Using insecticidal smoke bombs to kill bedbugs indoors

This method of treating insects as smoke has been known for quite some time. The first to use smoke as a pest control were China and Japan. After all, this method of fighting is simple - you just need to activate the saber and wait for the result. Acrid smoke will penetrate into the most inaccessible places, where sometimes it is impossible to reach either with a spray or an aerosol manually. In this article we will try to explain in detail what smoke etching is, and we will talk about such a remedy as a smoke bomb for bedbugs Quiet Evening.

Description of the checker Quiet Evening

The method itself is quite effective and has long been used for treatment against various insects in agricultural complexes, warehouses, garages, and summer cottages. And now they have begun to use it in residential premises, but this also has its own nuances. Smoke bombs, according to their purpose, differ in the composition of the active substance:

  • On livestock farms, sulfur dioxide, released when sulfur burns, is used to combat parasites. A highly toxic and effective substance for bactericidal, insecticidal and antifungal treatment.
  • To treat barns and agricultural storage facilities, didecyldimethylammonium bromide, which has bactericidal and fungicidal (antifungal) properties, is used.
  • Permethrin is used to treat residential premises, cinemas, warehouses and large areas. An insecticide of plant origin that has a paralytic effect on insects.
  • A chlorine-based substance - Hexachlorane - has a nerve-paralytic effect on parasites.

The composition of the Quiet Evening checker includes such an active substance as permethrin 10%, a substance of plant origin found in chamomile flowers.
Absolutely harmless to humans and animals. The principle of the checker is that when activated, a cloud of smoke is created, which subsequently settles in the form of a plaque. A smoke bomb from bedbugs has a contact effect; when it hits the body of an insect, it penetrates inside and, acting on nerve endings, prevents the transmission of impulses, causing paralysis and subsequent death of the insect. Interesting fact: In the absence of food, bedbugs can enter a state close to anabiotic and remain in it for about a year. If conditions arise that are unsuitable for the life of the insect, it leaves the territory in search of a more favorable environment and source of food.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of any checker preparation is fumigation, that is, treating the territory with substances in the form of gas. Therefore, checkers are fumigators, only more effective and more dangerous than miniature household appliances into which a bottle of liquid or a flat rectangular “tablet” is inserted.

The design of the checker is similar to that of an aerosol. With one significant difference: you can control the spraying of the aerosol yourself, but the spraying of the bomb occurs independently, regardless of the person. The insecticidal aerosol that the device produces after being ignited or launched even penetrates deep into the upholstery of upholstered furniture and inside sleeping mattresses, so there is no need to identify nests before starting baiting. Smoke will find bedbugs everywhere, no matter how well they hide.


The product demonstrates high efficiency not only due to its special device, but also due to the content of powerful acaricides and insecticides in the gas produced.

  • Sulfur compounds. When these substances ignite, they begin to transform into sulfur dioxide. This insecticide kills mold and living creatures living in rooms with high air humidity.
  • Permethrin. A broad-spectrum acaricide and insecticide that, upon contact with an insect or penetrating into its gastrointestinal tract, first paralyzes the parasite. Death occurs after a short period of time due to a stop in the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Hexachlorane. A toxin that contains chlorine, which is dangerous not only for insects, but also for warm-blooded creatures. The insecticide acts similarly to the previous one: it paralyzes the creeping reptile and kills it.
  • Didecyldimethylammonium bromide. An effective fungus control agent that is often used on vegetable farms, gardens and agricultural land. The fungicide has powerful bactericidal properties and fights not only insects, but also bacteria that cause fungal infections.
  • Application nuances

    It is necessary to use gas bombs in apartments of multi-storey buildings with extreme caution. By and large, these insect baiting agents are intended for the following objects:

  • Vacation home;
  • industrial premises;
  • country house;
  • duplex house (for two owners).
  • Due to the high content of toxic substances, there is a high risk of poisoning not only yourself, but also your neighbors. Therefore, be sure to consult with specialists and inform those who live near you.

    In multi-storey buildings, the smoke produced by the saber can spread through the ventilation and poison the neighbors.

