9 best methods for disinfecting pool water!

Water is a favorable environment for the habitat and reproduction of various bacteria. That is why you need to regularly clean and disinfect it so that you can feel comfortable when swimming and not worry about harming your body. Currently, there are a huge number of cleaning and disinfection methods that are used both at dachas (we’ll talk about how to do everything with your own hands, without involving specialists, below - editor’s note) and in water complexes.

What do you need to get rid of?

Every day, a variety of contaminants enter the pool from the environment with precipitation or wind (if the pool is open) or through windows, doors and the ventilation system (if it is closed). In addition, particles of keratinized skin, decorative cosmetics, foundation or tanning creams are a breeding ground for bacteria. Against this background, the water quickly loses transparency, becomes cloudy and has a green color due to the presence of algae. For this reason, microbes multiply, and a white coating appears on the walls of the pool, which looks unpleasant. You should get rid of this using means, of which there are a large number.

For outdoor pool

Such a body of water is the most vulnerable.
Good heating by the sun provides an environment for bacteria, open space literally attracts mechanical debris, the accumulation of organic matter - the same plant debris, promotes the rapid proliferation of algae. On the other hand, the pool is located in the open air, so such a danger as the accumulation of reaction products after chlorination, for example, does not exist here. Therefore, all methods are used to clean open reservoirs.

  • A combination of mechanical filtration with some chemical or electrophysical methods, without chemistry, is mandatory. The most affordable are cartridge or sand filter and chlorination.
  • It is advisable to periodically carry out cleaning using coagulants: this is the best means for removing protein and fatty molecules that serve as food for both microorganisms and algae.
  • In an outdoor pool, you need to constantly check the acidity level. With normal values ​​of 7–7.4, the risk of algae infection is minimal. If the indicator deviates, the risk increases. The adjustment is made by adding “pH-plus” and “pH-minus” preparations to the water, respectively.
  • It is not recommended to use ultraviolet disinfection, since quartz lamps, like any electrical device, should not be left in the open air for a long time.

What methods are usually used?

To choose a cleaning and disinfection method, you need to consider several factors:

  1. Pool volume;
  2. The number of visitors for a specific time (if it is a public swimming pool);
  3. Indoor or outdoor swimming pool;
  4. The material from which the walls and stairs are made;
  5. Water hardness, because it affects the quality of processing and the solubility of substances;
  6. The time spent in the pool, because the amount of chemicals absorbed into the skin depends on this.

NOTE! Only with constant and comprehensive cleaning can you achieve clean water.

Alternative options to clean and disinfect the tank

If you have an individual intolerance to brilliant green, you can use alternative options, such as:

  1. Slaked lime.
  2. Copper sulfate.
  3. Baking soda.
  4. Lemon acid.

When processing with these agents, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules and dosages. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting burns to the skin and respiratory tract.



Zelenka is a folk remedy for disinfecting (we'll talk about other liquids below) and cleaning the pool. In order to clean the pool, you need to add 1 bottle of brilliant green to 1 bucket of water. After the water turns blue, it needs to be poured into the pool.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate prevents water cloudiness and the formation of algae. You should wear gloves before using it. The dosage depends on the purpose and frequency of pool cleaning. To purify water per 1000 liters you need 0.3 g, and for disinfection - up to 0.9 g.


Whiteness is a folk remedy. It's bleach. Before using it, you need to add chlorine to the water to stabilize the pH level (a measure of activity (in very dilute solutions it is equivalent to concentration) - editor's note). After swimming in a pool treated with white, you must take a shower, and while in the water, it is not recommended to rub your eyes or swallow water. If you have allergic reactions to certain white substances, you should avoid swimming in such a pool.

Pool mushroom

There are special pool products that allow disinfection. They are a mushroom-shaped dispenser float into which tablets are placed and lowered into the pool. The dosage is one tablet (20 g) per 3-10 cubic meters of water.

