How to remove pen marks from linoleum at home: means and methods

Linoleum care

If you look at the problem as a whole, then caring for linoleum is not difficult. Wet cleaning will help get rid of dust. If the contamination turns out to be more complex, then the surface can be cleaned with the addition of detergents. After this, it is recommended to rinse the floor with clean water and wipe dry to extend its service life.

Old stains will have to be thoroughly rubbed with a soft brush, because hard bristles, used repeatedly, can damage the top layer. Then the coating will have to be changed.

Linoleum is quite durable and abrasion resistant. But still it should be protected from contamination. If you find old stains, don’t be upset. It is important to remember the reason why the stain formed and then look for a solution to this problem.

How to proceed?

If you're not yet ready to turn your home into a rock art cave, then the following tips are for you!

Universal natural methods.

  • Soda. You will need to dilute the baking soda to a thick paste-like consistency. This mixture should be placed on the stain and left until completely dry. After this, you need to thoroughly wash the soda.
  • Salt is great for fresh stains. If you add salt to the ink, or add acetic or citric acid, you can easily wipe off the stain.
  • Kefir is a good way to remove ink from clothes (you can also use leaven). Soak the stain in kefir. After half an hour, you can easily wipe off the ink.
  • Milk is also great for soiled clothes. The stain should be soaked in milk and left for a day. To make it easier to remove the stain, you need to wash off the ink first, and then the entire thing.

Starch is a universal remedy. Pour warm milk into the starch and stir until a paste forms. Apply the product to the ink. You need to let it sit for 3 hours, after which you can wipe off the stain. Any starch will help remove the handle, but it is better to use corn starch.

  • Mustard. Oddly enough, this product will easily remove dark and scarlet ink. To do this, just apply mustard to the stain and leave for a day.
  • Vinegar. Warm vinegar is an excellent solution to remove gel pen. For a ballpoint pen, it is better to use a paste of vinegar and starch.

Stain removal methods

If there are pen marks on the floor, try removing them with nail polish remover. Some housewives successfully use this method. In general, it is difficult to remove ink, paint or pen marks from linoleum. This is explained by the fact that the topmost layer consists of polyurethane resin, which easily absorbs dyes and therefore loses its original appearance after using abrasive or chemical agents.

Traces of ink on the surface

If ink drops get on the linoleum, it is recommended to use detergents that contain chlorine. The contaminated area is first wiped with a rag soaked in water, and then this product is applied.

Removing stains with detergent

The contents of a gel pen, accidentally falling on the surface, leave noticeable marks, especially on light-colored linoleum. Such ink is removed using a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. You can use another tried and tested method that quickly removes marks. To do this, take a napkin or a small hygroscopic towel, soak it in a soap solution prepared in advance and wipe the problem area.

Cleaning with soapy water

Do this very carefully and after treatment, rinse the floor with clean water. The fact is that soap leaves streaks, and they are very noticeable after drying. If regular washing does not help, you should complicate the method a little. In this case, it is recommended to use turpentine; apply it to a rag and rub the stain thoroughly.

Stubborn ink marks on linoleum are rubbed off using fine sandpaper or special pumice. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to damage the top layer of coating. It is important to be careful when using these tools for work. Another effective method is a melamine sponge. It also removes difficult stains mechanically.

After the treatment is completed and the stains from the ballpoint pen have become less noticeable, the area is wiped with edible vegetable oil.

Removing ink marks with a brush
Gasoline is an excellent assistant in removing stains of this kind. We also tried it on ink stains. To remove them, apply a small amount of gasoline to a cotton swab and treat the problem area until the stain completely disappears. There is another method for removing paste from linoleum. – use of bleaching agents diluted with water in a ratio of 2:10. Some housewives have tried "Whiteness", used to whiten clothes and bed linen. If the dirt is persistent, then it is recommended to additionally wipe the coating with juice squeezed from lemon. After the procedure, the linoleum surface must be washed with clean warm water.

Features of removing pens from linoleum

The main advantages of a pen over a pencil when writing are that the ink is much brighter in color and is practically resistant to abrasion. Even after years, letters written in ink remain clearly legible. This is due to the composition of the ink - it contains a dye responsible for the color and a special oil that ensures durability.