Preparing for disinfestation

The checker is mainly designed for use in open or non-residential areas up to 1000 m2, it is convenient to use in a private home. There are some nuances in the apartment; firstly, you must notify all your neighbors so that the fire brigade is not called. Turn off fire alarms so they don't go off. Close ventilation shafts, drains, sewerage, water supply, windows, vents and entrance doors. Carry out preparatory measures for disinfestation:

  • Initially, cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner will help to open the nests and determine the total number of bedbugs.
  • Move all furniture away from the walls.
  • Remove bedding, curtains and drapes and put them in the wash.
  • Remove carpets, paintings and decorative items from the walls.
  • Houseplants and aquarium should be covered or removed.
  • Pack food, dishes, cosmetics and personal hygiene products in plastic bags.
  • Clear the room of people and animals, at least for a couple of hours.

Rules of application

Before using a smoke bomb, you must read the instructions for its use. Due to the fact that a smoke or sulfur bomb is not the safest means of combating parasites, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. After all, toxic fumes are harmful to humans; they can cause discomfort in the form of headaches and nausea.


Disinfestation of an apartment using a smoke bomb is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from allergies or asthma.

  1. When using a smoke bomb, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment. These include: a respirator or mask, goggles, overalls or other maximally closed clothing.

    Means of protection

  2. All people and pets should be removed from the area to be treated. If you have a large aquarium, cover it with cover glass. The compressor must be turned off during processing.
  3. There should also be no food, dishes, children's toys or things in this room. They must be taken out of the room or packaged in plastic bags.
  4. The sleeping area is cleared of bed linen, which is hung in the same room. If it is a sofa, it must be unfolded; if it is a bed, the mattress is removed and placed in an upright position, slightly leaning against the wall.
  5. If possible, furniture should be moved away from the walls so that smoke from bedbugs can penetrate as much as possible into all hard-to-reach places.
  6. If there are fire detectors in the house, they should be turned off.
  7. The ventilation holes are sealed with tape.
  8. The smoke bomb is placed in a metal bucket or basin and placed in the center of the room. This will prevent smoldering elements from scattering.
  9. The wick is set on fire and when thick smoke is released, they leave the room, closing the doors tightly.
  10. The smoldering process takes no more than 10 minutes. Treatment of bedbugs with smoke takes place within 2 hours from the moment the bomb is set on fire. After which the room is thoroughly ventilated and all possible contact surfaces are wet cleaned. It is better to use a soap solution for this.
  11. Bed linen, bedspreads and blankets are washed whenever possible.

Instructions for using the Quiet Evening checker

Use protective equipment, safety glasses, and a respirator will not be superfluous. We open all interior doors to allow smoke to spread freely. Place the checker on a non-burning surface (a metal bowl is fine). Bedbugs are inactive and settle near the feeding area, and feeding on our blood and mainly at night, their main habitats will be located directly near our places of rest and sleep. We install the checker in the bedroom and set it on fire, as soon as the smoke starts to leave the room for 2 - 3 hours. After returning, we open everything for ventilation for an hour, after burning there will be no pungent specific smell. But the smell of burning will be present, but will disappear completely within 2 weeks. After ventilation, we carry out partial cleaning of the most contact surfaces, door handles, tables, chairs, places of frequent stay. Smoke residue has a residual effect for 10 - 14 days, so carry out general cleaning after 2 weeks. If the process of burning a bomb scares you, you can turn to aquafumigators whose action is based on the chemical effect of a substance with water (for example, the Raptor aquafumigator).

It is prohibited for allergy sufferers and asthmatics to be treated by persons under 18 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons suffering from somatic (diseases of the skin and respiratory system, internal organs) diseases.

- Why are you so sad? - Yes, my bugs declared war on the neighbors. - Well, rejoice: they will kill each other! - Yeah, rejoice... Yesterday they brought one and a half thousand prisoners!


Using the City checker for fumigation, you can permanently destroy the following insects:

  • Cockroaches;
  • Fleas;
  • Mosquitoes;
  • Flies.

The smoke spreads to all inaccessible areas of the room, so all parasites will be destroyed. Through fumigation, the insecticide begins to work instantly, but the result will only be noticeable in closed areas. That is why you should first take care of sealing the room being treated.

