Eco Bubble - what is it? Is it worth having a washing machine with this technology?

Modern technologies make our lives much easier, while reducing the cost of various resources. Many manufacturers regularly release new models of household appliances. For example, today in the assortment of stores you can see washing machines equipped with the “bubble wash” option.

Let's take a closer look at the principle by which the equipment operates, get acquainted with the negative and positive characteristics and find out what criteria need to be taken into account before buying a newfangled “washing machine”.

Washing machine with eco-bubble. Novelty, i.e. bubble wash

The widespread fashion for ecology cannot do without household appliances. Conscious consumers are increasingly choosing washing machines, which, thanks to the introduction of the latest solutions, consume less electricity and water, while performing their main function.

How do you know if a device is energy efficient? According to European Union directives, the label must contain information about the energy efficiency class, annual electricity and water consumption, noise level and spin efficiency class. Currently, the highest energy class is A +++.

To meet user needs, washing machine manufacturers are constantly investing in new technologies. Eco bubble is an interesting innovative idea that is winning more and more supporters. When you're looking to replace your appliances, find out which Eco Bubble washing machine is the best and what you get when you choose a device with this technology!

Customer Reviews

Galina, Moscow

For the last 15–20 years I’ve been using a regular little activator, but a couple of years ago it broke and they couldn’t repair it. The children brought a similar-looking machine, but they said that it had a thing in it that released air bubbles inside. This should make it wash even better. I wash it every weekend and I don’t know if these bubbles really affect something, but the clothes are always clean, everything washes well.

Marina, Far East

I have been using a Daewoo bubble machine for 5 years now, I bought it to replace my old one. It leaked once, but it was my fault - I put it on an uneven surface, and the drain hose unscrewed during the spin cycle. I really like the fact that you can throw the item in when the wash has already started. For example, you forgot to put on a sock or a child’s undershirt. You can fill the machine with bleach, conditioner and powder. Over the entire period of use, it has proven itself to be excellent, I recommend it!

Timofey, Kaluga

We've been using a Samsung machine for six months, everything seems to be fine, except for two things. When spinning, the car is ready to take off, it shakes very much. No matter how I install the legs, nothing changes. Second, the wash delay time is incorrect. Starts working earlier. Through trial and error, it turned out that for some reason the machine also adds washing time to the delay time. There are no complaints about the rest - it washes perfectly, even washes children’s clothes.

Inna, Moscow

We bought an Eco Bubble machine a year ago. They took a fancy one for more than 30,000 rubles. As a result, I wash LG, which is in the kitchen and is much cheaper. I don't like the noise when spinning. Sometimes after rinsing without spinning, foam remains on things.

Tatiana, Ekaterinburg

I've been wanting a Samsung Eco Bubble for a long time. We bought it six months ago. I can't get enough of her! Removes all stains and saves a lot of electricity, especially if you wash after 12 at night or on weekends. I don’t know who makes noise during the spin cycle, we don’t hear anything. If you close both doors (to the room and the bathroom) there is general silence - the child sleeps peacefully. There is also no foam or streaks on things. I like the drum and the large load.

Anna, Kyiv

Creepy car. I wanted to wash the bed linen, but I pulled it out with huge dry spots that had not been washed. They called a specialist and did a calibration. As a result, I received the same thing the second time. The rest of the items are not washed; stains remain on them. Even just foundation or food on children's things. Several times things were thrown onto the rubber band of the drum against the glass and remained dirty. There are no complaints regarding noise and remaining powder. I like the design, the drum, the savings on electricity, but unwashed stains spoil the whole impression.

Eco Bubble technology - what is it?

Eco Bubble is an innovative solution that has significantly improved the efficiency of the wash cycle. What is Eco Bubble in washing machines? This technology uses active bubbles created by combining air, water and detergents.

They make detergents dissolve faster and easier, and the resulting foam penetrates deeper into dirt, effectively removing it. The big advantage is that bubble washing works effectively at 15°C ! In addition, it does not leave marks or detergent residue on clothes.

