How and with what to remove the burnt taste and smell from food: methods, tips. Porridge, rice, soup, milk, potatoes, pasta, meat are burnt: how to remove the burnt smell and taste?

Universal tips

There are several tips that are suitable for many dishes, as they are considered universal:

1) Pour food into a clean pot or pan.

Photo: Pixabay

2) Remove all burnt pieces.

3) Add spices, which should slightly muffle the unpleasant aroma.

4) A sweet dish can be disguised using cinnamon, vanilla or lemon zest.

5) Garlic, pepper, coriander and cilantro are spices that can overcome a strong aroma.

Where to start cleaning?

As soon as it is noticed that the pan has burned, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible. A good response will help solve the problem as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Eliminating the source of odor

The pan should be taken outside the apartment immediately . You can go directly onto the street or, at least, onto the balcony. If fumes have accumulated mainly in the kitchen area, you must try to isolate other rooms - close the doors to them.


After this, it is important to ventilate the apartment, and especially the kitchen. To do this you need to open the windows.

Turning the hood on to “turbo” or “maximum” mode will help speed up the process . If you have a fan at hand, you should also use it. You can also use the air conditioner in air purification mode.

The main purpose of ventilation is to improve air circulation and more effectively eliminate smoke.

In the absence of technical devices, a good draft will help to ventilate the room faster. It can be organized by opening the door and window in a room that faces the other side of the building.


After intensive ventilation, it’s time to moisturize . The most convenient way to humidify the air is to use a special device - a humidifier. If there is no such remedy, then you can use one of the alternatives:

  1. Place containers of water around the room.
  2. Hang wet towels in the kitchen. The best option is terry, but you can even use regular cotton sheets.
  3. Open the hot water tap so that the moisture begins to evaporate effectively. At the same time, the surfaces become moist and the air is purified.

Needles, aroma lamp or scented candles

They are used to mask the remaining burning smell in the apartment after a burnt pan. Light candles to suit your mood, and place pine branches in a vase or use them as decoration.

An additional bonus: the branches will disinfect the air, ridding it of harmful microorganisms. Instead, you can take pine concentrate and add it to the aerator or boiling pan.

The aroma lamp is designed for aeration of enclosed spaces. It requires essential oil. Its evaporation neutralizes any remaining burning smell.

If the apartment still smells unpleasant, install a salt lamp. It is made from a single piece of Himalayan salt. The device improves the microclimate in the room and eliminates residual odors that are difficult to remove with other means.

The device gently ionizes the air and cleans it. Instead of a lamp, you can turn on an air ionizer.

Coffee beans

I already wrote about this method in an article about the smell in the refrigerator. The aromatic grains quickly neutralize various impurities. They can be taken whole or ground into powder. Instant coffee is also suitable, but it has a much weaker effect.


  • Sprinkle teaspoons into glasses or glasses. There should be at least 5-7 of them for a room with an area of ​​12-14 square meters.
  • Place in the corners.

Ground coffee can be removed after 3-4 hours. Leave whole grains until the morning or overnight.

Vinegar or citric acid

This is the simplest way. They resort to it if an unpleasant odor lingers in the room. Table vinegar is based on an acidic solution (6 or 9%). Its evaporation neutralizes the remaining smoke.

What to do:

  • Take an enamel pan with a volume of 3-4.5 liters.
  • Fill it with boiling water to 2/3 of the height.
  • Add a bottle of vinegar or a packet of citric acid.
  • Stir and place on the stove. No lid needed.
  • Leave on low heat.

Let it simmer for 1.5-3 hours (the longer the better). During this time, leave the room to avoid breathing acid fumes.

If a pan of meat or potatoes burns, then the situation requires a more serious approach. Place 3 or 4 pans on the stove (depending on the number of burners). Wait until it boils, reduce heat to low. This will increase the amount of vapor. Let them stand there for several hours.

Humidify the space

After the smoke goes away, turn on the humidifier. This useful device should be in every home. It not only helps maintain a favorable microclimate, but also removes odors well.

There is no device - use other available methods:

  • Fill the bathtub with boiling water.
  • Hang wet sheets (preferably terry) or towels.
  • Place bowls of water.
  • Use a spray bottle.
  • Open the hot tap to release steam.
  • Put the kettle on the fire. Let it boil. Wipe off any condensation that accumulates on objects immediately.

The simplest technique is based on the effect of volumetric diffusion. Purification occurs at the molecular level. When H2O molecules evaporate, they become active sorbents. They trap gas, soot and smoke particles to help restore freshness.

If you couldn’t quickly deal with the problem, and it’s hard to breathe in the kitchen even after a few hours, a thorough cleaning will be required. Simple recipes will also help, the ingredients for which can be found in any home.

Use of improvised means

If the pan is seriously burnt and the fumes have spread throughout the apartment, a comprehensive cleaning will be required. To do this, you can use simple recipes based on ingredients that you already have on hand.


