How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment: answers to all questions

It is impossible to keep your apartment clean without a vacuum cleaner. Many of us do not attach much importance to the selection of this much-needed household appliance. But in vain, after all the vacuum cleaner is selected for a sufficiently long period of time, therefore it must fully comply with the apartment and personal requirements, otherwise cleaning with its help will be difficult, and achieving the desired results is almost impossible. That is why before purchasing it is worth understanding how to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment, and what parameters this device should have. You will receive answers to all questions below.

Type of vacuum cleaner dust collector

When deciding which vacuum cleaner to choose, first of all, you need to decide on the type of dust collector - this is one of the most basic parameters of the vacuum cleaner. Depending on the dust collector, all vacuum cleaners are divided into three groups:

  • vacuum cleaners with bags;
  • vacuum cleaners with containers;
  • vacuum cleaners with aquafilter.

Washing vacuum cleaners are included in a separate group, which will be discussed below.

Vacuum cleaners with dust bags

These are the most affordable devices, so their popularity is still very high, despite the emergence of more sophisticated designs. The principle of operation is simple : the electric motor starts the fan, which creates a rarefied atmosphere, due to which dust enters the bag through the brush and pipe. Passing through the filters, the air is purified and comes out completely clean. As the dust container fills up, the cleaning efficiency decreases.

Bags can be of two types:

  • paper;
  • fabric.

Paper bags are disposable. When such a bag is full, you can simply throw it away - quickly and easily. On the other hand, you will have to buy paper bags from time to time, and this is an additional waste.

Fabric bags can be shaken out and used again and again. This makes the cleaning process cheaper, but when you empty the bag you will have to breathe in dust, which is not very pleasant, and is generally contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Vacuum cleaners with containers

Many people prefer to choose vacuum cleaners without a dust bag , because their suction efficiency does not decrease when the dust collector is filled . Such devices use a cyclone-type system , which was once developed by John Dyson. In simple words the operating principle is as follows : the drawn air enters a cone-shaped tank, where it moves in a spiral, and the dust is pressed against the walls of the container and freely falls down. double cyclone principle are increasingly on sale , which are equipped with an additional external cyclone, where the air is cleaned of larger dust particles, and then enters the main cyclone. You can also find models that use more than two cyclones.

The main disadvantage of such a system is that when shaking out the container, contact with dust is inevitable. Previously, such vacuum cleaners were not distinguished by the most effective air filtration, but today, thanks to HEPA filters, air purification reaches 99.99%. When using a vacuum cleaner like this, it is very important to prevent the cyclone from breaking, which can happen when a carpet, rug or other object gets stuck to the brush. The main advantage is the same high performance regardless of how full the container is. to say unequivocally which vacuum cleaner is better to choose, with a bag or a container , but the latter are in higher demand today.

Vacuum cleaners with aqua filter

Vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter provide a high degree of dust removal and additional air humidification . Dirty air passes through the filter with water and is immediately mixed with it due to the high pressure of the air supply. Water absorbs dust particles, the smallest dust particles are retained by additional filters, and at the output we get clean and humidified air.

Such vacuum cleaners are ideal for allergy sufferers , and you won’t have to breathe dust when emptying the container - you just need to pour the contaminated water down the drain, and this is not difficult. The cleaning efficiency of such a vacuum cleaner is the highest . True, you will have to empty the container after each cleaning , which can be attributed to the disadvantages, because in all other types of vacuum cleaners the container is shaken out (or changed) as it is filled. Another disadvantage of vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter is their higher weight and larger dimensions compared to models with other types of dust collectors.

Washing vacuum cleaners

All vacuum cleaners are divided into two types according to the type of cleaning:

  • for dry cleaning;
  • for wet cleaning.

Vacuum cleaners with bags, containers and an aqua filter belong to the dry type of cleaning. Vacuum cleaners with a wet cleaning function are a separate type of device that can carry out both regular dry and wet cleaning. The efficiency of washing vacuum cleaners is much higher than that of conventional dry ones. They are able to cope with different types of contaminants, collecting dust and dirt that cannot be sucked in with conventional vacuum cleaners.

Washing devices do an excellent job of cleaning carpet surfaces, tiles, stone, and they can even wash glass until it shines. One cleaning per week with such a vacuum cleaner can be compared in effectiveness to cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner every other day. We can talk about the advantages of washing models of vacuum cleaners for a very long time - they cope with the task of cleaning really well.

Among the disadvantages of such devices is the high price, which is 2-3 times higher than the cost of conventional models with a dry cleaning method. Moreover, wet cleaning is not suitable for all types of surfaces. For example, natural carpets and parquet will only suffer from such cleaning. The weight of washing vacuum cleaners is significant, and it will be extremely difficult for a fragile woman to carry out cleaning with its help. Moreover, after each cleaning you will need to disassemble and dry the vacuum cleaner, and such models have significant electricity consumption, and this does not count the need to constantly add a special detergent. Such an impressive list of disadvantages, according to many users, outweighs the advantages of washing vacuum cleaners, so for now they are inferior in popularity to conventional models.

