Which vacuum cleaner to choose for your home – with a bag or a container?

Vacuum cleaners that collect dirt into containers of any size are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the convenience of this technology. Often, instead of bag devices, cyclones are purchased. But in the end, they also turn out to be not ideal: they create a lot of noise, collect little dust at a time, and washing them turns out to be not so easy. As a result, a logical question arises: maybe vacuum cleaners with a dust bag are not so bad? Let's try to figure out what is better to choose, a bag or a container for collecting dust.

Vacuum cleaners with a garbage bag

The main feature of this vacuum cleaner is the presence of a dust bag. This is where debris will fall during cleaning. Such devices can cope with a wide range of work and have many functions. They are capable of cleaning carpets, curtains, furniture and other surfaces. Such vacuum cleaners can be either horizontal or vertical.

Bags for such vacuum cleaners are available in disposable and reusable versions. They differ in their production materials. Disposable ones are made of paper or synthetics. You will have to buy them additionally, because... After use, such bags are simply thrown away. They are made of durable paper that will hold up to 99% of dust. The volume can vary from 1.5 to 6 liters.

Reusable bags are made of fabric. They do not need to be changed and thrown away every time. You just need to pour out the garbage as it fills. In some models, these bags can be washed. It is also possible to make them yourself.

A good inexpensive vacuum cleaner. The best robot vacuum cleaners

Kitfort KT-519

One of the cheapest robot vacuum cleaners. Power consumption does not exceed 20 W, which does not affect electricity bills at all.

Inside this little thing there is a battery with a capacity of 2600 mAh - this energy reserve is enough for about 150 minutes of operation, after which it requires twice as much time to recharge.


  • Decent battery life;
  • Not very high cost;
  • Availability of a cyclone filter;
  • High energy efficiency;
  • Availability of a soft bumper;
  • Several operating modes.


  • Battery type - NiMH;
  • The turbo brush gets dirty quickly;
  • Small container capacity.

Reviews of the Kitfort KT-519 show that this is one of the simplest robot vacuum cleaners. However, this does not prevent him from coping with his main task.

Problems are observed only in the absence of serious mechanisms here that would allow overcoming high thresholds. What can I say, it’s difficult for the little one to get over even the wires, of which there are a lot in any room.

Neato BotVac 75

An excellent robot vacuum cleaner, devoid of most of the shortcomings that are typical of budget models. It is also worth noting its unusual and memorable appearance - Neato BotVac 75 is difficult to confuse with any other similar device.


  • Very good optical sensors;
  • Presence of a cyclone filter;
  • Three operating modes;
  • Doesn't consume the greatest amount of electricity;
  • Able to draw up and remember a room layout;
  • The presence of a soft bumper.


  • Outdated battery type;
  • Not everyone can afford it;
  • Quite a high noise level.

Reviews of the Neato BotVac 75 indicate that customers are not disappointed with this vacuum cleaner. The creators managed to slightly increase the size of the device, increasing the volume of the dust collector to 0.7 liters. This allows you to empty the device a little less often than usual.

However, it was not without its drawbacks. The increase in size affected the noise level, which became more noticeable. Also, such a device is not recommended for pet owners, otherwise you will have to clean the brush from fur and hair after each cleaning.

iRobot Roomba 870

A product from one of the most famous robotics manufacturers. It has the usual round shape. One charge can work up to 90 minutes.

Charging time is approximately three hours. The difference from many competitors is the presence of ultrasonic sensors, which are sometimes much more effective than optical ones.


  • Well understands the limits of the room;
  • Minimum dimensions and weight;
  • Availability of ultrasonic sensors;
  • Cleaning using a cyclone filter;
  • Rich programming capabilities;
  • Does not waste a large amount of electricity;
  • Able to adapt to different types of surface.


  • Outdated type of battery.

Reviews for the iRobot Roomba 870 show that people are excited about purchasing it. This device can be set not only with virtual walls, but also with the date of the tidying! The brushes are also well implemented here - they rarely need to be cleaned, basically all the dirt, hair and dust end up in the trash bin.

It is quite possible that this is a consequence of the fact that the robot vacuum cleaner can recognize surface types (laminate, tile, carpet and linoleum), immediately adapting to them.

