Following the rules, or how to properly wash faded items

We now know how and with what fabrics are dyed. But what if clothes, shoes or underwear dyed by the manufacturer are then dyed on your body? Most often, “shedding” is an indicator of a low-quality item. These include a set of bed linen with bright colors that “bloom” on your skin after a hot night. Or a dress that colors the underwear worn underneath it in its “own” color. Or shoes, when you take them off, you surprise your loved ones with black heels.

How can you tell if the fabric is fading?

To understand that an item is prone to shedding, you can perform two simple tests.

First way to check:

  1. Wet a small area with warm water.
  2. Place the product on the ironing board, cover the dampened fabric with a white paper napkin and run a hot iron over it.
  3. Examine the napkin. If colored spots appear on it, the product is prone to shedding.

The second method of verification is applicable if the manufacturer has sewn a small piece of the fabric from which the clothing is made to the inside of the product.

It is cut off, soaked in a small amount of warm soapy water and the water is inspected after 20 minutes. If the water is stained, the fabric will fade.

Tips for preserving color on clothing

  • There is no need to treat faded fabrics with baking soda.
  • Not all items can be machine washed.
  • Pay attention to labels before washing brightly colored items for the first time. They contain all the information on caring for the fabric.
  • How to find out that an item is fading; the easiest way to find out whether an item is changing color or not is to carefully wipe a small area on the clothing with a damp cloth. If the napkin gets stained, then decide whether to take such a thing or not.

Preserving a bright shade is quite simple, you just need to choose the right method and strictly follow all the instructions. The main thing to remember is that if a thing is painted excessively, then it is the fault of the manufacturers who simply skimped on its quality.

Preparation for the process

Before you start the main wash, things need to be sorted.

A few basic rules:

  • white and black are washed separately;
  • black fabrics can be washed together with dark blue and dark gray laundry;
  • It is permissible to load things of warm shades into the machine together: pink, yellow, orange, but provided that the colors are similar and the paint is pre-fixed;
  • Blue, purple and green fabrics can be washed together.

Do not wash white things with colored ones, even if they have light shades, but they fade.

Fixing the coloring pigment

To prevent fading items from being damaged during the washing process, you need to focus your efforts on fixing the color. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Soaking items in saline solution. To prepare it you will need 2 tbsp. l. salt and 1 liter of water. The product is soaked for an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed.

  2. Fixing the color with acetic acid. For 10 liters of water you will need 5 tbsp. l. acids. The fabric should remain in this solution for at least half an hour.
  3. Rinsing off excess paint. To begin, place the fabric in a bowl of warm water, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse in cool water. This will remove excess pigment.

Be sure to treat new items before the first wash.

Powder with salt

If the method described above did not give the desired result, then there is an excellent solution. Salt will help keep the dye in the fabric. Pour warm water, heated to approximately 50 degrees, into the trough, add a glass of salt and a little powder. Place clothes in the solution for half an hour, then wash them by hand and rinse thoroughly. It is worth noting that this method is only suitable for plain clothes.

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Washing without shedding

To prevent the fabric from fading, you need to follow certain rules. By following the instructions for hand and machine washing, you will be able to clean even the most brightly colored items without loss.


After preparing the product, you can begin the main procedure. To prevent the pigment from being washed out of the fabric fibers, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Before placing an item in a basin, you need to study the information on the product label. Do not violate the recommendations specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Be sure to check all pockets to ensure there are no small items left in them.
  3. If at the preparation stage it turns out that the item is prone to molting, use cool water, 10 degrees lower than recommended.
  4. It is better to use a powder designed for hand washing colored items. The packaging should contain the inscription “Color” and an image of a basin with a palm lowered into it.
  5. The powder or gel must be completely dissolved in water.
  6. If soaking is required, its time is reduced to a minimum.
  7. Do not press or rub the item too hard with a brush or your hands.
  8. Rinse clothes first in warm and then in cool water.

The detergent should not contain bleaching components, which will help wash out the pigment.

This video will show you how to wash faded items by hand:

In the typewriter

You need to wash fading items separately from the rest, since it is impossible to control the process of pigment leaching. Guide to action:

  1. Sort products by color and texture.

  2. Pour detergent intended for washing colored items into the powder compartment.
    If gel is used, it can be poured directly into the drum, on top of the clothes placed inside. Capsules are used in a similar way, only they are placed under the product to be washed.
  3. Set washing parameters. The water temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees. It is recommended to spin at the lowest possible speed. If necessary, activate the additional rinse function. You can use the “gentle wash” mode.
  4. Immediately after washing, the items are removed from the drum. The longer they remain wet, the less strong the dye's adhesion to the fabric becomes.