Select the main type of cleaning

Dry cleaning

The vast majority of vacuum cleaners are designed specifically for dry cleaning, that is, for simple suction. These can be models with any type of design. All garbage is collected in special bags, containers or tanks.

Where can I get it?

  • Vacuum cleaner Samsung SS80N8014KR SS80N8014, 26,990 rubles →
  • Vacuum cleaner VITEK VT-8110 SR, 6,690 rubles →
  • Vacuum cleaner Philips FC9174/02, 12,990 rubles →

Wet cleaning

Models with this function can be used for cleaning tiles, carpets, upholstery, as well as for washing windows and simply collecting spilled liquids.

In the case of standard vacuum cleaners, wet cleaning involves spraying and suctioning moisture. Therefore, these cleaning vacuum cleaners are the most effective of all. However, there are also plenty of shortcomings. This is bulkiness, heavy weight, and, of course, high price. In addition, one cannot fail to note the need to thoroughly wash and dry all parts after each use.

Vertical vacuum cleaners and wet cleaning robots usually use special microfiber attachments and water containers. Essentially, this is simply wetting the floor after sucking up the dust.

Vertical vacuum cleaners can also have a wet cleaning function, but there will be little benefit from such washing

Some models of robotic vacuum cleaners can spray water in front of them and then wipe it with a sponge or microfiber.

Any household vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning can also operate in dry mode.

It is generally accepted that washing vacuum cleaners cannot be used for laminate and parquet, however, expensive models provide special attachments for such coatings. They instantly absorb remaining liquid and prevent the boards from deforming.

Where can I get it?

  • Vacuum cleaner THOMAS DryBOX Amfibia, 24,990 rubles →
  • Vacuum cleaner Karcher Cosyy'y BR 4.300, 74,990 rubles →
  • Vacuum cleaner ILIFE V7s Pro, 12,930 rubles →

Vacuum cleaner filters

The second important factor that needs to be taken into account before buying a vacuum cleaner for your home is the type and number of filters , because it is this parameter that determines what kind of air will come out of the vacuum cleaner, and therefore how healthy the microclimate in the apartment will be.

Manufacturers may claim that their vacuum cleaner uses an air purification system that includes 7 or even 10-12 filters, but all this is nothing more than a marketing ploy , because three levels of purification , which are found in all models, are of key importance:

  • the first is a bag, container or aquafilter . At this stage, the bulk of the dust is retained, but the smallest particles pass further, so additional air purification is necessary at subsequent stages;
  • the second is the engine compartment filter, which protects the engine from dust and cleans the air from small dust particles. Often the filter is made of foam rubber or other material with a similar structure, which can allow air to pass through, but traps fine particles;

  • the third stage is fine output filters , whose task is to completely clean the air before leaving the vacuum cleaner.

Fine filters play a special role , so when choosing a vacuum cleaner you should pay maximum attention to them.

Fine filters are most often represented by one of the following options:

  • microfilters of electrostatic type;
  • HEPA filters;
  • S-filters.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Electrostatic microfilters are the cheapest option, which is still used in budget vacuum cleaner models. Such filters are made on a foam rubber, cellulose or pressed microfiber base. They trap dirt particles while allowing air to pass freely. The degree of purification is quite decent, but still inferior to more modern HEPA and S-filters. In addition, such filters will need to be changed or washed from time to time.

HEPA filters today are used in the vast majority of vacuum cleaners , and improved options with an increasingly higher degree of purification are constantly appearing. This filter resembles an accordion, is made of fiber material, the holes in it are from 0.3 to 0.65 microns in diameter, so they can trap even the smallest dust particles.

The HEPA filter can be disposable and made of paper or fiberglass. In this case, you will sometimes have to replace used filters with new ones, and the manufacturer indicates the frequency of such replacements for each model and different operating conditions. Permanent filters are made of fluoroplastic and require only periodic washing. If you comply with this requirement, the filter can be used for as long as a vacuum cleaner.

The efficiency of the HEPA filter is determined by the European standard EN 1822 . In the description of a specific vacuum cleaner model, you can see designations of this kind: HEPA H 10 or HEPA H 11 , HEPA H 12, etc. A number from 10 to 16 indicates the degree of air purification , and the higher it is, the better. Thus, HEPA H 10 filters retain up to 85% of dust particles HEPA H filters – already 99.95% . If you don’t know which vacuum cleaner to choose for a home where an allergy sufferer lives, then it is better to opt for HEPA H 13 filters, which trap both plant pollen and tobacco smoke. By the way, you can already find HEPA H 14 on sale with a purification degree of 99.995% and even more efficient filters.

S -filters also provide a high degree of purification - 99.97%. Can be replaceable or reusable. They will have to be replaced or cleaned once a year.

Once again, it is worth noting that the three degrees of filtration described are basic and provide excellent air purification. In order to increase sales, manufacturers offer vacuum cleaners with dozens of cleaning levels: you will spend more money on the purchase, but the air coming out will be the same.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner: we help you decide on the criteria

A fairly simple and long-familiar household appliance - a vacuum cleaner - has not only evolved significantly over the past decades, but has also acquired quite a large number of different types, specializing in different tasks.