Advantages of vacuum cleaners with a dust bag

Let's look at the advantages of this type of vacuum cleaner.

Hygiene. In modern models of vacuum cleaners, the bags are made using complex multi-layer technology and themselves, in fact, are part of the cleaning system. Manufacturers often lie by indicating 7-8 stages in the filtration system. In fact, half of them come from the bag. At the moment when the bag is dismantled from the inlet pipe, the hole is tightly closed with a special valve. As a result, the contents of the bag do not come into contact with either the user or the environment. This method of collecting dust is justifiably considered more hygienic.

Some manufacturers, including those leading in the household appliances market, still prefer this version of the dust collector, and the cyclone system was introduced into their model line quite recently. An example is Miele; they released their first cyclone in 2016.

Simplicity of design. The reliability of any system is lower, the more links it contains. Therefore, the simpler the dust collector, the more reliable it is. Cyclones have a complex design: narrow parts, latches. They themselves are made of plastic – a rather fragile material. And a bag is a bag.

Less power loss. Initially, power losses on a cyclone are higher, since it is a solid structure in which filtration occurs by a vortex flow. He loses some of his power. The air bag is through, so there are no such problems. True, the subsequent rate of power loss is greater for the bag, since, unlike a cyclone, you cannot shake it out during the process.

Less noise during operation. The bag is located inside the housing, so the second loudest process (after engine operation) occurs inside, and not outside, like a cyclone. Plus, the bag itself works as a “silencer.”

Vacuum cleaner brands. Upright vacuum cleaner or regular

These are two main groups of devices, the difference between which is visible to the naked eye. Vertical ones are a cane, in the lower part of which a brush is fixed, and between it and the handle on the body there is a container for collecting dust. A standard or horizontal vacuum cleaner is essentially a cart on which the motor and debris container are located, and the dust collection brush is attached to a flexible hose, the other end of which is connected to the body of the device. Which vacuum cleaner is better to buy must be decided individually, because each of these designs has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing.

Upright vacuum cleaner

The first thing you have to pay attention to is the weight of the device. Since all the details are concentrated on its body, it is noticeably harder to hold it in your hands while cleaning. If this is an important point, then you need to look for models in which the center of gravity is lowered as much as possible - towards the brush that slides along the floor. In cordless models that run on a battery, due to their design features, the motor and dust container are always located closer to the handle, so they seem heavier when working.

+ Pros of upright vacuum cleaners

  1. The dust collection brush must be equipped with a turbo brush or an additional roller for collecting wool and hair from carpets.
  2. Wired models are often made with the ability to “park” in a vertical position - this way they take up less storage space, and it is also convenient if you need to take a break from cleaning for a minute.
  3. Structurally, such vacuum cleaners can be equipped with a large garbage bag.

— Disadvantages of vertical vacuum cleaners

  1. In some cases, devices of the same power may be noisier than their horizontal counterparts.
  2. Due to their greater weight, such vacuum cleaners are more difficult to use on “rough” terrain – thresholds, stairs, etc.
  3. The length of the power cord often turns out to be noticeably shorter than that of the “big brothers” - there is simply not enough space in the case to wind it up.

Most often, such vacuum cleaners are used as auxiliary ones to quickly collect loose crumbs or wool from the carpet, although some models are successfully used as main ones.

Regular vacuum cleaner

A familiar, reliable and effective design, adapted by many generations of engineers to solve almost any problem that may arise during the cleaning process. If necessary, they are equipped with a variety of attachments for cleaning hard-to-reach places, plus there are models for wet cleaning.

+ Pros of standard vacuum cleaners

  1. When working suspended, you only need to hold the flexible hose with the brush, which is an order of magnitude lighter than the entire vertical vacuum cleaner.
  2. Better suited for cleaning hard-to-reach places, including those off the floor.
  3. Structurally they are more reliable than vertical ones.
  4. Despite the greater power, the motors of such devices operate a little quieter.