Potassium permangantsovka

You can use potassium permanganate, but this will not give a long-lasting effect. If the pool is made of PVC materials, then it will definitely darken after applying potassium permanganate. And because of this, you need to add ascorbic acid to decolorize the water, which will also darken.


When adding salt for pools, you need to control its concentration (2.5-3 ppm).


Algaecide preparations are actively used in pool cleaning. They allow you to get rid of silt (soft rock made from a mixture of mineral and organic substances, deposited at the bottom of watercourses and reservoirs - editor's note) and algae. Before starting treatment, you need to chlorinate the water, control the pH level using reagents or instruments, and then you need to add 0.4 liters of the drug to 10 cubic meters of water.

In addition, we use coagulants - agents that glue suspended particles, which cause cloudiness in the water.


Perhydrol is hydrogen peroxide, which has a high concentration.

IMPORTANT: after using this product, swimming in the pool is prohibited for 24 hours.

More details here: Perhydrol for pool cleaning

The dosage of perhydrol depends on the concentration. If perhydrol is 37%, then with old water per 1000 liters of water you need to add 1200-1400 ml of water, and if the substance is 60%, then 700 - 900 ml.

How to paint marble eggs for Easter in husks with brilliant green?

This is a fairly simple and exotic way of coloring. It will help you easily turn eggs into a work of art. The eggs turn out brownish-green with streaks.

Instructions for coloring eggs:

  • Take dry onion peel and grind it. The smaller the pieces, the fancier and prettier the pattern.
  • Soak a raw egg in water and place it in a container with the peel. It is necessary that the egg is completely covered with husk.
  • Now pour some husks into the stocking and add an egg. Tie the stocking with thread. Try to ensure that the stocking with the husk fits tightly to the egg.
  • Place in boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes. After this, pour in 7 ml of brilliant green and cook for another 3 minutes.
  • Place the eggs in the sink and fill them with cold water. Remove the stocking with the husk and rinse thoroughly. Rub the eggs with sunflower oil.

How to paint marble eggs for Easter in husks and brilliant green

Let's compare all the methods with each other

  • low cost;
  • clean water for 1 month
  • no lasting effect
Copper sulfate
  • no unpleasant odor
  • intoxication of the body due to overdose
  • low price;
  • can be bought at any store;
  • cleans all pool surfaces
  • due to the fact that bacteria get used to this remedy, you need to gradually increase the dosage
Pool mushroom
  • ease of use
  • Possible negative effects on the body
Potassium permangantsovka
  • low cost
  • negatively affects the child’s body;
  • After using it, additional costs are required
  • low cost;
  • possibility of combination with other cleaning methods;
  • beneficial effect on the body;
  • detoxification
  • not detected
  • hypoallergenic
  • high price
  • effective
  • cannot be used for bathing for some time;
  • high price

Rules for combining substances

If a pool user is used to using green stuff, it is often not enough. It has antiseptic properties, but other substances are more effective. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide is added, which not only destroys bacteria, but also makes the water crystal clear.

Perhydrol and brilliant green can be used alternately. But if the water has become very cloudy, combine both substances.

The following rules apply:

  1. Initially, peroxide is poured, since the pool with it must stand for at least 12 hours.
  2. Then brilliant green is added to cause an additional antiseptic effect and give the water an azure tint.
  3. To achieve a better effect, you can add salt in a ratio of 1 kg per 50 liters of water.

Substances can be added simultaneously. But swimming will be possible after at least 12 hours. During this time, the antiseptic components will destroy bacteria and disintegrate into their constituent components.

Hydrogen peroxide qualitatively purifies water, making it clean and transparent. Zelenka destroys some microorganisms and additionally makes the water greenish, similar to the seabed.


Filters are a mechanical cleaning method. Thanks to them, you can remove small particles and clean all layers of pool water. It should be remembered that the filter must be selected taking into account that it has time to pass water through itself 2-3 times per day.

They need to be washed once every 10 days, and cleaned several times a year. Installation of filters should be carried out by a specialist.

There are many types of filters, each of which has pros and cons.