Eco Bubble will work in every home. Especially where not only cleanliness is important, but also the environment. Better solubility of liquids and powders means you can use less of them, which in turn is good for your wallet and the environment. Less contaminated water ends up in wastewater, leaving fewer boxes and bottles to clean up. As bubbles form, the water becomes more aerated, which also has a positive effect on the environment.

Low temperature when using the eco bubble function means less energy consumption . This directly translates into lower energy bills. It is worth adding that some models are equipped with separate valves for hot and cold water. Thanks to this, you can use water heated from a solar collector or a heat pump for washing - if you have one of these sources.

The active foam function particularly helps reduce water consumption. The program uses the technology described, creating a thick foam that penetrates even heavy dirt and thoroughly removes the most stubborn stains. There is no need to pre-wash or soak your clothes before putting them in the washing machine.

Apartment buildings usually have a lot of dirty wardrobe. It is known that the more often clothes are washed, the faster they deteriorate. Eco Bubble technologies with active foam are gentle on fabrics, so they don't stretch or fade. What does this mean? You won't have to change things as often, which means you'll again be saving money and not polluting the environment.


Like any technology, such machines are not without their negative sides. Here are some of the cons:

  • Requirements for water hardness. The harder the water, the worse the formation of bubbles.
  • Cheap models are not always equipped with a spin.

You can choose a model to suit your taste and budget - domestic or imported. But users respond especially well to Daewoo washing machines, which are an order of magnitude higher in price and quality than conventional activator washing machines.

The operating instructions and our review of Daewoo washing machines will help you with use.

What is Eco Bubble and how does it work? It's worth knowing!

Eco-bubble technology was developed by order of Samsung, and it is the washing machines of this manufacturer that are equipped with it.

To generate bubbles, a special generator is installed inside the equipment. Before the wash cycle begins, the mixture of detergent, water and air creates foam. Any detergent, even capsules in a shell, dissolves quickly and completely. The mixture penetrates thoroughly and deeply into the fabric, dissolving any contaminants. The manufacturer guarantees that foam penetrates materials up to 40 times faster than in washing machines without this system!

What else is different about Eco Bubble washing machines?

Bubble washers are front-loading machines and are not built-in in most cases. The solution would be to place the equipment under the countertop or place it in a special cabinet.

According to the brand's recommendations, the washing machine must be serviced regularly. A special Eco program is used for cleaning. Hot water and a quick spin cycle keep the drum, membrane and door glass clean. In this case, there is no need to add detergents. Maintenance mode should be activated after 40 wash cycles.

Remember that although Eco Bubble technologies are implemented in Samsung devices, not every washing machine from this manufacturer is equipped with them. Most models have an active foam function and a steam wash program. The first option will cope with even the most stubborn stains, and the second mode will deprive each item of bacteria and germs.

Eco Bubble aerates water, which has a softening and antistatic effect on fabrics. Then there is no need to use fabric softeners unless you want your clothes to have a specific smell.

An interesting solution used in many models is drum lighting. When there is something in the washing machine that should not be there, you will easily notice it and be able to react in time. Same with the additional door . This allows you to add additional items to your wash.

The latest models of washing machines have a Wi-Fi module . With it, you can easily control the device via an application on your smartphone. If you have multiple Samsung devices , you can use the SmartThings program to create a so-called smart home, and you can remotely control every gadget in your home.

Most popular brands

Among the huge number of washing machine manufacturers, some companies, thanks to the peculiarities of production and a good marketing strategy, have managed to make much better progress in the bubble washing machine market. As an example, consider the daewoo bubble washing machine. The entire line of bubble units from daewoo is represented by both top-loading washing machines and horizontal washing machines. Any unit is made as compact as possible and looks more than aesthetically pleasing. When creating washing machines, the company's designers are guided by the principle: “nothing superfluous.” This machine will fit perfectly into the interior of a bathroom or kitchen. The most interesting thing about daewoo bubble machines is under the tank lid or drum hatch. Vertical units boast a special pulsator with blades, which creates specially targeted water vortices.

In addition to the standard set of compartments for pouring powder and adding fabric softener, daewoo washing machines are equipped with special lint traps. A separate category of machines with Silver-nano technology have a drum with a special coating that prevents the formation of bacteria on the walls of the tank, thereby eliminating the cause of unpleasant odors emanating from the washing machine.

