Where to recycle a thermometer: how to properly dispose of a broken mercury thermometer (video + 75 photos)

Old Soviet thermometers are used in almost every home. They are easy to use and have accurate readings within 0.1 degrees. With proper use and without mechanical damage, the service life is unlimited.

The thermometer must be used with extreme caution so as not to break it, as it contains mercury. It is a toxic chemical and has a hazard class of 1.

What should you do and where can you take your thermometer for recycling if it breaks?


This is a metal that, under normal room conditions, has a liquid state and begins to evaporate in air.

When inhaled, vapors begin to accumulate in the lungs and then spread throughout the body. Poisoning is most dangerous for young children and pregnant women.

Systems and organs that suffer from mercury deposition:

  • lungs;
  • kidneys;
  • digestive system;
  • nerve endings;
  • immunity.

Main symptoms of mercury poisoning

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning begin to appear within a few hours after they enter the body.

Signs that you should call an ambulance:

  • headache;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • acute abdominal pain, intestinal upset;
  • chest pain with cough or shortness of breath;
  • temperature increase;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • chills, weakness and loss of appetite.

If the thermometer breaks and the mercury does not leak out

If there is no external damage when the thermometer falls, and only the internal capillary tube with mercury bursts, you need to wear gloves and carefully place the thermometer in a glass jar.

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Throwing a damaged thermometer into the trash bin is strictly prohibited! You need to find out where you can take your faulty mercury thermometer for recycling.

Types and composition of thermometers


The tube of a mercury thermometer is sealed on both sides, air is removed from the inside, and at the narrow end there is a container with mercury. The scale from 34°C to 42°C is used to determine temperature. When measuring a person's body temperature, the mercury heats up and expands, rising or falling on the scale, giving an accurate temperature reading.


It is built on the mercury principle, only instead of mercury there is red alcohol inside, so it is not hazardous to health. It is used outdoors and indoors to measure air temperature.


It has a metal tip with a thermistor that converts resistance into temperature value. The body is made of waterproof materials. After completing the measurement of a person's body temperature, it emits a sound signal and shows the temperature level on the display.

If the thermometer breaks and the mercury leaks out

A mercury thermometer contains 2 grams of mercury. Vapors from this amount can spread over more than 500 square meters. If a thermometer breaks in a room, the concentration of vapors will be very high.

If the thermometer breaks, you need to:

  • assess damage to the thermometer;
  • remove adults, children and pets from the room immediately;
  • close the front door and open the windows wide.

Attention! There should not be a draft, because mercury balls can roll throughout the room.

It is also necessary to contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the local Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology and ask where it is possible to return the broken thermometer and dispose of the collected mercury.

How to get rid of an undamaged device

In old devices or after they fall, the column splits, which makes them impossible to use further. Sometimes, for unknown reasons, thermometers begin to give incorrect readings. Even an undamaged thermometer cannot simply be taken and thrown away. You can take the product to the nearest pharmacy, SES unit, Ministry of Emergency Situations or district clinic.

If the thermometer breaks. How to collect mercury correctly (2 videos)

Mercury collection algorithm

Drops of mercury are adjusted to each other with a wet cloth. Collected with tape.

The balls are removed from hard-to-reach places using a pipette or rubber enema. You can use a wet brush.

The collected mercury, including the tape, is placed in a glass jar with water. Close it tightly and put it out of the reach of children.

Treat or demercurize contaminated surfaces with the prepared solution.

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Attention! It is forbidden to collect mercury with a vacuum cleaner or broom, throw the remains into the toilet or trash can, or pour water with mercury on the ground.

Mercury got on difficult surfaces - carpet, upholstered furniture

to clean liquid metal from difficult surfaces - sofa upholstery, carpets, pillows. In addition, even with thorough cleaning, 100% disinfection is often not guaranteed.

It is not recommended to leave furniture contaminated with mercury at home. But there is no need to throw it away. You should quickly put the thing outside. This should be done as carefully as possible, avoiding drops falling on the floor.

Advice! It is recommended to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or another decontamination service: professional workers are more prepared for cleaning.

In the fresh air, you need to clean the surface. Large drops are collected with a pipette or rubber bulb. For small ones, use cotton swabs, tape or plasticine. All tools and the metal they collect are placed in an airtight container.

Disposing of a thermometer

Neutralization of mercury contained in thermometers, or its demercurization, is carried out in two ways.

The first, thermal, consists of purifying mercury vapor released during heating of crushed thermometer waste.

The second, hydrometallurgical, is based on the production of safe mercury salts by treating also crushed waste with chemicals that react with metallic mercury.

Both methods are used only at special environmental enterprises.

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How to replace a mercury thermometer

For safety reasons, an old or damaged thermometer can be replaced with a modern electronic analogue.

It is made of plastic and does not contain harmful substances. The temperature is measured by built-in sensors and displayed on the display. The accuracy of the device's readings depends on the tightness of its contact with the body and on the voltage in the batteries.

This type also includes infrared thermometers for non-contact temperature measurement.

Maintenance of an electronic thermometer involves timely replacement of batteries.

What to do if there are no points nearby?

There are situations when there is no special recycling point nearby or it is impossible to find out its actual address.

If mercury has leaked from the thermometer, it is recommended to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations

In this case, there are several courses of action:

  1. A thermometer that is intact but not in use can be given to the sanitary and epidemiological station. According to the law, this organization is obliged to accept the device for further neutralization. To take the test, you must visit this institution and fill out an application. Workers must accept it; in case of refusal, a complaint can be sent to the health authorities.
  2. Contact one of the paid services. They take various dangerous compounds for further neutralization, and also carry out disinfection and check the air in the room for the presence of residues of harmful substances.
  3. You can collect spilled mercury yourself. To do this, it is recommended to take a special container from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The collected metal must be taken to the nearest recycling point as soon as possible.

After getting rid of a broken thermometer, it is advisable to check the room for the presence of harmful fumes. They may remain even after sanitization. A complete check will help you avoid further health problems.

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Photo tips on where to recycle a thermometer

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