  • cheap;
  • are the most common, which is why they can be easily purchased
  • it is necessary to rinse every week, placing it under running water;
  • heavy weight and dimensions
Diatomaceous earth
  • cleaning from the smallest debris;
  • multi-stage water purification
  • rapid clogging;
  • cannot be washed;
  • you need to constantly buy new ones;
  • high price;
  • These filters should only be serviced by a professional
  • It does not require special care;
  • it can be washed under running water;
  • suitable for frame pools;
  • small size
  • does not allow the smallest particles to pass through

More details about filters: Filters


To prevent the heated water from cooling down and clogging it, it is recommended to cover the frame pool. The following methods are used for this:

  1. Film - the use of light bubble film will protect the water from loss of debris and retain heat.
    The dark solar film helps absorb sunlight, thereby heating the water. The film prevents evaporation and is easy to apply and clean.

  2. Trampoline cover - usually sold complete with frame pools. Along the perimeter of the dense canvas there are clamps with which it is attached to the edges of the pool. The disadvantage of a trampoline cover is that it is labor-intensive to install, but it maintains the water temperature well.
  3. Polycarbonate covering - arched aluminum structure with walls made of transparent polycarbonate. The structure can move on rails installed along the pool. This covering is bulky and costs more than film and trampoline. Its advantages are: the ability to swim even in cold weather, reliable protection against debris, insects and the penetration of pets.

Read more about how to cover a frame pool here.

other methods

Silver ions

Thanks to ionization with non-ferrous metals, the need for water disinfection with chlorine can be reduced. There is no smell after cleaning. If a person has a large swimming pool, then it is recommended to use chlorine, which is a common method. Ionization systems do not combine well with other disinfection systems, and silver ions do not destroy all types of microbes. The effect of silver ions is that the ions interact with bacterial cells, metabolic disorders occur, and they die . However, it has now been proven that silver ions have a negative effect on the body.

Active oxygen

Active oxygen is very popular because it effectively and gently destroys bacteria and does not form harmful decay products. It is expensive and decomposes very quickly in water, which requires increasing the dose during subsequent purification. An overdose of this substance can lead to health problems. Active oxygen cannot be used in public or outdoor swimming pools. Warm pools with temperatures above 28 degrees are also not suitable for treatment, because oxidation slows down in warm water. After treatment there is no chlorine smell.


It is considered an environmentally friendly but expensive cleaning method. Used in addition to chlorination. Thanks to this method, the water is purified and also acquires a pleasant taste and smell. The water begins to acquire a blue tint and foam does not form. However, if high concentrations of ozone are inhaled, damage to the respiratory tract and lungs occurs. Pure ozone can explode and does not last long. When used correctly, ozone does not cause irritation to the skin, but in the environment it combines with air and is therefore neutralized. It is mainly used in large public swimming pools because it requires the installation of complex equipment. This cleaning system pays for itself in several years, because there is a saving in chemical costs.

In addition, you can use bromine or ultraviolet lamps.

Indications for use

Zelenka is used for the following purposes:

  • antiseptic treatment - elimination of pathogenic bacteria, mainly gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, diphtheria bacillus;
  • fungicidal effect – destruction of fungi;
  • prevention or elimination of turbidity.

The effect of hydrogen peroxide is slightly different:

  • discoloration of green algae;
  • destruction of pathogenic fungi and bacteria with a wide spectrum of action;
  • prevention and elimination of turbidity and water blooms.

Hydrogen peroxide actively eliminates pathogens, but retains the acid-base property of water. It is much more effective than brilliant green, so it is added when the effect of one chemical is not enough.

