Tsifox anti-tick drug: how to use correctly

You can get rid of ticks using the drug “Tsifox”, which is quite easy to dilute, and when used according to all the rules, it works almost immediately. Such a remedy is supposed not only to be used correctly, but also to strictly adhere to all precautions.

If you neglect the instructions, it will not be possible to achieve the desired action and remove ticks from a room or plot of land, and in addition there is a possibility of seriously harming your health, in particular injuring the skin and mucous membranes.

Composition and release form of the drug Tsifoks

Tsifoks is a professional disinfectant that is used both by the sanitary and epidemiological service and by individuals at home. The active ingredient is cypermethrin.

The drug Tsifoks destroys many types of insects and parasites

Cypermethrin is an active substance of yellowish color, viscous concentration with a specific odor, which is the basis of many means in the fight against parasites. Belongs to the group of pyrethroids, i.e. synthetic insecticides.

The cypermethrin content in Cifox is 25%, the rest includes emulsifiers, solvents and fragrance. The drug is sold in the form of a liquid emulsion concentrate in volumes of 50 ml, 0.5 and 1 l. The color can vary from light yellow to yellow.

Appointment of Tsifoks

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • fight against ixodid ticks, which are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis, Lyme disease and other diseases;
  • destruction of synatropic insects - cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, rat mites, bed bugs;
  • disinfestation of premises against lice and scabies mites;

Tsifoks is destructive to bees and fish, so they are prohibited from treating domestic water bodies, and it is also not recommended to spray the drug during the flight of bees.

Is there any harm?

In some reviews, the composition of the drug against bedbugs and other insects is criticized for being severely toxic. But the use of a product of this category simply cannot be completely safe. It is poison for insects, which means it is poison for everyone! But in comparison with many analogues, Tsifox compares favorably in terms of safety for the human body. According to the degree of effect on warm-blooded animals, the use of the product is classified as a 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, and when applied to the skin - to a 4th class of low-hazardous substances. Accidental ingestion of the drug into the stomach or respiratory tract will not cause death, but you still need to be careful when using the drug.

If you follow the instructions for use, the product will not cause harm. If, however, a person neglects the safety rules and inhales the drug, then signs of poisoning may appear: nausea, dizziness, headache, weakness, loss of concentration. At the first symptoms, you need to leave the room, change clothes, drink 5 tablets of activated carbon and several glasses of clean water. The room must be ventilated for several hours and then rinsed again.

The drug is very toxic, so you must strictly follow the rules of use.

Children under 18 years of age are not allowed to use Cifox. Breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as people with hypersensitivity to pesticide components, should not be nearby. Smoking, drinking, and eating are prohibited at the areas where the product is used. Disinsection of premises must be carried out with open windows and vents. The clothes in which the work was carried out must be thrown away or washed thoroughly afterwards.

The principle and duration of action of the drug

Tsifoks destroys pests by contact method, i.e. falls directly on the body of the parasites, penetrating inside, as well as through the mouth opening and causing paralysis of the nervous system. The drug is effective both in direct contact with spraying and in the case when the insect comes into contact with the treated surface.

The product continues to act indoors after spraying from 1 week to 3 months, depending on the concentration when diluted. In open areas, the duration of action is from 1 to 6 weeks, when treated against ixodid ticks from 1 to 3 months.

Symptoms of poisoning

If the substance from bedbugs Cifox has entered the human body, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • stomach ache;
  • large salivation;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If 3 or more symptoms appear, you should definitely call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, provide first aid yourself.

Storage conditions

To maintain effectiveness and comply with safety precautions, you need to store the drug Cifox correctly:

  • The container must be tightly closed with a lid.
  • The bottle must be kept separate from food products, medicines and hygiene products.
  • The drug should be kept out of reach of children.
  • Tsifoks is flammable, so it must be stored away from fire sources and heating devices.
  • The bottle of concentrate must have a label with the name and expiration date of the drug.
  • The diluted solution is not intended for storage; it must be used within 8 hours after preparation.