Brand new Electrolux straight out of the 1950s

Despite the fact that all these devices continue to be called “vacuum cleaners,” they have divided different areas of work among themselves: some models are designed for professional cleaning of large areas and/or rooms where renovations are being carried out. Others are best suited for cleaning a regular home or apartment. Still others specialize in quick and comfortable cleaning of small spaces...

Let's figure out what modern vacuum cleaners are and what types of work certain models are best suited for. And at the same time, we will mention what characteristics and features you need to pay attention to when choosing a vacuum cleaner.

Vacuum cleaner regular, classic, traditional

When we hear the word “vacuum cleaner,” we traditionally imagine a sort of “pot-bellied” device on wheels, which has a set of all kinds of hoses, tubes and attachments.

This type of vacuum cleaner is primarily designed for dust collection, although it can sometimes also perform wet cleaning. The dust collector for these devices can be a container, a bag, an aqua filter, or a combination of these options (for example, an aqua filter and a container). The scope of application of such devices is cleaning ordinary houses and apartments, as well as processing furniture (if technically possible and special attachments are available).

Vacuum cleaner Redmond RV-308

When choosing a vacuum cleaner for your home, you need to pay attention to a number of factors that directly affect both the quality of cleaning and the convenience of everyday use of the device. Let's list the main parameters that require special attention.

  • Size, dimensions and maneuverability . There are many vacuum cleaners of various sizes on the market today. Of course, there is always a temptation to buy a “bigger” vacuum cleaner, but this solution is not always the optimal one. When choosing, it would be a good idea to check how easy it is for you to operate, pull and lift a particular vacuum cleaner. If possible, it would be a good idea to check the operation of the device on different surfaces - carpets, hard floors, parquet, etc. Finally, it would not hurt to study the instructions and find out what the developer says about his brainchild: often the manufacturer of vacuum cleaners indicates the recommended cleaning area with which this the model will do the best job.
  • Dust collection system . Traditional vacuum cleaners collect dust and debris in a bag (disposable or reusable), in a container (using a so-called cyclone filter, in which dust is collected in lumps) or using an aquafilter - passing polluted air through water. Some models allow the use of different dust collectors - a regular bag or a cyclone filter, or, for example, a bag and an aquafilter. The fundamental difference between the various dust collection methods lies in how exactly the device is to be cared for. So, the container will have to be emptied manually regularly (which means the need for contact with dust), and if there is an aquafilter, the user will only need to pour out the dirty water. Finally, let us remind you that disposable bags, although convenient (they only need to be replaced when filled), are consumables, and therefore their use will entail additional costs.
  • Dust container volume . Different models are equipped with dust collectors of different sizes, designed for rooms of their size. The smaller the dust collector, the more often you will have to be distracted by emptying and cleaning it.
  • Filtration system . To avoid small dust particles from getting back into the air, fine cleaning systems are installed in modern vacuum cleaners. The best results are shown by models with aqua filters and HEPA filters (designed to filter particularly small particles). The presence of such filters is a prerequisite for a modern vacuum cleaner.
  • Power . The power determines how “strong” the vacuum cleaner will be. A low-power vacuum cleaner is also suitable for cleaning relatively clean rooms, but if there are pets or children in the house, then it is better to pay attention to more powerful models. Unfortunately, this parameter is not universal and obvious: it is not always the case that a model with greater power according to the passport will show the best result in real-life conditions. Therefore, before choosing a vacuum cleaner, it would be useful to read user reviews and reviews of the model on specialized technical Internet resources.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning . Some models allow wet cleaning (they are also called wet vacuum cleaners). Such devices spray water (or detergent) using a special nozzle, and then collect it in a special reservoir. A washing vacuum cleaner allows you not only to clean the floor more efficiently, but also to wash upholstered furniture and also clean carpets.
  • Availability of accessories . Before choosing a vacuum cleaner, it would be useful to find out which set of attachments is included in the package. There can be quite a lot of them: nozzles for floors and carpets, special nozzles for laminate flooring, crevice nozzles for cleaning hard-to-reach places, brush nozzles for furniture and clothes. There are even special attachments for grooming pet hair!
  • Noise level . A vacuum cleaner is a noisy device, and too much noise can cause problems for households (especially in a small apartment). Therefore, if you assume that the noise of a vacuum cleaner may become a nuisance, then it is better to find out in advance how loud the model you are interested in will make noise.

Household vacuum cleaner (also known as construction vacuum cleaner)

A household or construction vacuum cleaner, as a rule, is a larger and more powerful (and therefore louder) version of a traditional vacuum cleaner, designed for increased loads and work with more “complex” debris.

Household vacuum cleaner Kitfort KT-550

Note that almost none of the household vacuum cleaners should, according to the manufacturer, encounter repair debris. Such “inappropriate” use of the device can lead to premature wear of the vacuum cleaner or its components. Reusable filters are especially susceptible to construction dust.