— Disadvantages of standard vacuum cleaners

  1. They take up more space when stored.
  2. If there is no additional equipment with a turbo brush, then the standard one can “pass” fur and hair.
  3. Some models are quite difficult to operate, especially for washing vacuum cleaners or those equipped with an aqua filter.

Such models are the most common and suitable for complete cleaning of premises.

Vacuum cleaners with dust container

Vacuum cleaners with a container (bagless) are considered more modern models, which many housewives have already appreciated. And x work is carried out according to the cyclone principle, i.e. the air will be sucked in by a large vortex, and all the dust will settle on the walls of the tank. Most often, the container is made of transparent plastic so that you can clearly see how much garbage has collected inside. Some modern models have a tank with several compartments. One of them is used for large debris, and the second is for collecting finer dust.

What you need to know before you buy

Of course, it is necessary to study the characteristics described above. They will become the basis for choosing a model. After studying all the pros and cons of bag and container models, you can determine which one suits your needs.

An important characteristic that influences the choice of device is price. The price range for both categories is on average from 5 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. But the cost of consumables differs.

Buying dust collectors for bag models will cost about 300 rubles. The frequency of spending is approximately once every six months. The amount is quite acceptable for such a period of time. Models with a container require periodic filter replacement. They are changed less often - once every 2-3 years, but the price is higher - 500-10,000 rubles.

Summarizing all of the above, we can derive the “arithmetic average” - based on the sum of the characteristics, for the majority, bagged vacuum cleaners with dust collectors in the budget category will most likely be more convenient and profitable. Although, the final decision is up to each individual user depending on personal needs.

Household appliances Vacuum cleaner

Advantages of vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter

Cyclones also have their advantages.

  1. Economical. The cyclone does not require constant consumption of filters, nozzles or anything else. Yes, filters in such a vacuum cleaner need to be changed, but not more often than in others. And these are all the expenses for servicing this equipment.
  2. Quick cleaning at any time. It is enough to shake out the debris from the flask, put it in place, and the vacuum cleaner is ready for use. The bag needs to be cleaned, dried, or run to buy a new one.
  3. There is no power loss in multicyclone devices. In devices where two or more cyclone filters are installed, the suction power does not sag for a long time. The more filters there are, the less power loss during operation.
  4. There is no stagnant dust smell. Fabric bags, passing dirty, heated air, filter it and remove this smell. Accordingly, the smell remains in the bag. Advanced models combat this problem with carbon filters, but this is rare. Vacuum cleaners with a cyclonic dust collector do not have this problem at all.

Factors influencing the choice of vacuum cleaner

What should you pay attention to when choosing a vacuum cleaner model with a container? Let's look at the most important parameters.


A distinction must be made between power consumption and suction power. The first characteristic shows how much power the electric motor of the device develops, the second - with what force the air is drawn into the pipe with the nozzle. As a rule, the power consumption is indicated on the body nameplate and on the packaging box: for modern models it ranges from 1200 W to 3000 W. This parameter is important for simple models with a HEPA filter and for cyclone units. Multicyclone devices have low power consumption, but this does not mean that they remove dust worse. They just don’t need to expend a lot of energy for high-quality cleaning.

As for suction power, it is an indicator of cleaning efficiency. But manufacturers do not always indicate this characteristic on the packaging of a household device, especially when it comes to inexpensive models in the budget segment. It is worth remembering that their suction power decreases as the container fills with debris and dust, i.e. the actual air jet force will be lower than the nominal one. High-quality cyclones, and especially multicyclone units, do not have this drawback. Manufacturers recommend choosing equipment with a suction power of 250-300 W for cleaning small apartments up to 50 m², and for larger homes, especially with an abundance of carpeting and upholstered furniture, no less than 300 W.

Container volume

The larger the volume of the flask, the more dust and dirt it can accommodate. So, to clean a one-room apartment, a container with a volume of 1-1.2 liters is enough; it is advisable to clean a two-room apartment with a vacuum cleaner with a flask holding 1.5-2 liters, etc. The larger the container, the larger the area that can be treated before it is full. On the other hand, the dimensions of the vacuum cleaner also increase, which means there is a need for a special place to store it.