If the fabric has complex stains, you can use a stain remover, but apply it in moderation. The exposure time should not exceed 30 minutes.

On sale you can find special napkins that absorb pigment that is washed out of colored items.

Thanks to their use, you can wash faded and regular items at the same time, but if the fabric loses dye very actively, the napkins may not cope with their function.

How much vinegar does it take to fix the color of the fabric?

for 1 liter of water. If you have vinegar essence, then the proportions are much smaller: 2 tablespoons per bucket of water. A combination of salt and vinegar is often used. A weak vinegar solution is also suitable for rinsing silk and wool fabrics.

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What to do if your clothes are faded?

If the item does fade, you can try to correct the situation in the following ways:

  • wash the fabric again using powder and salt, the water should be warm, but not too hot;

  • use baking soda or ammonia to remove stains;
  • try to remove the pigment using a household stain remover;
  • If white fabric is dyed, then use any gentle bleach; among available products, hydrogen peroxide works well with colored stains.

The situation must be corrected immediately, without waiting for the item to dry. This publication will tell you what to do if an item becomes colored during washing.

If a white item has faded during washing, the tips in this article will help correct the situation.

Washing in vinegar solution

This method is a good alternative to the one described above. Its essence lies in the fact that clothes should not be rinsed, but washed in a vinegar solution. Pour four liters of warm water into a deep container, add three tablespoons of powder and vinegar. Wash the clothes in the resulting solution, then rinse and hang to dry without twisting.

I have personally tried all these life hacks on myself and I can say with confidence that they work great. Therefore, if you are tired of frequently changing things because they fade quickly, then use these tips.

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Post-treatment care

After washing, items that are prone to shedding should be hung out to dry. They should be kept away from direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light causes pigment to fade quickly. Clothes must be turned inside out.

When drying, colored items should not be hung overlapping each other, so as not to provoke the appearance of stains.

If the item has been treated with vinegar, it is better to dry it in the fresh air. This will help you get rid of the unpleasant odor faster.

You should finish each wash by rinsing the fabric in cool water . If desired, you can add a small amount of vinegar to it.

If the item has not been washed well, it may fade when ironed. Therefore, the iron is set to the minimum temperature.

Why do jeans dye when they are worn, do they dye their legs and clothes?

Many well-known companies insist that jeans must be dyed after purchase. This is due to the use of natural dyes. Manufacturers say that after a few washes and the first few times you wear your jeans, you'll have to deal with the marks. Therefore, just the first time you go out in new jeans, wear underwear that you don’t mind and don’t undress in public. Blue legs and panties are often seen.

It is worth noting that a large amount of dye also causes jeans to stain and fade. But don't be upset. After two washes, your trousers will stop fading. Try to wear dark blouses and underwear at first. This will prevent staining.

Why do jeans dye when they are worn, do they dye their legs and clothes?

Helpful information

To prevent washing colored items from causing damage, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. For hand washing, you should not use soap and soda, as they help wash out the pigment.
  2. Preference should be given to liquid detergents, as they dissolve better in cool water and are more easily washed out of fabric fibers.
  3. When washing, you can use fabric softener. It helps things maintain color saturation.

You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products here.

How to wash so that the fabric does not stain?

It is easy to determine whether a fabric is dyed or not when washed by hand; it happens that at the slightest contact of the fabric with water or the body, it loses its color.

To make things fade less and keep their color longer, use the following products:

  • Salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • Washing powder for hand washing.
  • Washing/soaking basin;
  • Washing machine.

How to wash in a machine?

Let's look at how to wash a wool coat in an automatic washing machine:

  1. Prepare the product, treat stains and visible dirt;
  2. Place it in the drum of the machine;
  3. Set the “Delicate Wash”, “Wool” or “Hand Wash” mode;
  4. Turn off the spin or set the speed to minimum;
  5. Set the temperature to less than 30°;
  6. Fill in washing gel for woolen items and be sure to use conditioner;
  7. Launch the program;
  8. When finished, turn on an additional rinse;
  9. We described above how to properly dry a woolen coat after washing in the section on hand washing.

If you cannot wash a wool coat in a washing machine at the moment, for example, you need it urgently and there is no time for long drying, we recommend performing partial washing. Treat the dirtiest areas with soda, go over the entire surface with a soft brush or sticky roller, and spot-wash the stains with soapy water. Stains are cleaned from the edges to the center.

