How to properly use the Fas sulfur bomb: instructions for use

Sulfur smoke bombs are tools that allow disinfection and disinsection to be carried out without much difficulty. They are used for processing non-residential premises. As a result of the use of sulfur smoke bombs, harmful insects and pathogenic microflora die, and the protective effect remains for a long time.

But sulfur smoke bombs are highly toxic products, and in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you must strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations and take precautions.

  • 5 Precautions
  • 6 Symptoms of poisoning
  • 7 Pros and cons of use
  • 8 Conclusion
  • What is it and how it works

    Sulfur smoke bombs are simple designs that consist of a set of tablets of 5, 6, 7, 10 pieces. or sold in powder form, packaged in metal containers. Any smoke sulfur bomb contains sulfur. Its mass fraction is 75-80%.

    The product comes with a wick, which ensures safe ignition of the sulfur bomb. Its burning duration is 2 minutes.

    The principle of operation of these funds is simple. After their activation, toxic smoke begins to be released, filling the entire space in the room and penetrating into the most inaccessible places. Thanks to this, sulfur bombs are significantly more effective than other chemicals with fungicidal, insecticidal, and acaricidal effects. They also have an affordable price.

    Symptoms of poisoning

    At the first symptoms of poisoning after treating the premises or during the procedure, you must call an ambulance.

    The following symptoms will indicate sulfur poisoning:

    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, nosebleeds;
    • heaviness in the chest area;
    • cough, sore throat, wheezing;
    • pain in the eyes, lacrimation.

    Only a medical team can provide competent assistance; you should not treat yourself. Delayed assistance or its complete absence can lead to serious complications, in some cases death.

    When and why is it used?

    Sulfur bombs are used to treat cellars and vegetable stores before storing crops. As a result, vegetables and fruits are preserved much longer without losing their consumer qualities.

    Smoke sulfur bombs are also used for disinfestation and disinfection of greenhouses and greenhouses after harvest from harmful insects, pathogenic organisms and fungi. As a result, the likelihood of crop damage in the next season is reduced, and this in turn greatly facilitates plant care.

    The use of smoke sulfur bombs in non-residential premises and against mold is justified. This product also helps reduce humidity levels.


    Features of processing polycarbonate greenhouses

    All modern greenhouses are made of polycarbonate on a metal frame. When using a sulfur bomb, corrosion of the metal parts of the greenhouse is possible. To avoid this, you should insulate them - either primed and coated with a special coating, or lubricated with a thick layer of machine oil.

    A galvanized profile also requires protection, but an aluminum profile does not require treatment.

    The polycarbonate itself does not noticeably deteriorate from the sulfur bomb - it does not become cloudy or crack, unless the dosage is exceeded. Its destruction is facilitated by climatic factors - frost and sun, winds, snow load, etc.

    Types of smoke bombs

    You can find many types of sulfur bombs on sale, however, each of them has some characteristics. Before purchasing a room treatment product, you need to carefully read the rules for its use.

    The most popular types of sulfur smoke bombs:

    1. FAS. The weight of the product is 300 g, which is enough to treat 5-10 m3, depending on the degree of infection. Contains 80% sulfur. FAS sulfur block can be used to treat greenhouses, basements, and baths.
    2. Pawn. This is not a pressed, but a bulk sulfur smoke bomb. Available in metal sealed cans. Checker Pawn is suitable for processing greenhouses and greenhouses. Consumption rate 500 g per 200 m3.
    3. Climate. Contains 75% sulfur. The mass of the product is 300 g, which is enough to process 10 m3. Sulfur smoke bomb Climate during use saturates the space in the room with toxic smoke, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria, fungi, insects, ticks, and also repels rodents.
    4. The Whirlwind smoke bomb is also found on store shelves. Its active component is permethrin, which has a targeted effect against pests. According to the instructions, the Whirlwind checker destroys more than 30 species of insects, its destructive effect extends to adults, larvae, and eggs.

    First aid to the victim

    The main thing is to provide the poisoned person with access to fresh air. To do this, you need to unfasten the collar and open the windows. You can drop some nasal medication into the nasal cavity. Rinse the nose and have the victim rinse their mouth with a weak salt solution. Then put him on the bed and then follow the recommendations of the medical professional.

    Sulfur bomb against bacteria, insects and rodents is quite an effective remedy. But at the same time, it can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Before use, you will need to carefully read the instructions for use. At the first signs of poisoning, you should call an ambulance.

    How to use

    Before using sulfur bombs, you must first prepare the room. To do this, you need to remove vegetables, fruits, and preferably shelving from the basement. This is due to the fact that during the combustion of a sulfur bomb, a gas is released, which is not only toxic, but also causes corrosion of the metal. To prevent this, if the racks cannot be removed, it is necessary to lubricate all metal parts with grease or paint them.

    The use of a sulfur bomb for treating a cellar is possible after carefully sealing all the cracks so that smoke cannot escape outside. It is also necessary to seal the door opening.

