How to choose real laundry soap: recommendations

Laundry soap, unlike toilet soap, contains less fatty acids and more alkali. This is the reason for its high cleaning ability. However, the classic recipe, according to which the first bars of laundry soap were produced more than a century ago, has changed significantly over the years. Modern products have been improved: they are freed from the specific smell, from the characteristic brown color, and are “seasoned” with flavorings and stabilizers. Therefore, many buyers are faced with a very reasonable question:

Is the origin of laundry soap as natural as is commonly believed?
To answer this question, we turned to the materials of the Test Purchase study. Five brands of laundry soap were tested in the TV show's laboratory. The editors of the Tehcovet.Ru website have added five more most popular products on Yandex.Market to the rating. What happened - read below, in our TOP 10 best laundry soap. POLL: Do you use laundry soap?

Types of laundry soap

Initially, you should figure out what it is and what laundry soap looks like. A special characteristic is that the composition has not changed for two centuries. But since manufacturers make different ratios of ingredients, there are such varieties of the product:

  • 72% fat;
  • 70%;
  • 65%.

Based on what is included in the laundry soap and what kind of cleaning it has undergone, the color of the product changes. The less purification during the manufacturing process, the darker the color.

How do sodium soaps differ from potassium soaps: comparison

The manufacturing technology of these substances is not much different. The fact is that the fat base itself is initially treated with alkali and soap is obtained. But there are some subtleties. Potassium or sodium alkali can be used to make the product. The aggregate state of the product depends on this. That is, when saponifying potassium alkali, you will get a viscous or fairly liquid product. If you use sodium, then solid pieces.

An example of sodium soap is laundry and toilet soap. Potassium soaps are mainly used in making shower gel or liquid soap.

Sodium and potassium soap

Characteristics and selection criteria

The key reason for the popularity of the detergent is what liquid laundry soap is made of. It has a completely natural composition, the main ingredient is fat of vegetable or animal origin. Due to the absence of chemical elements, the soap is considered hypoallergenic.

Here are recommendations on how to choose laundry soap - it must be in full compliance with the characteristics according to GOST-30266-95:

  • pieces without white impurities and cracks;
  • hard consistency;
  • color and smell correspond to the markings on the package;
  • qualitative number. In this case, it is important to understand what the percentages on laundry soap mean - they mean fatty acids per 100 g of soap: from 70.5 to 64.0.
  • proportion of alkali: 0.15-0.20.

How does handmade soap differ from factory soap in composition, which is better?

Handmade soap is undoubtedly better. It is made not from animal fat, but from vegetable oils. This product contains no preservatives and a decent amount of natural essential oils. In addition, pieces of herbs, sea salt and other scrubbing components are often added to the composition. Because of this, the shelf life of such soap is significantly reduced. Therefore, natural soap does not last long. But if you have a choice, then undoubtedly, for washing and hygiene procedures, choose handmade soap.

Handmade soap

What is it made from?

The process of making soap now and its ingredients have noticeably changed compared to the previous technological process; now there are different types of laundry soap. The basis is salts, oils and fats, soaping ingredients, glycerin.

After the technological process, solid soap is obtained. And thanks to the inclusion of cosmetic ingredients and fragrances, aromatic soaps are produced. To make a liquid product, potassium hydroxide is added.

The beneficial properties of laundry soap make it optimal for skin prone to irritation, and baby soap is suitable for children. Be sure to review the composition and GOST mark - then you are guaranteed to receive a natural and harmless product.

Benefits for humans

Laundry soap is successfully used to achieve a variety of purposes:

  • disinfect the skin for cuts, scratches, abrasions;
  • reduce skin irritation after shaving or depilation, insect and animal bites;
  • reduce pain from various thermal burns, including sunburn;
  • improve the condition of problematic facial skin in the presence of acne, pimples, inflammation;
  • get rid of corns, calluses, ulcers;
  • soften rough skin on the legs or arms;
  • get rid of dandruff and seborrhea;
  • eliminate swelling and pain from bruises, dislocations, hematomas;
  • cure some types of fungus;
  • overcome rhinitis;
  • increase immunity;
  • Clean dishes and clothes from dirt and grease.

How to use laundry soap at home

Brown soap is indispensable for washing and removing dirt from surfaces. 72% soap removes dirt and stains more effectively than household chemicals. Let's consider the use of liquid laundry soap in everyday life:

  • for washing and disinfecting surfaces - removes stains and traces of sweat on white. Suitable for disinfection and getting rid of unpleasant odors;
  • for dish washing. To do this, add half a glass of soap shavings to 250 ml of water and stir;
  • Soap is optimal for washing cats and dogs. You can effectively remove fat from fur and kill fleas.

Atypical ways of using household items. soap

A bar of laundry soap is an indispensable detergent. It can be used not only to remove difficult stains and dirt, but also for other purposes:

  • combating dandruff and oily scalp;
  • cleansing the skin of the face and body from pimples and acne;
  • getting rid of runny nose and dry mucous membranes;
  • treatment of foot fungus;
  • garden pest control
  • disinfection of toothbrushes;
  • acceleration of healing of bruises and scratches;
  • fight against cracked heels.