Unfortunately, sometimes this advantage turns into a negative side. If the pen leaks and ink drips on the linoleum in the apartment, or the floor is scrawled by children who have not yet learned to value cleanliness, it will be very difficult to remove dirt from the floor. The decorative floor covering absorbs color pigments well and is difficult to wash.

There are quite a few ways to wipe a pen off the floor. But before starting work you need to evaluate:

  • age of inkblots;
  • area of ​​contamination;
  • age and gender appearance.

If the coating is very old and has already lost its attractiveness, and ink stains are splashed in all directions and have long since dried, then there is no point in saving such linoleum. Most likely, it will not be possible to remove the stains - it will be much easier to wait for repairs and replace the entire coating.

We recommend reading: How to remove brilliant green from linoleum

But if the linoleum is new and beautiful, and the dirt is small and has appeared recently, then you can use one of the cleaning methods. All of them are based on dissolving the ink and wiping it off the floor with minimal loss.

How to remove a ballpoint pen from linoleum

The ink in a ballpoint pen has a particularly persistent composition and is therefore difficult to remove from linoleum. Old ink leaves unsightly and very noticeable dark purple stains. In order to remove dirt, it is necessary to use chemicals and household products with an aggressive composition - alcohol or alkaline. In this case, the product will be able to penetrate deep into the dirt and, if not wipe it off completely, then at least make it less noticeable.

You can wipe the paste off the handle from linoleum using soap or washing powder, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, soda and other means. But you need to prepare in advance for the fact that it will take a long time to scrub the floor; ink can be removed very reluctantly.

We recommend reading: Baking soda: beneficial properties, uses, how to take

How to remove gel pen from linoleum

Despite the fact that the gel for gel pens is water-based, it also has very high durability. As a rule, gel pens leave bright blue or cyan stains on the linoleum.

You can wipe them off using the same methods as ballpoint ink - using alcohol-containing products and alkalis. If the stain is old, it is impossible to guarantee that it will completely dissolve. However, in this case, gel pens have an advantage: if the dirt can be at least properly lightened, it will no longer be so noticeable.

Additional abatement methods

You can try removing ink pen stains or paint with hydrogen peroxide. This liquid removes green stains perfectly. Apply a small amount of peroxide to a cotton swab and wipe the contaminated area.

How to deal with stains that have already dried?

  • Dip a rag in turpentine, treat the problem area, and then wash the area with soapy water and wipe dry. It is better to try this method first on an inconspicuous area.
  • Stains on the surface of linoleum (from coffee, tea) are removed with any chlorine-containing solution.
  • Marks from a ballpoint pen are removed using matches. To do this, wet the head of the match in plain water and then vigorously rub the stained area until the stain is completely gone. Then wash the surface with soap and water.
  • Pour baking soda onto the problem area and pour vinegar on top.

Special means

There are special products that fight various types of stains on surfaces. The following can be distinguished:

  1. White.
  2. Vanish.

The latter remedy is better, since whiteness will make the natural color of the coating lighter. Substances are applied as follows:

  1. Pour onto cotton wool or washcloth.
  2. Three within two minutes.

Note! It is not recommended to leave white on the surface, waiting for it to eat away the stain. Along with the stain, it will also remove the natural color of the material. Also make sure that the whiteness does not extend beyond the area being treated.

There are also more aggressive scrubbing methods. For example, gasoline and kerosene. They can remove ink stains, but there is a high risk of damaging the surface. Be careful.

Useful tips

If natural linoleum is laid on the floor without a protective layer, then all these methods can be dangerous for the surface, and they will not be able to remove the mark from a school pen. In order to create a protective layer on natural linoleum, it is recommended to periodically rub it with special mastics, drying oil or linseed oil and other polishes that make it easier to care for the surface. They will help form a protective barrier.

This recommendation applies to products for non-commercial use, because they are produced without a protective layer. Other materials are produced with a protective coating.

When starting to clean linoleum, it is important to consider the degree and type of contamination, because they can be different in each room. The main thing in this matter is efficiency.

In order to cope with the task efficiently, it is recommended to begin to deal with the problem stain as soon as possible, before the ink eats into the top protective layer.

