Rules for washing a down jacket in a washing machine and by hand

A stylish and warm down jacket is a basic winter wardrobe item. Practical and comfortable clothing requires proper care, which will refresh and maintain an attractive appearance. In addition to regular cleaning, the down jacket needs seasonal washing. However, the task is not an easy one, and without knowing some of the secrets and subtleties, the thing can be spoiled, and it is not always possible to completely eliminate errors. Many users have questions about the rules for washing down jackets, which indicates the prevalence of the problem with stains. Difficulties are also caused by the filler, which can get lost from exposure to water and active spinning.

Machine washable

You can wash the down jacket in the washing machine manually or in delicate mode at a temperature of 30°. A gel detergent is suitable for wool or fluff. It will wash better and will not disrupt the heat-protective properties of the filler.

Important! Down is distinguished by the fact that it actively absorbs detergent and is then difficult to wash out. Therefore, there should be several rinsing cycles

Turn on the extra rinse mode on the washing machine. Permissible speed for spinning is 400-600 rpm. High spin speeds lead to fluff rolling and bunching, which is even worse than streaks. Load each down jacket into the washing machine separately from other clothes. There should be free space left in the drum. Some housewives, when washing jackets, also add a towel, then the clothes will not swell during the process.

Let's get started: how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Place the item prepared for washing into the drum of your household cleaner. The mode for washing a down jacket should be gentle; most often you can find it in the special programs section. These are "delicate wash", "hand wash" or "wool".

A very important point: the water during washing should not heat up to more than 30°C, and spinning should not be performed at a speed of more than 500 revolutions. If the automatic mode you have selected does not meet these requirements, adjust the temperature level and spin speed manually.

Try washing the down jacket on a delicate cycle, and next time, for example, set the regulator to o. Over time, you will decide for yourself which program is best to wash your down jacket.

It is better to wash the jacket separately from other things. You will have to give up fabric softener, otherwise there will be streaks. Especially on dark fabrics. If necessary, you can rinse the product twice to completely eliminate any remaining detergent.

Hand wash without consequences

After hand washing, there is less risk of streaks and loose lumps that spoil the down jacket. You will need a large basin or bath with warm water.

The choice of washing method at home depends on the filler material, which can be natural and bio-down, padding polyester, Thinsulate, or holofiber.

  • Natural down requires very careful handling. This jacket should not be completely immersed in water. Apply the detergent carefully only to contaminated areas. After exposure, wash off with a soft sponge. The down item should be in an upright position. So, it will be less saturated with moisture.
  • Holofiber is much easier to care for. Things with such a filler can be soaked in warm water at a temperature not exceeding +30°. First beat the liquid detergent into foam. Duration of exposure is 15-20 minutes. After this, wash in the traditional way.

Important! It is not recommended to leave a holofiber down jacket in water for a long time.

  • Washing bio-down completely eliminates soaking. Even a short stay in stagnant water spoils the properties of the filler. Heavy stains should be removed with a soapy solution of laundry soap. Before immersing in water, fluff the down jacket with your hands, which will make the down more airy. Place in water and continue whisking until completely wet. Immediately and quickly begin to treat dirt with a brush and soap solution. It is prohibited to squeeze things made of bio-down with your hands. The product must be constantly shaken to avoid lumps.

To avoid damaging your down jacket, be sure to look at the manufacturer's label with care instructions before washing. It may turn out that any washing is prohibited. Then the dirt will have to be cleaned with a damp sponge. It is important not to completely wet the item with water.

Basic tips for proper washing

The most important process in washing is the correct choice of mode. It is this action that reduces the likelihood of divorce. The most common occurrence of stains is insulation that is not completely clean, and in order to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, it is necessary to wash it very carefully. After washing the down jacket, you need to rinse it thoroughly, but do not remove the towel. Since these items will help you quickly get rid of foam. You can also add a little vinegar to dissolve the foam structure.

