The best and effective ways to wash windows without streaks at home

Every housewife is looking for a product for windows to make them sparkle with impeccable cleanliness. No trendy window design can be seen because of the dull, dusty glass. The best decoration for them is cleanliness. Window cleaning is carried out once every 3 months. Street dust and dirt, snow, and rain leave cloudy streaks on the windows in a matter of minutes. The most important question for every housewife is how to wash windows without streaks, so that the world behind the glass pleases with the clarity and clarity of what is happening. We will give you 4 working ways to wash windows and get the perfect result.

Preparation for the procedure

The clear glass reflects the sky and bright greenery.
Before washing the windows, you should prepare:

  • clear the window sill from flowers and foreign objects;
  • remove and soak curtains;
  • remove and carefully wash the mosquito net;
  • remove and brush the blinds;
  • pour water;
  • prepare at home or buy cleaning solutions and sprays.

Prepare equipment in advance: sponges, rags, deep basin (bucket). You will also need devices that make the work easier: windshield wipers, brushes and scrapers. White paper will come in handy to blot the moisture.

Reference! Auxiliary tools are placed on the table so that the items are at hand and do not accidentally fall into the street.

Polish the glass until it shines

Apply glass cleaner to a reusable cloth and wipe the surface in a circular motion, moving from the edges to the center. Then go over the glass with a microfiber cloth to remove excess product and streaks. Repeat if you didn’t get it clean the first time.

To clean the outside of the window, use a telescopic or magnetic brush. Remember your safety. If you live high up and the window is large and cannot be opened, it would be better to seek the services of cleaning services or industrial climbers.

Where to begin

Clean glass looks sloppy if surrounded by dirty frames, there is a layer of dust in the window opening, and the window sill is covered in stains. Therefore, before washing windows, plastic or wooden structural parts are washed on both sides with soap foam. To remove old dirt, add 3 to 5 drops of ammonia. The cleaned frame is wiped first with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth. Thoroughly wash metal fittings, drainage holes, and seals. Sometimes these places have to be cleaned with an old toothbrush or a cotton swab.

First clean the frames

Additional Information! Abrasive pastes and chlorine-containing bleaches should not be used, as these products corrode paint and form cracks in wood and plastic.

No. 14. Glycerol

This product is not intended for washing, but to prevent contamination , or rather, to slow it down, which is also important. When the windows are perfectly washed, you want to preserve the result as long as possible, and this composition comes to the rescue, making the windows less “attractive” to dust.

The recipe is simple. You need to mix 40 ml of water and 60 ml of glycerin, add 2-3 drops of ammonia, shake the resulting mixture thoroughly and wipe the glass with it. In addition, such a mixture will provide reliable protection against icing.

How to wash windows without streaks

In winter and summer, dust is removed from glass surfaces and stains are removed. In spring and autumn it is worth carrying out general cleaning. To ensure that no traces remain on the dried glass, at the beginning of the procedure, treat the outer part of the window, then move on to the inner side. Stained areas are cleaned of dust with a napkin moistened with soapy foam. The rag is first moved vertically, then horizontally, while rinsing 3-4 times or replacing with a new one. Hard-to-reach corners covered with dirt are washed with the abrasive side of the sponge. After removing the dirt, change the water and take the prepared detergent. Then polish the surface with a dry soft rag or crumpled paper towel.

The cleaning agent is evenly sprayed onto the glass.

Store-bought emulsions and sprays sometimes cause allergies. Therefore, housewives often use home recipes to clean windows without streaks. The products at hand are easily accessible, do not irritate the mucous membranes and skin of the hands, and do not leave cloudy

It’s useful to know, read: - What and how to bleach tulle if it has turned yellow and gray.

Vinegar and lemon juice

Lemon juice and acetic acid are universal folk remedies that get rid of stubborn stains on clothes and unpleasant odors in the kitchen. Liquids at home are also used to clean mirrors, glassware, and windows.