Dust suction pipe

The most convenient to use are vacuum cleaners with a telescopic pipe design, which can be lengthened or shortened as needed. Such a pipe will allow you to remove dust from the most inaccessible places - from under a wide sofa, from the mezzanine of a closet, the top shelves of a bookcase, etc. It’s even better if the most necessary adjustments are located on the pipe handle, and you can switch the power without bending over to the body.


Most canister vacuum cleaners come with three attachments: a universal brush with a floor-to-carpet switch, a small upholstery brush, and a crevice tube for tight spots. Expensive models usually come with 4-5 different attachments. In addition, some additional accessories can be purchased separately if necessary. These include:

  • turbo brush, equipped with a rotating spiral brush on an electric drive, which effectively removes animal hair, hair and other dirt from carpets;
  • mini turbo brush for thorough cleaning of furniture;
  • nozzle for cleaning parquet with soft natural bristles and felt upholstery;
  • a rotating brush that is convenient for cleaning heating radiators, tops of cabinets and other hard-to-reach places;
  • a nozzle for grooming animals, equipped with a special brush for combing out hair;
  • a nozzle for mattresses and bedding that allows you to remove dust and linen mites from them.

Some of these accessories are included with select models and are also sold as optional equipment. When choosing such attachments, you need to make sure that they fit your unit.


Automatic cord rewinding when you press a button on the case has today become a mandatory option for everyone, even the most budget models. But the length of the power cord can vary significantly, while this indicator determines the operating range of the vacuum cleaner. A model equipped with a cord shorter than 5 meters will not allow you to clean the entire room without switching the plug to another outlet. Alternatively, you will have to use a corded extension cord, but this is not the most convenient or safe option. It is best if the length of the power cord is 10-12 meters: with this vacuum cleaner you can treat almost any room in the house.

Vacuum cleaner with dust container ELECTROLUX ZSPC2010 1.4l

Noise level

A vacuum cleaner cannot be called a quiet unit: you probably hear when your neighbors start cleaning, and they hear you in the same way. One of the noticeable disadvantages of a container-type vacuum cleaner is the high noise level during operation. Expensive models are equipped with noise protection, which allows you to reduce the roar of the engine to an acceptable level, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to make it quiet. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the noise level emitted by a working vacuum cleaner should not be higher than 85 dB. If the model you choose makes noise within 70-75 dB, this is a completely satisfactory indicator.

Housing design

An important factor of choice for those who live in a small apartment and value every free decimeter of space are the overall dimensions of the case: the more compact it is, the fewer problems arise during storage. Because of this, some choose vertical-type models with a container placed in the handle. Unfortunately, most of these products are not very powerful and are only suitable for maintenance cleaning.

If you prefer a traditional horizontal layout, choose a case with rubberized pads. Rubber will soften impacts on furniture and help avoid scratches. Covers won't hurt on wheels either, especially if you have natural parquet on the floor.

Comparison of important characteristics of vacuum cleaners with a bag and a container

In order to determine which vacuum cleaner to choose - with a bag or a container - it is worth comparing all the important characteristics of devices of both types.

Easy to care for and practical to use

It is of great importance which device will be easier to care for. If we talk about disposable bags, then, obviously, they are easy to use: take out a filled bag, throw it away and insert a new one. But the reality is that almost no one throws away disposable bags - they are shaken out and even washed under water, after which they are dried and put back into the vacuum cleaner, as is the case with a reusable bag. Obviously, this procedure requires drying time. In such a situation, it is necessary to have spare bags.

Cleaning the container is easier: in most cases, you just need to shake it out. Dust practically does not linger on the smooth plastic walls. Manufacturers recommend washing and drying the container, but this cannot be done every time. Thus, caring for a bagless vacuum cleaner is easier and does not require the purchase of replacement consumables.

Washing vacuum cleaners

The cleaning quality of these models is slightly higher than that of other types. If dry cleaning needs to be done a couple of times a week, then you can clean it with a washing vacuum cleaner once every 2 weeks.

The operating principle of a washing vacuum cleaner is as follows. There are two reservoirs inside the case; one of them (2.5-10 l) is filled with water and detergent. The solution is sprayed under pressure through a special tube in the nozzle. Contaminated water is collected through the side channels and enters the second tank (5-30 l). Three functions are performed simultaneously: spraying detergent, washing the surface and suctioning contaminated liquid. The final purification of the exhaust air is provided by fine filters.