Construction vacuum cleaners, unlike household ones, are specially designed taking into account the fact that they will have to remove the remains of cement mixtures and large fractions (brick fragments and wood chips). Many of these devices have the ability to directly connect to “waste” electric tools - jigsaws, grinders, hammer drills, etc.

It is clear that when choosing such a device, “omnivorousness” and power come first. Elegant appearance and reduced noise levels are usually not expected in this case.

The capacity of the dust collector of a construction vacuum cleaner can be several tens of liters, and the device itself can almost always work with bags - both disposable and reusable.

Although cleaning water is usually not the most popular function of a vacuum cleaner, the need for it arises from time to time. With the help of a household vacuum cleaner, you can easily clean up a puddle in front of the porch of a country house, collect water from the bathroom floor after a water pipe leak, remove melted snow from the floor of a car or remove water from a toilet siphon before removing it.

Such a device will come in handy if you are planning minor (or major) renovations in your apartment or are interested in all sorts of homemade projects (for example, related to woodworking). This vacuum cleaner is also recommended for the cottage, workshop and garage.

Well, after the renovation is completed, a construction vacuum cleaner can easily begin to serve as a household vacuum cleaner - of course, if you are ready to put up with its rather large dimensions and increased noise level.

Upright vacuum cleaner

Vertical vacuum cleaners, which have become widespread in recent years, act in a fundamentally different category than traditional vacuum cleaners. If the latter are intended for complete and thorough cleaning of the entire apartment, then vertical vacuum cleaners rather act as an electric broom and are intended for cleaning not too dirty rooms. They are also used in everyday use - when you need to quickly clean a small space (sand in the shoe storage area or spilled cereal in the kitchen).

Vertical cordless vacuum cleaner Roidmi X20

The main advantages of vertical vacuum cleaners are compactness, light weight and the ability to operate on battery power. Key (possible) disadvantages are insufficient power, short battery life and poor design solutions.

So, what parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a vertical vacuum cleaner?

  • Power . If traditional and household vacuum cleaners are rarely deprived of a powerful motor, and often even have a more powerful motor than required, then for compact cordless vacuum cleaners, insufficient power can become the very “bottleneck” separating a useful device from a useless one. When choosing a vertical vacuum cleaner, you must pay attention to the power of the device and make sure that it is sufficient to clean the room. As in the case of “large” models, it is not recommended to focus only on the figures declared by the manufacturer: the real performance of the device does not always correlate with them in the expected way.
  • Battery capacity and operating time . But in this parameter the manufacturer almost never deceives. Before buying a vertical vacuum cleaner, you should definitely find out how long it can work without recharging, as well as how long it will take to fully charge the battery. Of course, few battery-powered models are still capable of fully cleaning an apartment of one hundred square meters, but if you are planning to buy a vertical vacuum cleaner for a studio or one-room apartment, then it would be logical to opt for a model that can cope with cleaning the room in once, without additional recharging.
  • Weight . If you plan to use a vertical vacuum cleaner for full rather than short-term cleaning, then do not forget that you will be holding it in your hands all this time, and therefore the device should not be too heavy. If a vacuum cleaner is purchased for occasional use, then the importance of this parameter is not so great.

Vertical vacuum cleaner Kitfort KT-559

  • Complete set (availability of attachments) . Like its older brothers, a good upright vacuum cleaner is not only equipped with a wide range of attachments (here you can recall a turbo brush for the floor, a special brush for furniture, a crevice nozzle, brushes for cleaning textiles, and additional extension tubes), but it is also designed to in such a way that all these attachments can easily reach the most remote and hard-to-reach places, including the vacuum cleaner should be convenient to use under furniture and in narrow passages.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning . Despite the fact that the vast majority of vertical vacuum cleaners are designed only for cleaning dry dust, some models also allow for wet cleaning. This function is implemented using a special nozzle for washing the floor - a tank for a small amount of water and a cleaning cloth, which is automatically moistened. Wet cleaning can be an excellent function: such a vacuum cleaner, of course, will not clean old and heavy dirt (for general cleaning there are other devices - steam generators or steam mops), but combining daily floor sweeping with wet cleaning makes life much easier.
  • Availability of backlight . Another useful feature that not every vertical vacuum cleaner has is LED floor lighting. This little detail can significantly increase the comfort of using a vacuum cleaner: you don’t have to specifically shine a flashlight under the bed to see how thoroughly the dirt has been removed.
  • Dock station . Vertical vacuum cleaners are traditionally mounted on the wall using a special device that acts as a charging station. When choosing a vertical vacuum cleaner, you need to make sure that the docking station can be easily mounted in the chosen location and will not interfere with other furniture.

Robot vacuum cleaners

Unlike all of the above devices, robot vacuum cleaners belong to a fundamentally different class of devices, although they perform the same task - they remove dirt and dust in the apartment.

The key feature of the robot vacuum cleaner is that it cleans the apartment independently, without the direct participation of the owner. We can say that such a device is intended for everyday maintenance of cleanliness, and not for cleaning heavily soiled rooms.

