition is slightly different, it is still possible to use tablets that have been previously ground to eliminate odors. The method is effective, but requires constant replacement with a new powder.

Store funds

Cleaning with pre-mixed detergent will help get rid of the odor. After cleaning, place commercial quality absorbents designed specifically for refrigerators on your shelves.


Instead of wet cleaning, the refrigerator body should be cleaned with a special cleaning agent that removes unwanted odors:

  • Topper;
  • Electrolux;
  • Luxus;
  • Magic Power;
  • Top House;
  • Sano Refrigerator Cleaner;
  • Bon;
  • Sidolux Professional.

Spray the product onto the surface and wipe dry with a cloth. There is no need to rinse. Do not spray on the product.


Special odor-absorbing wipes are available.

They are sold in rolls and are often available in a variety of colors. The fabric is made of non-woven material containing active carbon. It is used for three months and then replaced with a new sheet. Napkins are produced by Potter (China), Top House (Italy) and Topperr (Germany).


To get rid of this fragrant combination of products, buy a ready-made aroma absorber with absorbent. Absorbent used:

  • silica gel;
  • carbon filler;
  • algae gel with lemon extract;
  • salt crystals.

The absorbent is available in spheres and round containers with holes. Well-known manufacturers of absorbers for refrigerators:

  • Topper;
  • "Barrier";
  • Fridge Balls;
  • Helfer;
  • OdorGone;
  • Electrolux;
  • Breesal;
  • Zumman.

Place the capsule in the corner of the door and periodically replace it with a new product.


Ionizers are more complex and expensive devices. Using the ozone produced, the devices remove odors, disinfect walls, food and slow down the decomposition process. They operate on batteries and are placed in the refrigerator door.

Well-known manufacturers:

  • "Super Plus";
  • Tinydeal;
  • Air Comfort;
  • AirTec;
  • Neotec.


An industrial odor absorber for refrigerators does the job. When choosing it, they are guided by cost and required functionality. Small balls placed around the entire perimeter of the refrigerator are most effective.

To avoid rapid spoilage of food, it is better to choose an ionizer, but its cost is somewhat high. Among the most effective and mid-price products are gel absorbers. Their composition completely eliminates the problem, and the complete absence of odor of the active substance does not affect the products.

In the absence of a ready-made absorber, it is quite possible to make do with folk remedies. Their effectiveness is slightly less, but it justifies the low cost and ease of preparation.

How to get rid of odor in the freezer

Often the freezer stinks of meat or fish stored without packaging. Decomposing processed foods release hydrogen sulfide or ammonia, which creates a persistent stench. To eliminate the stench, spoiled and unpackaged food is thrown away. The freezer is defrosted. The only way to get rid of the smell is to wash the walls, door, seal and removable parts with a safe product:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • diluted vinegar;
  • raspberry solution of potassium permanganate;
  • soapy water;
  • citric acid.

Thoroughly wipe the treated surfaces, including the areas under the sealant. Pour out the water that has run into the pan. After 1 – 3 hours, after airing, packaged fresh products are loaded. Aroma absorbers or crumpled paper are placed on the shelves, which are removed every other day.

Regular cleaning will bring excellent results, and budget home remedies are good helpers

Reference! Thoroughly clean and ventilate plastic parts, drawers, removable shelves: polymer materials quickly absorb and retain odors.

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