The advantages of washing vacuum cleaners are obvious. This is an opportunity for both dry and wet cleaning, generating steam, washing the floor, cleaning sinks, bathtubs, windows, collecting spilled liquids. At the same time, the room will be scented. And if the water is contaminated, a signal will be given indicating the need to replace it.

But the shortcomings are also quite impressive. First of all, these are large dimensions, heavy weight, insufficient maneuverability, high power consumption, and noise. The next inconvenience is the obligatory pouring of sufficiently large volumes of clean water during each cleaning and draining the contaminated water, drying the tanks. After cleaning, surfaces do not dry immediately. Do not use washing vacuum cleaners on natural parquet, wood, or natural-pile carpets. And manufacturers insist on using only branded detergents, which cost from 600 to 1000 rubles. for 500 ml.

All this leads to a fairly high price. A good small-volume device can be purchased for 6-7 thousand rubles. These are vacuum cleaners for 1-2-room apartments with a clean water capacity of 2-4 liters. For a 3-room apartment you will need a 5-8 liter tank. And top models for cleaning large houses can cost 200 thousand rubles.

Negative aspects of working with both types of vacuum cleaners

When purchasing disposable bags, you need to be careful. There are a lot of them, but not all are of high quality. Low-quality products may not retain dust well, fail or tear during operation. All this negatively affects the quality and convenience of cleaning. That is why when purchasing such goods you should not choose the cheapest option. The design of the bags is also of great importance. Convenient products are those that have a cardboard frame that ensures proper fit into the vacuum cleaner socket. The gasket-seal should fit tightly to the body of the device, creating maximum tightness.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to turn on the vacuum cleaner without a dust collector, otherwise it will lead to damage.

A vacuum cleaner with a container also has some operating features. It is these models that are subject to strong static voltage. Sometimes, when you touch the body, you can feel a small electric shock. This is not very pleasant, but it doesn’t always happen. This tension occurs due to the plastic parts, which will be charged by the friction of particles spreading throughout the tank.

How to choose a bagless vacuum cleaner? Review of TOP 5 models for home

Written by Igor Postnikov

Choosing a bagless vacuum cleaner for your home will have a positive effect in terms of cleaning efficiency and a significant increase in the cleanliness of the room. New filtration and dust separation technologies make the air blown out clean.

Cleanliness in the home is the key to the health of its inhabitants and well-being, so buying a vacuum cleaner for the home is important for every family. To get the most out of a device with the most effective dust suction performance, choose bagless vacuum cleaner models, which have greater suction power than conventional bag units. Also, the main advantage is the ease of cleaning the dust container and the ability to simply rinse the container with water. If you choose a bagged vacuum, you will want to use disposable bags to make it easier to release dust, and this will be an additional financial cost.

Criteria for choosing a bagless vacuum cleaner

Unit power – power consumption ranges from 1400 to 2500 watts at peak maximum operation. To achieve excellent results when using it when cleaning residential premises, an indicator that is important when choosing a vacuum cleaner is the suction power. The higher the suction power, the better the cleaning result, usually the range of this indicator is from 250 to 500 watts. Please also keep in mind that in some models, when the dust container is full, the suction efficiency decreases. Therefore, when purchasing, find out in more detail the capabilities of different models, and if it is a cyclone vacuum cleaner, then there will be no problem with a decrease in suction power. The special structure of the spiral air twisting eliminates a decrease in efficiency.

Bagless vacuum cleaner filters - the higher the degree and more layers of filtration, the cleaner the exhaust air will be. The presence of a HEPA filter will trap allergens and harmful bacteria that can trigger allergies. There are five classes, ranging from HEPA11 to HEPA15.

Noise of the unit - the average noise level of the vacuum cleaner fluctuates around 65-75 dB. The type of nozzle also affects the noise level. The weight and compactness of the vacuum cleaner - for a small apartment it will be convenient to buy a small-sized and lightweight device. But this will also affect the functionality of the bagless vacuum cleaner, so the choice is yours - take a unit weighing 3-5 or 5-8 kilograms.