All functionality and the control panel may resemble old units from the times of the Soviet Union, but at the same time it is quite easy to use and equipped with all the necessary washing modes. Any daewoo air bubble machine does not have a heating element and is connected to hot and cold water supply, which reduces washing time and electricity consumption, but requires more water for rinsing. It should also be noted that if you want to build in a daewoo bubble machine, not all models are suitable for this purpose due to their design features.

Externally, the direct opposite of any Daewoo is the LG bubble washing machine. It seems that the company is trying to embody more and more modern fashion and style trends with each new model. The latest options are already equipped with a touch screen, despite the beautiful design and convenience of push-button models. And in appearance, washing machines resemble robots from science fiction films. The drum and features offered are standard. It is true that some of the washing machines are now equipped with a steam cleaning function. This function has made it possible not only to perform high-quality cleaning and disinfection of fabrics, but also allows you to straighten things wrinkled in the drum, give them volume in a matter of minutes, and instantly cleanse them of residues of powders and conditioners. The only exception is that the steam function should never be used for delicate fabrics or items that easily lose color. Since the first of them will immediately lose size, that is, they will shrink, and the second will simply discolor or lose the brightness of their shades. As you can see, the lg company is implementing a whole range of measures to promote its own products and create a unique brand.

Whatever type of washing machine suits you, the main thing is to make sure that you didn’t spend too much, if you wanted to save money or didn’t miss the chance to get the exact machine you liked, when you decided to save on external design, the choice is always yours.

Choosing modern technologies

Despite the prejudices of some users that the big hype around air bubble washing machines was created only for the purpose of making money, the practice of using these units has shown exactly the opposite. Not only has the effectiveness of using bubble machines been scientifically proven, but it has also been confirmed experimentally, as evidenced by numerous rave reviews. So, it is likely that in the future we should expect the widespread introduction of this technology into the production of all washing machines.

Eco Bubble washing machines - find out in which models this technology is available

Without a doubt, Eco Bubble technologies make washing easier. The environmental aspect is also important, i.e. less water and detergent consumption, as well as gentle treatment of fabrics during washing. For these reasons, it's worth taking a closer look at products that use this solution and seeing what else they offer!

Samsung WW70TA026AH

This front-loading washing machine is a free-standing washing machine with standard dimensions of 55 × 60 × 85 cm. In addition to the technology described, the model is equipped with a steam washing program . It is released from the bottom of the drum and then soaked into the cloth, dissolving the dirt. This will not only get rid of dirt, but also eliminate the need for pre-washing. This feature is especially useful when there are small children at home because the hot steam kills up to 99.9% of bacteria .

The device has a load capacity of 7 kg, 1400 rpm and 14 programs. The annual electricity consumption is 103 kWh, which corresponds to energy consumption class A +++.

In the model you will also find the ability to control the amount of foam, protection against opening by children, delayed start and Aqua Stop.

Samsung WW80TA026AE

This washing machine is a larger version of its predecessor. Its drum holds 8 kg of laundry. Low energy and water consumption is ensured not only by the Eco Bubble function, but also by heat pump technology and the innovative brushless Digital Inverter motor . It is also responsible for a very low noise level of only 53 dB.

Here you will find 14 programs and 5 levels of water temperature control . Energy class A +++ , silent operation, low water consumption and large capacity - these properties make it an excellent equipment for a family of several people.

Samsung WW70T552DAE

This is a functional model with an interesting design. The white body and black control panel will highlight the decor of any modern bathroom. The washing machine features the AddWash™ option. We are talking about an additional small door. You can open them during washing to add forgotten clothes or detergent. You can also use hand-soaked clothes during the rinsing and spinning process.

The panel in this model is based on Al Control technology. This is because the washing machine remembers the settings you select and adapts the settings to how you use it. If you have a Samsung smartphone, you can control your washing machine remotely using the SmartThings app .

Regarding the technical parameters of the device, these are: batch output of 7 kg, 1200 rpm, annual electricity consumption of 103 kWh and the availability of as many as 23 programs.