If you decide to wash by hand

Find out how to properly wash a wool coat by hand, without an automatic machine:

  1. Fill the bath with cold water. When answering the question at what temperature you can wash woolen items, experts recommend not heating the water above 30°;
  2. Add wool detergent or regular hair shampoo;
  3. Lather the water;
  4. Immerse the item and blot it;
  5. Move your hands over the material, rub, squeeze, but without effort;
  6. If the item is heavily soiled, leave it in water for an hour and a half;
  7. Drain the water and add new water, without detergent. Rinse the coat until there is no foam and the water is completely clear. You can simply water from above with a shower;
  8. Remove the product and place it on a thick terry towel. Roll into a loose roll and blot. Unwrap and change the towel. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary for the excess liquid to be absorbed. This method of spinning does not allow woolen items to stretch or spoil their appearance;
  9. Drying is done horizontally, on a towel. Gently straighten the coat and leave to dry. Turn it over periodically and change the towels for dry ones. There should be a flow of fresh air in the room.

How to wash faded clothes?

Wash faded

a white
made of thin fabric will be helped by a mixture of 2 liters of water (temperature +70 ℃), 1 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide and a pinch of baking soda. Place the product in the solution for 10-15 minutes, turn it over several times during soaking so that it bleaches evenly, and then rinse.

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Should boots be painted on the outside? Help!

Girls, I bought boots for 11,000, not cheap, I think, I put them on, but my hands are dirty, black, I began to rub them with a dry napkin, it’s black. The sellers say it’s not defective, they say it’s saturated and that’s how it should be. Boots are made of leather, is that really how it should be? or not? If anyone has encountered this, please tell me.”

I came across it. I bought completely normal boots or shoes at a price above average. After use my heels turned black. I decided to buy shoes with light-colored soles inside.

I don't think that's how it should be. Something wrong. In the best case, they were simply smeared with shoe polish to make them shine more, maybe the sellers themselves made them shine, but in the worst case, there is a defect.

They are painted not on the inside but on the outside, that is, I didn’t notice until I measured it and all the fingers on my hands arrived. Maybe I don’t understand something, maybe it’s really impregnation.

I haven’t noticed this on other boots, is this a Basconi company, maybe someone bought it?

now it’s tormenting me, I really like the boots, but this paint is annoying

That’s okay, but when the sheepskin coat is dyed, that’s where the nightmare is

That’s okay, but when the sheepskin coat is dyed, that’s where the nightmare is

No, it's disgusting. You get a pedicure, come home, and the skin on your feet is saturated with paint and cannot be washed off. Now I only buy light-colored boots; it is imperative that there is light-colored fur inside.

Do you think you should pass? I went to the store and polished all the boots, some are painted, some are not, what does it depend on?

I don't even know what it depends on. Probably the technology was broken when the skin was dyed. If you can, donate them and buy others. I bought boots when traveling abroad, so I suffered and wore them. I put on socks. Now I've switched to light-colored shoes.

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My boots are now being painted on the outside. I think this is not a factory production, but a homemade pita. It’s not a big problem, but I think if all the paint comes off, the boots will lose their appearance.

Author: I bought these shoes twice at Rendez Voice. Both pairs from Nero Giardini One time they were so-called “sneakers” (well, these sneakers with wedges) black 9 thousand and the second time red boots 8 thousand. I bought Snickers because they were very comfortable and kind of fashionable, and I bought boots because there was a wild discount. Well, in essence, this situation with coloring is, of course, a defect, and if for you this is some kind of only (or just the main main) shoes, then it is better to return them and buy quality ones.

If you are painting inside, you can buy a spray. I don't remember what it's called. Stop color or something. In short, shoe sellers know what you need))

I haven’t noticed this on other boots, is this a Basconi company, maybe someone bought it?

same problem! I also bought it at Basconi.

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Professional products

The issue of “dyeable” shoes has become so pressing that products to solve this problem have already appeared on the market (AntiColor, StopColor). The main rules for choosing such a product:

  1. Give preference to well-known brands: Tarrago, Saphir, Salamander. Yes, they are an order of magnitude more expensive than those that have little-known names. But the result will be as predictable as possible.
  2. Try to find out if the product has a smell. It is usually very difficult to remove it later.

Advice ! Don't ignore the instructions. These remedies are more active than traditional ones. You need to be more careful with them.

Why do jeans leave paint marks?

There are 2 different options for denim pants that can leave paint marks. These are not only low quality products, as many might think. Although there is some truth in this too.

Low-grade products are treated with cheap dyes that do not adhere well or are applied without following the chemical instructions. The problem of coloring is also inherent in things of expensive brands. Here the problem lies elsewhere.

  • Jeans are mostly made from natural cotton and use high-quality dyes, but the pigments may be poorly absorbed by natural fibers.
  • In any case, during the initial stages of using a piece of clothing, the appearance of traces of paint left by trousers should not be very surprising.

Usually the problem can be solved by washing the product several times. There are subtleties that will not be superfluous to know.

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