Combine 0.5 liters of water and 0.1 liters of vinegar. If the cleaning was done a long time ago, pour equal doses. The prepared mixture is poured through a funnel into a spray bottle and evenly applied to the glass. Then wipe with a soft cloth. This treatment will not leave streaks, will add shine to transparent surfaces, and will repel insects. To prepare an effective composition at home, mix the following components:

  • vinegar - 0.07 l;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • dishwashing gel – 0.5 tsp. l.

The resulting liquid is used to wipe off contaminated wooden parts and plastic double-glazed windows. Rinse until foam is completely removed, wipe with a soft cloth.

Vinegar removes dirt easily, but leaves a strong odor. Citric acid has similar properties, so they often try to replace the strong-smelling solution with aromatic lemon juice: take 100 ml of juice (4 - 6 tablespoons) or 2.5 g of powdered acid per 500 ml of water.

Popular folk remedies

Reference! Before the procedure, rubber gloves are worn to protect the skin from the aggressive effects of acids.


Dilute crushed white chalk (tooth powder without additives): take 6 tablespoons per 3 liters of liquid. l. powder. The prepared mixture is applied to clean windows. Dried residues are removed with paper, and the glass is polished with a dry microfiber cloth.


Ammonia, a universal household cleaner, is used to clean glass, window sills and frames. Ammonia easily removes dried dust and nicotine deposits; disinfects coatings. To prepare the working composition, add 3 tablespoons to three liters of cool water. l. ammonia. For severe contamination, pour in 1 tablespoon. l. formic alcohol or vinegar.

Additional Information! After working with strong-smelling substances, the apartment is well ventilated.


Pour two tablespoons of strong tea into a glass. l. acetic acid. The mixture is poured through a funnel into a spray bottle and the glass is treated. First scrub with a foam sponge, then wash off the dirt. The remaining moisture is absorbed with newspapers and finally wiped with a new rag or microfiber cloth.


First, wash off the dirt. Dissolve 1 table in one liter of cold water. l. potato or corn flour. The composition is poured into a spray bottle and distributed evenly over the washed area. The dried mixture is carefully removed with a clean, dry cloth.

Starch absorbs excess moisture

Salt and soda

Saline solution or baking soda at home is often used during cleaning. 80 g of salt are diluted in 0.5 liters of cool water. Use microfiber moistened with salty liquid to wipe the glass surface, rinse, and blot with a soft cloth.

Sometimes two products are combined to prepare an effective detergent: take 0.5 cups of salt and baking soda per 4 liters (sometimes add two tablespoons of alcohol or acetic acid). Stir thoroughly until the smallest grains dissolve. The resulting solution wipes away dusty deposits and children's “artwork”, and removes fingerprints.

Melamine sponge

Useful for wet cleaning in the kitchen:

  • will wash away stubborn dirt;
  • will remove dried greasy splashes;
  • will remove yellow-gray nicotine residue.

Wet the sponge, lightly wring it out and rub the contaminated areas. Then the glass is washed and wiped with a clean cloth.

Reference! A melamine sponge should not be wrung out frequently or twisted too much: constant pressure destroys the porous structure of the material, making the item useless.

Starch, vinegar and alcohol

A common home remedy is prepared for cleaning windows. Two tables. spoons of potato (corn) flour are diluted in 1 liter of cool water. Add 0.5 cups of acetic acid and ethyl alcohol. The mixture is poured into a spray bottle and shaken vigorously to mix the ingredients. Spray the dirty area to be treated. The remains are washed off with a paper towel.


This finishing method was invented by our grandmothers. First, the surfaces are washed with any preparation, then the cleaning agent is washed off, and the drops are blotted with newspaper. Soft, thin paper quickly absorbs remaining moisture. Printing ink gives the glass a shine.

The final stage is polishing with newspaper.

Potassium permangantsovka

An antiseptic helps to cope with everyday difficulties. The pale pink solution of potassium permanganate does not leave streaks; Easily removes stains left by insects and destroys microbes.