Drum movement algorithm

Surely many will be surprised to learn that the drum rotation system also matters when washing. Thus, the bubble system is much more effective not on its own, but in conjunction with a special rotation pattern of the unit. Modern LG machines have as many as 6 different algorithms.

  • Basic movement. Suitable for all types of fabric and used with standard washing.
  • Torsion. The meaning of this scheme is that the laundry is completely immersed in water, so no noise is created when the washing machine operates. At the same time, no harm to clothes.
  • Saturation. The drum rotates in different directions at high speeds, thanks to which the laundry literally absorbs moisture.
  • Reverse rotation. The drum moves, as they say, in a figure of eight. This allows washing powder and other detergents to be evenly distributed throughout the laundry.
  • Wiggle. The drum rotates gently, like a cradle with a baby. In this case, the clothes are placed below the water level, which negates any risk of injury. Ideal for delicate fabrics.
  • Smoothing. The scheme is designed in such a way that at the end of washing, the laundry appears to be raised 90 degrees, and then falls to the bottom of the drum. This prevents creasing and wrinkling.

Thus, bubble drums have many advantages over regular drums. Although few people will focus on this factor when purchasing, however, if this does happen, the user will definitely not regret it.


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Eco Bubble and ActiveOxygen washing machines - how are they different? We answer!

technology , that is, cleaning with active oxygen, is no less popular than the Eco Bubble function. This solution involves passing steam into a drum, consisting of triatomic oxygen molecules and cold water vapor. This mixture removes 99.99% of bacteria and removes unpleasant fabric odors.

ActiveOxygen can help in the initial and final stages of washing or work as a separate cycle to refresh fabrics. This cleaning is suitable for silk scarves and ties, as well as for thin lace underwear, that is, things that are easily damaged during classic washing. Unlike the Eco Bubble feature, ActiveOxygen does not use water or detergents, so it refreshes clothes and keeps them hygienically clean rather than effectively removing stains.

Washing machines with both technologies are characterized by a high energy consumption class (A +++) and low water consumption. Both types also have similar noise levels. For example, a product using ActiveOxygen with EcoSilence Drive produces only 48 dB of noise, while equipment with the EcoBuble option generates 53 dB of noise.

In both categories of appliances you will find a variety of programs, including a quick wash function. If you enable the ozonation function in addition to the cycle, the total operating time of the equipment will increase by approximately 30 minutes. However, running Eco Bubble will not affect the wash duration.

Which washing machine - Eco Bubble or ActiveOxigen - will be better? Both types have similar technical parameters and dimensions. If you want to completely remove germs, select the ozone function. On the other hand, Eco Bubble will offer you an effective wash already at 15°C and with less detergent consumption.

Advantages of air bubble machines

You already know what a bubble machine is. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the advantages of such washing machines to decide whether it is worth making a purchase or not:

  • Economical consumption of energy resources due to the absence of heating elements. The water in the machine is not heated, but enters the system from the water supply, so there is no need to spend money on descalers - this is an additional saving.
  • Low consumption of detergents. The powder dissolves better in water with air bubbles, which means less of it is needed.
  • In these machine models, foam is formed weakly, so you can use ordinary powders - even for hand washing.
  • Reduced noise level - you can wash clothes even at night.
  • Short washing time. On average, one cycle takes less than an hour - this is 2-3 times less than modern SMA requires.
  • No water connection required. Fill the water directly into the tank and use the machine at the dacha, in a country house and in other “field” conditions.

Which powder and liquid should I choose?

Eco bubble washing machines do not require the use of special powders. Although washing machine manufacturers always recommend using certain brands of detergent, this should generally only be considered an optional suggestion. As for the amount of powder, it may be less than in the case of classic washing machines, but details are set out in the manual for the washing machine.

In theory, you can skip cleaning liquids - sparkling water has a softening and antistatic effect, so the only benefit of using liquids is leaving a clean, fresh smell.

Laundry capsules can be used in eco bubble washing machines, but their effectiveness may be poor because the shell takes some time to dissolve and aeration may not fully release the detergent. Given the fact that capsules are not cheaper than powders, it is recommended to use regular powders.