Step-by-step instruction

Cleaning the pool is carried out in several steps:

  1. Preparation of funds. For mechanical cleaning, you need to purchase a net (what a net is is written here) to get rid of debris from the surface of the water, as well as a vacuum cleaner to clean the walls and bottom. You can purchase a brush or a skimmer, which is a tank that is installed in the wall of the pool. This device is used to collect the top layer of water, in which a large number of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate. If large particles of debris get into the skimmer, the filter traps them, and the purified water is sent for heating and then returned to the pool.
  2. Cleaning filters. To ensure that the water in the pool is always clean, the filters must be cleaned regularly. First you need to remove the contaminated part of the cartridge and rinse it under running water, and then dry it. When it is dry, it should be immersed for several days in a solution of water and chlorine, then rinsed with water and dried. The final step is to immerse it in a solution of water and hydrochloric acid until the bubbles stop. After washing them, you can insert them back.
  3. Removing garbage. Next, it is recommended to use a net to catch the debris and use a vacuum cleaner to go over all other surfaces.
  4. Disinfection. Disinfection of water in the pool should be carried out by some means (for example, one of the methods described above in this article - editor's note) taking into account all safety requirements, instructions for use and dosage.

IMPORTANT: In case of overdose, the body may be poisoned.

How to dye your hair with brilliant green: recipe

Nowadays highlighting, coloring and dyeing in the ombre style are in fashion. Youth subcultures also love various experiments with their appearance. This is dyeing curls green and using strands of non-standard shades.

Instructions for dyeing hair green:

  • Please note that this coloring is quite extreme, so if possible, use high-quality dyes intended for this.
  • If you still decide to use brilliant green, then be prepared for the fact that not only your hair, but also your skin, forehead, and ears can be colored.
  • Squeeze some hair balm or conditioner into the container. Pour a bottle of brilliant green into the balm. 10 ml of solution is enough. Mix the substance thoroughly.
  • Be sure to put on gloves and apply the product to your curls. 20 minutes is enough for the curls to color.
  • After the time has elapsed, wash your curls until the water becomes clear. You will need a lot of water.
  • If after dyeing part of the head is colored, and the ears and forehead also turn green, do not be upset. Pour a little lemon juice into the alcohol and soak the cotton wool with the product. Wipe the green areas with the solution.
  • The green color will last quite a long time. You won't be able to wash it off right away. If you need to do this urgently, contact your hairdresser. There, a special wash is used for these purposes.

Dye your hair green

Product prices

Pool cleaning and disinfection products come in different price categories. You can calculate how much it costs to clean a swimming pool at your dacha using the table below:

ZelenkaFrom 12 rub.
Copper sulfateFrom RUR 19 (depending on volume)
WhiteFrom 20 r / 1 l
Pool mushroom MAC 4 miniFrom 493 RUR
Potassium permangantsovkaFrom 49 RUR
SaltFrom RUR 21
Algaecide preparationsFrom RUR 3,169
PerhydrolFrom RUR 9,126
FiltersFrom 110 rub.
Silver ionsFrom 34,000 rub.
Active oxygenFrom RUR 1,149
OzonationFrom RUB 275,500

You need to clean the water in the pool regularly to protect yourself, your family and your friends from getting unnecessary infections into your body. After trying all the cleaning methods described above, you can choose your own based on cost, ease of use and safety for others. It is important to know that some types of cleaning and disinfection are used only in large pools. For home use Jacuzzis, all chemical methods and filters are used. When using this or that disinfectant/device, it is recommended to fully study the instructions, as well as consult with a specialist in order to prevent possible unpleasant consequences in advance .

Why is it important to keep the proportions exactly?

If you decide to use aniline dye for water purification, you should strictly observe the concentration of the solution . It must be remembered that the drug has toxic properties and stains the skin. Why is an overdose of brilliant green dangerous for humans?

  • burning of the skin;
  • in case of contact with eyes – irritation of the mucous membrane, inflammatory processes, blepharitis, corneal burn;
  • dermatitis and dermatoses;
  • hives;
  • allergic reactions;
  • in case of accidental ingestion - burn of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

Carefully! The absolute lethal dose is 0.05 g/kg.
There is no antidote, detoxification measures are ineffective. In addition, the main advantage of aniline dyes, including brilliant green, is the pigment’s resistance to sunlight and the action of aggressive cleaning agents. Its excess will cause permanent staining of the bowl , sides, filters and other equipment for caring for the pool.

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