How to clean linoleum from ballpoint pen ink

Sometimes children get interested in art and draw on the floor. In this case, you can use glycerin (sold at the pharmacy). Apply it to a cotton pad and treat the problem area with it.

  • Dilute dry manganese with water (50-50), moisten the surface. Let dry and then wipe with hydrogen peroxide. The procedure can be repeated. This will help remove the ink from the linoleum.
  • Another way to remove ink from linoleum is to treat it with a swab previously soaked in hydrogen peroxide. You can also use a soap solution.
  • In addition, summer vinegar will help remove linoleum ink.

Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to rinse the linoleum with warm water after finishing the job. Use linoleum polish from time to time to help trap dust and brighten the color.

What to do if the stain remains?

It’s good if there is a piece of material left after the repair. In the place where the contamination is located, change a small section of linoleum. To do this, cut out a slightly larger piece from the remainder, trying to do it so that the pattern matches. Place a new piece on top of the old one and use a sharp utility knife to cut through both layers. Try to do this at one time so that the bottom layer is also cut through, then the edges will be matching. The edges are treated with sandpaper, smeared with glue and pressed down until completely dry.

Video on how to wash linoleum to make it shine (at home):

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How to remove ink from paper using chemicals

Pharmacy products are no less popular in the fight against unnecessary labels. Many of them are also at hand for every housewife, so the time spent on purchasing them is eliminated.

Potassium permangantsovka

  1. Add a few crystals of manganese to a small amount of table vinegar.
  2. Stir thoroughly until the potassium permanganate is completely dissolved (it is better to strain the solution).
  3. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid.
  4. Process the ink lettering.

Vodka or rubbing alcohol have long been used to remove ink from paper. The process looks like this:

  1. Take some alcohol into a pipette.
  2. Drop on the inscription.
  3. Wait until completely dry.

If the mark to be removed is small in size, then it is best to moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and use it to spot treat the surface, being careful not to fill the stain or rub it.

Hydrogen peroxide

Using peroxide, you can remove many stains, including ink blots. Using hydrogen peroxide is no different from using alcohol. The main thing is not to forget that the product can discolor the paper, so you should not use it on colored sheets.

Hydrochloric acid

You can also remove a ballpoint pen from paper using hydrochloric acid. To do this you will need:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in acid.
  2. Blot the ink.
  3. Wait until completely dry.

Chemicals are more aggressive, so their use may damage the paper. To prevent this from happening, you should first try the chosen product on the same paper, writing with the same pen.

Even though modern nail polish removers do not contain acetone, they can remove ink from paper. The main thing is to choose a colorless liquid and, preferably, without adding oil.


Acetone, white spirit and other solvents will help you quickly remove the pen from the paper. Soak a cotton swab in solvent and wipe the inscription, being careful not to rub the paper. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated, but most importantly, wait until the paper is completely dry.


You can remove ink from paper without ruining it using hydroperite. Sequencing:

  1. Mix hydroperite with a small amount of water to form a paste.
  2. Using a cotton swab, apply the mixture to the ink inscription.
  3. Leave until the powder dries completely.
  4. Shake off the mixture.


To remove pen paste from paper, you can use regular bleaches. These can be either soft oxygen agents or chlorine-containing substances. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Apply the minimum possible amount of liquid bleach to the ink (you can use a toothpick, cotton swab or other device).
  2. Blot lightly with a dry cotton swab.
  3. Wait until the sheet dries completely.

If you use dry bleach, you must first dilute it in a small amount of water and treat the ink, similar to the first method.

Stain removers

There are special stain removers for such cases.
For example, “Vanish”, “Belizna”, Amway products or similar clothes washing products. These are basically different types of stain removers. If the product contains chlorine, it is suitable for cleaning ink. The most important thing is to immediately begin the process as soon as the stain appears. Because then the paste from the pen can eat into the linoleum and it will be almost impossible to remove it. First you need to moisten the stain with a wet napkin or cotton wool. Then start cleaning. If it is a small amount of paste, then a couple of drops of stain remover will be enough. You can also immediately mix water with detergent and remove the stain. And if it is easier to get dishwashing liquid at this moment, then it will also be very effective in combating ink.