Onion juice adds shine to surfaces and removes traces of insects from frames and glass. A medium-sized onion is cut into two parts and the dirty areas are cleaned with a cut. Then the remaining drops of juice are washed off and wiped dry.


The raw tuber is cut in half. Use the cutting area to gently rub the dirty surfaces. Traces of dried starch are thoroughly washed and wiped with a paper towel.


It’s not enough to wash the window without streaks; you want it to remain clean for as long as possible. A pharmaceutical drug can easily cope with this. Three components are connected:

  • glycerin – 80 ml;
  • water – 60 ml;
  • ammonia – 6 drops.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. A bamboo napkin moistened with a solution is used to rub the already washed double-glazed windows until they shine. Glycerin will repel dust from the glass; will protect against icing and the formation of streaks after rain.

Additional Information! Preparations with antistatic properties are often used if the house is located next to a busy road.

Treatment with glycerin prevents the formation of drips


Pour a pinch of blue into a liter of any detergent. To prepare a working solution at home, mix the following components:

  • 2 liters of warm water;
  • 50 ml acetic acid;
  • 50 ml of ammonia;
  • 1 table. l starch.

Add blue, stir until the ingredients dissolve completely. Wash off the dirt (dried dust is moistened 2-3 times), rinse. Wipe dry with a soft cloth and newspaper. The window sill and frames are not washed using this method: colored spots may appear.

It’s useful to know, read: - 20 ways to remove traces of adhesive from tape from plastic and other surfaces.

Soapy water

Plastic and wooden parts are cleaned with soap foam. To obtain a detergent composition, take any detergent:

  • liquid soap;
  • soap shavings;
  • Dishwashing concentrate;
  • washing powder;
  • washing gel.

The product is poured with warm water and mixed. If the dirt is difficult to clean, apply the liquid 2 to 3 times. After wiping away dirt from the frames, traces of soap are washed away. They try to use other means to wash glass, otherwise cloudy spots will remain. But if the windows are very dirty, soapy liquid is used, reducing the concentration of the solution. The remaining foam is thoroughly washed off, changing the water 2–3 times.

After cleaning with air conditioning, the windows will shine like new.

Fabric softener

Concentrated laundry care gels contain silicone, surfactants and additional ingredients, so they easily soften and remove dirt and prevent the settling of dust particles. To prepare the working fluid, combine 50 ml of conditioner and 0.25 liters of lukewarm water. Rub the composition onto the dusty glass with a sponge, then wash it off (if you haven’t washed it for a long time, apply the liquid twice). The final stage of processing is polishing with newspaper using light rotational movements.

Reference! To clean the children's room, use conditioners for washing children's clothes: “Eared Nannies”, “Help Children’s”, “Umka. Sweet Dreams". These preparations remove dirt well, are hypoallergenic, and aromatic.

No. 3. Vinegar

Using this recipe, it is fashionable to prepare a multifunctional product . Firstly, it will save you from stains, and, secondly, it will repel insects, which, let us remind you, make a significant contribution to the process of glass contamination. To prepare the solution, you need to mix a glass of warm water and 50 ml of vinegar. It is most convenient to apply the product to the glass using a spray bottle and wipe the window dry with a soft cloth or napkin.


Before deciding to wash the windows, prepare the equipment. The following tools make the job easier and help treat hard-to-reach areas:

  1. Vodosgon removes dirty water and soap scum, and helps to thoroughly wipe the glass.
  2. The rubber scraper safely removes dirt and detergent residues. A scraper is easy to scrub glass units from the outside and wash panoramic or high windows.
  3. A telescopic mop with a retractable handle helps you reach the corners at the top of the structure.

An electric steam mop delivers steam under pressure and dissolves old dirt. Simplifies the procedure when it is impossible to fully open the windows and when the apartment is located on high floors. To speed up work, they began to often use other household appliances.