Robot vacuum cleaner Polaris PVCR 3200 IQ Home Aqua with wet cleaning function

The power of such a device will be significantly lower than that of other types of vacuum cleaners, but the efficiency of robotic vacuum cleaners turns out to be quite high. This is achieved due to the fact that the robot walks around the room every day (or according to another convenient schedule) and collects small amounts of garbage and dust, which without its participation would slowly accumulate. It is unlikely that you will notice that the apartment has become significantly cleaner after one or two starts of the robot, but if you start using it regularly, the changes will soon become obvious: there will be less dust under your feet, and general cleaning will need to be done less often.

Most robot vacuum cleaners are very similar to each other, they have the same (or similar) brushes and operate on the same principle. Therefore, the difference between different models may not be obvious.

Robot vacuum cleaner 360 S7

What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing a robot vacuum cleaner?

  • Battery capacity and operating time . One of the key parameters on which the efficiency of a robot vacuum cleaner depends is the battery capacity and battery life. The longer the vacuum cleaner operates without recharging, the larger the area it can clean.
  • Possibility of wet cleaning . Wet cleaning is far from the main function of robotic vacuum cleaners, but many of them are still equipped with a special container for water and rags for wet cleaning. The ability to not only automatically remove dust, but also wipe the floor is a useful bonus (however, wet cleaning will require the personal participation of the owner).
  • Availability of various programs and built-in software . The efficiency of a robot vacuum cleaner largely depends on how “smart” the device is. Many models can build a map of the room, which increases the cleaning efficiency, while others simply wander around the apartment, turning in different directions when encountering obstacles. Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict how effective this or that model will be based on its description: we came across both relatively simple models that demonstrated good results, and “smart” devices that, in an attempt to build a map of the room, were completely confused and, as a result, left untidy plots. Thus, the best way to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model is to study reviews on specialized sites and read user reviews. In this section we will mention such things as the ability of the vacuum cleaner to adequately respond to obstacles (thresholds and steps), as well as the possibility of installing special barriers (usually IR emitters) that block the passage of the vacuum cleaner into those areas where it should not go.
  • Remote control and control from a smartphone . The vast majority of robotic vacuum cleaners are equipped with a remote control, and the most “advanced” devices can be connected to a home Wi-Fi network and controlled from a mobile application, so you can give commands to the robot literally from anywhere in the world.
  • Setting up a schedule . Almost all robot vacuum cleaners have a scheduled cleaning setting, but not all models implement it successfully. Since many users prefer the robot to take care of the apartment in the absence of the owners themselves, the ability to easily and simply set up a cleaning schedule is, in our opinion, one of the key functions that you need to pay attention to. A good robot vacuum cleaner will allow you to create several cleaning scenarios on weekdays, on weekends, or on selected days of the week, which will allow the owner not to return to this issue after the initial setup.

Note that today there are many similar models on the market of robotic vacuum cleaners that demonstrate very different cleaning quality (the reason for this is the different level of quality of the built-in software). In addition, many models turn out to be frankly inconvenient to manage (for example, they do not allow you to set a schedule for selected days) or are poorly oriented in the room (they begin to “get confused” between the legs of the furniture and, as a result, do not clean some of the rooms). Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find out how successful a particular model will be in reality by studying only its documentation and promotional materials.

Specialized vacuum cleaners

In addition to the vacuum cleaners described above, you can find highly specialized devices designed to perform some special tasks.

This includes car vacuum cleaners, as well as specific models designed, for example, for caring for mattresses (one such device came to us for testing some time ago).

Vacuum cleaner for mattresses Genio Mite L10

There are also special vacuum cleaners for fighting dust mites, vacuum cleaners for dry cleaning (extractors), vacuum cleaners for servicing swimming pools, compact hand-held vacuum cleaners for caring for computers and household appliances, professional vacuum cleaners designed to work with power tools, and other specific models, which should be considered in We will not be part of this review.

Handheld vacuum cleaner Deerma Mites Vacuum-Cl to combat dust mites

However, it’s worth mentioning their existence: what if someone needs just such a special device!


There are four main types of devices on the modern vacuum cleaner market: conventional (traditional) vacuum cleaners, utility vacuum cleaners, upright vacuum cleaners and robotic vacuum cleaners.

All of them are widely used in apartments and private houses, but each of these categories of devices has its own “specialization” (although, of course, in part they can all replace each other in case of urgent need).

Upright vacuum cleaner Jimmy JV85 Pro

The choice of the most suitable type of vacuum cleaner and a specific model is determined primarily by the tasks that are supposed to be solved with the help of the device: for daily cleaning of an apartment, a traditional vacuum cleaner is better suited; in case of repairs, you cannot do without a household (industrial) device, and if the user is faced with the task of spending on If you want to clean your house in as little time as possible, then a robot vacuum cleaner will be your main assistant in this matter.

Note that the various types of these devices do not replace (or at least not completely replace) each other, and therefore, the optimal solution in many cases would be to purchase two vacuum cleaners at once. For example, for a private home, it makes sense to purchase a large household vacuum cleaner for quickly and efficiently cleaning large areas, and in addition to it, a robot vacuum cleaner for daily combat with dust and pet hair.