Under no circumstances should you wash other things with a down jacket, especially two items together. During washing, it should have space, since its free movement will ensure complete washing of both the top material and the insulation.

In order to wash such a product efficiently, it is necessary to choose a gentle washing mode and its speed should not exceed 600 rpm. Compliance with this rule will ensure even distribution of fluff throughout the product.

  1. After washing, it is necessary to wring out very delicately so as not to knock the insulation into lumps.
  2. Use only liquid products.
  3. Rinse until the water is clear of foam.
  4. After washing, hang the down jacket on a hanger to allow any remaining water to drain out of the product.

How to dry properly to prevent streaks

Proper drying of a down jacket after washing is of great importance. The following recommendations will help prevent stains.

  • It is prohibited to twist the down jacket. This damages the filler membranes and deforms the product.
  • Wring out the clothes with soft, squeezing movements and leave to drain the water.
  • Dry only in an upright position, spreading the item on a hanger.
  • You can use a special clothes dryer where air circulates freely.
  • The down jacket should dry naturally. It is better to hang the item outside or in a ventilated area.
  • Attempts to artificially speed up drying using heating devices result in white streaks.
  • After drying on the battery, the fluff splits and begins to appear on the front side.
  • During the drying process, the down jacket must be shaken and fluffed in different directions as often as possible. This way, the filler will dry out evenly and spread out. You can use a carpet beater.
  • When using a dryer, you need to select a mode for synthetic fabrics with heating up to 30°. The down jacket will be completely dry in 3 hours.

Selecting a detergent

Have the sleeves of any winter jacket become shiny or have you been doused in a muddy puddle by a careless minibus driver? Don't worry, almost any stains from a down jacket can be removed.

To wash winter clothes made with down or padding polyester, it is best to choose liquid and gel formulations, since powders can be difficult to rinse out and leave marks. In addition, you can buy special detergents for washing down jackets. They will carefully clean the fluff and leave no streaks.

Popular specialized products:

  • Heitmann. Suitable for both hand and machine washing of delicate items. Gives optimal results even at a water temperature of +30 degrees. One bottle is enough to wash approximately 10 kg of clothes in a machine. For manual cleaning, 1 cap of gel per 5 liters of water is enough;
  • Woly Sport. One of the most popular cleaning products for down jackets, ski suits, membrane jackets, and sleeping bags. Can be used both by hand and in the washing machine. Particularly complex stains can be treated locally and only then washed in it;
  • Unipooh. A domestic product suitable for cleaning products filled with down or feathers (sleeping bags, pillows, down jackets, blankets, etc.). Does not contain aggressive compounds, does not damage fabric, does not change its color, and is gentle on natural filler. Can be used for both machine and hand washing;
  • Domal "Sport Fein Fashion". One of the most effective preparations for removing dirt from down products, as well as from clothes made of membrane fabric. Suitable for all types of washing;
  • Caress-gel “Magic of balm”. The only product from the entire Laska product line that is acceptable for use on jackets, down jackets and quilted coats. This is a budget and good option.


Owners of down jackets need to be prepared for the following unpleasant situations:

  • White or yellow spots.

Yellow stains appear on the surface of the fabric when the fluff inside is poorly cleaned. The remaining fat is washed out during washing and appears on the fabric. Dish soap will help remove marks. It is applied to the stain, left for 10 minutes and washed off.

The appearance of white streaks indicates that the filler has absorbed excess detergent. They should disappear after rinsing.

  • The fluff gathered in clumps.

You can straighten out any loose lumps by hand while the down jacket is still damp. The product needs to be shaken vigorously and the matted areas gently smoothed out with your fingers.

To prevent the fluff from getting lost during washing, using a small trick will help. You need to put 3-4 tennis balls in the drum of the washing machine along with the down jacket. They will break up the lumps, distribute the filler more evenly and help wash away the dirt better. You can use children's rubber balls or balls of thread, previously tied in a clean sock. If after washing the down jacket is still lumpy, run an additional spin cycle with balls. It should help.