Magnetic brushes

A device in the form of two brushes, which are attracted to each other by built-in magnets, simultaneously treats the outer and inner sides of the glass.

The magnetic mechanism is convenient to operate

Brushes are easy to use:

  1. Wet the fabric parts with the prepared detergent.
  2. A wire with a ring is attached to the half located outside. This part is put on a finger, a window handle, or held in the hand to hold the outer half.
  3. Parts of the device are installed opposite each other on different sides of the window.
  4. The device is held on the inside by the handle and moved around the area to be treated as if it were a napkin.
  5. Having completed the processing, both parts are disconnected from the glass.
  6. Fabric parts are washed and dried.

Some models do not grip corners; these areas must be cleaned additionally. When purchasing a magnetic mechanism, take into account the thickness of the glass unit. Based on this criterion, manufacturers conditionally combine products into 3 groups:

  • for processing two-chamber views (up to 40 mm);
  • for single-chamber types (24 – 28 mm);
  • for washing glass (80 mm).

If you do not take this parameter into account, the magnet power will not be enough for the thickness of the window.

Additional Information! Regular cleaning with magnetic glass cleaners is sometimes carried out with plain water, without adding cleaning agents.

Blots remaining after repairs and old dirt are pre-treated

Windshield wiper Karcher

To wash smooth surfaces - tiles, mirrors and windows - at home, compact devices produced by Karcher are used:

  • windshield wiper - a hand-held device similar to a vacuum cleaner brush, powered by electricity or a battery;
  • steam generator is a multifunctional unit, in addition to washing glazed balconies, it is used for steaming curtains and clothes, disinfecting apartments, and wet processing furniture;
  • mini-washes are used on the lower floor to clean the outside of panoramic windows; water is supplied under high pressure.

The technique simplifies cleaning, helps dissolve dried dirt, wash windows, and wipe glass surfaces until they shine without leaving streaks.

For home cleaning, manual windshield wipers are often purchased: the devices are efficient and consume little electricity. Manufacturers promise that the equipment will work smoothly if you use a concentrated window cleaner produced under the same brand. The operating principle of a manual windshield wiper is similar to a vacuum cleaner:

  1. The cleaning agent is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and evenly applied to the glass with a spray bottle.
  2. The solution is distributed with a fabric nozzle over the glass unit.
  3. The suction nozzle is pressed against the area being treated so that dirty water is drawn into the reservoir.
  4. After finishing work, the tank is emptied, washed and dried.

Sometimes during operation, symbols appear on the display - error codes that you should pay attention to.

Cleaning is easy with a Karcher windshield wiper

Reference! The device must not collect dust and large debris: dirty particles clog the nozzle and cause malfunctions.

Napkins and rags

The napkin is chosen taking into account the composition of the fibers. It is easy to wash windows with pieces of viscose or latex, but these materials are not suitable for rinsing, and especially for wiping: they do not absorb moisture well and are quickly saturated with odors. To wipe double-glazed windows, take napkins made from the following types of fibers:

  • bamboo - do not absorb foreign odors, absorb liquid;
  • cellulose – removes residual moisture and dust;
  • microfibers – clean glass without leaving a trace; Reusable napkins are washed after each cleaning.

The treatment should be completed by polishing the surfaces with artificial suede: the porous soft fiber removes the last drops of water, does not leave lint or streaks, and does not scratch the glass. To avoid coarsening of the material, wet suede is placed in plastic packaging after work.

Additional Information! It is convenient to wash glass with fragments of old non-fading linen or cotton items.

Use gadgets and call specialists for help

Magnetic brush for washing windows
You can use the services of a cleaning company specializing in professional cleaning of premises, but this will significantly affect the family budget.

An alternative would be to purchase modern gadgets that will make the job of cleaning glazed balconies and loggias easier.

Magnetic window cleaning brush

The device consists of two identical brushes held together by magnetic attraction. You need to spray the washing liquid, and then place the brushes inside and outside opposite each other. The brush on the outside will move the same way as the brush on the inside.

