How to remove a scratch from a refrigerator: ways to prevent it from appearing, useful tips

When purchasing kitchen equipment for their home, everyone expects that it will last for several years. A refrigerator is an indispensable thing in every person’s household. But, like any other equipment, it is susceptible to mechanical damage caused by various external factors. Most often, dents, chips and scratches appear on the surface. Complex defects can only be repaired by a qualified specialist. Others can be prevented or removed yourself at home. There are many tools and simple technologies available to anyone for this purpose.

A refrigerator is an indispensable thing in every person’s household.

Reasons for scratches on the refrigerator

Most often, scratches appear on the door and sides of the refrigerator. They can be applied during transportation or movement of equipment from place to place. Damage can be caused by improper cleaning and care. Some cleaning products have an aggressive effect on the material from which the unit is made.

Most often, scratches appear on the door and sides of the refrigerator.

Scratches can also be caused by the behavior of children or animals. Roughness occurs when decorative items (magnets, photographs, calendars, etc.) are attached to the refrigerator.

Scratches can also be caused by the behavior of children or animals.

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The simplest steps

When special tools are not available, you can use a regular proofreader, which corrects errors in typewritten text. With its help it is possible to hide small scratches. However, it is worth considering that in the process of thorough cleaning you will need to carefully wash the painted areas in this way. Although updating them regularly is not at all difficult.

Well, if you don’t want to bother with paint, you can simply hang a magnet that hides the defect. This is the most affordable option. Souvenir magnets perfectly hide dents that occur when transporting the refrigerator.

Modern refrigerators are made of inexpensive carbon steel with a polymer or paint coating. Therefore, during transportation, various scratches may occur.

You will need

  • - sandpaper;
  • — gasoline;
  • - putty;
  • - enamel or acrylic paint;
  • - white nail polish;
  • - marker or corrector;
  • - decorative magnet.


Minor damage will be ideally masked by a special marker that is used to sketch out scratches

on cars. Shake it thoroughly before use and sketch out any imperfections. Since it is not exactly cheap, buy it if there are a significant number of scratches.

A cheaper option is to sketch the scratches

polish for French manicure. Buy

With proper cleaning and care, a stainless steel refrigerator can maintain its original appearance and shine for a long time. Small scratches can be removed with a cloth and a mild polish. If there are many scratches or they are deep, you will have to use sandpaper.

Ways to remove scratches from a refrigerator

There are several ways to remove scratches from a refrigerator:

  • polishing with cleaning agents;
  • use of a special converter;
  • applying baby oil to the scratch;
  • rubbing in toothpaste that does not contain crystals and granules;
  • using sandpaper;
  • purchasing a special kit for repairing scratches.

Damage can be disguised with beautiful magnets, family photos, useful notes, etc. For more serious defects, specific parts may need to be replaced. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a workshop. Expert advice will be needed when the owner of the equipment does not have the proper experience in this matter and does not have an idea of ​​how and how to repair a scratch on the refrigerator.

Expert advice will be needed when the owner of the equipment does not have the proper experience in this matter and does not have an idea of ​​how and how to repair a scratch on the refrigerator.

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Deep scratches can be removed with sandpaper. But check with the manufacturers first, if possible, to find out what size sandpaper you need for your model. Once you have clarified this issue, you can begin:

  1. The surface must remain wet during the sanding process. Therefore, wet the scratched area and ensure that it remains wet throughout the polishing process.
  2. The sandpaper should be damp, so wet it slightly and lightly rub the sandpaper over the scratch, working along the texture of the metal.
  3. Finally, go around the scratch to smooth out the sanding.
  4. Dry the treated area. A fabric with a microwave surface is perfect for these purposes.
  5. Apply olive oil to the polished area.

Painting scratches according to surface color

In connection with modern design solutions, many people have a question: how to remove scratches from a steel-colored refrigerator at home? When working with a steel surface, it is necessary to determine the direction of the texture of the canvas. Otherwise, visible streaks will remain on the door and side walls after processing.

In connection with modern design solutions, many people have a question: how to remove scratches from a steel-colored refrigerator at home?