In pockets and corners, it is enough to vacuum the accumulated litter by turning on the device at low power and removing the nozzle. The tube should be held on the wrong side and moved in a circular motion from one corner to the other. The filler will move under the lining and straighten out.

  • The down jacket has an unpleasant odor.

This happens when drying takes a long time. In a day or two, the item should dry completely. Such clothes will have to be washed and aired in the air for several days.

Preparing a down jacket

First of all, look for the care label on the product. If you see a picture with a crossed out bathtub, washing a down jacket is contraindicated. You won’t be able to wash it without streaks either by hand or in a machine; in addition, the filling may become loose and the clothes will lose their shape. Your path lies to the dry cleaner.

If washing the product is allowed, proceed to the preparatory stage:

  1. Empty the pockets, unfasten additional parts - hood, belt, edge. Immediately set the edge aside; it needs to be cleaned separately.
  2. Turn the down jacket inside out, having first fastened all the buttons - locks - buttons.
  3. If the household has a laundry bag, place the item there.
  4. Distribute the jacket evenly over the drum of the machine.
  5. Place a large terry towel next to the down jacket; it will absorb some of the water, preventing the clothes from swelling.
  6. Don't forget about laundry balls - they are required when handling down jackets. An alternative to balls is soft tennis balls or rubber pet balls.

If divorces still remain

When, due to inexperience, white spots still remain and the appearance of the down jacket is ruined, then use the following proven tips.

  • Gently wipe away any unsightly stains with a soft sponge soaked in a warm, soapy dishwashing gel solution. When the product is absorbed, remove the residue and wipe with a clean sponge.
  • Wipe any traces left after washing with a cotton pad and a few drops of gasoline. Then rinse the treated areas with warm water. The method is not suitable for synthetic materials, because they can simply dissolve under the influence of gasoline.
  • Treat unpleasant deposits with hydrogen peroxide. Remove the product from the fabric with a damp sponge. This method is ideal for white and light-colored items. On dark and colored down jackets, first test the product on an inconspicuous area.

How to get rid of stains on a down jacket

As a rule, the most contaminated places on a down jacket are the sleeves, collar and hem. Before washing, you can moisten them, soap them with laundry soap and rub them gently.

There are several ways to remove difficult stains:

  1. To make a universal stain remover, add 2 teaspoons of ammonia and liquid detergent to a glass of water. Beat the foam and distribute it over the contaminated areas. Wait a few minutes and then blot with a sponge.
  2. Grease stains can be dissolved with gasoline. Soak a cotton pad in it and treat problem areas. Sprinkle talc, salt, starch or any other adsorbent on top. Rub the stain and shake off any residue. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. When finished, wipe the down jacket with a damp cloth.
  3. A mixture of salt and starch in a 1:1 ratio will also help in the fight against greasy stains. Add a little water to form a paste. Apply it to the stain, leave until completely dry and rinse with a damp sponge.
  4. Traces of cosmetics, such as foundation on the collar, are washed off with micellar water. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the problem area.
  5. If the stain is embedded in white fabric, it can be bleached. Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio and wipe problem areas with the resulting liquid. This method is not suitable for colored down jackets!

After getting rid of stains, it is better to wash the down jacket completely. Otherwise, streaks may remain on it.

Storage conditions

After washing, a clean down jacket must be stored. To do this, you need to make sure that it is completely dry. And then ventilate for 3 more days on the balcony or in the open air. The item should be in the shade so that the fabric does not fade from sunlight.

It is recommended to store in a dark and dry place, because moisture is the main enemy of fluff. The down jacket can be placed on a hanger or in a case. Cellophane bags must have perforations so that the product can “breathe” and prevent mold from developing. To prevent the jacket from losing its shape during this time, the pockets must be emptied. The hangers should be selected according to size, so that creases do not form.