Window cleaning robot

The device consists of a vacuum pump and rotating disks. It is enough to plug in the robotic washer into the electrical network, attach it to the surface and set the trajectory of movement. Control occurs via the remote control.

Household chemicals for window care

The ingrained dirt is cleaned with household chemicals. Before you decide to clean a window with the finished substance, carefully read the instructions.

Spray cleans glass until it shines

They buy drugs after studying the composition:

  1. Sprays containing ammonia have a strong smell, but remove stubborn dirt and make glass shine.
  2. A surfactant-based cleaning solution removes dirt without damaging the surface. The products repel dust particles and are safe for health. They often contain essential oils or perfume compositions, so they smell nice.
  3. Liquids with isopropyl or benzyl alcohol clean windows without leaving traces and even dissolve old greasy stains. No need to rinse off.

To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, the composition includes additional components:

  • silicone;
  • antistatic;
  • water repellents.

These additives cover the surface with a thin film that protects from dust particles; inhibit the settling of raindrops.

Reference! If the window faces a busy highway, buy a multi-component product that removes stubborn dirt and prevents dirt from being retained.

Common multi-compound drugs:

  • Synergic;
  • Clin Windows and mirrors;
  • Frosch;
  • Cinderella Clean windows;
  • Meine Liebe;
  • Unicum.

Due to the complex of substances contained, windows are easily washed until transparent, and the need for washing appears less frequently.

Strengthened formula allows glass to become transparent

No. 6. Ammonia

Ammonia does an excellent job of removing nicotine film , removing other contaminants and disinfecting. True, its smell is not pleasant, so after washing it is necessary to ventilate the room well. It is better to work in a protective mask so as not to damage the respiratory tract and avoid poisoning.

To prepare a cleaning solution, you need to mix 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia and 2 glasses of water. Then everything follows the standard procedure: apply to the glass and wipe thoroughly. This solution is great for cleaning mirrors and crystal. To convince you of the effectiveness of the product, let us remind you that most store-bought window cleaning compositions are based on ammonia .

If the glass is heavily soiled, the composition can be strengthened by adding vinegar : dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. a spoonful of ammonia and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Some recommend replacing the latter with technical or formic alcohol . The result will please you.

How to quickly wash windows after renovation

If the glass is not protected with masking tape or paper before repairs, even with careful work, multi-colored blots unexpectedly appear on the window. Then you have to think about what you can use to wash the window in order to quickly destroy the dirt. Before washing the surface, dirt is removed with detergents or dissolved:

  1. Cement stains are cleaned with a cloth moistened with phosphoric acid. Before this, the window sill is covered with oilcloth or thick paper.
  2. Acrylic paint drips are removed with a solvent - white spirit or gasoline.
  3. Polyurethane foam is removed with Solvent-646: the multicomponent composition copes even with old traces.
  4. Cif gel for the care of shiny surfaces will remove stains left on the glass after whitewashing with lime or chalk.
  5. Drops of enamel (nitroenamel) are cleaned with acetone

Masking tape sometimes leaves marks that are difficult to remove. Sticky residues are dissolved with isopropyl alcohol, turpentine, drying oil or vegetable oil.

In conclusion

We won’t mention professional products and special napkins - ubiquitous advertising will do this much better. Please note that when washing windows, do not forget about your own safety. Wear gloves, and when working with solutions with a strong odor, take care to protect your respiratory tract. Do not stand on the windowsill - use a stepladder or stable stool. It's better if someone backs you up. Do not use products based on aggressive solvents or abrasive particles. If the glass has scratches or small cracks, they can be covered with clear varnish. And remember that there are windows on sale with self-cleaning double-glazed windows, which are much less demanding to maintain than ordinary glass.

The article was written for the site.

Tags:Windows, Cleaning

Why do stains remain after washing glass?