Vacuum cleaner design type

All vacuum cleaners according to the type of design are divided into the following main types:

  • balloon;
  • vertical;
  • mop-type vacuum cleaners;
  • vacuum cleaners, which represent a separate group of devices.

Each of these vacuum cleaner options has its own advantages and disadvantages, which make the model more preferable for use in specific conditions. So which vacuum cleaner is better to choose? Let's look at the characteristics of each option.

Vacuum cleaner power

All those who are wondering how to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment are always interested in the power of the device. It is worth paying attention not only to power consumption, but also to suction power, and the second parameter is more important, since it directly indicates how effective a particular model is in cleaning.

It’s worth noting right away that the suction power of a vacuum cleaner is not a constant parameter , and it depends on the degree of filling of the dust collector (for vacuum cleaners with bags), on the position of the hose and the main nozzle of some other factors. Moreover, there is still no universal standard for measuring the suction power of a vacuum cleaner, so manufacturers, as a rule, indicate its maximum value.

Suction power is indicated in watts (W), but increasingly you can find another unit of measurement - aerowatts (aW) , which is actually identical to watts. There is no direct relationship between power consumption and suction power, i.e. A vacuum cleaner with a higher power consumption may not necessarily be more effective at cleaning. You need to choose the model that, with the required suction power, has less power consumption. In the description of vacuum cleaners, power consumption and suction power are indicated as a fraction - 1500/500, for example. Among the two vacuum cleaners 1700/400 and 1500/450, the second one will be more effective, and it is worth choosing.

Now the question is different - what power consumption will be enough to clean the room? It all depends on the features of the home interior. Here are the data you can rely on when choosing the required suction power:

  • 350 aW – power suitable for cleaning smooth surfaces, incl. linoleum, laminate, parquet, tiles, etc.;
  • 400-450 aW – power sufficient for cleaning long-pile carpets;
  • 550 aW is enough for wet cleaning;
  • 650 aW is enough for deep cleaning of upholstered furniture;
  • vacuum cleaners with a power of 800 aW or more are used for professional cleaning.

From all this it follows that for most people a vacuum cleaner with a suction power of 300-400 aW is suitable; it will be enough to work with a turbo brush. This is one of the additional attachments, which will be discussed later.

Goals and objectives

Before you go to the store, you need to correctly determine the purpose of cleaning.
It would seem that everything is obvious here - you need to get rid of dust. But it's not that simple. The choice of the appropriate model will depend on what types of flooring there are in the house. Do you have a lot of upholstered furniture? Are there children or elderly people in the apartment? Are there any allergies in your family? Does your favorite cat or dog have a lot of fur? The answers to all these questions will help you make the best choice. It is likely that you need a device with a reduced noise level or a stepped filtration system. Or maybe you need a knockout function or a powerful turbo brush. See also -
10 best robot vacuum cleaners for the home

Vacuum cleaner attachments

To ensure perfect cleanliness in all corners of the house, it is better to use various attachments, thanks to which the vacuum cleaner becomes a truly multifunctional device. Most often, a vacuum cleaner is equipped with 3-5 attachments:

  • a basic “carpet-to-floor” brush, which is suitable for most basic surfaces and will effectively clean both linoleum and carpet surfaces;
  • A crevice tool is a flattened tube with a thin slit at the end. With its help you can remove dust from behind radiators and along baseboards;
  • The turbo brush is an indispensable attachment for owners of dogs and cats with long hair. Thanks to this nozzle, you can clean carpets and upholstered furniture much faster and more efficiently;
  • a round brush with long bristles is suitable for cleaning carved furniture and books;
  • An oval short-hair brush is an excellent option for cleaning curtains and upholstered furniture;
  • natural bristle brush used for cleaning expensive natural materials: parquet, stone, etc.

Suction pipe

An important element of a vacuum cleaner is the suction pipe. Here you need to pay attention to the material of its execution. There are only two options:

  • metal pipe;
  • plastic pipe.

Which material is better? This is a subject of eternal debate, and there is no clear answer. Of course, a metal pipe seems more durable and reliable, and many experts recommend this option. On the other hand, high-quality and durable plastic, which is used to make pipes for modern vacuum cleaners, will serve faithfully for quite a long time, while being much lighter.

The suction pipe can be solid or dismountable. Telescopic sliding pipes are the most convenient and practical option: when cleaning, you can reach them anywhere and store them conveniently.

Suction pipe - what should it be like?

This part plays an important role in the design of the vacuum cleaner. Some time ago, many models with plastic pipes were sold, and similar devices are still found (but rarely). If you don’t know how to choose the right vacuum cleaner, listen to the advice of professionals - they do not recommend buying devices with a plastic suction pipe. If it is made of metal, it will last much longer.

Structurally, the pipe can be solid or collapsible, connected from two tubes inserted into one another.

You can often find telescopic type suction pipes (shown in the image). They can be extended to the desired length, like a fishing rod, by locking them in this position. This is very convenient, and the coolest models of vacuum cleaners have this feature.