After determining the direction of the texture, the surface must be properly prepared. To do this, dilute the detergent in warm water and use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dirt. We wash off the remaining cleaning powder with clean water and wipe the refrigerator dry.

A weakly concentrated vinegar solution will help remove stubborn stains or greasy stains.

A weakly concentrated vinegar solution will help remove stubborn stains or greasy stains.

To paint over scratches on a steel surface, specialized stores offer acrylic paints or markers. This method is also used for polishing cars and other equipment.

A creative approach will help get rid of damage. A painting purchased or painted with your own hands can mask roughness. This will require a little imagination and free time. The drawing can be done by coordinating it with the overall interior of the kitchen.

A painting purchased or painted with your own hands can mask roughness.

See also: How to clean a new refrigerator before turning it on for the first time. Folk remedies and household chemicals

Preparing for painting

Preparing for the restoration of a kitchen appliance involves choosing:

  1. Coloring technologies.
  2. Tools.
  3. Paints.

The following tools may be needed for work:

  • brushes, roller;
  • spray;
  • polyethylene and construction tape.

It is worth noting that using brushes and a roller will not give such an ideal result as a spray gun. The surface will still be uneven, with defects. Creating decor, on the contrary, requires careful use of these tools.

It is good to use a spray bottle in a spacious room or outdoors, in a free area that is easily cleaned of contamination. When using a spray gun, the layer is smooth, thin, neat, and uniform.

For your information! Using a spray gun is convenient for painting large surfaces. It is better to pass through restricted areas with an aerosol can.

Before starting work, the surface must be washed with soapy water, degreased and dried well. Remove the flaking coating with sandpaper, remove greasy stains with a solution, and cover with tape all areas that will not be painted. Protect floors and adjacent surfaces with film or old newspapers.

Polishing with whitening toothpaste or special polish

Toothpaste of a uniform consistency will help polish defects on the refrigerator. It is applied with a soft cloth or toothbrush. To do this you need to do the following. 1. Apply a small amount of paste to the brush and wipe the problem area. The pressure should not be strong, and the direction should correspond to the texture of the metal. 2. Excess substance must be removed with a dry cloth and the result checked. 3. After processing, the paste must dry. 4. Finally, the sanded surface of the product is wiped with olive or sunflower oil.

Toothpaste of a uniform consistency will help polish defects on the refrigerator. It is applied with a soft cloth or toothbrush.

Masking damage with magnets, stickers or decorative items You can hide scratched areas with original magnets and other decorations. In this case, it is not necessary to contact specialists. You can make unusual decor for the refrigerator yourself.

You can hide scratched areas with original magnets and other decorations.

Nowadays, it is considered fashionable to paint over household appliances with crayons or slate paint. Many people decorate the refrigerator with vinyl stickers, magnetic panels with photo printing, carved parts, self-adhesive film, etc.

One of the common ways to update a refrigerator is decoupage. The style can be very different, depending on the preferences of the owner.

One of the common ways to update a refrigerator is decoupage.

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Minor damage

To remove shallow scratches, you will need a light abrasive polish, wax and a piece of cloth. All this is sold in a car store at an affordable price. The consultant will help you choose the most suitable option. The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

1. To begin with, the car body is thoroughly washed. When the vehicle is dry, inspect the damaged area to ensure there is no sand or dust. Polishing is carried out only in a dry room.

2. Apply a little paste to the fabric and rub the damaged area. It is important to apply the product in a circular motion with little force. Professionals do not recommend rubbing in one place for too long, as the active substance can damage the varnish coating on the body.

Replacing a damaged part

Sometimes manual work does not bring the desired results. In this case, it may be necessary to completely replace the damaged parts. To do this, you need to contact a specialized center or directly to the product manufacturer. All necessary information on replacing doors, walls or other parts can be obtained from the workshop staff or the manufacturer.

All necessary information on replacing doors, walls or other parts can be obtained from the workshop staff or the manufacturer.

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Using technology

It seems to a beginner that with the help of a polishing pad the work will come out faster and better. However, you need experience, without which it is better not to take risks. If you hold the machine at an angle and use it with uneven movements, overheating from the abrasive occurs, which leads to damage to the paintwork. As a result, so-called holograms appear on the surface, i.e., circular damage to the paint that immediately catches the eye.

