Aerosol for killing crawling and flying insects - Dichlorvos Neo odorless: instructions for use and precautions

Insects and people do not get along well in the same territory. Seemingly endless beetles, flies, cockroaches, bedbugs and ants surround us everywhere, and there is simply no escape. Not only are they annoying, but they are also dangerous to health, because some of them bite, while others carry various diseases. However, there are many ways to get rid of this unpleasant problem. One of these is “Dichlorvos NEO”.


The drug Dichlorvos Neo belongs to the group of organophosphorus compounds. The highly toxic product has a detrimental effect not only on pests and parasites, but also on people and pets.

The improved formula contains three active ingredients:

  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • permethrin;
  • cypermethrin.

Additional Ingredients:

  • ethanol;
  • fragrances;
  • preservatives;
  • stabilizers.

The manufacturer indicates that the toxic aerosol is odorless, but owners who have used the product to kill cockroaches, fleas, flies, ants, bedbugs, and other insects write about the presence of an unpleasant “aroma.” The smell of Dichlorvos Neo is not as strong as that of some insecticides, but it is still present.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using folk remedies? Check out a selection of effective recipes.

Instructions for using Regent 800 against cockroaches and precautions are described on this page.


The combination of substances included in the pyrethroid group explains the high effectiveness of the insecticide. The active components have a neuroparalytic effect on harmful insects. Pyrethroids disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses, the insect’s organs do not function properly, and after some time the pest dies.

Dichlorvos Neo based on three active substances has a complex effect:

  • through the digestive system;
  • penetrates the respiratory tract;
  • enters the body of pests and parasites upon contact with treated areas (contact-surface action).


Organophosphorus compounds appeared on the insecticide market several decades ago. They are gradually being replaced by new drugs with an improved formula, high efficiency, but less toxicity. But people cannot yet completely abandon the use of this group of insecticides: solutions and aerosols quickly and efficiently destroy parasites and pests of almost all categories.


  • the universal composition has a detrimental effect on many flying and crawling insects;
  • the drug is effective for destroying secretly living pests;
  • high insecticidal activity has been confirmed by professional exterminators and millions of owners who have used the product to combat cockroaches, ticks, flies, moths, bedbugs, and fleas;
  • the complex effect ensures 100% disinfestation results;
  • the presence of three active ingredients reduces the likelihood of resistance: Dichlorvos acts even on pests and parasites that have adapted to the influence of weaker insecticides;
  • prolonged action - active components are effective for two weeks after treatment;
  • minimal aerosol consumption guarantees high performance;
  • after treatment, the drug residues quickly decompose into compounds that are safe for people and pets;
  • low price. Dichlorvos Neo belongs to the insecticides of the low price segment. The combination with a small consumption of the drug for treating a medium-sized apartment ensures the minimum cost of disinfestation at home.

Popular brands

The effectiveness of an insecticide largely depends on its manufacturer. There are several popular companies that have proven themselves.


The advantage of the Neo brand is that it is odorless Dichlorvos. There are also flavored options, with the smell of lemon and mint.

Dichlorvos "Neo", despite its relative safety, is a potent chemical. It contains permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide, which effectively destroy crawling and flying pests.

Due to its gentle action, the insecticide is used to treat livestock from psoroptosis, scabies, otodectosis, and pediculosis. But it is not recommended to treat pets - cats, dogs, rabbits - with the chemical, since their skin is more delicate. In addition, a pet can become poisoned by licking poison from its fur.

The validity period of “Neo” is 14 days, and during this time the aerosol retains its qualities. The spray is available in a 190 ml bottle, which is enough to treat a room of less than 40 m².


Unlike "Neo", "Varan" contains piperonyl butoxide. But, despite one more component, this drug is less effective, since the concentration of substances in it is much lower.

The effect of the insecticide lasts for 3 weeks; after this period, the treatment will need to be repeated.

It mainly fights cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants.


The main advantage of “Eco” is the smell - a light aroma of lavender. Another plus is the large volume of the cylinder – 250 ml, which allows you to treat several rooms at once.

Dichlorvos helps get rid of flies, midges, moths, as well as cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants.

Quite effective, but wears off quickly.


The composition includes several active ingredients: cypermethrin, permethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide. Due to this, “Universal” is suitable for combating all types of insects. It acts quickly and helps destroy even large colonies.

"Terminator station wagon"

Like “Universal”, it is suitable for killing all types of insects, it works even in the open air, and copes well with large colonies.

However, the smell of “Terminator” is very strong, pungent, and the composition contains toxic impurities. Therefore, you should not use this brand of insecticide if there are children in the house.

The big disadvantage of this product is the pungent odor that does not dissipate from the apartment for a long time. Moreover, some things can absorb the “aroma”; it cannot be removed.


Dichlorvos of this brand destroys uninvited guests very well, even if their population has grown greatly. At the same time, “Extra” has a very pungent odor; it is not recommended to use it in a closed room. Leave a window or door slightly open to allow fresh air to flow in.