    Before using a sulfur bomb, you should immediately calculate the required amount of product. The consumption rate is indicated on the packaging. It is not recommended to buy the product for future use, since during long-term storage it loses its effectiveness.

    How to use smoke sulfur bombs is indicated in the instructions:

    1. For each product, it is necessary to build stands made of bricks measuring 30 x 30 cm.
    2. Place sulfur bombs on them.
    3. Place the wick and light it.
    4. Leave the premises immediately.
    5. Close the door tightly.

    If you need to use several checkers in a room, you need to start setting fire from the furthest one, gradually moving towards the exit. It is prohibited to enter the treated area while toxic smoke is being emitted.


    How long a specific sulfur bomb burns is indicated in the instructions for its use. Fumigation usually lasts from 24 to 36 hours. Upon completion, it is necessary to open the room and ventilate for 1-1.5 days.

    Features of use for polycarbonate greenhouses

    Many gardeners wonder whether it is possible to use sulfur bombs to treat polycarbonate greenhouses. After all, sulfur dioxide, which is released during the combustion of the product, when interacting with moisture, destroys structural parts and causes the death of plants. However, the manufacturer assures that if all recommendations are followed, treatment with a sulfur bomb is possible in a greenhouse, but only during strictly designated periods.

    Before fumigation, it is necessary to remove plant remains from the premises and burn them. Then you should lubricate all metal parts with grease and seal all the cracks. After this, it is necessary to loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm.

    Fumigation is recommended to be carried out in the fall after harvesting, namely at the end of September. If there is a massive spread of pests and pathogenic microflora, the treatment of the greenhouse can be repeated in the spring, but no later than 2 weeks before planting the seedlings. This will prevent the proliferation of parasites and pathogens that survive the winter.

    It is recommended to use a sulfur bomb for disinfestation and disinfection of a greenhouse when the temperature of the top layer of soil is +100C. When it decreases, the soil during processing actively absorbs sulfuric acid released during fumigation. This leads to a disruption of the acid-base balance of the soil, which subsequently negatively affects the development and fruiting of planted crops.

    After fumigation is completed, the greenhouse must be ventilated for 24-36 hours until the smell of sulfur has completely disappeared. Only after this you can enter it.

    What is a sulfur bomb Fas: composition, weight

    The main active ingredient is sulfur: the composition of the universal FAS checker consists of 80% of it. Product weight is 300 g (+- 5%). The outer skin of the product is made of polycarbonate. The shape can be cylindrical or triangular.

    The product package includes a wick so that it can be lit. The wick is long enough so that after setting fire the user can leave the treated area in a timely manner.

    The Fas checker looks similar to a military smoke grenade (the casing of which is also made of carbonate), and the principle of its use is exactly the same. Therefore, when transporting a product to a dacha through traffic police checkpoints, problems may arise with explaining its purpose.

    Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

    You can purchase the Fas checker in stores specializing in pest control products. Sometimes it is sold in flower shops and home improvement stores. You need to look for it in the insect control department.

    Checker Fas and its packaging

    The average cost is 50-70 rubles.

    Purpose: where and for what can the Fas smoke bomb be used?

    The main purpose is to destroy fungal microorganisms (mold), remove small rodents (for example, it can be used against mice) and fight insects.

    The product is not intended for treatment of residential premises . It can only be used in non-residential premises: basements, greenhouses, hotbeds, as well as in outbuildings after relocating pets from them.

    Basements must be treated before storing food. Processing of greenhouses is carried out after harvesting, before the next planting.

    The Fas checker should be used in the following cases:

    1. For disinfection purposes. The product is used to destroy mold microorganisms and some types of bacteria. You can use the product in the cellar and in the greenhouse to combat mold. This method is quite effective: smoke easily penetrates into all corners, neutralizing mold deposits.
    2. For disinfestation purposes. The product is perfect for killing insects (cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, etc.).
    3. For breeding small animals (moles, mice, rats). The saber simply drives away the most persistent rodents, and kills the weaker ones, paralyzing the nervous system.
    4. To combat unwanted vegetation (for example, moss).

    Is the Fas checker dangerous for humans, crops, and plants?

    The manufacturer assures that the smoke from the bomb does not affect the human body (when wearing a respirator or gas mask), and if it does, it is minimal. In fact, inhaling sulfur dioxide is dangerous, so when using the product you should definitely use protective equipment and leave the room as soon as possible after setting it on fire.

    There is a potential risk to human health. The hazard class of the product during combustion is second (dangerous compounds). It is not recommended to stay in the treated area for a long time, even in PPE (personal protective equipment).

    Instructions on the package

    The effect of smoke on the body of animals is fatal - therefore, they (if we are talking about pets) must be removed from the room being treated, as serious disruptions to the functioning of internal organs are possible. It's all about the sulfur contained in the product: when it burns, it releases dangerous sulfur dioxide.

    Smoke from a bomb can negatively affect various foods and plants (from potatoes to flowers). All products (even canned ones) must be removed from the area being treated.