The smoke creates a high concentration inside the object and destroys even insects that managed to hide in the cracks. The product is universal and suitable for use in both residential and non-residential premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all existing insecticides, the Quiet Evening smoke bomb has its pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  1. Smoke treatment is more convenient - it penetrates everywhere.
  2. Residual effect - deposited plaque after combustion lasts for 2 weeks.
  3. Not dangerous - plant origin is safe for people and pets.
  4. Ease of use - very convenient when used in large open areas, cottages, vegetable gardens, private houses.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. The main disadvantages include only preparation for processing; sometimes it is difficult to negotiate with neighbors.
  2. Some may be wary of the price; it varies depending on the region, but on average 400 - 480 rubles.

Terms of use

The checker is harmful not only to the bloodsuckers that bite you at night, but also to you, as well as your loved ones and pets who live in the house. Therefore, the main guarantee of effectiveness is strict adherence to the recommendations. Read the seven points below, and then be sure to read the information on the insert or packaging.

  1. Protective suit. Before you start working with a smoke bomb, you must protect your own body from contact with the gas. A respirator, special glasses, a protective gown or overalls, and rubber gloves will help with this.
  2. Down with everyone. Warm-blooded living beings (dog, spouse, children and mother-in-law) must be asked to leave the house. They will have to spend the next few hours visiting or in a cafe with a cup of tea.
  3. Total blockage. All windows, vents, doors and other openings through which fresh air enters the house must be closed. Otherwise, the “priceless” gas will leak outside the home, instead of going to bloodsuckers.
  4. Arson or arrangement of cans. If the checker is equipped with a special wick, you will have to set it on fire using matches or a lighter. A hot smoke bomb threatens your health, so as soon as you see smoke emanating (and this will happen ten minutes after the start of smoldering), leave the room, tightly closing the front door behind you. If the appliance is started by contact with water, proceed as follows. Fill one jar with liquid to the indicated mark. Place the second one containing the powder in the first one. After this, the smoke treatment will begin, and you will need to leave your home.
  5. Correct installation. It is important that the device is placed on a surface that is not flammable. It can be a large cobblestone or an ordinary brick. You can also place a checker on a ceramic tile, and in the center of a room that is infested with bedbugs.
  6. Duration of smoke emission. Gas will be released from the drug for about two hours. The housing must be securely sealed for three hours.
  7. Return. Eight hours later, wearing a protective suit, you have to enter the room to open the windows wide and ventilate it. At the moment of ventilation, you need to leave the house again, and finally return no earlier than two to three hours later.

Popular brands of smoke bombs

The products of the following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Sulfur Smoke Bomb Climate - produced in packages of 150 and 300 g, 5 and 10 tablets, respectively. The concentration is 75% sulfur, costs about 60 rubles, and is used to treat storage facilities, greenhouses and farms.
  • Sulfur Smoke Bomb Fas - similar in composition and use to the Climate bomb. Available in 300g packaging, 80% sulfur. Used for: preventing mold on wooden surfaces, drying basements. From rodents and moles, extermination of insect pests. Preventing the development of fungal diseases. Price about 50 rub.
  • Checker Quiet Evening based on permethrin 10% - can be used in open areas: tourism, fishing, hunting, area up to 250 m2, for household needs on a personal plot. On farms, livestock farms, households. In greenhouses and greenhouses, in apartments and detached residential buildings. Used to kill both crawling and flying insects. Price about 490 rub.
  • Smoke bomb City - the active ingredient permethrin 13% is used to kill cockroaches, bedbugs, woodlice and other pests. Used for processing: warehouses and storage facilities for non-food products; basement and semi-basement technical areas; back rooms of non-grocery stores; catering establishments in the absence of people and food products. The treatment is also carried out in hotel premises (without the presence of residents). Price about 250 rub.
  • Smoke bomb Cyfum - contains permethrin 10%. Used against mosquitoes, flies, moths, cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, ants. The price is about 225 rubles. – 20g.
  • Smoke Bomb-B pawn is based on 45% cypermethrin. Used against mosquitoes, flies, horseflies, woodlice, bedbugs, ticks. Price 920 rub. per package 50g.

Product description

The insecticide is produced by the manufacturer in a polymer package of 50 g. There is a conical depression on the upper surface of the cylinder. The shelf life of such a product while maintaining the effect of the active substance is two years.

In Moscow, you can get Shashka City quickly and start pest control immediately. If you are tired of being around pests and cannot achieve total destruction of parasites, then use such a pyrotechnic product. If you follow the operating rules, safety is guaranteed.