Correct treatment of the room

The treatment procedure itself may differ and depends primarily on the degree of infestation of the apartment. For example, if cockroaches have just begun to appear and there are not very many of them yet, then you can get by with treating the kitchen, bath, and toilet. But if there are a lot of them in the room, then a full treatment should be carried out, absolutely the entire room.

Remember that in case of severe infestation, you will need to pay great attention to hard-to-reach places and furniture. When properly treated, kitchen cabinets can be disassembled, since it is in the hidden voids that cockroaches lay their eggs.

Upholstered furniture is also treated; when applied to highly absorbent surfaces, twice as much solution is required.

Do not forget that you will have to work with poison, which is dangerous not only for insects, but also for people and animals. Be sure to follow all safety precautions and follow the instructions.

Preparing the premises

This stage is especially important, since a properly prepared room will ensure the greatest effectiveness of the treatment. In addition, it is required in order to protect people living in the apartment from exposure to toxic chemicals.

To do this you will need:

  • It is necessary to hide all food products; use airtight containers and bags.
  • Be sure to hide dishes, kitchen utensils, and empty cabinets in the kitchen.
  • We also remove personal hygiene products, towels, and bedding.
  • Remove all things from surfaces so that the insecticide does not get on them,
  • You will need to seal all the cracks and eliminate leaks.
  • Move the furniture away from the walls so we can gain access to the baseboards.
  • Next, get rid of the cobwebs, sweep, wipe off the dust and be sure to carry out wet cleaning.

You can start preparing the solution.

Preparation of the solution

Read the instructions for use. Be sure to use protective equipment. It is necessary to wear a respirator, safety glasses and gloves. It is ideal to wear protective coveralls, which will provide protection to all areas of the skin, but you can wear pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Choose shoes that can be washed after the procedure.

To prepare the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions. It is prohibited to increase the concentration or change the proportions on your own, since this will not increase the effect and can harm people’s health.

According to the instructions, the drug is diluted in water. To prepare the solution, use containers that can be recycled. After combining the components, you need to mix well for five minutes. It is necessary to prepare the solution before the application procedure itself, since the product can remain in this form for no more than hours. Next, the solution needs to be poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle. Open the windows and you can start processing.

Processing procedure

It is necessary to pay attention to baseboards, back walls of cabinets, behind the refrigerator, behind the radiator. Treat ventilation openings, all pipes and drains, areas near the toilet and bathtub, corners

If upholstered furniture is being processed, then it is necessary to apply twice as much solution.

Mandatory events

The action of the pesticide is very dangerous for people and animals. Therefore, after disinfestation, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • Only one person returns to the apartment, who will carry out wet cleaning. It is necessary in order to neutralize the effect of a dangerous poison in places where it is available to people and animals.
  • Wet cleaning is carried out with gloves and using a soda-soap solution.
  • The floor, doors, handles, tables, chairs, cabinets on the outside and all places with which people and animals will come into contact are thoroughly washed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Cifox

The drug Cifox gained popularity due to its positive qualities, which are much more numerous than the disadvantages. These include:

  • High efficiency of the product. The drug affects both mature individuals and larvae of some types of insects (mosquitoes). Parasites die within 30 minutes after spraying.
  • Duration of residual action. The drug is active for up to 3–4 months after treatment. The validity period depends on the location of spraying (room or open space) and the concentration of the finished solution that was applied to the surface.
  • Wide spectrum of action. Tsifoks destroys not only ixodid ticks, but is also destructive for other species of these parasites and other insects.
  • Low toxicity. The drug is safe for humans and animals if safety rules are followed.
  • The drug is harmless to upholstered furniture. It leaves virtually no stains and disappears in a maximum of a week.
  • Various container sizes. For large areas, you can purchase large containers, and for a small room, a small bottle is enough, which is economically beneficial for the user.
  • Affordable price. The affordable price of the drug allows many consumers to use it in pest control.