Vacuum storage cannot be used for down jackets, because the pressure on the filler causes deformation, which is then difficult to correct.

Wash by hand

It is quite difficult to get rid of shiny stains on a down jacket that begin to shine unattractively after long wear, as well as any more complex stains by hand. If you decide to hand wash your down product, then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Treat all stains locally with appropriate products before washing. All complex stains must be removed in advance, since you will not be able to wash them during hand washing.
  2. Dilute liquid laundry detergent in a bowl of water, then lower the product into it.
  3. Gently rub your down jacket with your hands, especially concentrating on the most dirty areas: collar, cuffs, pockets, areas around zippers and buttons.
  4. Empty the dirty water from the basin, wash it, and change the water to clean water. Rinse the product thoroughly several times in a row so that there are no streaks or traces of detergent or stain remover left on it.
  5. Gently squeeze the jacket without twisting it. This will be quite difficult, so first squeeze it slightly so that the water starts to come out, and then hang it on a hanger so that the water drains completely naturally.

What they advise on the forums

1. Use Vanish to whiten a white down jacket . Pre-pour it onto heavy stains and let it sit for an hour. When washing, add a little Vanish to the product.

The easiest way to bleach a down jacket.

Zmite r [72.7K]:

If the down jacket can be washed in an automatic washing machine, then in this case there should be no difficulties with bleaching; in places where it is heavily soiled, just pour Vanish on the down jacket and let it sit for a while. You can also add Vanish to the washing powder later.

And if you can’t wash the down jacket yourself, then you should definitely go to a dry cleaner.


2. Use Unipukh. It is inexpensive and gives excellent results.

Unipukh is inexpensive, but it washes perfectly.

Alieva Alya:

And I have a Moncler down jacket. I didn’t dare to wash it in the machine at home, I had it dry cleaned, it’s a bit expensive... And recently a friend recommended Unipukh, I’ll tell you, it’s a good thing. The most important thing is that it doesn’t leave streaks and the fluff doesn’t clump up AT ALL. And the price is ridiculous, I think everyone can afford it.


3. Wash only soiled areas . Contaminated areas are wetted. Scrub the stains with a brush dipped in a solution of washing powder. Wash off all remaining product.

If you do not wash the item completely, it will dry much faster.


I hang the down jacket over the bathtub on a hanger, wet it with a shower, wash the necessary areas with a brush and washing powder, then shower and wash it off. By morning everything is usually dry.


4. Use a folk remedy to whiten a white down jacket . Pour 12 liters of water, add 8 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons of ammonia and a little washing powder. Soak the down jacket for 4 hours. Then wash as described above.

Folk remedy for whitening down jacket.

Ronanjk [2.4K]:

If you don't have bleach, you can use another method. To twelve liters of water, add eight tablespoons of salt, a little powder and three tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide, also add three tablespoons of ammonia. Soak the laundry in this solution for 4 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees. Then simply wash it in the washing machine.


How to wash jackets with other fillings

Down and feather fillings are the most popular in the field of winter jackets. However, manufacturers also use other materials. They protect no worse from frost, wind, and humidity. At the same time, products also require delicate handling:

  1. Ecopooh

A popular synthetic filler, which in its properties is close to natural. Hence its high popularity. Such jackets look and warm no worse than analogues with natural filling. At the same time, the material turns out to be quite light and durable. The tag will indicate at what temperature to wash the down jacket. A coat with eco-down requires maintaining a temperature of up to +40 degrees, and a speed of up to 400 rpm. You can't twist it by hand. It is better to dry in a horizontal position.

Jacket (eco down)

  1. Holofiber

Such products are less susceptible to washing than down products. They withstand hand and automatic washing, full active spinning, and do not deform. Dry in the same way as down jackets: on hangers over the bathtub or on the balcony. Then you need to shake them to return the filler to its place.

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