Laundry soap is a universal detergent used for washing, cleaning, treating a number of diseases and even controlling pests.

Harm and contraindications

The harm of the product should be considered. It is not recommended to be used in the following cases:

  • for dry and rash-prone skin;
  • brittle and colored hair;
  • allergies.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the benefits and harms of 72 percent laundry soap before using the product. For any skin type, frequent use is not allowed - this will upset the fat balance. Experts recommend using only thick soap foam for hair and skin.

What is the difference between gel and liquid soap in composition, which is better?

Initially, shower gel is not much different from liquid soap. It is worth noting that this is an excellent marketing ploy. Due to the fast pace of life, not everyone can spend a lot of time taking a bath. To wash properly, you need to apply soap to a washcloth and lather it. After this, the foam is applied to the body and rubbed in. The shower gel can be used daily during your morning bath. It doesn't remove dirt very well, but it helps maintain freshness and a pleasant smell. Removes more bacteria from the surface of the body.

The composition of liquid soap and gel is approximately the same, these are essential oils, fragrances and surfactants. Glycerin is added to soap, but not to shower gel. Now some companies actually produce an interesting product: 2 in 1 shower gel and shampoo. There is nothing strange about this. Such products are made for men, as they are less demanding on the composition of the shampoo. Many companies simply make money by advertising shampoos for different types of hair. Although in general their composition is not much different.

Shower gel

As you can see, liquid soap is different from laundry soap. Therefore, before purchasing hyena products, read their composition.

Production technology

The industrial process consists of two stages:

  • cooking;
  • treatment.

At the first stage, the so-called soap glue is obtained. Premium raw materials, such as rendered animal fat, are saponified in a kettle. It is heated, mixed with caustic sodium or potassium, and boiled for several days. Low-quality fatty acids are boiled down and then salted out, freeing and purifying the soap core from unwanted impurities to obtain a high-quality product.

At the second stage, the product is given a marketable appearance: cooling, drying, molding, pressing, cutting, labeling, etc. occurs.

72% what does this mean?

Each piece of domestic laundry soap is stamped with the manufacturer's stamp and numbers indicating the percentage. These numbers represent the percentage of fatty acids: the higher the value, the better the cleaning power.

The direct cooking method allows you to obtain a product containing no more than 60% fat content. A more complex production method, which includes scraping out table salt, makes it possible to produce soap lye and “core” soap, which is subsequently boiled as a briquette with 72% fat content.

Review of manufacturers

When choosing laundry soap, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with products from various manufacturers. There are many options on the market that have certain features.


Laundry soap produced by the Duru brand has a universal purpose - from washing clothes to personal hygiene. The product is suitable for use in water of any temperature and does not cause allergic reactions. Due to the presence of glycerin and softening components in the composition, the skin receives additional care. Other advantages include a pleasant smell and affordable cost.


Concentrated product "Stork" is intended for household and industrial use.

The products are high-density, contain glycerin, foam well and contain no fragrances, which makes them versatile.


Soap called “Freedom” is produced for sanitary and hygienic purposes and for hand washing fabric products. Only natural ingredients are used for production. The main advantages include:

  • abundant foaming;
  • economical consumption;
  • resistance to soaking;
  • beneficial effect on the skin;
  • hypoallergenic.


Powdered detergent “Cinderella” is suitable for washing clothes by hand and in a machine. Degreasing and cleaning properties effectively remove old stains. The product does not destroy the structure of fabrics and restores the saturation and brightness of the material.

"Eared Nanny"

Soap "Eared Nannies" is created for washing children's clothes and is proven hypoallergenic. All types of fabrics can be washed. In case of repeated washing, the whiteness effect is maintained.


Meridian soap with a fatty acid content of 72% can be used for cleaning premises, washing clothes and washing dishes. The presence of alkali in the composition helps dissolve grease and dirt and has a disinfecting effect. The absence of dyes and fragrances eliminates the occurrence of irritation and allergies.


Liquid antibacterial soap "Economy" is created on the basis of plant raw materials with a concentration of 65%. The product lathers well and is easily washed off with water. The competitive advantage is low cost compared to alternative options.

Haus Frau

The liquid variety of Haus Frau laundry soap is intended for washing hands and kitchen utensils, washing clothes, degreasing and disinfecting. As a rule, the concentration of fatty acids in products of this brand is 72%.


The product called “Sun” has a distinct lemon aroma and is used for hand washing, dishwashing and personal hygiene. During use, a creamy foam is formed that eliminates impurities and is gentle on the skin.


Antipyatin soap is suitable for household use. The product removes old stains from clothing or other surfaces.


Sarma products have a whitening effect. A common application is hand washing woven fabrics.


The household product “Spring” effectively cleanses the epidermis. The fatty acid content is 72%.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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