After treating a room with Tsifoks, a persistent odor remains for a long time. You should not be afraid of it, since under the influence of oxygen the toxin contained is destroyed.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Possible adaptation of pests to the active substance. Bedbugs and cockroaches even adapt to toxic substances, so there are often cases when the drug becomes ineffective due to the adaptation of parasites to cypermethrin.
  • The drug destroys only adult individuals; it is harmless to larvae.
  • In some cases, after using Cifox, minor poisoning or an allergic reaction is observed. It is worth noting that this happens when instructions are violated and safety measures are neglected.

Proper preparation of the room

Before starting the processing procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the apartment. The habitat of bedbugs is quite difficult to find, because they can arrange their home in a wall clock or choose an outlet for this, hide in baseboards or in a closet. It will not be superfluous to learn about some of the characteristics of pests. They are quite lazy and do not like to travel long distances. Therefore, they settle closer to food, which means that their home is not far from our sleeping place.

Apartment preparation:

  • Bedding, bedspreads, tulle, curtains must be removed and washed, then everything must be ironed.
  • Take all things out of the closets and check for the presence of pests and eggs, send the infected ones to the wash, put the clean ones in bags and close them.
  • Cabinets and all furniture are moved away from the walls. Wallpaper and linoleum are clearly visible for cracks. Very often, parasites set up their home in the empty space of peeled wallpaper.
  • All things are removed from the surface; it is advisable to remove them from the apartment at the time of processing.
  • At the time of the procedure, there should be no people or animals in the apartment. If you have an aquarium, it is better to take it out. If this is not possible, you must close the lid tightly. The substance has a lethal effect on fish.
  • It is necessary to sweep, remove all dust, also from the surfaces of cabinets and back walls, and carry out wet cleaning.

The right thing to do would be to inspect the premises and try to find nests. Most often, there is an unpleasant odor near them, black dots are visible on the surface, and there is also the presence of chitinous shells. There may be several nests in an apartment, but their detection will guarantee the most positive result from disinfestation.

How to use Digital

Depending on what parasites Tsifoks is used against, it is diluted in different consistencies.

Preparation of solution (concentration):

  • 0.01% – take 2 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water;
  • 0.05% - per 5 liters of water - 10 ml of emulsion;
  • 0.1% – for 5 liters of water you will need 20 ml of liquid concentrate.

Rules for preparing the solution:

  1. Pour a third of the water into a plastic container;
  2. Add the required amount of concentrated emulsion;
  3. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly;
  4. Add the rest of the water and mix thoroughly again for 5 minutes;
  5. Use the prepared solution within 8 hours.

Table of solution concentrations for killing various insects and parasites

Type of parasiteNorm of solution per 1 m2
flies100 ml of working aqueous emulsion
Fleas50 ml 0.05% aqueous solution
Cockroachesnon-absorbent surface - 100 ml of 0.01% aqueous solution absorbent surface - 50 ml of 0.01% aqueous solution
Bed bugs50 ml 0.05% aqueous solution
Rat ticks50 ml of working aqueous emulsion
Scabies mites50 ml of working aqueous emulsion
Ants50 ml 0.05% aqueous solution
Mosquitoes100 ml 0.01% aqueous solution

Rules for carrying out Tsifoks treatment indoors

To safely treat a room from unwanted insects, you need to remember some important rules:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning in the room.
  2. Place food and medicines out of reach of the sprayed solution.
  3. Prepare a container for the finished mixture and a sprayer. Ideally, a special spraying apparatus would be suitable.
  4. Take care of the personal safety of the person carrying out the processing. He must wear closed clothing, shoes, a scarf, gloves, and a respirator for breathing safety. After the event, you must take a hygienic shower, wash used clothes, and clean your shoes.
  5. During the event, be sure to ventilate the room.
  6. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the treatment area.
  7. 12 hours after the work, wash the room with warm water.

For chemical treatment, you can use a regular sprayer.