Types of Bubble Devices

On sale you can find two versions of “washing machines” equipped with a bubble system for caring for things:

  1. Classic models with horizontal loading type. Filling with water occurs when the engine is turned on. In this case, the collected liquid does not enter the drum, but into the generator, which is located underneath it. Here it is mixed with detergent. The resulting soap composition enters the drum through special micro-holes. As the drum rotates, the laundry moves in different planes and comes into contact with the bubble-soap solution. Thanks to this system, you can even get rid of old stains.

  2. Top loading machines. They are additionally equipped with a pulsator. It is necessary to create water vortices at a given point. The resulting bubbles first enter the activator, which is equipped with a nozzle specially designed for this purpose. After which they are distributed over the area of ​​the entire drum under the influence of centrifugal force.

FAQ - Find out answers to the most frequently asked questions

Can capsules be used in the Eco Bubble washing machine?

Certainly. The washing machine does an excellent job of dissolving capsules.

What programs does the Eco Bubble washing machine have?

Programs vary depending on the model. However, the most common cycles here are Quick Wash, Economy, Bed Linens, Delicates, Dark Colours, Coats/Jackets, Cotton, Synthetics, Wool, Rinse/Spin and Eco Drum Clean.

Can delicate fabrics be washed in Eco Bubble washing machines?

The technology is ideal for cleaning delicate materials. In addition, you have the opportunity to choose a special program.

Does the Eco Bubble function work only in the Eco program or also in other programs?

Eco Bubble works with all programs except Rinse and Spin.

When should I calibrate my Eco Bubble washing machine?

The washing machine is calibrated when it is first connected to the water supply, and if problems arise with spinning, expanding washing programs or after washing, traces of powder remain on the fabrics.

How often should you clean your Eco Bubble washing machine?

A special drum cleaning program is available for machine maintenance. It should turn on after 40 wash cycles.


Looking for positive and negative reviews about LG F-14U1TBS4?

From 11 sources, we collected 29 negative, negative and positive reviews.

We will show all the advantages and disadvantages of the LG F-14U1TBS4 identified when used by users. We do not hide anything and post all the positive and negative honest customer reviews about the LG F-14U1TBS4, and also offer alternative analogue products. Whether it’s worth buying is up to you to decide!

The best deals on LG F-14U1TBS4

Reviews about LG F-14U1TBS4

Pros: many programs, steam cycle, capacity, external dimensions, appearance, drum surface

After asking all our friends and reading many reviews on the Internet, we began to choose a washing machine as a gift to our beloved parents for their wedding anniversary. After a long choice, we decided to purchase the LG F14U1TBS4. Great model!! Our parents were delighted! For 2 months now, the machine has been pleasing us with the quality of washing, thanks to the relief surface of the drum in the shape of bubbles. Quiet, efficient, the drum is huge, you can wash a lot of clothes at once. It also has many popular programs: duvet, dark fabrics, stain removal, sportswear. And the steam cycle function is simply delightful! Now the fabrics do not wash out or lose color, but are simply refreshed! Despite the age of the parents, the washing machine is easy to operate. LG has shown concern for its customers by combining the best features in one machine. Now my husband and I are seriously thinking about purchasing the same model!)))

Pros: Spaciousness, functions of this machine.

Cons: It takes in water noisily, but we're used to it - it's not critical.

I tried many powders, but Persil was the best for this machine. At first we also bought an LG + certificate for 2 years, but only a different model (while using the machine, a defect was discovered, the certificate helped, helped solve the problem within 72 hours, if they don’t fix it, they will exchange it for a new one or return the money). They returned our money and took us with an additional payment + a 3-year certificate for this machine, we have been using it for 4.5 years. I'm very pleased with the machine. When I wash, I pour the powder into the drum + set it to an extra rinse. Everything is great.