How to wash linoleum: special products

When choosing a special product, consider the type of coating, correctly calculate the concentration and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Powdered formulations are allowed to be used only after the granules have completely dissolved.

What to wash linoleum with depends on the type of contamination. The range of products is quite wide, so it is easy to choose the optimal composition for eliminating dirt of one type or another.

With the right choice of special products, stains, dried building materials, and lime stains can be removed in a few minutes. The compositions used do not have a negative effect on the surface, returning the linoleum to its original shine and neat appearance.

Features and effectiveness of trace removal

The high durability of the ink composition in a ballpoint pen allows it to quickly absorb into the top layer of most surfaces.

Because of this, dark stains from linoleum cannot be removed with ordinary water. But special household chemicals will significantly increase the chances of making the surface cleaner.

There are ways to solve the problem using folk remedies - even if they do not completely remove the marks, they will at least make them less noticeable.

The gel used to fill pen refills is water-based. But its durability is not as high as that of ink. Therefore, to wipe off linoleum, you can use ordinary household chemicals or folk remedies.

The gel removal efficiency is high. Even if the stains cannot be completely removed, they will not be as noticeable as marks from a ballpoint pen.

Removing stains with chemical compounds

Special chemicals are effective in removing pen marks: bleaches, stain removers and chlorine-containing powders. If you don't have such products at home, you should try removing ink or gel with hairspray.

Chlorine powder

Chlorine powders are used at home to clean floors. The method is considered one of the most effective for removing ordinary dirt, but it will also help with ink.

The advantage of the technique is accessibility. The disadvantage is that the part of the floor being cleaned may become lighter in color, and the smell of chlorine will linger in the room for several hours. The price of chlorine is from 200 rubles.

Stain removers and bleaches

To wipe handles off linoleum, you can use bleach or stain remover. For example, white, which should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 and applied to contaminated areas.

It is not advisable to leave the product on the surface for more than 2 minutes. Together with the stain, it also affects the color of the material, so the linoleum will become lighter. The price of whiteness is from 80 rubles.

Vanish is also used to remove marks, a product used to clean plumbing fixtures. Its effectiveness is lower than that of white. But use does not affect linoleum so much. The color of the coating remains natural. Price – from 300 rubles.


A popular product for removing any type of dirt from the floor, including ink. A sponge or rag is soaked in the liquid, the stain is wiped and left to dry for 30-40 minutes. After this, the area to be cleaned is washed with water.

Instead of gasoline, you can try using kerosene, which has a comparable effect on linoleum.

Hair fixation spray

Hairspray in aerosol form can be quite effective in removing stains. The product is applied in a thin layer to the ink or gel stain.

After 10-15 minutes, when the varnish has dried, its remains must be removed. To ensure that no traces of the aerosol remain on the linoleum, the floor should be rinsed thoroughly. A cloth soaked in soapy water is best for this.

The price of hairspray is from 60 rubles.


Another tool that allows you to remove fresh and old ink is regular acetone or nail polish remover. The price of acetone is from 30 rubles.

The cleaning principle is as follows:

  1. The solution is applied to a rag or cotton wool.
  2. The area is wiped until the stain disappears or becomes lighter.
  3. The remaining product is washed off with a wet cloth.

Do not rub the floor covering too hard with acetone, as the natural shade of the material will disappear. It will no longer be possible to remove such traces - you will have to completely change the linoleum.

Cleaning from construction dust and dirt.

It happens that first they laid new linoleum, and then made repairs later. And all the construction dirt and dust settled on the linoleum. In this case, after you have removed all the debris from the floor and noticed traces of putty, use a spatula and carefully clean off the dried putty. This is faster and easier than trying to wash it with water and a rag.

When there are no hard-to-remove stains left on the linoleum, all you have to do is wash the floor several times to remove possible whitewash and dust. The water needs to be changed until it becomes clear after washing the floor. Do not forget that you need to change not only the water, but also be sure to rinse the rag after each wash, because... a dirty, unrinsed rag will itself stain clean water. If, after cleaning, it seems to you that the floor is clean, but has completely lost its shine and freshness, then rinse the floor one last time with clean water with the addition of vinegar or potassium permanganate.

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