"Clean house"

The product under this brand is valid for 3 weeks. It effectively fights adults and larvae.

However, the substances contained in the “Clean House” lose their properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the insecticide should not be left in direct sunlight.


Professional exterminators recommend using a toxic aerosol to combat pests and parasites when harmful insects are actively breeding. If the population has reached alarming proportions, weaker drugs do not help, you will have to buy Dichlorvos. If the number of parasites and pests is small, it is advisable to choose an insecticide from a different group.


  • organophosphorus compounds are toxic, negatively affecting not only ticks, cockroaches, flies, fleas, but also people and pets;
  • Care is required when working with the drug: the lack of protective equipment quickly causes toxic damage to the body.

Warning! It is prohibited to spray a toxic product on bedding, pet hair, surfaces, containers and cabinets where food, medicines, and hygiene items are stored. Violation of the rule causes negative reactions in humans and pets.

Instructions for use

An aggressive organophosphorus agent requires caution when treating premises and strict adherence to the rules. Disinsection carried out in violation of instructions does more harm than good. After purchasing an aerosol, owners are required to read the rules and clarify the nuances of exterminating flying or crawling insects in the house.

The first stage is preparation for disinfestation:

  • warn neighbors about the upcoming treatment of the apartment. The ideal option is to jointly fight bedbugs, cockroaches, and fleas. If there are no parasites on the lower and upper floors, the neighbors will close the air vents, windows, and balconies so that the pests do not move to them;
  • remove children and pets from the home. Adult family members should also not breathe Dichlorvos: it is important to remember the high toxicity of the organophosphorus compound. Cover the aquarium with fish, take away the cat litter box and bowl;
  • remove hygiene products, dishes, food, kitchen towels, and other items that absorb aerosol vapors;
  • move furniture away from the walls, provide access to all areas where harmful insects live;
  • wear protective clothing: old overalls, necessarily, with long sleeves, a respirator, medical gloves, plastic safety glasses;
  • open the windows and provide a good flow of fresh air.

Treatment of premises:

  • shake the can, direct the stream to areas where parasites are found;
  • Keep the container at arm's length so that the vapor does not get on your face. The spray actively penetrates into all cracks, if the distance from the can to the baseboards or furniture is no more than 25–30 cm;
  • treat corners, walls, window sills, baseboards, floors, cabinets, and the area next to the trash can and sink. Be sure to spray the composition in the air vents, on the back of panels, paintings, carpets, and treat any loose wallpaper and the wall behind it;
  • carefully walk through the cracks in cracked window frames, doors, and baseboards. The ideal option is to replace worn structures or seal cracks before disinfestation begins;
  • a mandatory step is spraying Dichlorvos on the backs and legs of furniture, especially those located close to the walls;
  • after treatment, leave the apartment or house for a couple of hours, do not close the windows;
  • Upon return, monitor your body’s reaction. If there is no dizziness, nausea, or unpleasant taste in the mouth, it means the room is well ventilated;
  • if signs of toxic damage appear, go out into fresh air and allow the toxic aerosol vapors to dissipate;
  • children, sick, weakened family members, pregnant women can return to their home after 4–5 hours to eliminate the negative impact of an aggressive organophosphorus compound. The best option is to wait until a day has passed;
  • An obligatory step is wet cleaning using a soap and soda solution. Exterminators advise washing all areas that family members come into contact with, but not wiping hard-to-reach areas so that the product will last longer.

Preparation for processing

Before you begin treating your living space with Dichlorvos NEO, you should do some preparatory work.

  • Remove people and animals from the premises so that they do not breathe toxic fumes.
  • Remove indoor plants to a place protected from aerosol.
  • Place in a plastic bag and place personal hygiene items, dishes, toys, and bed linen in a closet.
  • Warn your neighbors that you are going to treat them with Dichlorvos against cockroaches or bedbugs.
  • Prepare personal protective equipment: gown, gloves, mask or respirator, goggles.
  • Close windows and doors in the apartment tightly.
  • Move or disassemble furniture in advance, raise mattresses, remove baseboards, that is, facilitate access to secluded places where insects like to accumulate.

After all preparatory activities have been completed, you can begin disinsection of the premises.

Dichlorvos poisoning: what to do

Precautionary measures minimize the risk of toxic damage, but some owners do not adhere to the rules and believe that the “odorless” prefix reduces the toxicity of the product. Spraying an aerosol without protective clothing or inhaling vapors of a potent composition causes negative reactions.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • skin rashes;
  • hard breath;
  • in severe cases: seizures, vision problems.

What pests of indoor plants are there, how to recognize them and how to fight them? We have the answer!

How to deal with house ants and prevent the reappearance of insects is written on this page.

Go to the address and read about how to remove fleas from a cat using folk remedies and how parasites are dangerous for humans.