Secondary processing

The poison affects living bedbugs, but it does not affect eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out secondary treatment of the room; this is done after several days. It must take at least two weeks.

You need to treat the room a second time immediately, because the larvae develop quickly and after a month they can already actively reproduce. An anti-bedbug checker helps to evenly treat the entire area of ​​the home.

There is a way to treat the room at one time, but to get results you need to find the bedbug colony and treat the eggs with an aerosol. After the eggs are destroyed, a bedbug bomb should be used. But even in such a case, it is impossible to say with certainty that all bedbug eggs have been destroyed.

If you have a sufficient financial situation, you should use the services of special groups for pest control. The guarantee of success with large-scale treatment of the entrance is higher than with local use of funds. Reviews from residents about this product are quite positive.

Residents need to clean their mattresses at least twice a year; during cleaning, a strong cleaning agent will be required. Larvae and other waste products of pests must be removed from human resting places.


The main active ingredient of the composition is permethrin at a concentration of 13%. Fir oil, ammonium nitrate and peat substrate are used as auxiliary components.

Pest damage occurs within the first two hours. The residual effect of the insecticide is 14 days, as you will see for yourself. In the air of the working area, the intensity of permethrin accumulation is 1 mg per cubic meter. Similar results cannot be achieved with other forms of insect repellent.

Types of checkers used against bedbugs

Nowadays, many insect repellents have been developed, which differ in active substances and additional components.

Sulfur bomb "Climate" - only for certain premises outside human habitation

The basis of the “Climate” checker is sulfur, which, when burned, turns into sulfur dioxide - a strong poison that can destroy even mold and various bacteria. Various insect pests will not be able to pass by either: they will either run away from the “aroma” of sulfur, or the substance will penetrate their body and disrupt the functioning of the respiratory system, resulting in death.

Sulfur bomb "Climate" destroys mold, bacteria and insects

Sulfur dioxide, which is formed during the combustion of sulfur, is extremely dangerous for human and animal health - a small concentration can cause inflammation and even swelling of the respiratory system.

Sulfur dioxide belongs to the third class of danger for humans, however, when it enters the body, it disrupts the functioning of the respiratory system, so it is necessary to observe safety measures when working with it, as if it had a second class of danger.

Sulfur dioxide is very poisonous

The sulfur bombs are supplied with a wick, which must be set on fire. It will burn for one and a half to two minutes, during which it is necessary to leave the room so that sulfur dioxide does not enter the lungs.

Sulfur bombs "Climate" must be used only in cellars outside residential buildings, free-standing greenhouses, hangars, greenhouses, hotbeds and other storage facilities. A prerequisite for this is the absence of products, people and animals at the time of processing. After disinfection, 24–36 hours should pass, after which the room must be thoroughly ventilated. Once there is no odor left in it, it will be safe for humans and animals. The product is prohibited for use in residential premises.

I'm satisfied with the result. Firstly, it really disinfects the room well. I didn’t find any plaque on the jars even after 3 months. Secondly, everything is very simple to use. Thirdly, it also disappears quickly. Fourthly - low price. There are a lot of advantages and therefore I can definitely recommend you to use it.


The “Quiet Evening” checker is a relatively safe option for detached residential buildings

The active substance of the “Quiet Evening” checker is synthetic permethrin, which has a third hazard class (moderately dangerous), which indicates its safety for human and animal health when used outdoors, but it repels insects and can kill if it gets into them organism. Additional components are paraffin and wax, which, when the checkers smolder, form an insecticidal cloud that will kill all pests. Thus, “Quiet Evening” is an absolutely safe remedy for humans when used correctly.

“Quiet Evening” protects well from all types of insects, not only from flying ones

Permethrin is a contact agent, but its vapor will penetrate wherever air can reach, so all insects will receive their “share of the gift.” The insecticide will penetrate the spiracles of not only flying insects, but also well-hidden bed bugs.

Important! Do not use this bomb in an apartment building: through the ventilation, toxic fumes will enter other apartments.

"Quiet Evening" can be used both indoors and outdoors . At the same time, the insecticidal film on all surfaces indoors lasts for up to 14 days, and outdoors for up to 3 days. One checker is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​up to one thousand cubic meters and outdoors with a light wind of up to three hundred square meters.