    Precautionary measures

    Sulfur bombs have a high hazard class 2, which means they are harmful and even dangerous to humans if precautions are not taken.

    Inhaling even small amounts of acrid smoke can cause food poisoning. Staying indoors after activating a sulfur bomb can be fatal. It is also unsafe to use these products in close proximity to flammable objects and substances, as this can lead to a fire.

    Before lighting the wick of a sulfur bomb, you must wear gloves, a respirator or gas mask, safety glasses, as well as clothing and shoes that cover exposed skin. After activating the product, you must immediately leave the room being treated and close the door tightly. You cannot go inside until fumigation is completed.

    Attention! According to the instructions for use, it is prohibited to use sulfur bombs for fumigating residential premises in apartment buildings. In case of violation of this condition, criminal liability is provided.


    Application area

    The product is used to treat different types of premises. It is effective in the following cases:

    • destruction of bacteria, mold and its spores;
    • repelling moles, mice, rats;
    • destruction and repelling of insect pests (ants, cockroaches, ticks and bedbugs, as well as their larvae);
    • neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms in greenhouses several weeks before planting;
    • drying rooms with high humidity.

    Of course, the product cannot completely solve the mold problem. To do this, you will first need to find out the reason for its occurrence and solve it.

    The use of sulfur bombs for residential premises is unacceptable. Active substances have a negative effect on indoor plants, animals and humans. To kill rodents and insects in houses and apartments, you should use a safe product.

    Pros and cons of using

    The use of sulfur bombs for fumigation of non-residential premises is beneficial, but can also cause some harm.

    Main advantages:

    • low cost;
    • minor labor costs;
    • ease of use;
    • large range of action;
    • high permeability to hard-to-reach places;
    • wide range of applications.

    Disadvantages of use:

    • high level of toxicity for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees;
    • have a destructive effect on metal;
    • destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial soil microflora;
    • preliminary preparation of the premises is required.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of using smoke bombs include:

    • convenience and ease of use
    • maximum effect in destroying pathogens of fungal and bacterial plant diseases;
    • the ability to disinfect any surfaces from fungus, mold and rot;
    • destruction of not only insect pests, but also their larvae;
    • safe disposal of rats, house mice, voles using sulfur bombs;
    • air drying;
    • the opportunity to refuse the use of chemical pesticides.

    The disadvantages include:

    • the released sulfur dioxide is toxic to humans and animals;
    • will not completely destroy fungal or pest spores in the soil;
    • oxidizes metal, it is not recommended to use a sulfur bomb for processing greenhouses with untreated metal profiles;
    • a smoke bomb is a fire hazard.


    If the room is large, you need to distribute the tablets in different places, evenly over the area, start lighting from the checkers located further from the exit, so as not to have time to inhale.

    After setting fire to a bomb in a greenhouse or greenhouse, leave the area as quickly as possible. Warn your dacha neighbors in advance - when the tablets smolder, gas leaks through the cracks in the structure. You can reduce this leakage by sealing all possible joints and crevices with tape.

    Powdered sulfur can cause eczema, and the fumes can cause poisoning, so you only need to handle the saber while wearing gloves, and wash your hands immediately after handling. Avoid any inhalation of smoldering bomb fumes.


    • You can store food in vegetable stores or cellars no earlier than 5 days after processing
    • After fumigation, keep the room closed for 24-36 hours
    • after 36 hours, open for ventilation for 48 hours
    • The protective effect of sulfur smoke is 8-12 days

    What insects are checkers used against?

    Thanks to the ability of smoke to penetrate into the smallest cracks, complete destruction of pests is achieved. When treating greenhouses, toxic smoke can neutralize the soil layer from plant pests and pathogens where other pesticides are ineffective.

    Smoke bomb against insects in a greenhouse

    Here is a list of insects against which drugs are used:

    • mites;
    • bark beetles;
    • wood borers;
    • bedbugs;
    • cockroaches;
    • woodlice;
    • mosquitoes;
    • flies;
    • wasps, horse flies.

    Smoke bombs are divided into specialized and universal, which can be used both in enclosed spaces and in open spaces. You can use a smoke screen to kill insects in the garden. When carrying out disinfestation in an open space, precautions must be taken so as not to harm pets and neighbors.

    Gas protection

    You can protect yourself from toxic sulfur anhydride using a gas mask. You can use a respirator and safety glasses , but only if the room where the treatment is carried out is small and a maximum of two tablets is used.

    As a rule, two people carry out the processing. One controls the process, and the other processes the room. If the floor in the greenhouse is wooden, you cannot place a saber with a wick on it. For this, a basin or other objects .

    You cannot be distracted by food or drink liquids during the process. There should be no children or animals nearby. Immediately after setting fire, a person must leave the room ; being among the smoke is extremely dangerous. If several checkers are set on fire, they should be lit in such order that the handler moves towards the exit and has time to get out before the smoke starts to flow.

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