First aid:

  • go out into the fresh air;
  • wash the skin with a weak solution of soda if the product gets on your hands;
  • give a sorbent for the rapid removal of toxins;
  • transport the victim to a hospital for professional assistance.

Warning! Dichlorvos is an aggressive insecticide of the group of organophosphorus compounds. Poisoning by aerosol vapors often causes severe side effects; accidental spraying on the skin provokes allergic reactions. You cannot experiment, give laxatives, mineral water, herbal infusions, or artificially induce vomiting. If signs of poisoning do not disappear within half an hour of being in the fresh air, it is necessary to call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital by personal transport. Delay provokes severe reactions in the body.

Are complications possible?

Often, entry into the body through the respiratory tract or skin does not pose a great danger; symptoms disappear within a short period of up to three days. But more serious consequences are possible when an individual organism is intolerant to any component of the drug or with prolonged contact. In such cases, you can notice obvious intoxication of the body.

In severe poisoning, paroxysmal coughing, increased blood pressure, increased cardiac activity, and repeated vomiting are observed. If spasms of internal organs and convulsive syndrome appear, these are the most dangerous signs. If any are present, collapse may occur, and perhaps even a coma will develop.

In case of dichlorvos poisoning, you need to get help in a timely manner.

What to do if you are poisoned by a gaseous substance?

In case of vapor intoxication, it is necessary to immediately remove the victim to fresh air. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a solution of water and baking soda or clean warm water. To minimize the harm of the toxin, you should also wash exposed areas of the body and change into clean clothes, then provide bed rest.

If the toxin ends up in the stomach, you should definitely induce vomiting, take sorbents, and then take magnesia, Glauber’s salt, or any saline product with a laxative effect within an hour and a half.

What to do if the toxin gets into your eyes or skin?

If the substance gets on the skin, it is necessary to remove it with a cotton pad, the main thing is to avoid rubbing it into the skin, otherwise the harm will only increase. Then treat the affected area with a solution of ammonia (5–10% is enough). In case of contact with the eyes, rinse them with warm, clean water, and then drip a few drops of albucid.


Most owners confirm the effectiveness of the toxic drug: pests and parasites quickly die. The effectiveness of the product increases with repeated processing.

There are also negative reviews, especially when exterminating cockroaches and bedbugs: some insects have become resistant to insecticides, sometimes even Dichlorvos does not help. In such a situation, you will need to call professional exterminators from the sanitary services.

Many owners talk about the high toxicity of the product and the not very pleasant smell after treating the premises. One of the tips is to use Dichlorvos to remove insects at the dacha, or to purchase another product for disinfestation of an apartment or private house.

When parasites and pests are actively multiplying, owners remember an aggressive insecticide based on three potent substances. The odorless drug Dichlorvos Neo quickly destroys cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, fleas, and other insects living near humans. When disinfesting premises yourself, it is important to remember the high toxicity of the product and follow the processing rules and precautions.

Why are flying pests so dangerous?

You may not believe it, but any fly in the house is a deadly carrier of the most terrible diseases. For example, cholera, worms, polio. Every third fly on the planet infects a person, after which he dies. There are other terrible facts worth mentioning:

  1. There are special flies, they are called “zhigalki”. These flying pests drink the blood of animals and may well bite a person. During such an unnoticeable bite, a person immediately receives a huge dose of disease. As a rule, this happens in Africa, since it is in this country that people get sick much more often than anywhere else.
  2. Cheese flies love to lay larvae in salted fish, ham, lard and cheese. If at least one larva gets into the human body and continues to live there, then first there will be pain, and then parasites will appear in the intestines, ready to eat away the stomach.
  3. There are such flies, they are called “wohlfart flies”. They constantly lay larvae in the human skin, which causes terrible inflammation, blisters out of nowhere, ulcers and terrible gangrene.
  4. The famous Tsetse fly is a terrible carrier of sleeping sickness, which causes a person to become a complete amoeba and die after a few days. As soon as this fly lands on the skin and bites, one can assume that the victim is already dead.
  5. There are always flies at the market where we buy fresh meat. They transmit diseases if they land on a piece of balyk, and then on human skin, having first bitten it. A huge number of infectious diseases immediately attack and destroy the immunity of the average buyer. This includes parasitic, viral, and bacterial diseases. Even imagining that a fly sat on different types of meat and then flew onto a person’s skin already becomes disgusting.

Flies are not the most pleasant insects, they will even be worse than any mosquitoes that can be killed with just one swipe. These annoying, ever-buzzing creatures give no rest either in sleep or during conversation. And how disgustingly they rub their paws, as if they are thinking through another plan to infect a person. Therefore, it is worth buying products in the store in advance to fight flies, only then will they disappear from the apartment and not disturb you. Always take care of your health, do not treat it negligently. Far from being harmless insects, they are much scarier than any other flying creature. Be vigilant and protect yourself with an aerosol whenever possible.

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