Pros: appearance, silent operation

Cons: disgusting wash quality, long wash cycle (time)

I’ve been wanting to write a review for a long time, this machine is my headache((((Before that it was also an LD, it served faithfully for 13 years, when it started to break down, I didn’t even think about what brand to change to, I purposefully went for LG. I needed the maximum possible load, so I settled on this model. I thought that I could save time on washing by throwing in a lot of laundry at once, but that was not the case. 9(((It turned out that the washing time is simply enormous, cotton is washed in about 4 x hours! Once I threw it in for 14 minutes, the laundry that was in the middle didn’t even get wet, it was dry and folded the way I threw it in! I was ready to put up with the wash cycle, not use the 14 minute mode, BUT the quality of the wash is sooooo disgusting. Children's socks, which are heavily soiled in the summer, I pre-wash them with vanish and other stain removers, add vanish to the washing machine and take them out completely dirty, like other underwear (even though it was washed for 3 hours and 40 minutes at 60 degrees. In addition, the laundry does not have a fresh smell when it is first washed, despite the fact that I always add conditioner. After washing, the laundry is warm, maybe this machine rinses with warm and not cold water, I don’t know. This is just hell! I won’t be able to get rid of it because... We connected it ourselves (they didn’t pay to connect the hose.). Despite the fact that I used to have a 3.5 kg machine, laundry never accumulated, I washed it for 30 minutes, it washed perfectly, but with this machine, washing turned into hell! I don't recommend it to anyone.

Pros: Availability of steam, inverter motor, NFC, amount of loadable laundry

Cons: Haven't found it yet

A very stylish and smart machine. I have been the owner of this miracle for 2 months. I chose for a long time. There were not enough reviews, some of them were negative. So, I was pleased with the 8 kg load for standard sizes, the presence of steam and the ability to wash pillows and blankets, the ability to wash sportswear with Gore-Tex (I am a fisherman and after purchasing it I washed even winter suits). Having NFC, you can use your phone to identify errors (for example, a long spin due to improper loading of laundry) + after how many washes to start cleaning the drum. I read that when spinning, the machine shakes a lot and it makes a lot of noise, but with the correct settings, namely setting it to a level + touching the legs of the machine, the problem disappears. In general, I’m as happy as an elephant and, first of all, my wife.

Cons: It turns on by itself when you close the door, or if you close the box with a parachute, it can also turn on, apparently the sensor is faulty.

The washing process is so-so, the plastic door doesn’t inspire confidence either, it cracks all over when you open it, you have to rinse out the steamer on the drawer, the overall impression is negative, the Russian assembly is taking its toll.

Pros: many useful programs, steam treatment, drum cleaning, high speed, load 8 kg.

Cons: Didn't find it

I bought it yesterday, a display sample, the last one in the store, after my wife started doing the morning laundry, or rather had problems with it. I took a risk because, having read about the above-mentioned disadvantages, that it does not wash normally, after resetting it starts washing again, etc. In short, I brought it and installed it. The first to throw in three T-shirts and set it for 14 minutes, my wife and I sat and watched))) - everything was going on! Then they threw in dark clothes - everything was gone. Well, the third wash: pillowcases with sheets and the like - cotton is shorter, my wife liked the result. She threw the powder into the drum, and the air conditioner where needed)), because according to the previous LG, 13 years of operation and now it works, but the “brains” often began to malfunction, which is why I went to buy a new one, in general, it (the powder) was poorly washed off with cold water and She didn't take any risks. The sensor is really very sensitive, but this is only a plus for me and an indicator of quality. Today we will wash our son’s down jacket, look at the result, and report back. In general, there is a pre-rinse, after a power outage it starts washing from the moment it stops according to the instructions, the water pours as much as needed, and the noise when taking in and draining is just that, but otherwise. It’s normal to soundproof the hoses or something, the machine itself, or rather the engine, is practically inaudible, which I admit I’m pleased with. Well, the design is, of course, very beautiful. +++ We are happy with the purchase, considering that I am picky about the quality of everything that is now sold for a lot of money. Conclusion, no matter how smart the technology is, you also need to use your head, i.e. What you press, what mode you choose, what powder and conditioner you add, this is the result you will get and read the instructions, everything is written there and you will be happy!)) I’ll write about the down jacket. I installed it myself (I stuck the hose into the drain and screwed on the intake hose!)))) and this will not affect my rights as a consumer in the event of jambs of the device!