Preparation of a solution for the destruction of ixodid ticks

To prepare a solution against ixodid ticks, you need to dilute 5 ml of concentrated emulsion in 1–2 liters of water. The volume of the finished solution is calculated per 1 hectare of the area surface. The rules for preparing the solution are described above.

If the number of ticks is very high and there is a threat of the spread of tick-borne infections, then instead of 5 ml it is necessary to dilute 12 ml in 1–2 liters of water per 1 hectare of land.

Rules for processing a land plot

To effectively treat an open area against ticks, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Treat the area twice per season: in early spring before planting seedlings (April - early May) and in late autumn after harvesting (late October - November).
  2. Choose a dry, warm, windless day. In such weather, ticks are on the surface, making them easier to destroy. Ideally, three days before treatment and three days after it there will be no precipitation in the form of rain or snow. If it rains immediately after using chemicals, the poisons will be washed away and the result will be zero. So check the weather forecast.
  3. Perform the treatment no later than 40 days before harvesting. This is necessary so that the chemicals that fall on garden crops have time to be neutralized by rain, watering and plant activity. The danger of poisoning and severe intoxication of the body is high during the first month after treatment. Before the procedure, also remove garden furniture and equipment.
  4. On the day of the procedure, exclude children and pets from the area. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Over the main closed clothing, put on a robe or a special protective suit, a scarf, gloves, and put on high boots or closed shoes. Protect your breathing with a respirator. After work, wash your clothes, shine your shoes and take a hygienic shower. Avoid chemicals getting into water, especially drinking water. Enter the territory without protection after 3 days.
  5. Pay special attention to garden paths, recreation areas and areas near the entrance to the room. Spray any bushes and trees no more than 1.5 meters high. The above makes no sense: there are no ticks there.

The recommendation not to visit the treated area for the next 3 days is not related to the danger of intoxication of the body (the concentration of cypermethrin in the sprayed solution is not dangerous to humans). The fact is that ticks do not die immediately after treatment, so for another 3 days there may be a high probability of a bite.

Processing instructions on how to breed and recommendations for use for different types of insects

An emulsion is prepared before direct use. Tsifoks is diluted with water, stirring continuously, for about five minutes. The solution is stored for a maximum of eight hours, so you should not make it in advance and for future use.

To treat small areas indoors, you can use a hand sprayer; for summer cottages and adjacent areas, you will need a garden sprayer.


  1. Prepare protective equipment (respirator and rubber gloves).
  2. Remove food and aquarium. Take the children and animals out. Mow the grass before treating the area for ticks.
  3. Dilute the drug concentrate according to the standards given below for each type of insect.
  4. Spray surfaces thoroughly, including those where cockroaches, ants, or bed bugs are likely to travel.
  5. It is advisable to leave the premises for 8-10 hours. After this time, wash the floors, kitchen cabinets and dishes, and vacuum the upholstered furniture.

To get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches, re-treat after a week. This will allow the newly hatched individuals to be destroyed.

It is convenient to measure the required amount of concentrated product using a syringe.

From cockroaches

Tsifoks is diluted in a ratio of 4 ml per 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is used to spray the areas where cockroaches accumulate, as well as the paths where they were spotted and the routes of entry into the room.

As a rule, it is necessary to treat floors along with baseboards, door thresholds, walls, furniture, ventilation grilles, and shelters in walls.

From bedbugs

Tsifox in an amount of 0.4 ml to 2 ml is diluted in 1 liter of water. The dosage depends on the number of insects. It is imperative to treat the main places where bedbugs can live.

These include sofas and beds. Don’t forget to spray the wallpaper and its areas, the space along windows and doors, ventilation grilles, and baseboards.

From mosquitoes

When exterminating mosquitoes, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations in force in Russia. Mosquito larvae are found in water, but individuals are strictly prohibited from using Zifox in natural bodies of water.

To determine the type of mosquitoes, the timing and number of treatments for certain areas, they resort to the help of entomologists.