Sometimes housewives devote most of the day to cleaning, but they cannot clean the windows without streaks if the rules have been violated:

  • cleaning was carried out on a sunny or windy day;
  • the dirt could not be completely removed;
  • the dosage of the detergent is not observed;
  • used dirty napkins and sponges;
  • the sequence of actions was not followed: if you wash the glass first, and not the frames, the window will be surrounded by streaks;
  • An attempt to clean all the doors at the same time causes uneven drying of the detergents and the formation of streaks.

Often, unpleasant streaks appear when the cleaning agent is poorly washed off.

Sponges and brushes should be rinsed frequently

No. 12. Onion

Experienced housewives know that onions are great for removing traces of flies . Use half an onion to rub the contaminated areas until they are completely clean. Next, all that remains is to rinse with water and wipe dry with newspaper, or use any of the methods described above and below to further clean the glass.

How to clean different types of windows

Windows made of plastic or glass are washed according to the same scheme: wash off the dirt, then rinse thoroughly and wipe with dry soft rags. The difference lies in the choice of detergents for frames and window sills.


First, remove dust from the wooden profile. Then the frame is washed with special pastes or emulsions for caring for wood. You should not use alcohol-based preparations, which corrode paint and varnish coatings and cause cracking of surfaces.

Plastic double glazed windows

Aggressive agents scratch the surface, so to wash plastic windows without streaks, use soap suds or a neutral detergent. Having washed the glass, we move on to caring for the fittings:

  • wipe with a damp cloth;
  • wipe dry;
  • lubricated with machine oil.

The drainage holes are cleared of blockages, otherwise the seal of the window will be compromised. The seals are thoroughly wiped with a damp soft cloth. Silicone grease is applied to the dry surface.

Plastic frames are wiped with a soft cloth

No. 5. Lemon or citric acid

Not everyone likes the vinegar smell, and if you can include yourself in this group of people, then vinegar can be replaced with citric acid, which has almost the same properties. You need to dissolve 50 ml of lemon juice in a glass of water, and then, using a spray bottle, apply the product to the glass and wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. The apartment will smell pleasantly of citruses.

There is another variation of preparation. It is necessary to fill a liter jar with lemon peel (the volume may be different, it all depends on the amount of peel collected) and fill it with a 9% vinegar solution. Let the solution infuse for 1.5-2 weeks, after which it must be filtered. The resulting liquid can be added to water and used to clean windows and floors. It will perfectly remove dirt and disinfect.

How to wash mosquito nets and window sills

Window sills and mosquito nets are also regularly maintained.

Window sill care

Wipe off dust with a damp cloth. Do not wash with sponges with an abrasive surface or hard brushes: this will easily damage the wooden and plastic coating.

To care for plastic surfaces, buy products containing surfactants or alcohol. To remove contaminants, use safe substances that do not corrode plastic:

  • white toothpaste or powder without additives;
  • light laundry soap;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • washing powder.

Hard-to-reach dirt is cleaned in different ways.
Stubborn dirt and yellow stains are cleaned with a mixture of soda ash and washing powder (1:1). The detergent composition is carefully applied to the plastic and washed off after 2 hours. For wet processing, buy ready-made cleaning products:

  • Sanita;
  • Cif;
  • Domestos.

Additional Information! Plastic parts should not be cleaned with aggressive agents: chlorine-containing bleaches, solvents and saturated acid solutions.

The tree should not be wetted too much. To clean the wooden surface, prepare a warm soapy solution. Stains are scrubbed spotwise with diluted ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Mesh care

Dust is retained on the nets that protect the apartment from insects, plant pollen and cobwebs settle. Dirt prevents air flow from entering the apartment and causes allergies. To restore free air circulation, mosquito nets must be cleaned every 1 to 2 months in summer and autumn. At the end of autumn, the nets are washed and removed. This is done in dry weather. First, the cellular structure is removed from the fastenings:

  1. Holding it by the ears, lift the mesh to remove it from the lower recesses.
  2. The lower part of the product is turned towards the street and lowered down.
  3. When the canvas comes out of the upper grooves, the mesh is turned sideways and brought home.