Table vinegar is based on acid. The evaporation of this substance allows you to neutralize the specific burning smell. This can be achieved by heating.

How to use:

  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan.
  2. Add 0.5 liters of vinegar.
  3. Place the pan on the fire without covering it with a lid.
  4. Leave to boil for 2 hours.

Despite the fact that vinegar is a food product, it is not advisable to be in a room with a boiling solution. This is due to the fact that vinegar vapor can have a negative effect on the body.

Mint and propolis

Boiling a decoction of mint leaves, propolis and vinegar will help you cope with the smell of burning in the kitchen. For processing you will need:

  • water;
  • vinegar;
  • propolis.


  1. Place 3 liters of water in a large saucepan.
  2. Add a few tablespoons of crushed dry mint leaves.
  3. Add a teaspoon of propolis to the tip.
  4. Add 5-7 drops of vinegar.
  5. Mix.
  6. Boil for 2 hours.

When the decoction is boiled, the fumes will not be less caustic than when using a recipe with a large amount of vinegar.

Natural coffe

Natural coffee beans contain a large amount of aromatic substances. This allows you to use ground or whole grains to scent a room.

They are placed in containers and placed in the room. Average exposure time:

  • whole grains – 12 hours;
  • ground grains - 3 hours.

Only natural coffee should be used for processing, since instant coffee does not have a sufficient concentration of the necessary aromatic substances.

Cloves and cinnamon

Cloves are an aromatic spice that is widely used in culinary recipes. It can also be used for flavoring.


  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a large saucepan.
  2. Throw 15 clove inflorescences into the water.
  3. Add 4 tsp. cinnamon.
  4. Boil for an hour.

It is advisable to stir the broth from time to time.

Citrus zest

To neutralize the stench, you can use citrus peel:

  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • mandarin;
  • grapefruit.

The peels of the fruit are laid out in a room where the smell is felt. This method can be used when the main fumes have already disappeared. You can speed up flavoring in the kitchen by frying pieces of zest in a frying pan.


You can neutralize the burning smell remaining after airing using regular baking soda, which can be found in every kitchen.

To process the kitchen you will need 1-2 packs of soda . The powder is poured into several saucers and placed around the room.

To ensure that unpleasant odors are eliminated, it may take at least 6 hours.

Little tricks

Sometimes you can correct the burnt taste with the help of cumin and other spices. This works especially well if your roast starts to burn, or you forget about the meat that was quietly stewing on the stove. Add a teaspoon of cumin, a little cayenne pepper, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and curry to the meat.

A couple of pieces of bacon can also correct the situation: the bacon absorbs the smoky aroma, and the dish turns out not only edible, but quite tasty. This way you can save meat dishes or sauces. But this method, of course, will not work for lemon pie.

To prevent anything from burning, use thick-bottomed pots and pans, and heat the pan thoroughly before putting food on it. Also, get a multicooker in your household. It’s very convenient to cook with it: you put the food in and forget it. The multicooker will signal itself when everything is ready. And never turn the heat on at full power.

Activated carbon for all odors

It was invented back in the Russian Empire (1915). Used in gas masks in the First World War. The substance is obtained from wood, coconut shells and charcoal. The action is based on adsorption and catalytic oxidation. Activated carbon absorbs all harmful substances, including the smell of burning.

You will need 20-40 tablets (2-4 packs). Crush them, place small portions of the powder on saucers. After a day or two, throw it away.

How to remove it with special drugs?

Among household chemicals, you can find products that can help in such a difficult situation as a burnt pan. It is recommended to use odor neutralizers that act at the molecular level.

SmellOff universal

The drug is available in liquid form and is water-based . The spray bottle allows you to use the product as conveniently as possible.

The spray is effective not only against burning odor, it also allows you to neutralize the odor:

  • sweat,
  • tobacco,
  • spoiled products, etc.

SmellOff itself is safe and can be used in residential areas, but it is not recommended to be in the room immediately after treatment.

SmellOff is also available in large volume containers. The price for a bottle with a spray is about 670 rubles.


The drug is available in liquid form. It is based on plant extracts and essential oils. The product is safe even for children and pets, and can be used to clean kitchen surfaces. The concentrate has economical consumption.

OdorGone effectively eliminates odors, including complex ones:

  • burning,
  • rotting,
  • mustiness, etc.

After treatment it does not leave stains on surfaces of any kind. Price – from 815 rubles.

Helmetex spray neutralizer

The drug is available in liquid form. Helmetex allows you to eliminate various odors, including:

  • smoke,
  • burning,
  • sweat,
  • dampness, etc.

The spray works on the principle of removing, not masking, odors. Among the advantages are the destruction of bacteria, quick drying and the ability to use on various types of surfaces without leaving marks.

Price for 400 ml is about 600 rubles.

Orange peel is a better remedy for the smell of burnt food

The peel of any citrus fruit is suitable - pomelo, grapefruit, tangerine or lemon. You can even grab a handful of kumquats if you have extra.

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