In closed reservoirs, use a 0.01% solution of the active substance (0.4 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water). 10-30 ml per 1 sq.m of water surface is enough. In open reservoirs, use 0.01-0.05% (from 0.4 to 2 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water) aqueous solutions by spraying over the surface of the water.

To combat adult mosquitoes, 0.01-0.05% (from 0.4 to 2 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water) solution is used to treat places where they can fly and interfere with humans - tents, houses, commercial buildings.

From flies

Treatment indoors is carried out with a 0.05% solution (2 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water), outdoors - with a 0.1% solution (4 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water) by spraying

It is important to treat areas where flies congregate, such as outdoor restrooms and garbage containers.

For fleas

To combat fleas, you can use a solution of fairly low concentration - from 0.01 to 0.1% (from 0.4 to 4 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water). This solution must be used to treat all floors, baseboards and walls to a height of 1-1.5 m, as well as basements.

From ticks

Ticks are carriers of many diseases, the most famous and dangerous of which is tick-borne encephalitis. Therefore, it is necessary to subject both personal areas and public recreational areas and crowded places - parks, tourist centers, playgrounds - to anti-tick treatment.

Treatment is carried out in good weather, in the absence of forecast precipitation for the next three days.

The area is sprayed with a solution of 0.0625 to 0.3% (from 2.5 to 12 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water). The denser the vegetation in the area, the greater the consumption of the product.

You can also treat clothes with a solution of Tsifox before going to places potentially infested with ticks and fleas. The concentration of such a solution should be 0.125% of the active substance (5 ml of tsifox per 1 liter of water).

The product is sprayed onto clothing from a distance of 20-50 cm, treating it from the front and back, paying special attention to trousers (since ticks mainly climb onto clothing from below). It is advisable to carry out the treatment of personal items before going into the forest in the open air or in a well-ventilated room

Before wearing, clothes must be dried and aired for at least two hours.

It is advisable to carry out the treatment of personal items before going into the forest outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. Before wearing, clothes must be dried and aired for at least two hours.

User reviews

Last time, the red ants disappeared for two years... On our advice, our friends who suffered from an unpleasant neighborhood treated their apartments with Tsifoks, and everyone is very happy! Respect to the manufacturer! This is a real salvation from annoying insects.

Alisa Zet


I was advised to use a professional remedy for bedbugs, Tsifox... If you have bedbugs or suspect their presence, then do not waste time and start treatment. I definitely recommend using Tsifox, because I used it to treat 2 apartments and (ugh, ugh, ugh) the arthropods were gone... A little more than a year after the treatment, the bugs have not returned



On advice from the Internet, I bought Tsifoks... They hounded me, all in vain. The drug is effective only when applied directly to the insect, but you still need to get to it, and this is difficult... it turns out that if an individual survives the baiting, then its offspring are no longer susceptible to cypermethrin.



...asked that friend for the name. It turned out to be “CIFOX”. After the harassment, they left the windows open (it is very smelly, work ONLY with masks!). And they didn’t return home for a day. The next day the entire kitchen was washed. The entire floor was littered with cockroach corpses.



I want to share with you my opinion about one very good remedy for parasites. It destroys bedbugs, beetles, and ticks. Tsifoks... Great for helping fight parasites



Tsifoks helps fight them. We use it to cultivate the plot, sheds and household items. It really is getting smaller. In enclosed spaces (garage, barn) after treatment you can forget about mosquitoes. They won’t even visit the open veranda.



Tsifoks helped in the sense that there were significantly fewer ticks. But still, it was not possible to get rid of it completely



I want to share with you a very effective drug in the fight against fleas and other types of insects - tsifox. It helped. The fleas simply died before our eyes. Tsifoks is what you need when fighting these parasites. I recommend!

Olya Kesyan


Wasps have settled in our country house... The store recommended him Tsifox. And within a week, the children and I could enjoy outdoor recreation

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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