Tell me what power consumption it has.

Pros: Design, availability of steam

Cons: Doesn't wash well or doesn't wash at all, wrinkles things, washes out colors, moves even with perfect alignment, takes up water very noisily, doesn't wring out down jackets and blankets.

I spent a very long time choosing a machine, talking with a large number of consultants in different stores. The consultants redirected me to LG. Another thing is LG, a lot of developments, everything is tricked out with the necessary little things, everything is thought out, and the production has long been in Russia and everything has been debugged, there are almost no requests for returns and repairs. Now I compare LG in operation with the old one. I have been using LG for 4 months, there is nothing in it except design and advertising, the price is unreasonably high. A large number of positive reviews with an A are most likely ordered, in order to somehow neutralize the real reviews with a One and a Two. 1) Things after washing do not look fresh and clean, it seems that they are simply dangling in the water, then wrung out and, as a result, wrinkled. I tried different modes in combination with different powders: liquid, bulk, capsules, poured into the drum and drawer, washed with and without conditioner - things were poorly washed, colors faded, fabrics wrinkled even at low spin speeds. When I washed the old one, the clothes were washed even in cold water and on a fast cycle for 15 minutes. The colors have always remained vibrant over the years and things haven't deteriorated. It was possible to throw all types of fabrics of different colors into one wash and get an excellent result using the delicate cycle. At LG, if I put a towel with slightly dried food in the wash in the cotton mode for 2 hours, then I took it out with the same dried food. I couldn’t even imagine that this was possible, it would seem that it should have been soaked with water at 40° in any case and then washed off while rinsing, even if washed without powder, but this turned out to be an impossible task for LG. If you wash on a delicate cycle and spin at low speeds, things become very wrinkled, and even synthetic items that usually do not require ironing after drying have to be steamed with an iron. 2) When washing down jackets or blankets, even the instructions indicate that the cycle is designed for one item. But the machine cannot spin out, since the imbalance of the laundry in the drum interferes with it; you need to add several small items for it to spin out. 3) Water intake, although many here write that it is loud on all machines, but with LG it seems to me every time that this is some kind of malfunction, it is so loud. In the old one, I understood that water was being drawn in, it was audible, but within the limits of adequacy, unlike LG. 4) The machine is installed in the kitchen, there are tiles on the floor, there are special rubber pads under the legs to dampen vibration, the machine is perfectly leveled and, despite all this, it jumps, changes location, of course not by a meter, but under the common tabletop by kitchen, in compliance with all the requirements for space from the furniture, I’m afraid to install it now, I think it will break the adjacent cabinets. 5) The steam function, about which many write that they did not see any result; if we talk about the additional mode, I don’t quite imagine how you can see that the laundry has been additionally disinfected with steam. I tried the function once, I think that it is necessary for bright towels and bed linen, so as not to wash the colors at 90° in a long cycle, but simply treat them with steam after a standard wash, but again, if in LG at least a standard wash would provide a gentle treatment to fabrics, or at least the delicate mode did not spoil the fabrics. I haven’t tried the separate function of refreshing with steam, because I’m afraid for the expensive and delicate fabrics that I planned to clean in this mode. After all the experiments, the machine disappointed me. For the full declared price, you can buy the simplest one and save your things, nerves and time.

The Eco Bubble function will take care of your wardrobe and budget!

A washing machine is a basic equipment in every home and you use it at least once a week. And if you have small children, the equipment is turned on almost every day. To avoid high electricity and water bills, you need to choose models equipped with innovative technologies such as Eco Bubble. What does this mean?

Firstly, individual appliances usually have the highest energy efficiency class A +++, and secondly, active foam allows you to wash at a very low temperature. Plus, the Eco Bubble feature softens the water, so you no longer need to use additional liquids.

What is bubble washing? Advantages and disadvantages

Quite often in the characteristics of washing machines you can see the item “Bubble wash: yes.” It is worth noting that this “new washing method”, developed by manufacturers, has been known for a long time, it’s just that it was not widely used then. Today, however, it is marketed as a “new and unique” way to do laundry. It is not, but this does not detract from its effectiveness.

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