Control system

When it comes to controlling a vacuum cleaner, we mean the way it turns on/off and selects power. There are only two fundamentally different options here:

  • mechanical control is carried out using buttons and sliders. Power is controlled by rotators or slide switches. Everything is simple and clear, but power adjustment occurs according to clearly fixed values, which is not always convenient;
  • electronic control allows you to more accurately regulate the power level depending on the surface being treated. Such vacuum cleaners are usually equipped with a small display that displays information about the power level, as well as the need to replace filters, fill the dust container, or the need to recharge if it is a cordless vacuum cleaner.

Robot vacuum cleaners are controlled using a remote control or even through a special application for a smartphone. The cheapest vacuum cleaners do not have a switch for adjusting the power at all, and if necessary, you can adjust it using a damper - the old fashioned way.

Where should the controls be located? The most common option is on the body of the vacuum cleaner. A more convenient option is to locate the controls on the suction pipe, but such models are more expensive.

Don't forget important details

  • Control system . Check in advance the convenience of the controls and the presence of the necessary buttons on the handle or body. For example, in the case of powerful vacuum cleaners, a suction power regulator may be useful. It is useful when cleaning delicate surfaces.
  • Dust container capacity . If you are not ready to clean the vacuum cleaner after every cleaning, take horizontal models with dust containers of 3 liters or more.
  • Radius of action . When purchasing a corded vacuum cleaner, estimate the approximate length of the cord in advance. It should be enough to clean one or several rooms without constantly moving from outlet to outlet.
  • Battery life . Upright, manual and robotic vacuum cleaners can last from 20 minutes to several hours on a single charge. The scatter is very large, this should definitely be taken into account when purchasing.
  • Noise level . Given the importance of this parameter, attention should be paid to vacuum cleaners with bags. They are usually 10–20 dB quieter than container ones.
  • Tube type . The tube can be composite, solid or telescopic. The latter is usually much more convenient and practical.
  • Suction pipe parking . The pipe must be securely fixed to the body of the vacuum cleaner and not bend under its own weight. You can check this in the store.
  • Rubberized wheels and bumper . Rubber and silicone in the finishing of vacuum cleaners are used to protect furniture and floor coverings from accidental impacts.
  • Automatic cord rewind . Almost all corded vacuum cleaners today have this feature, but check just in case.

Some models require a short press, others require a long press.

Vacuum cleaner noise level

Too much noise when vacuuming can cause headaches, so users try to choose a device that is as quiet as possible. In 2002, all major vacuum cleaner manufacturers signed a convention according to which the noise level when vacuuming at maximum power should not exceed 80 dB.

The quietest vacuum cleaners are those that use a bag . Their maximum noise level is 60-65 dB . Cyclone-type vacuum cleaners produce noise at a level of 70-80 dB.

Extra options

factors influencing the correct choice of vacuum cleaner:

    Noise level

    . This parameter is worth paying special attention to. The more powerful the vacuum cleaner, the higher the noise level. Try to find a middle ground between these two parameters.

  • Vacuum cleaner cord length

    The length of the vacuum cleaner cord is also very important when cleaning a room. The longer the cord, the further you can get from the outlet. It is best to buy a vacuum cleaner with a cord of at least 6 meters. However, if the cord is shorter, you can use an extension cord, although some manufacturers prohibit the use of extension cords, so check this point before purchasing.

  • Availability of telescopic tube

    You can adjust the length of the tube and choose the best option.

  • Guarantee period

    Typically, a vacuum cleaner comes with a warranty of 1 to 3 years. Few manufacturers offer a warranty longer than 3 years.

Range and weight of the vacuum cleaner

One of the indicators of the ease of use of a vacuum cleaner is the area that can be cleaned without switching the device from one outlet to another. The operating radius is defined as the total length of the wire and the suction pipe . If this figure is 9 m, then it will be possible to clean a 1-2-room apartment without using extension cords or changing sockets.

When choosing a vacuum cleaner, you should take into account its weight, and, consequently, how convenient it will be for cleaning. For the most fragile ones, it is better to choose compact vacuum cleaners weighing 3-4 kg, but you will have to clean the container from dust or change it more often. The weight of a full-size vacuum cleaner can reach 5-6 kg, and a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter – 7-8 kg.

Buyer's checklist

  • The most inexpensive and reliable solution would be a standard vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter. It's quite powerful and easy to clean.
  • An option for the most squeamish is a vacuum cleaner with disposable paper bags. They almost completely eliminate contact with dust.
  • Vertical vacuum cleaners and hybrids are suitable only for small apartments where there are no carpets or pets.
  • If you have carpets in your home, a robot vacuum cleaner cannot completely replace a regular vacuum cleaner. It only maintains cleanliness, delaying full cleaning.
  • A standard vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter can be called the golden mean in terms of price and quality of cleaning. This device cleans not only the floor, but also the air.
  • If you have pets, it's worth paying extra for a model with a turbo brush.
  • For wet cleaning and cleaning thick-pile carpets, horizontal washing vacuum cleaners with a full-fledged water spray system are perfect.
  • An ideal option for allergy sufferers, families with small children and those simply obsessed with cleanliness would be a washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter.

What else to consider when choosing?