The procedure is carried out in the bathroom.

First, carefully remove the mesh

To wash the cells from adhering dirt, use improvised means:

  • baking soda solution;
  • unconcentrated solution of ammonia or citric acid;
  • liquid soap;
  • dishwashing gel;
  • washing powder (without bleach).

A heavily contaminated structure is first soaked in warm water. The prepared preparation is applied to the product with a soft brush and washed off after 5-10 minutes (sometimes the operation has to be repeated 2-3 times). Rinse with a shower, directing the stream at an angle of 40º so that the fabric does not deform.

Reference! Aggressive substances containing acetic or oxalic acid, as well as metal brushes, damage thin synthetic fibers and are therefore not suitable for cleaning mesh structures.

No. 1. Newsprint

This is one of the oldest and most proven methods , well known to everyone who lived through the Soviet era. Dishwashing detergent, powder or grated laundry soap must be added to warm water. Using a sponge, thoroughly wipe the frames, glass and handles, paying attention to particularly dirty areas. Now you need to rinse the glass with clean water and a clean rag and start wiping it with crumpled newspaper paper.

The secret of this method is that newsprint absorbs moisture perfectly, and this is what you need when you need to quickly get rid of water and prevent streaks. Moreover, the paper and the special composition of the ink give the glass a characteristic shine. This method was so popular and gave such excellent results that today some housewives use newsprint along with store-bought products to achieve the best results.

Note that newspapers are not the only folk remedy intended for rubbing glass until it shines. For these purposes, you can even use nylon tights , which are easily comparable in effectiveness to microfiber.

Common Mistakes

Wrong actions can damage the glass.
The desire to quickly put the house in order often causes the appearance of drips and microcracks on the glass. To avoid mistakes, you should listen to these tips:

  1. Don’t rush and try to clean the stains with metal brushes or abrasive pastes. Coarse grains of cleaners and hard sponges damage surfaces.
  2. Before making a detergent, it is worth finding out how the ingredients combine with each other. Substances can enhance, reduce or neutralize the effects of other components. During the reaction, compounds are sometimes formed that corrode wood, plastic, and rubber seals.
  3. Do not pour liquids “on the eye”. When mixing the components, take into account the dosage: excess soap leaves traces that are difficult to wash off.

To ensure that there are no streaks left on the glass, the moisture is blotted with a rag or crumpled paper.

Detergents should be rinsed off thoroughly

No. 11. Soda + vinegar

This famous and popular pair in households is also useful for washing windows. She does an excellent job with children's drawings on windows . In 2 liters of water you need to dissolve ¼ cup of baking soda and 100 ml of vinegar. You can take warm water so that the soda dissolves faster, since it is important that not a single crystal remains. Baking soda particles can scratch the glass. The resulting solution is applied to the contaminated surface and the effects of children's creativity are carefully wiped off with the hard side of the sponge. Then the glass is wiped dry with a paper towel.

Additional recommendations

To quickly and streak-free wash a balcony window or glass inserted into a door, you should divide all the work into small sections and work gradually, starting from the top. You need to finish cleaning by washing the window sill and finishing the glass in the handle area.

Common mistakes when cleaning windows

Windows should be washed in cloudy, windless weather. In the sun or strong wind, cleaning products dry quickly, poorly washing away dirt and leaving streaks.

The window will not be clean if:

  • Do not follow the recommended procedure.
  • Neglect pre-treatment.
  • Use untested home or low-quality store products.
  • Do not clean the fittings or wash the mosquito nets.
  • Clean the glass with dirty rags that were previously used to wash the window sill or the street side.

You shouldn’t skimp on cleaning products or the quality of napkins by using old rags instead. This will significantly reduce the quality of cleaning, which will require additional time and effort.

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