In promotional videos they run around a fire with this saber, driving away mosquitoes. How they themselves do not suffocate, I don’t know. And it kills not only mosquitoes, but all insects in general. So these lovers of checkers in nature should be prosecuted for causing damage to the ecological system. Some people claim that it can be placed indoors where it will kill all insects, including bedbugs, cockroaches, and ants. That's exactly what I did. She only thinned out the bedbugs, then she had to kill them off with household sprays, and that was unsuccessful. But its concentration, if you believe what is written on the packaging, in my apartment was 15–20 times more than necessary. My persistent bedbugs turned out to be trained ones. No, of course there was an effect. At first they became terribly excited, as expected from a non-lethal dose of nerve gas, then they partially died. Then those who survived the chemical attack began to reproduce safely. However, the fact that it does not completely kill bedbugs is not all. The smoke from this bomb fills the entire apartment, even the most secluded crevices, with a fine, greasy dust. It is this dust that is supposed to kill bedbugs, but it does not sit on vertical surfaces, and does not penetrate under the legs of furniture and various vases and figurines, as if deliberately leaving bedbugs shelters. And then this dust has to be shoveled out almost with a shovel. I would only recommend this remedy for bedbugs to my enemy. Although, of course, when the bugs get stuck, it will do as a first blow.


Video: killing insects using a “Quiet Evening” smoke bomb

Aquafumigator "Raptor" - for apartments

The “Raptor” checker is unique of its kind in Russia, since it does not need to be set on fire, but rather inserted into a special container with water, upon contact with which a thermal reaction begins and vapors are formed. The active substance is cyphenothrin, which has a powerful paralytic effect (third class of toxicity). It is capable of penetrating not only through the chitinous cover of adult insects, but also through the shell of eggs. True, not all eggs die, so it is advisable to re-treat 2-3 weeks after the first.

Aquafumigator "Raptor" is an effective means for exterminating various insects in residential and business premises of various types

Cyphenothrin is a powerful nerve agent that prevents the nervous system from relaxing, causing paralysis and the death of the insect. Doesn't work on humans.

A special substance - gokylate - upon contact with water, forms vapors of the active component, which, like fog, spread throughout the room, filling all the cracks. After treatment, a very thin film remains, which effectively destroys insects within 2-3 weeks, although the result is noticeable from the very beginning of exposure.

The main advantage of this checker is that there is no need for contact with fire for a thermal reaction. Thanks to this, the aquafumigator can be installed in any room, even where there are a lot of flammable objects.

One checker is designed for a room of 30 square meters.

We returned to the apartment a little more than 3 hours later, opening the door I saw that there was still a foggy haze in the apartment. While I was running to open the windows I managed to breathe in a little, then I coughed for several minutes, the smell causes a persistent sore throat. We waited another 20 minutes until the fog and smell from the apartment disappeared, so that we could go into it with the children. Then, of course, we inspect the apartment to find corpses of living creatures, I happily note that they do exist and there are quite a few of them. Then I see a picture that a small part of the insects is trying to crawl along the walls and ceiling, but clearly intoxicated and half-dead, with the help of a vacuum cleaner we help them to die completely. At first impression, I like the result much better than after treating the apartment with an exterminator.


Japanese smoke bomb - beware of fakes

An analogue of the Raptor aquafumigator is a Japanese smoke bomb, which acts in exactly the same way:

  1. Water is poured into a special container.
  2. The checker is dropped there.
  3. After 1–2 minutes, the thermal reaction begins.
  4. Insecticide vapors fill the entire space of the room and destroy all the insects present in it.

The Japanese checker is much more effective than the Raptor, since it destroys insect eggs the first time, but it is also much more expensive.

Japanese smoke bomb - an effective and easy-to-use remedy

It is very difficult to buy a real Japanese smoke bomb with an insecticide that is safe for humans in Russia due to the lack of control over their supply from abroad. There is a possibility of purchasing a product with a substance of the second class of danger (poisonous for humans and animals).

The checker is designed for 22–26 square meters.

Girls, if you have the opportunity to order a smoke bomb to Japan, order it! You will not regret. It helps a lot. And it’s safe (to leave the room for 4 hours), but of course it’s advisable to tell grandma for the whole day (I think so). Although the smell after smoke is not particularly strong, the Japanese take into account the fact that people live in this room.


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