The working radius and the number of nozzles - here we choose based on the capabilities of your room; if you need a large radius, we try to choose the appropriate option. The presence of a telescopic pipe will allow you to fold the device compactly or optimize operation of the unit. A large selection of different attachments for all types of surfaces will make cleaning much more effective.

Review of models from leading manufacturers

Samsung SC21F50VA

  • maximum power consumption 2100 Watt
  • suction power 450 Watt
  • unit noise 79 dB
  • microfilter and HEPA13 filter
  • electrical monitoring of filter condition
  • total cleaning radius 10 meters
  • weight 7.4 kilograms

The Korean manufacturer pleases with an excellent model for cleaning living spaces with CycloneForce technology, which ensures a constant level of work without reducing productivity. The high power of the vacuum cleaner makes this model very effective for use at home. A unique and convenient brush will allow you to absorb dust as much as possible and make the room clean. A comfortable handle and five types of attachments will make the process comfortable. A model from a well-known manufacturer deserves close attention.

  • maximum power consumption 2000 Watt
  • suction power 420 Watt
  • unit noise 78 dB
  • carbon filter and HEPA13, eight filtration layers
  • Active Following technology (easy movement)
  • total cleaning radius 11 meters
  • weight 6.8 kilograms

Another manufacturer that uses modern technologies for its products and has excellent quality and ease of use. Active Following will allow you to move the vacuum cleaner without any effort at all, as the unit will automatically repeat the movements following you. The Turbocyclone system separates dust according to the size of the dust particles, which gives constant operation without reducing power. Automatic dust compaction will increase the efficiency of the dust collector.

Philips FC8631

  • maximum power consumption 2000 Watt
  • suction power 370 Watt
  • unit noise 80 dB
  • microfilter and HEPA10 filter
  • PowerCyclone 4 efficient separation of dust from air
  • total cleaning radius 9 meters
  • weight 6 kilograms

Philips once again pleases its users with home appliances that are thought out to the smallest detail and are of good quality in all respects. PowerCyclone 4, the latest technology for separating dust and air, together with filters, makes cleaning even cleaner. The extended handle allows you to vacuum in the most difficult to reach places. The convenient design of the container will make cleaning as convenient as possible. A set of all basic attachments including a universal one.

Bosch BGS52530

  • maximum power consumption 2500 Watt
  • suction power 400 Watt
  • unit noise 74 dB
  • microfilter and HEPA13 filter
  • SilenceSound System (noise reduction)
  • total cleaning radius 11 meters
  • weight 6.7 kilograms

The German giant has the highest build quality and does not require any special introduction, as it is the trendsetter in home cleaning devices. With a high power unit, SilenceSound System allows you to minimize the noise level. The RobustAir system is designed to provide maximum air flow. SensorBagless is a self-cleaning filter system. Quiet carpet nozzle SilentClean and a set of others for all surfaces.

Electrolux UCDELUXE

  • maximum power consumption 1400 Watt
  • suction power 300 Watt
  • unit noise 78 dB
  • microfilter and HEPA13 filter
  • Compact&Go (dust compression system)
  • total cleaning radius 10 meters
  • weight 10 kilograms

The top model from Electrolux has the maximum range of functions and attachments, allowing for effective cleaning in any living space. With the Compact&Go system you can simplify cleaning the dust container and do it in two movements. Unique nozzles eroPro Silent, Parketto, Turbo will make the cleaning process convenient and enjoyable. High maneuverability of the device thanks to soft wheels. Control on the handle (remote) will be very useful.

Built-in vacuum cleaners

Not many people know about them, because... These models do not apply to private household appliances. They are interesting because the collected dust is removed from the room along with odors and allergens through air ducts built into the walls. The vacuum cleaner motor is located outside the room, so the cleaning process is silent. There is a special socket in the wall where the hose is connected. The result is the highest degree of purification.

Such vacuum cleaners are installed through complex installation during major renovations or when building a house. Their cost is very high, and such a device consumes energy like a dozen ordinary ones. As a rule, such models are installed in hotels.

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