To choose a good vacuum cleaner, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • automatic cord rewinding is a convenient function that allows you to use only the length of cord that is necessary for cleaning, the rest will not interfere;
  • Rubberized wheels are necessary to ensure that the vacuum cleaner does not scratch the floor while cleaning. They are used in most models, but it is still better to pay attention to this point when purchasing;
  • It is better if the wheels are located on the bottom of the vacuum cleaner - this way the device will be more maneuverable. If the wheels are located on the sides, then the vacuum cleaner will only move in a straight line;
  • protecting furniture from damage a vacuum cleaner is implemented due to the rubberized parts of the body or due to the softened structure of the vacuum cleaner body, so that in any case it does not cause harm to the furniture during cleaning;

  • some models have a compartment for storing all attachments - this way you will definitely never lose them, but the dimensions of the vacuum cleaner will increase slightly;
  • Overheating protection is a necessary function that allows you to turn off the vacuum cleaner when the engine has heated up to a critical value, so that it simply does not burn out. A similar feature is provided in almost all modern devices;
  • indicators on the device body can indicate when the dust container is full and when the filter needs to be cleaned. If they are absent, you will need to regularly check the container and filters yourself;
  • False start blocking is an additional feature that prevents the vacuum cleaner from turning on if you forget to install the dust collector;
  • some vacuum cleaners from LG use a special rotating blade in the dust collector, which compacts dust in the container, due to which the capacity of the container increases, and cleaning it becomes much easier - dust will not fly away;
  • When planning to buy a vacuum cleaner, ask if there are components for it on sale : dust collectors, pipes, nozzles, etc.

Safety at work

Undoubtedly, this is an important parameter when choosing a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners most often contain the following functions:

    Start blocking if there is no dust collector in the vacuum cleaner
  • A smooth start of the engine will ensure a gradual increase in power. Consequently, the vacuum cleaner will work longer, because... there are no heavy loads associated with instant engine start.
  • The dust bin full indicator will remind you that it is time to empty the dust bin.
  • If the vacuum cleaner overheats, it automatically turns off, which is also convenient when using a vacuum cleaner if you want your vacuum cleaner to work longer.
  • Also, a special rubber bumper can be installed on the vacuum cleaner. If the vacuum cleaner collides with furniture, it will not be damaged.

The best vacuum cleaner manufacturers

Another important factor that should be taken into account by all those who are wondering how to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment is the name of the manufacturer. The brand speaks volumes, because companies have been earning a name for themselves for a very long time and are unlikely to produce low-quality equipment in pursuit of quick profits.

The best vacuum cleaner manufacturers today:

  • Bosch is a leading German company producing household appliances. The manufacturer’s vacuum cleaners are reliable, high-quality and durable, top sellers in the domestic market;
  • Thomas is another German company that is famous throughout the world for its durable, reliable vacuum cleaners. The manufacturer does not skimp on quality - assembly is carried out only in Germany, and this fact speaks for itself. Among the main advantages of the manufacturer’s models, it is worth noting design and excellent filtration;
  • Karcher is the largest manufacturer of cleaning equipment, which has established itself throughout the world. The assortment is represented mostly by large professional vacuum cleaners, but there are also household models;
  • Dyson are English vacuum cleaners that use a special dust collection and air filtration system. The user only needs to wash the filters under water once every 2-3 months. The devices are easy to use and durable, but not the cheapest;
  • Miele – another proven manufacturer of vacuum cleaners that offers equally reliable devices in different price categories;

  • Electrolux is a Swedish company whose equipment is in demand in 150 countries around the world. The manufacturer's assortment includes vacuum cleaners of different sizes, types and with different functions;
  • Philips is a Dutch company that produces powerful and well-designed vacuum cleaners at fairly reasonable prices;
  • Samsung and LG , two South Korean giants, produce a wide range of vacuum cleaners, so a buyer with any budget and requirements can find a model that suits them.

We hope our tips helped you understand the issue of choosing a vacuum cleaner.

Top manufacturers and models


  • Philips FC9733 PowerPro Expert;
  • Philips FC9351 PowerPro Compact;
  • Philips FC8780 Performer Silent;
  • Philips FC8295 PowerGo;
  • Philips FC9170 Performer.


  • Karcher VC 3 Premium;
  • KARCHER DS 6 Premium Medical;
  • KARCHER SE 4001.


  • Samsung SC4140;
  • Samsung VC20M25;
  • Samsung SC8836;
  • Samsung SC4520;
  • Samsung SC5241.


  • LG VK76A02NTL;
  • LG VK76A09NTCR;
  • LG VK76W02HY;
  • LG VK88504 HUG;
  • LG VK706W02NY.


  • Thomas Multi Cyclone Pro 14;
  • Thomas Aqua Pet & Family;
  • Thomas DryBOX+AquaBOX Cat & Dog;
  • Thomas TWIN T1 Aquafilter;
  • Thomas DryBox Amphibia.


  • Dyson DC33c Allergy;
  • Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal Pro 2;
  • Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Parquet 2;
  • Dyson DC29 Allergy;
  • Dyson Big Ball Multifloor 2.

See the current rating of all popular models on our website.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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