Therefore, it is safer to polish by hand.

How to prevent scratches?

To avoid deformation and damage to the surfaces of the refrigerator, it is recommended not to place the unit close to the wall, furniture or interior doors.

To avoid deformation and damage to the surfaces of the refrigerator, it is recommended not to place the unit close to the wall, furniture or interior doors.

During transportation and rearrangement of equipment, it is advisable to pack it in a special material that will protect it from impacts, chips, dents, scratches and other damage during transportation. The protective film is removed after delivery to the destination. When traveling, the refrigerator must be in an upright position, in a stable position and not in contact with the walls of the car.

During transportation and rearrangement of equipment, it is advisable to pack it in a special material that will protect it from impacts, chips, dents, scratches and other damage during transportation.

Also, when cleaning the refrigerator, you should pay attention to the quality and composition of detergents and accessories. For example, wire wool leaves characteristic abrasions and roughness on the metal. Water entering cracks leads to corrosion. Some cleaning agents are too strong and may harm the material being treated.

Also, when cleaning the refrigerator, you should pay attention to the quality and composition of detergents and accessories.

Before using the refrigerator, it is recommended to read the instructions. As a rule, each manufacturer indicates in it which processing agents are suitable for a particular material. To safely clean your refrigerator, you can safely use non-abrasive detergents, soda, soap or vinegar solution, as well as mild dishwashing detergent.

To safely clean your refrigerator, you can safely use non-abrasive detergents, soda, soap or vinegar solution, as well as mild dishwashing detergent.

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Is it possible to paint the refrigerator compartment?

If the refrigerator compartment was enameled, rust will inevitably appear at the joints of the panels and in the cracks, no amount of cleaning will save you from yellow stains. The inner surface is almost not ventilated, the air in the chamber is humid, making it difficult to choose a coloring composition. The smell of paint from the refrigerator takes a long time to be removed. Special absorbers based on activated carbon and silica gel are used.

Only water-based acrylate can be used. But before that, you need to remove the rust, apply a special converter, degrease and prime the surface. It is almost impossible to remove odors and harm from other paints from the refrigerator.

Useful tips

To get rid of scratches of varying complexity on the refrigerator you will need:

polish, soft cleaning powder, non-granulated toothpaste; toothbrush, lint-free cloth or sponge; sandpaper; marker pencil or acrylic paint; special polishing kit; water; vinegar or soda solution.

For some damage, regular olive, sunflower or baby oil may be suitable. This option will not eliminate the problem completely, but it can mask it for a while. It is worth remembering that over time, dirt and dust will begin to accumulate in the treated areas, as a result of which the surface of the refrigerator will not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, the problem requires a deeper solution.

For some damage, regular olive, sunflower or baby oil may be suitable.

Experienced housewives often use regular wax for polishing. Thanks to it, scratches become invisible, and the surface looks smooth and even.

The modern market offers many special tools and devices that help keep the appearance of the refrigerator in excellent condition for a long time. In addition to improvised means and kits, manufacturers produce various pastes, creams, gels, aerosols, paints and marked pencils.

Experienced housewives often use regular wax for polishing.

To safely remove scratches and effectively clean the refrigerator's surface, especially white ones, experts recommend using a melamine sponge that contains melamine resin and synthetic microfiber. Before use, it is moistened with warm water without using any detergents. Such a sponge not only does not damage the surface, but also collects all the contaminants accumulated in microcracks.

To safely remove scratches and effectively clean the refrigerator's surface, especially white ones, experts recommend using a melamine sponge that contains melamine resin and synthetic microfiber.

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To clean and polish the surface, you can use special solutions, ointments and powders. At the moment, Comet, Ajax and Bon Ami have proven themselves well. Before using any of them, you must carefully study the instructions and act according to them. Most of these products are not safe for the skin of your hands, so it is better to carry out the surface restoration procedure while wearing rubber gloves. It is better to check the effect of the drug on a small scratch, after which you can completely remove the abrasions. To do this, the powder must be diluted with water to form a thick paste, apply it to the refrigerator and rub until the scratches are eliminated.

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